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Outdoor Growing in the California Desert. Is it possible?


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Well, I must admit that I didn't expect this. I am wilted from over watering. LOL Oops.

When I awoke yesterday morning and checked on my plants, I noticed they didn't really recover from the previous day's heat wilt. I get a little wilt every day during the peak heat and sun but it goes away after sundown. Sometimes I spot water a plant or 2 and sometimes I don't

I noticed the soil didn't look right and I lifted the pots and they are all water soaked. I only water them 1/2 gallon per day in their #7 nursery pots. I guess they didn't take in much water the past few days in spite of the heat. I didn't water yesterday but I did hose them down real well with water from the garden hose. We are about a pH8 from the tap here so I hope it won't hurt them.

I think I will skip watering again today as the pots are still pretty soaked. They should be dry enough by tomorrow.

Fucking brutal heat this year. It's been 110F to 120F every damn day for almost 3 weeks. I lost 2 already and about to bin a 3rd.

Well, this is certainly my year to learn. LOL

I may build a small hut made from sunscreen. Then, mist the top and blow a fan through it so, in essence, the plants are living inside a swamp cooler. LOL If I can raise and lower the screen I can protect the plants on the more brutal days. And then, mist as needed. Up to 105F didn't seem to bother a thing. Everything was as cool as Fonzie. This 115F to 120F shit is brutal on the plants. Even the irrigated bushes and grass around here is dying off.

Too bad the plants can't join me in the pool every day. I love the heat. LOL


Well-known member
Right now is the time to start seeds or take clones for your first off season set.
Aug 1st = Take clones / plant seeds
Oct 15th = Harvest, set out veg plants, take clones
Jan 1st = Same
Match 15th = Same
June 1st = Harvest, set out veg plants for summer.

Every 10 weeks you harvest, set out the next group of veg plants and take cuts off of them. You'll get 3 solid off season sets before summer rolls around again.

I've done both run the veg plants under lights in a garden shed and just hung a lamp over them and left them outside. The shed was warmer and brighter so they were markedly faster in the shed. Still for off season outside even the plants under a clamp light seem to veg well enough. Just run more plants as needed to meet your needs as the fall, winter and spring sets are not the massive plants that summer is.
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Well-known member
Just to prove they're doing much better View attachment 18870364
Looking good!
Looks like you could benefit from digging a couple nice size holes for your pots. Heat and height.
For summer months in the High Desert I like to use some wrap as well. Food safe woven bags are easy to come by and breathe just enough. Normally white in color. I cut a long strip and line it on the inside before filling with soil. Sometimes you can find a grocery store that just tosses them, try to get there in the morning times and ask if they would mind giving you some.
Looks like you’ll be seeing a good return in those two!
Much Respect!


Active member
Looking good!
Looks like you could benefit from digging a couple nice size holes for your pots. Heat and height.
For summer months in the High Desert I like to use some wrap as well. Food safe woven bags are easy to come by and breathe just enough. Normally white in color. I cut a long strip and line it on the inside before filling with soil. Sometimes you can find a grocery store that just tosses them, try to get there in the morning times and ask if they would mind giving you some.
Looks like you’ll be seeing a good return in those two!
Much Respect!
Thanks man...I did just that...wrapped the solar exposed area with white trash bags the backs facing the fence are still exposed...not pretty but effective...certainly helped with the evaporation rate during the heat wave. We're back in the high 80s low 90s now as well so they're really happy.
Screen Shot 2023-08-03 at 6.13.24 PM.png
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Well-known member
Thanks man...I did just that...wrapped the solar exposed area with white trash bags the backs facing the fence are still exposed...not pretty but effective...certainly helped with the evaporation rate during the heat wave. We're back in the high 80s low 90s now as well so they're really happy. View attachment 18873269
Looking happy as can be now.


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Well gang, it's a sad day in paradise.

Between being over watered and soaked. And, the brutal fucking heat, I was barely hanging on. Just when I needed to tend them the most, my flooring material arrived and I started laying floor. I neglected the plants for a few days and.... well, see for yourself.

I got the floor all laid and I am setting up my tents. New seeds go into dirt tonight or tomorrow. I'll make the next season.

I learned some valuable lessons. I'll be more ready next year with sunscreen and whatever else I need to do.

2023-08-08 11.10.22.jpg


Well-known member
Now is when my friends in palm desert and Joshua tree start their outside grows. Plant seeds now. Keep under lights until Oct 15th. Harvest Jan 1st. Harvest again March 15th and again June 1st.
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Well-known member
Well gang, it's a sad day in paradise.

