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Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Having barfed in both the Atlantic AND the Pacific, I am a seasoned sailor.

There is no escaping that going sailing is the act of being cold, wet, miserable, and seasick while going nowhere slowly at great expense. It is like being in jail with a chance of drowning.

I had a sailboat for a while. It was so slow, I used to race islands.
Having learned the secret of "one point aka weight underside" I don't get seasick, but I do appreciate your aversion to it, if you do.

See there you have it! You remember it as cold, wet, miserable, and seasick, going nowhere slowly at great expense, while I remember it as gorgeous blue skies, half naked women looking for someone to apply their suntan lotion for them, and free energy from the wind propelling me.

I do recall some becalmed moments where I motored, but I best remember the exhilarating moments running close hauled under gale force winds.

I had three different sailboats for awhile, a 14' Lido, a 24' Columbia, and a 36' Cascade, all of which had their charms, but hands down the one I had the most fun with was the Lido 14 where I had a sheet in one hand and the tiller in the other running close hauled with our chine edge at the waterline.

I raced the Lido but just enjoyed the other two.
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Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
That looks like a male. We had a blue male Budgie/Parakeet named Mike that had lots of personality. He also liked to ride on shoulders, kiss and nuzzle, and be hand fed crackers.

He spent most of his time out of the cage, with free roam of the house and actually escaped twice, but both times we got him back because he would land on someones shoulder and stay there until they went indoors.


Well-known member
That looks like a male. We had a blue male Budgie/Parakeet named Mike that had lots of personality. He also liked to ride on shoulders, kiss and nuzzle, and be hand fed crackers.
yes ..male..he lands on finger hands laptops..

previously we had fermale s..i adore them /they adored me..I do everything for by budgie..we o only ketone at time..they live for a decade or so..

Males are polite..and not as aggressive..my vemslen would crawl in my pocket and turn 20$ bills Into confetti..

most people like their dogs..everyone here in seniors -ville has a small one

and shred as carrot inn 20 seconds..males are more gentle..
He spent most of his time out of the cage, with free roam of the house

same here butbheb won’t go past the den..
and actually escaped twice, but both times we got him back because he would land on someones shoulder and stay there until they went indoors.
wow ..itake the cage outside but have it wired together in four places

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