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Malawi Style Cob Curing.

Hombre del mont

Dr of Stupidity
Hi there @F2F , started off 6 plants (I think) and just selected one that "looked nice", the other 2 females I gave to friends. One of the 2 given away turned out to be a boy (first time I've wrongly sexed a plant in years!), though I didn't see it myself and am aware that they kept it in a small pot for far too long, so maybe it went hermaphrodite.

Mine and my friends were both grown outside, both different phenos but both produced stonking weed. Nice nld leaves.

I'd definitely grow her again.

How did you find the ones that you grew out?

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Hombre del mont

Dr of Stupidity
Nothing like a day at the beach borderline tripping on cob sounds blissful.
I was beach fishing the other day similarly enhanced when I felt the spirit of the land communicating with me it was ancient I felt blessed.
Then the fish started biting and it was as if I had been given permission to catch them very freaky but beautiful experience at the same time ha ha.
I know its all in my head but what isn't in this life ha ha.
Love to see some cob pics when you have time brother.
Love it!

I'm jealous of your fishing exploits. 😟

Perhaps the spirit of the land really was communicating with you?. The more I learn, the more I'm open to the idea that spirits do exist and that it is possible to tune in to them.

I'll dig out some more cob photos over the next few days.

I was intending to purchase some of the tropical seed company's Durban Punch seeds but have just found out that their provenance isn't as it was some time ago🙁

So, this morning weed decided to break out the Mulanje x Malawi/Ethiopian and try that; hopefully it'll have the speediness that we're after.

Hombre del mont

Dr of Stupidity
And without further ado

Mulanje x Malawi/Ethiopian


This was made on the 8th of November. I can't remember how many days it dried for before it was cobbed, sorry. It was sweated at 40c for 8 hours. Wow!, the smell is something else! A beautiful sweet camphor, just a hint of fresh leather and of course that unmistakable ferment smell. I swear you could sell that smell!

So this morning Mrs DM and myself decided that we would try a little bit.
Mrs DM had 30mg and I took 300mg.

As some of you may already know, I've been looking into getting myself some Durban genetics, trying to get that speedy, no munchies effect that comes with strains high in thcv.
It looks like we've found it!
Both of us are really high and speedy, and better still, Mrs DM had no inclination to munch!.
I've been out into the village being sociable and then come home, swept the yard, pruned some shrubs and tidied up a flower bed! Awesome!
Mrs DM had come back from the village (on foot) in record time and is taking quickly!



Thank you sensei!

That's all for now; Mrs DM has said "come on, let's go for a little walk". The boss has spoken!

Hombre del mont

Dr of Stupidity
A little update on today's cob, the Mulanje x Malawi/Ethiopian.

We both absolutely love it. Lots of energy, concentration and confidence.

Unfortunately my experience was tainted by the fact that a friend requested me to sample his Zamal x Tom Hill haze (a different pheno to the one I grew and it would have been be rude not to), but Mrs DM only made the cob, And no munchies! Not as euphoric as some, although I've found that cobs often get more euphoric as they mature, but really clear headed and full of energy.

I will try it again tomorrow! :ying:


Well-known member
A little update on today's cob, the Mulanje x Malawi/Ethiopian.

We both absolutely love it. Lots of energy, concentration and confidence.

Unfortunately my experience was tainted by the fact that a friend requested me to sample his Zamal x Tom Hill haze (a different pheno to the one I grew and it would have been be rude not to), but Mrs DM only made the cob, And no munchies! Not as euphoric as some, although I've found that cobs often get more euphoric as they mature, but really clear headed and full of energy.

I will try it again tomorrow! :ying:
There are a couple of good phenos in those seeds brother sounds like you got the Malawi Gold leaning pheno from the effects you describe ha ha.
The Mulanje leaning pheno is much more euphoric and a wild high very cocky and confident to the point of being almost drunk its the best high out in my book.

Yesterday we were both was drained of life after boat fishing in rough weather the day before.
So I chewed double my normal dose but didn't swallow ha ha that is I didn't swallow the chewed cob well I did swallow about 10% maybe.
We went to the beach where I was talking to the wild life while fishing getting higher and higher ha ha.
I got into our car drove about 100m down a dirt road towards the main road ha ha.
I quickly realised i was flying the car on clouds not wheels and pulled over for my wife to continue driving ha ha.
That was 2.30pm I was energised and full of the joy of living until midnight absolutely killed the squid on the jetty nobody else caught anything ha ha.
My wife was tired out but kept wondering at my energy and ability to get stuff done in a flash ha ha.
Its got power, trippyness and focus just dont try driving on it ha ha.
Even 9.30pm at night I didn't want to drive as I was too easilly distracted ha ha.


