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Cannabis infused olive oil ?

Hombre del mont

Dr of Stupidity


Well-known member
so, anyway back to Greenfingers question, yeah it´s possible of course. But I´m curious what one might do with it? I mean are you gonna get yourself all stoned by eating a salad? :biggrin: In this case I would loe to try some! :p
Personally I would also opt to make cannabutter with it because you need the heat the fat/oil, right? And I´m not sure how long the oil will keep once it´s infused.
So in terms of saving money and using it for edibles I would def. use butter :)


Not ICMag Donor
I love olives, can you experts tell me how I can encourage my very old trees to fruit?

They’ve been cut back hard, decapitated to a single trunk 6 inch thick with 5 or 6 leaders which have about 3 years of growth.

I'm not an expert but the way you have them sounds like you should get some fruit soon. They usually give fruit in alternate years (1 year of great harvest, 1 year of poor harvest) and they are usually planted in alternate years to make sure you will get a decent harvest every year. To give you an idea, when we moved to this house 3 years ago, there were 2 olive trees in the garden, pruned for production. With 4-5 branches like yours, and everything growing low, like the picture I uploaded. Nothing over 6 ft tall. Because I wanted them to grow taller and give some shadeto the garden, I cut back everything below the fat branches. It took 2 years for them to grow 2m (6 ft) tall branches and yield fruit. So I would hope yours should give you fruit this summer. Or next summer at the latest. Sorry about the poor english.

The older they are the more they should yield. Olive trees need little water but right now is the moment to water them if you can (at least in my area). It's also a good time to throw granulate nutrients on the ground. Especially if you're expecting rain this spring.-

Piff Rhys Jones

🌴 Hugging Trees 🌴
I'm not an expert but the way you have them sounds like you should get some fruit soon. They usually give fruit in alternate years (1 year of great harvest, 1 year of poor harvest) and they are usually planted in alternate years to make sure you will get a decent harvest every year. To give you an idea, when we moved to this house 3 years ago, there were 2 olive trees in the garden, pruned for production. With 4-5 branches like yours, and everything growing low, like the picture I uploaded. Nothing over 6 ft tall. Because I wanted them to grow taller and give some shadeto the garden, I cut back everything below the fat branches. It took 2 years for them to grow 2m (6 ft) tall branches and yield fruit. So I would hope yours should give you fruit this summer. Or next summer at the latest. Sorry about the poor english.

The older they are the more they should yield. Olive trees need little water but right now is the moment to water them if you can (at least in my area). It's also a good time to throw granulate nutrients on the ground. Especially if you're expecting rain this spring.-

Thanks mate, great tips, duly noted. Also your English is better than most British people can speak or write. (y)



Well-known member
Hey revegeta, a man with his own almazara, you must be in the royalty! I used to make my own too, when living in the vicinity of HdM's, but still I'd go to a press and pay the maquila. They have the lechín and picual there, greener juice and rougher taste than sweet arbequina. The cold press is less productive, but it's the best taste and keep the full properties. Nowadays I feel stupid having to ask for one litre of dubious “AOVE” and fork 12-15€, after so many years calling it “la aceite” with the arroba (16litres caraffe) as standard measure, sold locally for 50€.


Not ICMag Donor
Hey revegeta, a man with his own almazara, you must be in the royalty! I used to make my own too, when living in the vicinity of HdM's, but still I'd go to a press and pay the maquila. They have the lechín and picual there, greener juice and rougher taste than sweet arbequina. The cold press is less productive, but it's the best taste and keep the full properties. Nowadays I feel stupid having to ask for one litre of dubious “AOVE” and fork 12-15€, after so many years calling it “la aceite” with the arroba (16litres caraffe) as standard measure, sold locally for 50€.
Hey man! I don't have my own mill though, sorry for the confusion. I wish haha. We have to drive 100 km to this particular mill if we want the cold press lol. But it's worth it😃


Well-known member
Just had a quick look; no I don't know it, but that seems a`reasonable price these days.
Until a couple of years ago, oil from the local mill was 5€ /l and organic about 7€.
Recently it's gone through the roof and is fetching 10€ for organic single estate oil.

