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Well-known member


now its not so common knowledge, that just by a smoker touching a plant after a smoke break
can transmit tmv from the cigarette to the hand to the cannabis plant which will infect the soil and the seed
for an indefinite period of time


TMV many call variegation....some say its pretty some say its disease, it can decrease yields by 40% or more
we will cover this and much much more!!! 🪑

Infection and transmission​

After its multiplication, it enters the neighboring cells through plasmodesmata. The infection does not spread through contact with insects,[28] but instead spreads by direct contact to the neighboring cells. For its smooth entry, TMV produces a 30 kDa movement protein called P30 which enlarges the plasmodesmata. TMV most likely moves from cell-to-cell as a complex of the RNA, P30, and replicate proteins.

It can also spread through phloem for longer distance movement within the plant. Moreover, TMV can be transmitted from one plant to another by direct contact. Although TMV does not have defined transmission vectors, the virus can be easily transmitted from the infected hosts to the healthy plants by human handling.




An American IPM system is designed around six basic components:[12]

  • Acceptable pest levels—The emphasis is on control, not eradication. IPM holds that wiping out an entire pest population is often impossible, and the attempt can be expensive and unsafe. IPM programmes first work to establish acceptable pest levels, called action thresholds, and apply controls if those thresholds are crossed. These thresholds are pest and site specific, meaning that it may be acceptable at one site to have a weed such as white clover, but not at another site. Allowing a pest population to survive at a reasonable threshold reduces selection pressure. This lowers the rate at which a pest develops resistance to a control, because if almost all pests are killed then those that have resistance will provide the genetic basis of the future population. Retaining a significant number of unresistant specimens dilutes the prevalence of any resistant genes that appear. Similarly, the repeated use of a single class of controls will create pest populations that are more resistant to that class, whereas alternating among classes helps prevent this.[13]
  • Preventive cultural practices—Selecting varieties best for local growing conditions and maintaining healthy crops is the first line of defense. Plant quarantine and 'cultural techniques' such as crop sanitation are next, e.g., removal of diseased plants, and cleaning pruning shears to prevent spread of infections. Beneficial fungi and bacteria are added to the potting media of horticultural crops vulnerable to root diseases, greatly reducing the need for fungicides.[citation needed]
  • Monitoring—Regular observation is critically important. Observation is broken into inspection and identification.[14] Visual inspection, insect and spore traps, and other methods are used to monitor pest levels. Record-keeping is essential, as is a thorough knowledge of target pest behavior and reproductive cycles. Since insects are cold-blooded, their physical development is dependent on area temperatures. Many insects have had their development cycles modeled in terms of degree-days. The degree days of an environment determines the optimal time for a specific insect outbreak. Plant pathogens follow similar patterns of response to weather and season. Recently, automated systems based on AI have been developed to identify and monitor flies using e-trapping devices.[15]
  • Mechanical controls—Should a pest reach an unacceptable level, mechanical methods are the first options. They include simple hand-picking, barriers, traps, vacuuming and tillage to disrupt breeding.
  • Biological controls—Natural biological processes and materials can provide control, with acceptable environmental impact, and often at lower cost. The main approach is to promote beneficial insects that eat or parasitize target pests. Biological insecticides, derived from naturally occurring microorganisms (e.g.Bt, entomopathogenic fungi and entomopathogenic nematodes), also fall in this category. Further 'biology-based' or 'ecological' techniques are under evaluation.
  • Responsible use—Synthetic pesticides are used as required and often only at specific times in a pest's life cycle. Many newer pesticides are derived from plants or naturally occurring substances (e.g.nicotine, pyrethrum and insect juvenile hormone analogues), but the toxophore or active component may be altered to provide increased biological activity or stability. Applications of pesticides must reach their intended targets. Matching the application technique to the crop, the pest, and the pesticide is critical. The use of low-volume spray equipment reduces overall pesticide use and labor cost.

