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moses wellfleet

Well-known member
Okay I tried most of the countermeasures for PM, sulfur burner, spraying milk, various biological controls. Sulfur burner was the most effective of the lot, but it always came back at some point.

Lapides made the statement: ‘You need to understand the conditions under which PM thrives’. This sealed the deal for me.

I then saw a post in an unrelated thread suggesting avoid allowing the temp to drop below 70 degrees F. This is what worked for me, never saw PM again. There is a lot of talk that high humidity is the culprit but I believe this to be incorrect, in fact I found it thrived in drier conditions with extreme temperature swings.


temperature swings and low humidity are definitely favorable for powdery mildew from all the research I have done.
I have had it twice and gave up both times, it was easier to just scrap everything and start over.
and now one has to worry about something you can’t see most of the time until it gets ya - HPLVD! Plant AIDS is a good name for it.

moses wellfleet

Well-known member
In that situation I would use the Sulfur burner as the reset button and then make sure the environmental conditions were right going forward.

Of course it depends if you are willing to accept sulfur contamination of the buds if we talking flower phase. Veg phase should be no problem.


ICMag Donor
A single sprout of Melty's Queen Hippo is the first above soil. I'll make note and keep and eye on her. That's Fatso x Animal(r). Fatso I do believe is a JoeSchmoe creation. A selection from GMO x Legend OG(r).

So to the amazing buddy who gifted these seeds to me, AND, in this instance, it was not MeltingPot...


Can you imagine, having a good enough seed supply, that you give seeds to something like Queen Hippo, away?!?! :respect:



ICMag Donor
The above post is killing me right now..LOL.

I made a mistake. I did not plant Queen Hippo.

In my mind, I knew I only had 6 of those seeds and couldn't figure out why I was looking at 9 seeds. Shrugged and planted 6.

I've been bitten by the seed bug and looking over what I had started I realized I was missing -ANY- kind of Diesel. Really not liking that.

So, I started looking for the Irene x (Diesel x Sour Bx2) - and then found the 6 Queen Hippo seeds I had set aside to start next.

The UNLABELED seeds I started - I know who they came from and I know what all was shared, so I know what they are, thankfully.

I planted:

6 - ProdigyGrower - Iraqi Wedding x OG Chem Collision: These seeds should be FIRE. Truly. I'm actually really excited about this goof - because I'm still growing my homies work. Iraqi Wedding is a clone only - PRIVATELY HELD - unpassed - selection from Strayfox Wedding Cake x Iraqi Ranya. The OG Chem - is Ganja Rebel's cut and the Coastal Collision (ECSD x SFV Bx1) is from MeltingPot. Melty made the OG Chem Collision, which has given birth to a couple of 30%+ plants. ProdigyGrower ran those, found a male he liked and hit a few things. His Iraqi Wedding keeper, being one of those. Know they are going to share some light time with me. :respect:

The only downside to this, is it cuts into what should have been feminized numbers - ie potential female plants - might have just dropped below 40. That is a problem.

I need to start 6 fems of something else to fill that gap. Probably just going to drop those Queen Hippo like I intended - along with the last 3 seeds of the Iraqi Wedding x OGCHEM Collision.


genetic freaked

Well-known member
My brother is back and ready to kill it!!! Glad to have you back man!!

We have so much to do with all the time we need. A lot going on and in the next 2-3 months seeds will be ready.

GetMo- I’m looking forward to seeing why you do with that Outlaw Cookies outside. She’s a beast indoors so I’m sure she’s going to be kill outdoor. Don’t forget to send any extra this way 😂
Didnt you get my Sib4 cut too?I think you did
Get ready for some big yields of frosty flowers from both of those girls.
I’m still waiting to hear what you think of that OLD durb.
I got some SureshotxRuntz going now along with the 3 Sureshots I’ve kept this whole time. All purple buds of some chill smoke covered in frost. Cookies would be happy to have one of these 😂


ICMag Donor
Update. Had a weird seed sprouting session. Something was eating seeds and even tried to eat plants; dragged them under the soil.

