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Some outdoor Thai


Well-known member
Hey guys, hope you're all good :)

These are from seeds that I found here in Thailand. Most of them I got from a flowering plant that I bought from a guy at a wet market outside of a place called Pak Chong right after legalization. One plant is from some great stuff I bought in Chiang Rai 2 years ago, but only about one out of every twenty of those seeds will sprout.

I planted directly in these pots and so far are just letting them go. I can't afford to mix soil for them right now (I also grow a lot of cactus and the soil bill can get high) so I'm going to see how they do in small pots for a while. Hopefully good.

I'll try to update sometimes as they go


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Well-known member
Hey guys, hope you're all good :)

These are from seeds that I found here in Thailand. Most of them I got from a flowering plant that I bought from a guy at a wet market outside of a place called Pak Chong right after legalization. One plant is from some great stuff I bought in Chiang Rai 2 years ago, but only about one out of every twenty of those seeds will sprout.

I planted directly in these pots and so far are just letting them go. I can't afford to mix soil for them right now (I also grow a lot of cactus and the soil bill can get high) so I'm going to see how they do in small pots for a while. Hopefully good.

I'll try to update sometimes as they go
Looks like you are having a lot of fun there. Thanks for posting.


Well-known member
Thanks :) Yeah it's nice out here. I was teaching for 2.5 years at a fancy medical boarding school near bkk, the last year I put my energy into moving to fully online work and now I'm living it! Got a little house deep in the mountains in the north and I can wake up to the clouds rolling across the hill opposite my front door.

Compared with student reports, meetings with parents who just barely stop short of offereing to bribe you to improve their kids' grades, (sometimes they fully go there, my ex boss told my co worker to accept an offer like that once) and office politics online work is a leisurely breeze. The freedom to be where you can be happy is priceless. Also I can now grow my cacti in a place where they seem to be happy, instead of crammed near the road being rumbled by dump trucks all day and night like the last place.

Where are you located?


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Well-known member
Awesome. Most of us have dreamed of what you're doing, growing Thai varieties in a tropical environment. Thailand going legal was the best cannabis news out of Asia in a long time, something a lot of people weren't expecting.

I planted directly in these pots and so far are just letting them go. I can't afford to mix soil for them right now (I also grow a lot of cactus and the soil bill can get high) so I'm going to see how they do in small pots for a while. Hopefully good.

They can probably go for quite a while in small pots but you'll need to feed them. I'd make liquid teas with nutrients and give it to them a couple times a week. I haven't grown Thai varieties but when I was growing thin leaf long flowered Indian varieties there was a point where they started getting stressed in small containers. I think they prefer having more room for their root system then the wide leaved Afghan types. Feeding them regularly kept them happy for a while but at a certain point they turned yellow and weren't happy until I transplanted.

Can you stick them directly in the soil where you're at? There may be reasons you can't, the soil is rock hard and not good for growing, bad PH, you have to keep them a certain size, or you need to move them around. Even if the soil isn't right for growing you could dig out a hole and put your amended soil in it and stick them in. They might benefit from the extra space even if they aren't getting much out of the soil itself.

I noticed some of the plants were chowed on, looked similar to the slug damage I get here. It could be slug or snail damage. I cut up copper pads for cleaning cooking pots and put them around the base of my plants to keep them off. There's plenty of other things you can use to keep them from climbing the plants.


Well-known member
Yeah it's snail damage, they just sort of mealymouth the leaves until they die, but they haven't been causing any severe damage.

Here we have really hard red clay and small pieces of granite. I put a few in the ground but they didn't do well at all. It's a budget issue preventing me from ammending the soil or mixing more dirt. In about a month I should be able to mix some up, hopefully they do ok for that long in the small pots. I also have a lot of cactus that would love some new shoes but for now they just have to ride it out.

The legalization news caught me off guard too! They'd been threatening it for like 5 years and suddenly they just did it, fully too! Now you can have 1000 kilos in your car and nobody cares. There are pure sativas getting like 3 meters tall outside of grandma and grandpas' houses I assume for luck and protection or health.


Well-known member
Awesome. Most of us have dreamed of what you're doing, growing Thai varieties in a tropical environment. Thailand going legal was the best cannabis news out of Asia in a long time, something a lot of people weren't expecting.

They can probably go for quite a while in small pots but you'll need to feed them. I'd make liquid teas with nutrients and give it to them a couple times a week. I haven't grown Thai varieties but when I was growing thin leaf long flowered Indian varieties there was a point where they started getting stressed in small containers. I think they prefer having more room for their root system then the wide leaved Afghan types. Feeding them regularly kept them happy for a while but at a certain point they turned yellow and weren't happy until I transplanted.

Can you stick them directly in the soil where you're at? There may be reasons you can't, the soil is rock hard and not good for growing, bad PH, you have to keep them a certain size, or you need to move them around. Even if the soil isn't right for growing you could dig out a hole and put your amended soil in it and stick them in. They might benefit from the extra space even if they aren't getting much out of the soil itself.