Well-known member
Beautiful cure brother perfect and the smell of camphor is just what I expected it will age to become much much more euphoric ha ha.
Sounds like a winner.
I am so looking forward to cobbing my current grow when I get back.
Fingers crossed the rez holds enough water and the blumat drippers dont malfunction ha ha.



Active member
This is a long thread. I've skipped around and read various sections, not sure I have time to read the whole thread before my buds are ready to cob up! Does this summary sound about right?
  1. Dry fresh buds somewhat. Crispy on outside, but still moist inside. 24-72hrs after harvest I'm guessing.
  2. Wrap 1-2oz in corn husks or brown paper bag.
  3. Vac seal and sweat in yoghurt maker @ 40C
  4. Open bag and dry to around 80% dry.
  5. Reseal and cure at warm room temp for about a month.
  6. After a month, open and dry. Test smoke some now.
  7. Reseal the rest and cure for 2-6mons.
All good above or do I have any steps out of order, sealed when it shouldn't be, or something else stuffed up?

Assuming I've got the process down, two quick questions. First, can I use dried corn husks (Tamale type)? Or are fresh green husks important to the process? I've got dried husks in the pantry, but green husks might be hard to come this time of year. Second, anyone try using sous vide instead of a yoghurt maker? Perfectly controlled temperatures and vacuum sealed bags are already part of the process. Sounds perfect and I already own a SV, if I'm not missing anything here.


Well-known member
This is a long thread. I've skipped around and read various sections, not sure I have time to read the whole thread before my buds are ready to cob up! Does this summary sound about right?
  1. Dry fresh buds somewhat. Crispy on outside, but still moist inside. 24-72hrs after harvest I'm guessing.
  2. Wrap 1-2oz in corn husks or brown paper bag.
  3. Vac seal and sweat in yoghurt maker @ 40C
  4. Open bag and dry to around 80% dry.
  5. Reseal and cure at warm room temp for about a month.
  6. After a month, open and dry. Test smoke some now.
  7. Reseal the rest and cure for 2-6mons.
All good above or do I have any steps out of order, sealed when it shouldn't be, or something else stuffed up?

Assuming I've got the process down, two quick questions. First, can I use dried corn husks (Tamale type)? Or are fresh green husks important to the process? I've got dried husks in the pantry, but green husks might be hard to come this time of year. Second, anyone try using sous vide instead of a yoghurt maker? Perfectly controlled temperatures and vacuum sealed bags are already part of the process. Sounds perfect and I already own a SV, if I'm not missing anything here.
I wouldn't dry to crispy myself. Maybe slow dry a little short of that so it feels about smokable but slightly moist in the stalks so fermentation can start easily. And I don't have corn husks because I can't get them and just roll like a big cigar in a bit of baking paper then vacuum pack. There are lots of ways to do it :)


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
A little update on today's cob, the Mulanje x Malawi/Ethiopian.

We both absolutely love it. Lots of energy, concentration and confidence.

Unfortunately my experience was tainted by the fact that a friend requested me to sample his Zamal x Tom Hill haze (a different pheno to the one I grew and it would have been be rude not to), but Mrs DM only made the cob, And no munchies! Not as euphoric as some, although I've found that cobs often get more euphoric as they mature, but really clear headed and full of energy.

I will try it again tomorrow! :ying:
You've just convinced me to pop a couple of these seeds even though I don't have room. I have been meaning to grow them anyway.
I seem to remember they were labelled "marching powder". Hopefully they have a good stimulant effect.
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Active member
I wouldn't dry to crispy myself. Maybe slow dry a little short of that so it feels about smokable but slightly moist in the stalks so fermentation can start easily. And I don't have corn husks because I can't get them and just roll like a big cigar in a bit of baking paper then vacuum pack. There are lots of ways to do it :)

Good to know baking paper works, because then pink BBQ/butchers paper should work too. I've got heaps of that and it makes my briskets taste nice! My impression is that too dry of buds will lose the desired sweating. Is there such a thing as too moist? I harvest on Saturday (Star Pupil & Chupil) with hot dry weather next week, so I'm betting my buds-for-cobs should be ready in about 48hrs.


Well-known member
There is definitely a thing as too moist, start drier than you think, or do more than one at varying degrees of dryness.
24 hours initial drying is too short in general I'd say, especially if your starting material has some density.
As long as there is some (a little) moisture in the stems, you should be able to cob it up.

Wetter leads to very quick colour change and as the cobs continue to ferment, albeit more slowly, even once quite dry, you may find that in a year or so you end up with a black mass that doesn't have optimum aroma.
It will still bend you silly though.


Well-known member
I am harvesting an outdoor plant today and I am going to dedicate it to cob. So, I have a few days to get ready while it dries out a little.

Biggest thing that comes up is how to maintain the temps while sweating and fermenting. I don't really have anything that works. I might simply take a light bulb and a plastic box and make a heat box. I read about the yogurt makers. Are those really the best way? I see them as cheap as 20 bux (with bad reviews). Maybe $40 or $50 for a decent one.