An IPM regime can be simple or sophisticated. Historically, the main focus of IPM programmes was on agricultural insect pests.[16] Although originally developed for agricultural pest management, IPM programmes are now developed to encompass diseases, weeds and other pests that interfere with management objectives for sites such as residential and commercial structures, lawn and turf areas, and home and community gardens. Predictive models have proved to be suitable tools supporting the implementation of IPM programmes.[17]

WARNING: POST IN EDIT...its late here so :smokeit: more coming asap
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Well-known member
View attachment 18932934

now its not so common knowledge, that just by a smoker touching a plant after a smoke break
can transmit tmv from the cigarette to the hand to the cannabis plant which will infect the soil and the seed
for an indefinite period of time

View attachment 18932935
TMV many call variegation....some say its pretty some say its disease, it can decrease yields by 40% or more
we will cover this and much much more!!! 🪑

Infection and transmission​

After its multiplication, it enters the neighboring cells through plasmodesmata. The infection does not spread through contact with insects,[28] but instead spreads by direct contact to the neighboring cells. For its smooth entry, TMV produces a 30 kDa movement protein called P30 which enlarges the plasmodesmata. TMV most likely moves from cell-to-cell as a complex of the RNA, P30, and replicate proteins.

It can also spread through phloem for longer distance movement within the plant. Moreover, TMV can be transmitted from one plant to another by direct contact. Although TMV does not have defined transmission vectors, the virus can be easily transmitted from the infected hosts to the healthy plants by human handling.




An American IPM system is designed around six basic components:[12]

  • Acceptable pest levels—The emphasis is on control, not eradication. IPM holds that wiping out an entire pest population is often impossible, and the attempt can be expensive and unsafe. IPM programmes first work to establish acceptable pest levels, called action thresholds, and apply controls if those thresholds are crossed. These thresholds are pest and site specific, meaning that it may be acceptable at one site to have a weed such as white clover, but not at another site. Allowing a pest population to survive at a reasonable threshold reduces selection pressure. This lowers the rate at which a pest develops resistance to a control, because if almost all pests are killed then those that have resistance will provide the genetic basis of the future population. Retaining a significant number of unresistant specimens dilutes the prevalence of any resistant genes that appear. Similarly, the repeated use of a single class of controls will create pest populations that are more resistant to that class, whereas alternating among classes helps prevent this.[13]
  • Preventive cultural practices—Selecting varieties best for local growing conditions and maintaining healthy crops is the first line of defense. Plant quarantine and 'cultural techniques' such as crop sanitation are next, e.g., removal of diseased plants, and cleaning pruning shears to prevent spread of infections. Beneficial fungi and bacteria are added to the potting media of horticultural crops vulnerable to root diseases, greatly reducing the need for fungicides.[citation needed]
  • Monitoring—Regular observation is critically important. Observation is broken into inspection and identification.[14] Visual inspection, insect and spore traps, and other methods are used to monitor pest levels. Record-keeping is essential, as is a thorough knowledge of target pest behavior and reproductive cycles. Since insects are cold-blooded, their physical development is dependent on area temperatures. Many insects have had their development cycles modeled in terms of degree-days. The degree days of an environment determines the optimal time for a specific insect outbreak. Plant pathogens follow similar patterns of response to weather and season. Recently, automated systems based on AI have been developed to identify and monitor flies using e-trapping devices.[15]
  • Mechanical controls—Should a pest reach an unacceptable level, mechanical methods are the first options. They include simple hand-picking, barriers, traps, vacuuming and tillage to disrupt breeding.
  • Biological controls—Natural biological processes and materials can provide control, with acceptable environmental impact, and often at lower cost. The main approach is to promote beneficial insects that eat or parasitize target pests. Biological insecticides, derived from naturally occurring microorganisms (e.g.Bt, entomopathogenic fungi and entomopathogenic nematodes), also fall in this category. Further 'biology-based' or 'ecological' techniques are under evaluation.
  • Responsible use—Synthetic pesticides are used as required and often only at specific times in a pest's life cycle. Many newer pesticides are derived from plants or naturally occurring substances (e.g.nicotine, pyrethrum and insect juvenile hormone analogues), but the toxophore or active component may be altered to provide increased biological activity or stability. Applications of pesticides must reach their intended targets. Matching the application technique to the crop, the pest, and the pesticide is critical. The use of low-volume spray equipment reduces overall pesticide use and labor cost.