Between being over watered and soaked. And, the brutal fucking heat, I was barely hanging on. Just when I needed to tend them the most, my flooring material arrived and I started laying floor. I neglected the plants for a few days and.... well, see for yourself.

I got the floor all laid and I am setting up my tents. New seeds go into dirt tonight or tomorrow. I'll make the next season.

I learned some valuable lessons. I'll be more ready next year with sunscreen and whatever else I need to do.

View attachment 18875178
Im sorry!
I know how that goes. The desert is not forgiving this time of year. The best way I’ve learned to safe guard plants in the desert is to plant directly into the earth. And if you can’t do that for whatever reason dig a hole the size of your pot and lay the potted plant in the hole. Nice and snug. The plants can handle the heat and sun out here but the roots have a hard time in plastic. Another option is to use large fabric pots (30 gallons minimum) and in tan or some light color. Planting directly into the earth is the best way to go in this heat. Best of luck to ya!


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OK, we are back at it. I have indoor plants that are about 5 weeks old and ready to transplant and move outdoors. It is still 100F here but that is about as high as it should get from now on. No more 115F and 120F (I hope LOL)

I'll get some pics when it's all set up but, meanwhile, I have a question......

Is it OK to 'mist' my plants in this heat? How about when they are in direct sun? I recall misting in direct sun being bad but it's old memories and might be untrue. I can shade them from direct sun if needed.

Any tips on how to correctly move them from inside to outside is appreciated.



Well-known member
OK, we are back at it. I have indoor plants that are about 5 weeks old and ready to transplant and move outdoors. It is still 100F here but that is about as high as it should get from now on. No more 115F and 120F (I hope LOL)

I'll get some pics when it's all set up but, meanwhile, I have a question......

Is it OK to 'mist' my plants in this heat? How about when they are in direct sun? I recall misting in direct sun being bad but it's old memories and might be untrue. I can shade them from direct sun if needed.

Any tips on how to correctly move them from inside to outside is appreciated.

I used to baby them and set up partial shade for the first few days in the sun. Finally figured out it didn't make a lick of difference but i'm coastal So Cal and don't have the brutal heat the deserts get.

Bona Fortuna

Well-known member
OK, we are back at it. I have indoor plants that are about 5 weeks old and ready to transplant and move outdoors. It is still 100F here but that is about as high as it should get from now on. No more 115F and 120F (I hope LOL)

I'll get some pics when it's all set up but, meanwhile, I have a question......

Is it OK to 'mist' my plants in this heat? How about when they are in direct sun? I recall misting in direct sun being bad but it's old memories and might be untrue. I can shade them from direct sun if needed.

Any tips on how to correctly move them from inside to outside is appreciated.

Fellow semi-arid, higher elevation California grower here.
Shade cloth will be a good friend when hardening off smaller plants, either that or use dappled shade from a tree. Morning shade helps moisture retention more than the evening shading in my experience. Not hugely important unless you start plants in the hot, dry season. Planting into the monsoon season has its own intricacies.

Bigger pots with something to slightly insulate or shade the pot to help with moisture and soil temps. Even better is an in ground soil bed with something interplanted to help shade the top of the soil or a mulch layer. Keep those soil temps down!!! The plants can easily handle the heat and grow like mad if soil temps are low enough.

Never mist plants in direct sunlight. Do it an hour or two before sunup, after sundown or if there is sufficient cloud cover. Heat doesn’t matter.

Just my two cents and experiences. Your results may vary.


Well-known member
Well gang, it's a sad day in paradise.

Between being over watered and soaked. And, the brutal fucking heat, I was barely hanging on. Just when I needed to tend them the most, my flooring material arrived and I started laying floor. I neglected the plants for a few days and.... well, see for yourself.

I got the floor all laid and I am setting up my tents. New seeds go into dirt tonight or tomorrow. I'll make the next season.

I learned some valuable lessons. I'll be more ready next year with sunscreen and whatever else I need to do.

View attachment 18875178
They look like they could have recovered?


Well-known member

"Travelers" as I change location for the next 2 weeks.

With the 2 back-to-back near total failed cloner runs in Aug it'll be "Slim Pickens" for the next set and late as can be. 7 clones survived and the rest are regular seeds. I'll have to wait and see how big this set is in a month when I harvest what is in the ground, but I fear too small for a fall run worth it.

I may need to just put them in the ground and light them up to veg until Jan 1st and skip the Oct to Jan crop.