Harvesting the trees is hard but rewarding work. Good fun if there's a few friends doing it together and someone's putting on a good dinner at the end of the day.
I found my receipt from the supermarket - I bought a 500 ml bottle 2 weeks ago (easter) and it cost me 7 EUR! And remember - this is the cheap, crappy oil, not the `better quality´stuff (allegedly).
I have never even bought a small bottle before.
I´m not sure how much the regular 750 ml bottle costs right now, but obviously too much ! I have to go down there later on and I maybe I´ll remember to check the price of the large bottle.
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Well-known member
well, I got carried away yesterday, I added 2oz NL to 750ml of olive oil and started warming it up in a double boiler, I will try de-carbing some and see the difference for myself.
I do find this all very interesting and a great way to use up leftover trim.
thankyou all for the info, Legends
have you tried it yet :) Will you give us an update- effects, how you used it etc? :)


Not ICMag Donor
Wow, 100km to find a cold press mill!

We have one on the edge of the village that is cold press organic only, but three are 3 others very close.
In my province there's a mill in almost every town but all of them use water vapour or other means to extract the oil. Which is fine for commercial use I guess. The one we go to is the last traditional one in the area. My neighbour says I'm crazy for driving up there lol.


Well-known member
In my province there's a mill in almost every town but all of them use water vapour or other means to extract the oil. Which is fine for commercial use I guess. The one we go to is the last traditional one in the area. My neighbour says I'm crazy for driving up there lol.
I´d really like to try the unfiltered oil from this online place in Spain. Is the unfiltered oil suitable for longer periods of storage or should it be purchased in smaller quantities just to be sure?

Maria Sanchez

Well-known member
Hello everyone, I've got a few ounces of cured flower that i'd like to try something new with, anyone here make infused olive oil ?
Also how you finding using it once made ?


I used to do coconut oil.
Would like to try olive oil, but it's quite expensive where I live, whereas coconut oil is super cheap here.
About 200 ml of good quality coconut oil, and 5-7 g of decarbed herb (just do it in the oven on a tray).
Heat it all in a double boiler method, keep the temps below 100 C.
With the herb in a cloth bag (I use a soy milk strainer bag, like cheese cloth, but finer).
A dose is about a teaspoon or so, 5 g.
Thats about 0.12-0.17 g of herb worth, give or take.
The coconut makes it work faster.
You can get very high on this.
I think I did it with some Sweet Seeds 'Sweet Skunk.'
Licked the spoon after making it, and there went the rest of my day, haha!!
It's pretty easy to do, gives and gives an efficient method of usage and different effect compared to smoking.


Well-known member
I used to do coconut oil.
Would like to try olive oil, but it's quite expensive where I live, whereas coconut oil is super cheap here.
About 200 ml of good quality coconut oil, and 5-7 g of decarbed herb (just do it in the oven on a tray).
Heat it all in a double boiler method, keep the temps below 100 C.
With the herb in a cloth bag (I use a soy milk strainer bag, like cheese cloth, but finer).
A dose is about a teaspoon or so, 5 g.
Thats about 0.12-0.17 g of herb worth, give or take.
The coconut makes it work faster.
You can get very high on this.
I think I did it with some Sweet Seeds 'Sweet Skunk.'
Licked the spoon after making it, and there went the rest of my day, haha!!
It's pretty easy to do, gives and gives an efficient method of usage and different effect compared to smoking.
how different was the effect you experienced when compared to smoking - spliff or neat?

Hombre del mont

Dr of Stupidity
In my province there's a mill in almost every town but all of them use water vapour or other means to extract the oil. Which is fine for commercial use I guess. The one we go to is the last traditional one in the area. My neighbour says I'm crazy for driving up there lol.
There's a lot to be said for the old ways.

Good food is good food!. I guess we're lucky that almost all of our food is locally sourced, even the water.
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Hombre del mont

Dr of Stupidity
I´d really like to try the unfiltered oil from this online place in Spain. Is the unfiltered oil suitable for longer periods of storage or should it be purchased in smaller quantities just to be sure?
We like to try and use the oil within a year or so. Supposedly, it degrades after about 18months, but in truth I can't see that it does; it just gets smoother and less peppery.

I have a friend who has cold pressed organic oil for sale each year; depending on where you are, I could hook you up?

Maria Sanchez

Well-known member
how different was the effect you experienced when compared to smoking - spliff or neat?
First thing is the rise and fall. Slow and gradual all the way up, peak after a few hours, and then slow back down.
Unlike smoking, where it hits very fast, peaks at maybe 30-60 minutes, and then gradually tapers off.
So it means once you've eaten it, there's no turning back!
Just feels a bit more thorough and pervasive than smoking, if that makes sense.
And perhaps gets into the body a bit more, though not necessarily a couch-lock thing.
Just my thoughts, I'm sure everyone will be a bit different at least.