An IPM regime can be simple or sophisticated. Historically, the main focus of IPM programmes was on agricultural insect pests.[16] Although originally developed for agricultural pest management, IPM programmes are now developed to encompass diseases, weeds and other pests that interfere with management objectives for sites such as residential and commercial structures, lawn and turf areas, and home and community gardens. Predictive models have proved to be suitable tools supporting the implementation of IPM programmes.[17]

WARNING: POST IN EDIT...its late here so :smokeit: more coming asap
Interesting topic friend thanks. I remember working in a prison greenhouse and the bosses were concerned about the inmates spreading the virus from the tobacco we hid there.


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Effectiveness of cow's milk against zucchini squash powdery mildew (Sphaerotheca fuliginea) in greenhouse conditions​

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https://doi.org/10.1016/S0261-2194(99)00046-0Get rights and content


Efficacy of fresh cow milk was tested in five greenhouse experiments against powdery mildew (Sphaerotheca fuliginea) on zucchini squash (Cucurbita pepo). Plants were sprayed with milk at 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50%, either once or twice a week. Additional treatments were fungicides (fenarimol 0.1 ml/l or benomyl 0.1 g/l) applied once a week and water as a control treatment. Severity of the powdery mildew was visually evaluated on individual leaves at weekly intervals and scored as percentage of leaf area infected for infected leaves. A negative correlation was found between the infected leaf area per infected leaf and milk concentration sprayed on plants for the five experiments. High concentrations of milk were more effective than the conventional fungicides tested. This study demonstrated that milk is an effective alternative for the control of powdery mildew in organic agriculture.


Cucurbit powdery mildew, caused by Sphaerotheca fuliginea (Schlecht.) Pollacci, is a serious disease on cucurbits grown worldwide. Powdery mildew occurs on leaves, stems and fruits. Control methods currently available under commercial conditions include the use of repeated applications of elemental sulphur (Kimati et al., 1980) and other fungicides (Kimati et al., 1997). The constant use of fungicides, however, can result in the environmental contamination and selection of resistant populations of S. fuliginea (McGrath, 1996; McGrath et al., 1996). For these reasons, alternative control measures are warranted.
Several alternatives to conventional fungicides have been evaluated for cucurbit powdery mildew. Reuveni et al. (1995) and Garibaldi et al. (1994) verified that powdery mildew was controlled significantly by a single spray of aqueous solutions containing various phosphates and potassium salts. These authors concluded that phosphates and potassium are appropriate foliar fertilizers, with a potential beneficial influence on disease control. Pasini et al. (1997) verified that JMS Stylet oil, canola oil, Synertrol, and neem extract provided satisfactory control of powdery mildew on rose. Marco et al. (1994) described the suppression of powdery mildew on squash by applications of whitewash, clay, and antitranspirant materials. Sodium and potassium bicarbonates combined with Sunspray ultra-fine spray oil, both at 0.5%, were effective in the control of powdery mildew (Ziv and Zitter, 1992). Ampelomyces quisqualis has been described as a biological control agent for cucurbit powdery mildew (Falk et al., 1995; McGrath and Shiskoff, 1996; Pasini et al., 1997).
The objective of this work was to find possible antifungal compounds that would provide effective disease control under practical conditions, while also minimizing environmental impacts. We have demonstrated that the residue of glutamic fermentation of molasses and a product of milk fermentation released by Lactobacillus were effective for the control of powdery mildew on zucchini squash (Bettiol, 1996; Astiarraga and Bettiol, 1997; Bettiol and Astiarraga, 1998).
This paper reports on the control of powdery mildew on zucchini squash with milk under greenhouse conditions. This study was conducted to obtain an alternative for controlling powdery mildew in organic agriculture. Preliminary information has been reported recently (Bettiol and Astiarraga, 1997).