Thanks to all who have contributed to this thread. Some pretty amazing cob pics on every page. Looking forward to trying this.

I used a dehydrator for the sweat, but the temperature turned out to be way hotter than indicated (dial said 35 C, but it was actually 46 C)—might want to verify with a laser thermometer if you go this route

For the ferment, I’m using warm water bottles inside an Igloo cooler. Wouldn’t recommend this since you have to reheat the bottles 3 times a day to keep the temperature in range. I might go with an aquarium heater or sous vide cooker in a water bath next time.


Well-known member
There is definitely a thing as too moist, start drier than you think, or do more than one at varying degrees of dryness.
24 hours initial drying is too short in general I'd say, especially if your starting material has some density.
As long as there is some (a little) moisture in the stems, you should be able to cob it up.

Wetter leads to very quick colour change and as the cobs continue to ferment, albeit more slowly, even once quite dry, you may find that in a year or so you end up with a black mass that doesn't have optimum aroma.
It will still bend you silly though.
Lol, true! The cob I made last year was *way* too wet—I made it less than 24 hours after harvest, probably could’ve still rooted a clone from it. I ended up sweating it, fermenting for about a day, then drying. Dark green, sour, yet very herbal/terpy, almost like freshly harvested flower. Still gets me going though—chewing a .2g piece right now 😁


Well-known member
Good to know baking paper works, because then pink BBQ/butchers paper should work too. I've got heaps of that and it makes my briskets taste nice! My impression is that too dry of buds will lose the desired sweating. Is there such a thing as too moist? I harvest on Saturday (Star Pupil & Chupil) with hot dry weather next week, so I'm betting my buds-for-cobs should be ready in about 48hrs.
I have had paper stick to the outside of the cob during initial sweat at times so bare this in mind. No big deal cos it's fairly easily removed but still.


Well-known member
This is a long thread. I've skipped around and read various sections, not sure I have time to read the whole thread before my buds are ready to cob up! Does this summary sound about right?
  1. Dry fresh buds somewhat. Crispy on outside, but still moist inside. 24-72hrs after harvest I'm guessing.
  2. Wrap 1-2oz in corn husks or brown paper bag.
  3. Vac seal and sweat in yoghurt maker @ 40C
  4. Open bag and dry to around 80% dry.
  5. Reseal and cure at warm room temp for about a month.
  6. After a month, open and dry. Test smoke some now.
  7. Reseal the rest and cure for 2-6mons.
All good above or do I have any steps out of order, sealed when it shouldn't be, or something else stuffed up?

Assuming I've got the process down, two quick questions. First, can I use dried corn husks (Tamale type)? Or are fresh green husks important to the process? I've got dried husks in the pantry, but green husks might be hard to come this time of year. Second, anyone try using sous vide instead of a yoghurt maker? Perfectly controlled temperatures and vacuum sealed bags are already part of the process. Sounds perfect and I already own a SV, if I'm not missing anything here.
Sous Vide is great for this and drier is better first time its not complicated your just sweating the buds a bit then SLOW drying the result before sealing up to cure and age.
Open at any stage sniff, sample dry again if it feels wet and observe the changes.
First try I would just roll it up and vacuum seal in the bag no wrapper that way you can keep an eye on the changes.


Well-known member
This is a long thread. I've skipped around and read various sections, not sure I have time to read the whole thread before my buds are ready to cob up! Does this summary sound about right?
  1. Dry fresh buds somewhat. Crispy on outside, but still moist inside. 24-72hrs after harvest I'm guessing.
  2. Wrap 1-2oz in corn husks or brown paper bag.
  3. Vac seal and sweat in yoghurt maker @ 40C
  4. Open bag and dry to around 80% dry.
  5. Reseal and cure at warm room temp for about a month.
  6. After a month, open and dry. Test smoke some now.
  7. Reseal the rest and cure for 2-6mons.
All good above or do I have any steps out of order, sealed when it shouldn't be, or something else stuffed up?

Assuming I've got the process down, two quick questions. First, can I use dried corn husks (Tamale type)? Or are fresh green husks important to the process? I've got dried husks in the pantry, but green husks might be hard to come this time of year. Second, anyone try using sous vide instead of a yoghurt maker? Perfectly controlled temperatures and vacuum sealed bags are already part of the process. Sounds perfect and I already own a SV, if I'm not missing anything here.

Depends on ambient temperature and humidity and bud structure probably, but at 25C and 60%rh, it took mine about 36 hours to dry down to 50% of harvest weight; it was completely dry after 5 days.

I took cobs morning & evening days 2 and 3, seems like anywhere in that range would be good in terms of moisture content assuming moderate temperature and humidity with a little bit of airflow

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