I noticed some of the plants were chowed on, looked similar to the slug damage I get here. It could be slug or snail damage. I cut up copper pads for cleaning cooking pots and put them around the base of my plants to keep them off. There's plenty of other things you can use to keep them from climbing the plants.
Thanks for the advice man 🙏


Well-known member
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They're starting to flower for the most part. This cool little one from Chiang Rai mutates and grows slow but it has a lot of character. It's one of the last to still not show sex. Everything is female so far lol. I think the female I bought hermed but that's ok, this one is for fun.
I am interested in that CR plant. It's the one tied down. I have a lot of those seeds but after a soak in 1% peroxide and direct sowing only on out of 20 sprouted. I'm going to try more carefully next time. This seed was in a small bag inside of the big bag of seeds from that weed. I remember that I seperated those because they were from really good weed, but I don't remember which it was.

It's from this weed. There used to be pictures with the post, I'm not sure where they went lol



Well-known member
They're doing good still, setting up to flower except for the one plant from Chiang Rai that I have which still has not preflowered. It was trifoliate at birth, self terminating throughout the first 2 months, and now seems to have grown out of that aside from branching from weird places and crinkle leaf. Has a super-woody stem with purple striping in places, really skinny leaves. Allso, I know for a fact that the bag it came from was great weed for what I like. Electric and somehow soothing at the same time.

I had enough cactus soil to transplant 4 of them, and those 4 turned a beautiful shade of green within 2 days and took off. When I start my serioius grow in a few weeks I will not mess around with containor size.

Some of them from the exact same mother plant have grown only 30 cm from the time they sprouted with really hard woody stems and delicate leaves while their sisters are 1.5 meters tall with no sign of slowing.

Ok, this may not be the forum to ask, but I have no idea why sometimes I can insert photos and they show immediately, and sometimes it just asdds an attachment link. Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong? In my preview the photos are visibly there but when I press "post" they become attachments.


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Well-known member


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Well-known member
For now I give up with the photo insertion thing. Maybe my files are too big?


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Well-known member
Here they are, and some purple Thai from a friend. So one of them is full hermie, I know the consensus is to chop it, but if I put it around the back of my house do you think it would still pollinate everything? If it were only the Pak Chong Squirrelltail I would let them all go, but there's one really cool Chiang Rai that has taken forever to even begin flowering compared to the others. They're over 2 months from seed and it's finally stretching and showing very rare pistils. I'd like to prevent that one from filling up with hermie seeds, which may mean cutting all of the Pak Chong plants as they grow, I believe they all are hermie prone, just the obvious one is flowering faster.
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Well-known member
So believe that I need to cull every plant but one. They are all fully intersex and I'd like to preserve the Chiang Rai plant because so far it's fully female and it's just a cool looking plant. This was a test grow anyhow. Next week I sprout the seeds that I want to grow. (flo x otm, temple flo x f-13, great Thai stuff that my friend breeds) C'est la vie.


Well-known member
I think you’re doing the right thing, it’s a bummer but you’ll never be able to do anything with the seed.
Yeah my thoughts too. It's sad cause they're beautiful to see, but man that little Chiang Rai loooks like a thin leaved version of flo that I used to grow, down to the crinkle and purple striping. I'm getting a 1/20 germ rate out of the CR seeds and I only have maybe 150 I got out of 100g, so I want to see what's to find there. Genuine pre-legalization stock lol. If it seeds itself that's another thing, but it's taking soooo long to go into flower fully, it has my attention. I've got minimum one year in my current home so I have time. (?) The others are the lemon Thai that is very easy to find here. Good buzz, but I think I can use the space for something I'm more interested in. I have a ton of seeds from this purple Thai my friend grows. Even aesthetically I'm excited to see that one grow.


Well-known member
I lost my phone a while back and didn't want another one so I use my slr to share pictures, they're a little funky. This is the Chiang Rai sativa. Since I'm culling the others I have some soil freed up, does anyone know what sized pot she'd like? She's currently still in the middle of a strong stretch which began maybe 2 weeks ago, (maybe, I'm notoriously bad with times and dates if it's not written down) until then she was growing slowly and mutated. This one swings her branches a good distance chasing the sun throughout the day, so I called her sunchaser. I hope it's good because I love that name lol. I had one other plant from this batch last year which I lost due to work sucking any motivation out of me and leading me to forget to water it for too long. It had the same slow growth, trifoliate birth and crinkle leaf mutations. So I wonder about this line, I'm far from an expert but it seems like it's been pretty inbred. The squirreltails are all over the place pheno-wise. I had 3 phenos in the CR herb I bought, but so far the seeds from it have produced 2 very similar mutated young plants. A friend of a friend took bagseed from local stuff that he liked and ran it indoors 2 years ago.


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