Section snippets​

Materials and methods​

Zucchini squash plants (Cucurbita pepo, cv. Caserta – CAC) were grown in 2.0 l aluminium pots containing oxisol and composted cattle manure (3 : 1) amended with 10 g of NPK fertilizer (4-14-8). Plants were kept in a greenhouse without inoculum of Sphaerotheca fuliginea until they reached the developmental stage of four expanded leaves. At this stage, plants were transferred to a greenhouse with high S. fuliginea inoculum potential. They were sprayed to runoff with either fresh cow milk [5, 10, 20,

Results and discussion​

Powdery mildew severity was very high in all the experiments on zucchini squash plants receiving the control treatment of water applied once or twice a week. Infected leaf area per infected leaf exceeded 50% by 22 d after the first spray. A negative correlation was found between the infected leaf area per infected leaf and milk concentration sprayed on plants for the five experiments (Fig. 1).
Milk applied twice a week at concentrations of 10% and higher controlled powdery mildew on zucchini



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Our Hydrogen Peroxide Liquid Oxygen H2O2, containing 34% hydrogen peroxide, is a great addition to your hydroponics toolkit due to its efficiency in cleaning hydroponic equipment, materials, and growing areas. Handle this product with caution and keep it out of the reach of children. Our bulk 5-gallon high-quality solution is produced in the United States to ensure the utmost quality. Please note that this product is intended for cleaning and maintenance purposes within hydroponic operations, and its sale, use, or distribution for other purposes is not approved.


Hydrogen peroxide is one of the simple products out there that is essential in every hydroponics garden. This also means growers using methods that are drain-to-waste in inert growing media such as rockwool or coco coir. Here's a step-by-step guide on how hydrogen peroxide works in your garden:
  1. Hydrogen peroxide molecules decompose into water (H2O) and a single free radical oxygen atom (O) in your garden.
  2. This free radical oxygen atom is highly reactive and can interact with different elements in the garden environment.
  3. If this oxygen atom encounters another oxygen atom, they form an O2 molecule.
  4. O2 molecules are essential for plant growth and can be absorbed by your plants' roots, promoting healthy development.
  5. Hydrogen peroxide reacts with free chlorine in water, producing O2 and hydrogen chloride, effectively removing chlorine from the system.
  6. Correct use of hydrogen peroxide in your garden can provide a range of benefits to the overall health and growth of your plants.
  7. Please note, this product should be used for hydroponic cleaning and maintenance purposes and not for pest management or any unapproved uses.
So overall, when using hydrogen peroxide in your garden correctly, you're getting a multitude of benefits--you simply can't go wrong.


The application of Hydrogen Peroxide Liquid Oxygen H2O2 in your garden can be beneficial in numerous ways:
  1. Contributes to the sanitation of your hydroponic equipment and growing areas by breaking down into water and oxygen.
  2. Helps manage the health of your hydroponic system by tackling common issues such as root health and maintaining an optimal environment for plant growth.
  3. Enhances the oxygen content in water, which is essential for healthy root and plant development.
  4. Supports root growth and facilitates nutrient uptake for your plants.
  5. Interacts with chlorine in water, forming water and oxygen, and thus helps to manage chlorine levels in your hydroponic system.
  6. Used correctly, Hydrogen Peroxide can assist in fostering a healthy and vibrant garden.
Remember, this product should be used for hydroponic maintenance purposes and is not intended for pest management or any other unapproved uses.


As you start using hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), it's important that you're using the proper H2O2 in the correct concentrations to benefit your plants and your hydroponics garden. For uses in hydroponics, we recommend food-grade concentrations that are usually 32% to 35%.


