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Thrips 101: Introduction to Western Flower Thrips


Well-known member
The right hand column DIRECTIONS FOR USE It is a violation of Federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling. Read all Directions for Use carefully before applying. SHAKE WELL BEFORE USE. AVOID FREEZING

Of course the Internet being the internet there is this anecdotal evidence:

The link below contradicts the "information" about heat mentioned above. DiPel and Thuricide are the trade names that contain spinosad and both warn against storing at high temps.

Dipel is Bacillus thuringiensis subspecies kurstaki...It is good for thrips though.


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
I have a bunch of these, and they keep showing upon fresh sticky cards.I have nematodes in th soil, and spray "purecrop1" on the leafs. Little black bastards with a v shaped antenna.



Plant Manager
Just ran through this thread, and noticed I saw no mention of Conserve SC.

Conserve SC is a spinosad product whose concentration puts everything else to shame. Monterey and Captain Jack's are 0.5% Spinosad, where as Conserve SC is 11%. It's much more expensive initially at $130-$150 a quart, but you're only using 2.5ml (max) per gallon, as opposed to Monterey and Captain Jack's at 2oz per gallon.

$150 per quart (946.35ml), with a usage rate of 2.5ml/gal = 378.5 treatments at $0.39 cents per treatment

Monterey at $30 per qt (32oz), with a 2oz/gal usage rate = 16 treatments at $2 per treatment.

I'm sure this has been brought up in other threads, but being the "main" thirp thread, I thought it might help here as well. Oh, and there is a product called Conserve Naturalyte that I think I saw posted in the thread, which is another .05%.

I use conserve sc for my thrip control now. It’s the best in this category 100%.


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
That looks like them!! Thanks. They don't seem to be doing any harm. Purecrop1 doesn't phase them. I took VG's suggestion and sprinkled a handful of neem seed meal on the top of the cover crops on the affected plants last night. These have also started to show up on the cards in the big tent too, but not near as thick.

The plants with the most of these aren't very healthy. Those are going outside as soon as a storm front passes this weekend. Then I will be bringing in 10 gallon bags of soil to up-pot the three migos in my 2nd run. That soil has nematodes, worms, and is crawling with worm bin mites (the good ones I hope).


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
Yeah. They don't look like much trouble. Thanks again. The pots with the thickest infestation are going outside tomorrow.

I need a USB microscope.
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Widow Maker

Active member
BUMP ! haha;

always able to find the information I need on ICMAG!

First time battle with thrips and I've been growing for almost 20 years!

Spinosad to the rescue. Picking up some today. Luckily, this has only effected my Veg / Mom room.

I plan on applying foliar 3 times over the course of a week, along with soil drench down at least 4 inches.

Then it's clone time and into the DWC!



Well-known member
imiubu, is that all mixed together?

Apologies, I know this is old but I just now saw it.

I think this recipe needs to be available for all.
Thanks for asking :)


32oz. Spray bottle w/ warm water
.5t. Oil (I prefer organic neem)
1T. 91% Isopropyl Alcohol
2T. 3% Peroxide

Shake it up and spray (saturate) under then over.
Spray top soil too.

I typically will spray again in 3-5 days.
Frequency and duration of treatment depends upon
critter population of course.

Rinse plants with water between treatments.

Use up to 2 weeks prior to harvest.

If one questions the power of this treatment...
Get out the loupe and see that those bastids
are shrived up and most certainly dead :)

Side note:
I used a 10/1 solution of tap water and 99% Iso
to treat my (outdoor) porch Lillies for aphids this summer.
Hummm, killed them all dead after a single treatment.

Thanks @sleazyB for the (y)
otherwise I'd not have seen this.


Active member
Apologies, I know this is old but I just now saw it.

I think this recipe needs to be available for all.
Thanks for asking :)


32oz. Spray bottle w/ warm water
.5t. Oil (I prefer organic neem)
1T. 91% Isopropyl Alcohol
2T. 3% Peroxide

Shake it up and spray (saturate) under then over.
Spray top soil too.

I typically will spray again in 3-5 days.
Frequency and duration of treatment depends upon
critter population of course.

Rinse plants with water between treatments.

Use up to 2 weeks prior to harvest.

If one questions the power of this treatment...
Get out the loupe and see that those bastids
are shrived up and most certainly dead :)

Side note:
I used a 10/1 solution of tap water and 99% Iso
to treat my (outdoor) porch Lillies for aphids this summer.
Hummm, killed them all dead after a single treatment.

Thanks @sleazyB for the (y)
otherwise I'd not have seen this.
Excellent help here . This is gonna help a lot of people .I had to buy spinosad to beat the thrips but it did the trick. Thanks again


Well-known member
Spinosad combines well with horticultural oils, neem, garlic and others, for sprays. Spinosad does work in pot drenches too, but there are more economical means. Do not use spinosad or neem after week 2 of flower, actives or metabolites are non detectable if 6 weeks are allowed to pass and no flowers are sprayed, my crops are all tested. For pots drench I use beauvaria bassiana and steinernema nematodes, sometimes adding neem if other root pests present, for flowering sprays beauvaria bassiana or BT, either or. I use an orange oil/wetting agent (wetcit duo) at lowest dose as a sticker to assist with the foliar spore application if pest present.


Well-known member
I don't luckily encounter those...I do however rotate sprays of different modes of action, that I use on my vegging plants so that no resistance is generated, and I use a swathe of microbes that make life really hard for them. Steinernema nematodes and BB will nail its' life cycle that lives in the soil. Else horticultural oils will take down the adults on and under leaves, or most soft insecticides will... I had an outbreak this week, to be expected as the weather warms significantly. All IPM waiting and ready for it as one knows ah this time of year, its coming. Nipped in the bud.


Active member
I run DWC buckets, what do you guys recommend to take out the stage in the root zone? Does imidacloprid work on thrips? Azamax maybe?


Well-known member
Imidacloprid will leave toxic traces in your bud, for 2-3 months after spraying I think...You can plant seeds dipped in Imidacloprid, and the pollen from the flowers that grew from of that seed (sunflower etc.) is toxic enough to kill or affect bees months later, it's pretty nasty shit. Your solution is in the post above yours..LOL Just dose to your water, nematodes and Beauvaria bassiana spore...Metarhizium also will work and can add with the BB. Just use common sense also and don't add any oil based formulations to your roots. Heavy infestations you can add azadiractin too, but I'd steer clear of oil based formulations for roots.


Well-known member
Spinosad combines well with horticultural oils, neem, garlic and others, for sprays. Spinosad does work in pot drenches too, but there are more economical means. Do not use spinosad or neem after week 2 of flower, actives or metabolites are non detectable if 6 weeks are allowed to pass and no flowers are sprayed, my crops are all tested. For pots drench I use beauvaria bassiana and steinernema nematodes, sometimes adding neem if other root pests present, for flowering sprays beauvaria bassiana or BT, either or. I use an orange oil/wetting agent (wetcit duo) at lowest dose as a sticker to assist with the foliar spore application if pest present.
I know not to spray Spinosad in flower but what about pot drenches? Thanks.