Would come to check things and there would be full soil disturbance and a large worm like hole - leading me to believe it was IN the soil. Would dig the whole cell out - and find nothing - not even the seed I planted. Weird.

I THINK - it was a grub. I found two, large fat ones - when transplanting to larger containers.

All in all, there are 36 survivors.

Both bagseed plants from good dispo flower - did sprout. So there is a potential s1 of Bernie Hana Butter - I really enjoyed that flower. The "Super Lemon Haze" seed, also germinated. That flower was 27.47% on the test label and grown certified organic. It will be interesting to see what these plants produce. Haven't grown true bag seed in a LONG time.

My first plants were bag seed from some "fire mids". The mystery feels refreshing, won't lie. It's all in fun.

In fact, already told the homie @abjaroots if the plant was any good, we'd have to name it forum hana butter - just to keep the game going... :joint:

8 of 12 Blueberry Parfait - 7 with cherry red stems and 1 green stemmed pheno that shows atypical DJ Short type mutations. Really looking forward to some blueberry again. It's been way too long.
5 of 12 Dinosaur Cookies
3 of 8 on the P1 x (GDP x Tres Haze) - but I expect a freak purple plant from one of the three - and I bet it's frosted out fire.
5 of 7 on the Sour Dubb x TK - and one of those plants REEEEKS something fierce. I can't wait to see what her flowers are like.
4 of 6 on the Iraqi Wedding x OGChem/Collision
9 of 16 - on the Cuban Black Haze x [A5 x (NL5 x M48)]

0 of 12 on the BTY S1
0 of 6 on the (Valley Fire x I95d) x i95d
0 of 10 on the ChemSour x SSCDH F2

It is what it is. Not going to cry over spilled milk.

Changed things up a bit with the seed starting - already planted:

17 - Goat and Monkey Blue Dream x Triangle Kush
3 - Iraqi Wedding x OGChem Collision
2 - Dinosaur Cookies

The last two were left over from the previous drop due to room. Didn't want them left hanging around so went ahead and dropped them too.

Should find a great commercial cropper in the BD x TK. That's the goal anyway. I've seen some fairly nice plants from the line from others pictures - but they don't look like the type of plant I'd be selecting, at least not mentally what I think I'd want from the line. Time will tell what shows up.

Next seeds to get dropped will be the Snow Monkey F2 line built on the #2 female clone. Those should hold some legit FIRE. Snow Monkey is GG4 x (GROM x Digi Bx1) - and some where in there, is a stunner with a blueberry nose with a white grape candy background - that smells like mixed berry jelly and slightly sour baby poo onion skunk funk when broken up.

Tired of sitting on all this gold. Sprout 'em if ya got 'em. Right? :joint:

Things will likely need transplanted again in about 2 weeks max. They'll go into flowering containers then. Likely 5 gallon. Given some veg time. Clones taken. Then flipped. Not growing trees, will cull males as they show themselves. Just pheno hunting for something worth growing more of.

just logging in to say hi and check up on everyone! miss you guys and posting on forums. i don't miss the bugs and other issues but i have been missing growing.
glad to see DF has a nice mate!:dancer:

Good to see you. Hope all is well.

And unfortunately. Nope. No mate. I had a ring and everything - because she asked me to do so. Then she bailed and exited stage left at 150 miles an hour. I haven't tried to stop her. She can keep going... (metaphor ends there) Same woman I've been back and forth about in this thread for the last couple years. She just can't get it together apparently - and her chaos and uncertainty - has just become too much of a security risk to allow even the consideration to be made again...I can't trust her judgement.

I'm back to the single farmer hermit lifestyle. It was much more productive. If I CAN GET MY SHIT TOGETHER - I have a really cool opportunity to develop and take advantage of. Always on the brink it seems...lol.

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Well-known member
gascanastan was on the potcast and gave frank a shout out as one of his, "haters that followed me around boards to troll me" which i thought was very much on brand for that guy.