To make the most of Hydrogen Peroxide Liquid Oxygen H2O2 34% in your hydroponic setup, it's important to dilute it properly. Never add the product in its full strength to your reservoir. Instead, it should be mixed at a ratio of 1 part H2O2 to 11 parts water. This will reduce the 34% solution down to approximately 3.1% concentration, which for our usage purpose, we'll approximate to 3%.
Once your solution is diluted down to a 3% concentration, it's ready to be introduced into your reservoir or feeding solution. A general guideline to follow is to add about 3ml of the 3% solution per liter of water, or 2.5 teaspoons (approximately 12ml) per gallon of reservoir water. Please remember, you're adding the 3% solution—not the 34% solution—into your reservoir.
The impact of the H2O2 solution in your recirculating reservoir typically lasts about 4 days. For systems that are not recirculating, such as a drain-to-waste system, we recommend introducing the H2O2 solution about once every week or two. This usage guideline aims to enhance the growing conditions of your hydroponics setup and does not imply any pest management capabilities.

walmart $75/gal
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BioSafe Systems ZeroTol 2.0 Algaecide/Bactericide/Fungicide​

Elevate your crop protection with BioSafe Systems ZeroTol 2.0 Algaecide/Bactericide/Fungicide - 2.5 Gallon. This robust solution is designed to provide unparalleled defense for your greenhouse and nursery crops. With a comprehensive composition that includes potent hydrogen dioxide (27.1%) and stable peroxyacetic acid (2.0%), ZeroTol 2.0 targets both active and dormant spores, ensuring a thorough approach to pathogen control.
Experience the convenience of ZeroTol 2.0's immediate action, effectively countering various plant threats upon contact. From initial propagation through finished crops, including delicate fruits and vegetables, this formula's sustainable chemistry offers reliable protection against an array of pathogens such as botrytis, powdery mildew, xanthomonas, bacterial blights, and algae.
ZeroTol 2.0 is engineered for efficiency, working on contact to provide rapid pathogen control. This eliminates the need for extended intervals between application and re-entry, allowing for flexible usage within your cultivation schedule.
For a comprehensive defense strategy, consider enhancing ZeroTol 2.0's efficacy by combining it with other products like OxiPhos or AzaGuard. By following recommended rates and application methods, you can optimize plant health and overall protection.
Maximize the longevity of your crops by adhering to the Cup Winning Crop Protection Usage Schedule provided by BioSafe Systems. This comprehensive plan spans a 15-week growing period, offering precise application timings and rates to ensure optimal plant health. From treating cuttings with TerraGrow to strategically timed foliar spraying and drenching of ZeroTol 2.0, this regimen empowers you to achieve robust protection against diseases and pathogens.
Furthermore, ZeroTol 2.0 can be effectively integrated with AzaGuard, creating a dual defense mechanism. By adhering to recommended application rates and techniques, you can elevate the level of protection against common plant threats.
With BioSafe Systems ZeroTol 2.0 Algaecide/Bactericide/Fungicide - 2.5 Gallon, your crops benefit from an innovative solution that safeguards their well-being. Utilize this versatile algaecide, bactericide, and fungicide to cultivate thriving greenhouse and nursery crops, backed by BioSafe Systems' dedication to effective and sustainable plant protection.
BioSafe Systems ZeroTol 2.0 Algaecide/Bactericide/Fungicide

ZeroTol 2.0 is for use against the following pathogens:​

  • Alternaria
  • Powdery Mildew
  • Xanthomonas
  • Bacterial Blights
  • Algae
  • Botrytis (grey mold)
  • Phytophthora (blights, rots)
  • Tobacco mosaic virus