Aug 1st = Take clones / plant seeds
Oct 15th = Harvest / set out plants / take clones.
Jan 1st = Same
March 15th = Same
June 1st = Harvest / set out plants.


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Well, I just took in another outdoor harvest. My schedule is off a little because I lost everything in the Summer heat this year (live and learn).

I don't think anything will grow outdoors between now and March but I am going to try anyway. The high temps here for the next 2 months will only be in the 60's and low 70's. And, the lows are in the fucking 40's. Burr. I hate this time of year. The amount of direct sun I can get is about 2 or 3 hours. Maybe 4. Being surrounded by mountains makes for late sunrises and early sunsets. Fucking sun was gone at 4:00 yesterday.

Is it true that cannabis will not produce sugars below 60 degrees?

If so, between that and almost no sun, I am not expecting vigorous growth. LOL I am going to try some autos and some photos, both.

My next real harvest will be cloned in January and put outside mid march, harvested in mid/late May before the Summer heat hits. I expect vigorous growth in those months.

I try a Summer crop again next year but I will be better prepared this time with shade cloth and a cooler of some kind.

I must say, the buds get nice and frosty outside. Here's a couple pics.

Check out that bud that has red bugs on it. I didn't see it until I looked at this picture. What the fuck is that?

And, that last pic. What the fuck is that? It was a free seed from a vendor called Hakkido. Best match I found was Japanese hemp. I'll probably mulch this. Hardly any resin on it at all.


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Well-known member
Hey gang, I just moved to the Palm Springs area from why oh why Ohio and I would love to do an outdoor grow. Quite frankly, my new condo simply does not have a place to grow so I am hoping for an outdoor opportunity.

I see the hours go 12/12 about October 1st. However, the 2 months before that have a ton of 100+F days. It's been my experience that pot does not do very well over 90F and under 60F. So, the veg period would be pretty darn hot. I could use shade screen to help a little or maybe there are ways I don't know about yet. But, that's not the worse part.

Even worse, during the flowering months, the temps often go down into the 40s and 50's. Again, below the optimal 60F that pot seems to like.

I have been a grower for over 50 years and it's always been my favorite hobby. It kills me to think I am done. I moved from a 4200 SF condo to a 1400 SF condo and there is not a single place where I could have 12 hours of absolute dark. Fuck, there's only 4 rooms in my whole fucking place. LOL I set up a 3x3 tent in my room but I live in this room and there's always going to be light leaks. I worry about hermies. I hate to be relegated to growing autos the rest of my life. :(

Any comments or suggestions are welcome.

PS. I fucking love the desert.
Hiya friend!
It should be very possible as I live in a very semi-désertique region. Some great indicas well do well as you aware there are huge temperature fluctuations during the day, for example here there could be in a day a drop of 10-15 degrees C from night to day… Anyways right now I am facing a rather similar situation. My babies are into 7-8 weeks flowering and my temp comes down to 9-10 degree (below 12 no good) and my HGK is doing better than my LA Amnesia she doesnt like chilly…So go with Indicas more tolerant and resistant to temp flucs…hope I could be of a bit if help and please do keep us posted as it is a rather fascinating project

Bona Fortuna

Well-known member
I say try an overwinter grow. You might be surprised. Yield won’t be huge, but still get some pretty good product with your environment. 40’s isn’t that bad for a plant, genetics depending. I’ve had some NLD varieties survive a few December snowstorms and continue to flower out, while others keeled over instantly.

Keep the roots warm enough and avoid water logging (plants will drink less and have less evap from soil) and they will still produce well. Planting into a compost pile is good this time of year.

A soft freeze will mess with your plants foliage a bit, but won’t kill it if the roots are in a good temperature zone. Hard freezes will kill plants.

The red bugs look like they could be red clover mites, prolific here in California. Im not 100% sure as they look a little long to be red clover mites.

Is that Ace’s Hakkido or was the vendor Hakkido?

Cactus Squatter

Well-known member
I tried an overwinter grow in the Phx valley desert. Similar conditions. Complete and total waste of time for me.
Super slow growth, next to zero yield. They don’t want to grow when it’s cold and that low of a light cycle.


Well-known member

Current plants in veg under lights. I'll run the lights another month and flower come Jan 1st. Harvest mid-march. Los Angeles basin a couple of miles from the beach.


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Is that Ace’s Hakkido or was the vendor Hakkido?
It was a freebie from a vendor called Seed Cellar out of Michigan, USA. It was actually spelled "Hakkaido" which was different than the spelling I used in my previous post.

Looks to be, pretty much, a waste of time. I'll harvest it tomorrow with the rest and see how it cures.

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