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The Original O'l Farts Club.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Good morning brothers and sisters!

Another double gorgeous springlike day starting at 45F and predicted to reach 59F.

Got my echocardiogram scheduled and contacted the contractor again about the paint falling off our recently repainted duplex. He had no explanation, but agreed to repaint it for free. Also soliciting bids to repaint our house this year.

An open calendar today, so reviewing my opportunities.


On a mailtrain.
Premium user
good morning

we saw a lot of stars last night

finally got a couple apple trees pruned up , omg , those two trees are about or over 80 years old , Swede says they were there when she was a kid and the cows would eat the leaves..

I will take a few photos of them today , we were pretty sore and tired by sundown


Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Lovely sunny 🌞 day today in London - still quite nippy at night 🌙 - sitting on me balcony with free vitamin D shining down on me slap-head - stiring up me melanin - can't see any ICBM's - just the odd A380 flying by in the sky - after taking off from Heathrow 13 mile's away - no gym/swim today - bloody place will be fulla screamers - since it's the weekend - and my body is telling me to back off the training and rest for today as much as possible - have just walked along the Thames a mile or so this morning - and in 2 hours the mutt pup needs his walkies to and around King Athelstan's doggie/kiddie park - across the street from me old primary school - which I left in 1968 for a boarding school in Reigate called The Royal Alexandra and Albert School - down Gatton Bottom - (oww sounds rudish - lol 😆)
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Well-known member
good morning

we saw a lot of stars last night

finally got a couple apple trees pruned up , omg , those two trees are about or over 80 years old , Swede says they were there when she was a kid and the cows would eat the leaves..

I will take a few photos of them today , we were pretty sore and tired by sundown

View attachment 19159996
What verity?

I would love some sion cuts off them to graft to my apple trees.


Wifes friend at work went home for luch yesterday and died.
No issues or signs of foul play no one knows wtf happened.
N has herself pretty emo over it and is all weepy.
Should be a depressing day for her there today at least she has the next 3 days off to decompress......... poor thang.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Oh yeah - got an invite from Sam Skunkmans (Dave Watson's) luvverly Mrs called Diana - to a memorial for the great man on 20th March - in Amsterdam - so must try and get a flight sorted there and back - one day in and next day back probably - I feel honoured to be invited - and should bump into many other great names in the cannabis industry - old friends and acquaintances etc - to celebrate the life and times of Dave (Sam) - who was a moderator and was posting on ICMAG for many years - it's the least I can do to pay my respects 🙏

* maybe should give Soma a call - and ask him if I can crash on one of his sofas the night of the 20th March (he's got a shed load of sofas )

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