Cup Winning Crop Protection Usage Schedule for BioSafe Systems​

Based upon 15 week (105 Days) growing schedule. 7 weeks vegetative. 8 weeks flowering.
*The scheduling can vary with different strains or growing methods, so use this as a baseline for optimal plant health
Day 1 – Before sticking cutting make a TerraGrow solution @ 3 ounces per 100 GALS water. Drench rooting cubes (or any other kind of cloning media) to saturation. Solution pH should be between 5 - 8 for optimal TerraGrow effectiveness.
Day 1 - Make ZeroTol 2.0 solution @ 1:250, immerse cuttings for 45 seconds. Remove from solution. Do not soak for more than 60 seconds.
Days 2, 6, 10, 14 - Foliar spray ZeroTol 2.0 every 4 days. Use a 1:300 rate which is 0.4 ounces of ZeroTol 2.0 per gallon solution. BioSafe recommends using direct injection with Dosatron D14MZ2 set to 1:300. Use mist setting on Dilution Solutions' 9 Pattern Spray Gun (Item # X300-102). The backpack sprayer/mister will work if there is no option for Dosatron direct injection.
Day 15 - Drench ZeroTol 2.0 @ 1:500 into the root zone. Drench to saturation with no leaching or run-off. Use direct injection with Dosatron D14MZ2 set to 1:500.
Day 17 - Drench TerraGrow @ 1 ounce per 100 gallons. Drench root zones to saturation with no leaching or run-off. Use direct injection with Dosatron D14MZ2 set to 1:100. Solution Preparation: 5 Ounces of TerraGrow mixed with 5 Gallons of water will cover 5,000 SQ. FT.

ZeroTol 2.0 and AzaGuard can be tank mixed:​

Days 18, 25, 32, 39, 46 - Foliar Spray ZeroTol 2.0 @ 1:300. Use direct injection with Dosatron D14MZ2 set to 1:300.
Days 18, 25, 32, 39, 46 - Foliar Spray AzaGuard @ 1:1200. Use direct injection with Dosatron D14MZ3000 set to 1:1200.
Day 22 - OxiPhos Drench @ 1:1000. Drench to saturation with no leaching or run-off. Use direct injection with Dosatron D14MZ3000 set to 1:1000.
Day 43 - Drench TerraGrow @ 4 ounces per 1,000 SQ. FT. Drench to saturation with no leaching or run-off. Use direct injection with Dosatron D14MZ2 set to 1:100. Solution Preparation: 20 ounces of TerraGrow mixed with 5 Gallons of water will cover 5,000 SQ. FT.
Day 52 - OxiPhos Drench @ 1:1,000. Drench to saturation with no leaching or run-off. Use direct injection with Dosatron D14MZ3000 set to 1:1,000.

ZeroTol 2.0 and AzaGuard can be sprayed simultaneously:​

Days 53, 60, 67, 74 - Foliar Spray ZeroTol 2.0 @ 1:300. Use direct injection with Dosatron D14MZ2 set to 1:300.
Days 53, 60, 67, 74 - Foliar Spray AzaGuard @ 1:1200. Use direct injection with Dosatron D14MZ3000 set to 1:1200.
Day 72 - Drench TerraGrow @ 4 ounces per 1,000 SQ. FT. Drench to saturation with no leaching or run-off. Use direct injection with Dosatron D14MZ2 set to 1:100. Solution Preparation: 20 ounces of TerraGrow mixed with 5 Gallons of water will cover 5,000 SQ FT.
Days 81, 88, 95, 102 – Foliar Spray ZeroTol 2.0 @ 1:300. Use direct injection with Dosatron D14MZ2 set to 1:300. Or, fog ZeroTol 2.0 @ 3 ounces per Liter of water. An 8-liter solution treats 5,000 SQ. FT. Use Dramm MLVH-10A Mini Auto Fog for fogging applications. Curative Rate (disease present) is 4 ounces per Liter.
Days 78 - 105 - Foliar Spray AzaGuard @ 1:1200. Use direct injection with Dosatron D14MZ3000 set to 1:1200. Or, fog AzaGuard as needed @ 2.5 ounces AzaGuard per Liter of water. An 8-liter solution treats 5,000 SQ. FT. Use Dramm MLVH-10A Mini Auto Fog for fogging applications. Curative Rate (disease present) is 4 ounces per Liter.
Day 82 - OxiPhos Drench @ 1:1,000. Drench to saturation with no leaching or run-off. Use direct injection with Dosatron D14MZ3000 set to 1:1,000.
Day 99 - Drench ZeroTol 2.0 @ 1:500 to begin flush. Drench to saturation with no leaching or run-off. Use direct injection with Dosatron D14MZ2 set to 1:500.