Registered Med User
Wut up DF? I’m puttin together my garden n had a few questions, wanted to get your input…
I got 2 4x4 trays, my original idea was to use some 48”x48” x12” deep cloth pot tray liners and make beds, now thinking of running 3 gallon cloth pots. Reason being I could put 11 pots on each 4x4 area and use 66 gallons of soil compared to using 170 gallons for 2 4x4 areas at 10 inches deep. How much would this effect yields if all other things are equal? Would it be worth the extra 100-200 dollars to run the beds? My other idea is to do the pots for the pheno hunting run and run beds with a SOG of 1 or 2 strains. I could probably get away with using 8 inches of depth for a SOG since it would be clones and smaller plants. How much depth is mandatory you think it that situation.
Next question, I plan to use automated watering with drip line, I know its going to take some dialing in to get the right schedule, but what about aerating the reservoir? I know the bacteria and fungi in living soil create oxygen for the root zone but would the air stones in the rez help that more? Seems like the more the better but I dont know.
Finally, what you recommend for cover crop? I think you mentioned red clover? And how beneficial is a cover crop? Does it attract/detour pests? Take more water? Suck out any nutrients that need added back in?
Im rereading thread, about page 14 now and already so much knowledge to soak. Appreciate you man, you truly are a blessing to the community!
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Well-known member
Unknown monster lurking in the garden, plants mysteriously disappearing? That's like some sort of microscopic horror movie. Kinda dope if it wasn't so frustrating


ICMag Donor
Sorry everyone. I've been on and off depressed and dealing with a lot of other things and as tends to be my struggle these days the garden has gone by the wayside. Many factors contributed to this. But the loss of A/C was about the final frustrating layer of the cake.

I have a few plants I've kept from the Blue Dream x TK that I liked over the others. Topsail Haze is still alive and growing. I did collect some pollen from a nice male NCB BB Bx1 from Calco Genetics.

The repeated frustrations and hiccups driving a lack of focus over all - and some financial needs remaining unmet to really get things where they NEED to before it is really safe to flower and expect anything worth my time or the cost of electricity and water, etc.

I have a list of things to do as far as truly finishing the build out still. Really need to get new filters. Not exactly cheap. That's actually a must. I have a ductless A/C I think I can install. I just need to figure it out, ultimately. To tell the truth, it's one that Phillthy gave me back in 2010 maybe? But it couldn't be used because the remote had gotten lost and that was the only way to control it. Times have changed and you can now buy a replacement remote manufactured by 3rd parties. I did that. So in theory, I have an A/C solution.

To use the ductless would also create an option to add co2 down the road. For now I'd plan on using the veg room as a lung and recycling with fresh, filtered intake there.


All this got me thinking I need to increase available funds in a meaningful way. I considered the options I had tossed around over the years for a period of about 4 months, honestly.

Different farm projects of various types with traditional agriculture. Land acquisition for grain hemp, etc.

Ultimately decided to go with something on the back burner that wasn't dependent on anyone else, but myself.

I made the first concept art and logo for 1 Step around 2014, actually. And I guess with the evolution of the mix itself and the improvements I made with it, I figured it was a viable option to pursue.

I've always felt, platform wise, ICMag is primarily for education and IG is for commerce. That aside I did discuss with Gypsy many years ago some logistics that made international too complicated at the time at least.

@Chunkypigs - so yes, that is a legitimate account and not some fraudster.

My goal to start is just to offer a very short term pre-sale to get a true gauge of customer interest as I only have enough material and financing to complete the first 100-200 orders or so. Doing so will allow me to scale up immediately following delivery of the first set of orders. Or at least that's how I'm looking at it, from a supply and inventory side of things.

This is being done, individual units, by hand, on a scale, each amendment weighed accordingly, to ensure each mix is made correctly. After all, I feel like this is my personal reputation on the line when I do something like this. I feel comfortable, offering this to growers as a solid, set it and forget it solution.

Eventually I will need to pay for some advertising banners and such here at ICmag, as a way of still giving back and keeping things true to their roots. The information has always been provided open source and I don't expect that to change. I just know it's a pain to keep 30 bags of 50# amendments sitting around, especially when some of them are humidity/moisture sensitive.


