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Thai weed from Thailand

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
That's pretty much my experience. I was dead against CBD before I went medical and Dr insisted on me at least trying it. Had oil and buds with various combos of THC, CBD, and CBG (great for sleep).

Just want to add, I had a 6/6 CBD/THC that had really acceptable potency, much better than the numbers suggest. It was a great high and I only need a couple of vapes to get there.

Nah ! It`s industrial Hemp bro .
Pacebo effect . :rolleyes::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::unsure::giggle:

Donald Mallard

el duck
1 million free clones ?
Did that actually happen or was it a government announcement that never was carried out ?
because they make announcements every day in the media . They are rarely carried through .
cant say i know of anyone who got any ,
also only 1 million , wouldnt even get out of the province they had it in at that rate,
and , wouldnt they have been feminised ??
what was the scare all about with these , i dont get it either ..

sounds like some henny penny stuff to me ...

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
The Thai University under the Government's direction had to develop the high CBD strains they call their heritage listed lines.

You guys need to research this stuff, and you only need to look at the damage CBD has done to the local lines in Thailand with the 1 million free clones to understand just how damaging this is to historical drug strains.

Thai gov also said no concentrates , no edibles , and not more than 0.3 %THC .
That didn`t happen .


Chasing the Present
hahaha ,,
sounds like some food poisoning ive had ,
thankfully ive never had a dose of ciguatera , but yea ive heard of it for sure ..
Holy FK it was wild, vertigo, hot / cold mixed up, liquid out of everywhere, crazy vivid nightmares & sweats - just wild ! It’s a neurotoxin etc - my wife & I got it from red snapper but I’ve read like 25% barracuda carry it, predatory reef fish it accumulates in… not long after I forced a sale of a business I owned, in hindsight probably a dumb idea, lol, Fkin gone Ciguatera Loco my brother 😎


Chasing the Present
sounds like a put down to me ,
"you guys are clearly not in the cool gang like me ",

even i get that because i was only toking thai sticks for a short time ,
but ive smoked a lot of thai weed , even golden thai which i dont see anyone else mention here ,
though im not going to say im cool and no one else is because of that ...

if u read what i posted , the link , u will see why folks feel different affects despite smoking the same weed ,
its all due to the chemistry in our bodies , where we are at the time even , who we are with , many factors contribute to the overall affect of weed ,
its not just a black and white deal like you are describing at all ,
and someone didnt smoke the real deal because they didnt feel the affect exactly like you did , thats now how cannabis works at all hempy ,
i would have thought after all these years you could understand the affects of cannabis are subjective , not everyone feels the same thing ...
It’s the beauty of cannabis, the plant species is extremely varied in its affects while the exact same flower can effect people in vastly different ways; imho this should of course be recognized, respected but also embraced - what a plant species that rascally old Cannabis, man been hand in hand with it for millenniums, if not longer 😎
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Donald Mallard

el duck
It’s the beauty of cannabis, the plant is extremely varied in its affects while the exact same flower can effect people in vastly different ways; imho this should of course be recognized, respected but also embraced - what a plant species that rascally old Cannabis, man been hand in hand with it for millenniums, if not longer 😎
Yep agreed plus even the same cutting can vary depending on soil types grow mediums climate etc etc
So many variables one can't just make a firm or absolute statement on the affects or outcome of any variety of cannabis, not even taking into account the diversity particularly of landraces..

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