  • AzaGuard Curative Rate is 1:800.
  • ZeroTol 2.0 Foliar Curative Rate is 1:100. Use this rate when the plant is showing visual symptoms. For example, you can see powdery mildew on foliage.
  • Use a non-ionic Spreader/Sticker like Capsil or AirCover during Foliar Sprays with ZeroTol 2.0. The spreader/sticker reduces surface tension on foliage and improves ZeroTol’s pathogen contact time. Especially when powdery mildew is present.
  • Fogging is an option in the later weeks if there is a concern about wet crops. Foliar spray applications are recommended over fog.
Biosafe_Systems_Crop_Protection_Application_Program (147.85 kB)

Biosafe_Systems_Greenhouse_Edibles_Program_Regimen (313.20 kB)

Biosafe_Systems_Propagation_Program_Regimen (176.12 kB)


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Well-known member

BioSafe Systems AzaGuard Botanical Insecticide​

AzaGuard is a potent 3% Azadirachtin-formulated Insect Growth Regulator (IGR), offering robust insecticidal control over 300+ insect species. Its unique formulation disrupts insect life cycles, preventing molting between larval, pupal, and nymphal stages, and effectively reducing insect infestations in and around your facility. This product is excellent for both indoor and outdoor use and can be combined with other chemicals in a tank mix.
AzaGuard's natural botanical formula meets all National Organic Program (NOP) requirements, making it a crucial tool in Integrated Pest Management (IPM) and sustainable disease control programs. It controls and repels a wide range of insects, including aphids, armyworms, beetles, budworms, cutworms, fungus gnats, leafhoppers, leafminers, leafrollers, lepidopterous larvae, loopers, mushroom flies, sawflies, thrips, webworms, and whiteflies. It also combats plant parasitic nematodes such as dagger, golden, and root-knot nematodes.
BioSafe Systems AzaGuard Botanical Insecticide

For spider mite control, AzaGuard can be used in conjunction with a knockdown agent like Neem Oil or Green Cleaner for best results. It is also effective when mixed with insecticidal soaps. If used as a standalone spray, apply at 4-5 day intervals at a concentration of 1.6oz/gal (160oz/100gal) or a 1:800 ratio.
Designed for versatility, AzaGuard is suitable for greenhouse or field use, and can be applied with hand-held trigger-type sprayers, power-operated sprayers, or fogging equipment. It can be drenched into the soil profile or chemigated directly through drip irrigation systems for root herbivore control. It is also labeled for high and low volume sprayers, fogging applications, aerial applicators, and various irrigation systems. With a shelf life of over a year, AzaGuard is a practical, long-lasting solution for all your pest control needs


Well-known member

Mechanism of insecticidal action​

Upon sporulation, B. thuringiensis forms crystals of two types of proteinaceous insecticidal delta endotoxins (δ-endotoxins) called crystal proteins or Cry proteins, which are encoded by cry genes, and Cyt proteins.[23]

Cry toxins have specific activities against insect species of the orders Lepidoptera (moths and butterflies), Diptera (flies and mosquitoes), Coleoptera (beetles) and Hymenoptera (wasps, bees, ants and sawflies), as well as against nematodes.[27][28]


Well-known member
Sub'd.. thank you.
:huggg: welcome


Sprinkle 1 Teaspoon per 25 square feet or 1 Tablespoon per 75 square feet (1/2 lb per 2178 square feet) over the surface of the area where they are breeding. Apply every 7-14 days
For fungus gnats, sprinkle or spread the granules over the soil until the area is covered. Repeat application every three weeks.

Bt Mosquito & Fungus Gnat Bits (30 oz)​

Biological Control of Mosquito and Fungus Gnats

A highly selective microbial insecticide labelled for use against mosquitoes and fungus gnats, this product will kill mosquito and fungus gnat larvae within 24 hours and is effective for up to 14 days.
  • Safe to use around humans, pets, and wildlife.
  • Use in water gardens, flower pots, bird baths, and more!
  • Effective up to 14 days.

Bioeng Bugs. 2010 Jan-Feb; 1(1): 31–50.
doi: 10.4161/bbug.1.1.10519
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