I needed a bit of inspiration and truly needed to reset and scrub an sanitize and start fresh....AGAIN. (for the most part) - and it happened to be that time of the year:

Boston Freedom Rally - reach out if you are going. It's going to be a good time. There is a Gene Traders event the next day as well.

I'm sure I'll be bouncing around between booths.

I will also be taking Topsail Haze to a tissue culture lab being run by an old ICmag member. I'm excited to put this plant in a position for something to be done with it and for it to be preserved in a special way that ensures it's longevity.

Rumor has it, I can have the Forum cut again, except this time it won't come with broad mites....LOL!!! Potential to come home with ECSD again as well. I've always had a list of things if I was growing, Phillthy would like to see a jar of again. In a true and proper fashion. Forum, ECSD, GG4, SFV OG, BKGK*, ChemSour* - always come up when we talk. I'm going to start chipping away at this list with a bit more focus and intention.

The SFV was the "Asian Warehouse Cut" from Krunchbubble, that went to the Vegas crew and then got labeled as a superior quality and well kept SFV. :joint:

Really hoping to get back to posting more frequently. I sincerely hope to find my heart for growing again. The last harvest I had was the FAM95 I entered in chemcomp. Early June of 2021. WTF.

I really have to do better. I have to.

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ICMag Donor
gascanastan was on the potcast and gave frank a shout out as one of his, "haters that followed me around boards to troll me" which i thought was very much on brand for that guy.
This really surprises me - but it honestly tickles me a bit and makes me feel better. Means I did something right!!!!

I didn't "troll" him as much as I shared truth and tried to keep him honest, MOSTLY, by attempting to reveal, there was a facade that existed and the inner workings were not of the same heart.

Not enough lifetimes to enjoy this plant properly...

And I still fuck around and waste time that SHOULD be dedicated to uninterrupted cycles.

I HATE IT - because my heart is in seeds. I get great karma return from the universe in the plant quality I stumble upon. Truly. It's silly at times.

But, I need to grind. The GRIND...is a different beast. I need to find that beast...truly. If you've done it before, then stopped, you know what it takes - and what it costs. I need to be willing to accept the cost. It really is so far past time.

Isolated clone selections currently still in existence in which Stank Bros has had a hand in breeding or selecting - (Phillthy, Genetic Freaked, dank.Frank):

*Lazy Lightning (Chem D x Sour D IBL) x (SSH x Chem D IBL)
*P1 (Chem D x Sour D IBL) x (SSH x Chem D IBL)

Snow Monkey #2 - [GG4 x (GROM x Digi Bx1)]
Outlaw Cookies - (Forum x Chem D) x GG4 Bx7)
Siberian Sherbet #4 - Sunset Sherbet x [(GDP x Chem D Bx2) x (Banana x Limon Ix)]

Topsail Haze - [Cuban Black Haze x (A5 x Thai)] x A5(r)
Fam95 - (Chem 3 x Stardawg Ix2) x [TK x (Legend OG x Stardawg Ix2)]

*PLEASE - for the love of all that is cannabis - associate these two plants as an origin / starting point, the same way you would Chem 91. This is NOT a statement of ego or false importance. Nor is it an attempt to elevate these plants.

It's a sincere recognition and reservation to discuss the origins of the parents that were involved in this cross - any further - beyond this point. Because - Fuck Ratdog and his entire platform. AS FAR as I'm concerned, SSSDH - needs to be associated with "Super Snitch However x State Demands IBL".

If you WANT - SSSDH - get it from @ojd - if you read my posts - you will absolutely know that HIS cut of that seed lot - is literally one of the ONLY cannabis strains I'm still actively afraid to smoke to this very day. If I were to encounter a REAL example of it, I would smoke it like it was the first time I'd ever....all over again. Very tiny...apprehensive, hesitant, half chest full - puffs of a total newb waiting with raised eye brows and anticipation - of the animated effects D.A.R.E. videos promised me....LOL.

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