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Yes I really live on an Island with a tribe of Natives


I've been dinged by big triggerfishes diving in the Caribbean. Left a MARK!

Ok, so I've been wondering, do I bring up the fishing for the HK live fish markets, or not?

I know the feeling, got a mark on the back of my leg looks like a half roll of dimes from one of them SOBs.
The large "live well" ships dont come this far south, but the place i was telling ya was a sweet dive island in the PI is one of the biggest suppliers of live fish to the HK market, they make floating fish pens out of bamboo(what else) and tow the pen into open sea where theres no EEZ laws, some dont agree with it some dont mind,,,for me its a double bladed sword,,the dirt poor can make money and feed his kids tonight, but it makes the rich richer.


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ICMag Donor
Amazing masa, thanks so much for sharing your life with us, so very different then anything around here, very enjoyable to read.
Awesome thread!

Organic joe

Nice thread happy u posted this
So what happened to the dirt bike?
Sucks u can't get different strains
But it must be nice not having to live with our fucked up government now days huh?


Active member
can you have several wives?lol thats so cool the way your living. ever get tired of island living ? i got stir crazy bigtime .

TB Gardens

Active member
Cool man - only done with page one but loving it! Youve got ur fair share of stories brotha, would love to have a beer with ya and hear them all lol.. But for now the interwebbing will do just fine. Good luck out there, stay safe, and get them locals growing the herb!


Active member
Great story, Bad Dog! Interesting how "primitive" human societies change after contact with "civilization".

Anthropologists tend to be apologists for cultural excesses among "primitives", saying we cannot judge their behavior by our standards and that morality is relative.

They tend to view any contact with natives (other than their own contacts) as interference in their culture and a loss of innocence.

It's sort of like the Prime Directive from Star Trek. We could debate ad infinitum whether it's better to leave "primitive" cultures alone or try to "civilize" them.

Masa's story shows us what happens when tribal societies and "civilization" clash. It's a clash of value systems and morality in many cases.

IMO (as a cultural anthropologist), once we expose tribal cultures to our set of values (materialism, disrespect for the environment, different morality), without fail it will lead to the destruction of their original culture. Whether this is beneficial, only the people themselves can answer. It often depends upon their ability to adapt to modern culture.

Another undeniable effect of western culture and values is the exploitation and destruction of the natural environment (including extinction of species), that used to sustain tribal societies, but no longer can. Deforestation, erosion, urbanization, pollution all mean that tribal societies will soon be extinct.

Enjoy that lifestyle while you can Masa, because it won't last much longer despite everyone's best intentions.

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The smuggling here is a blast, and for the right price dam near anything can be smuggled into the archipelago
I did it several times,back in the early 1990's I stayed with the badjao down in sitangkai and used to visit sabah(malaysia) taking pinoys down there to work illegally and bring duty free goods back,I bought a house down in Mindanao,still visit there once a year to relax,went to Palawan back then as a jump-off to Coron island,palawan is cool :ying:


Active member
never had the cassowary either,,dont think they come this far off Oz, only place I know for sure they live,,,supposed to be mean ass birds that can kill a man with deadly blows,,,shit gettin pecked to death, how ya explain that to the family.:ying:


I've met a few in person! They would wander thru my yard in Queensland. :)

This is a chick (above). The adults are big and awesome scary lookin!


Adult Cassowary. They are nearly extinct as more and more of their range gets turned into tract homes and the few fruit they eat can no longer be found.

If you were to kill and eat one in Australia you'd be spending some time in prison, I imagine.


Interesting how "primitive" human societies change after contact with "civilization".
If your interested in primitive tribes check out the Tasaday,a hoax stone-age tribe manufactured by Ex-pinoy president Marcos to lure tourists back in the day.
Nice, Thank you for sharing. I Purchased some beach front property on an island off of Philipines a few years ago. I plan on having a house built there and move there in a few years, if the WW3 doesnt get us first. But I am envious of your life style, Please share more.


that aint nothing but 10 cent lovin
Nice reply regarding the "black market". It sounds to me more like a grey market. It also sounds to me that there are a few big kahuna types who have risen to the top perhaps by being the most shrewd/ruthless. Are these guys that you don't mess with.. the run their own law system.

What can you say about the sailors aboard the large cargo ships. I hear they are the roughest of the roughest, and most are criminals etc etc. So what happens you just sail out to meet the ships and they drop down a rope ladder?

AC in the bedroom, shit man I don't even run with A/c.

Is there any surfing? Do you guys throw down on some big parties once in a while. You know full moon style crazy shit with mushrooms and rum??

Peace from stormy New England


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
That story of the Japanese being 'welcomed' warmed my heart. They were the worst of the worst in WW2.


Great story, Bad Dog! Interesting how "primitive" human societies change after contact with "civilization".
Hi "Skip" afraid im going to have to agree with just about everything you said, and the people who have decided to put them selves in charge of protecting are just as much at fault as I am,it took us 2 years to get here cutting through the red bullshit of 3 countries IE money,,and the horseshit the W H O and UNESCO tried,,,,BUT when a group of men and women want to come here to "study" and exploit the IPs for their own fame and name its ALLLLLL a different story, now you hear horseshit like,,"they will bring to light the plights of Indigenous tribes to the worlds eyes",,,MONEY,,, DONATE TO THE W.H.O is what it comes to most of the time ,"the scientists will provide to the IPs new techniques in farming, fresh water cleansing for better drinking water and aqua culture",,,, MONEY,,, they dont need new dont need any of it,,the way they do it now is fine and provides well with never a fish kill and plenty of food, and who get to say if a tribe of IPs needs anything or not ?? but the people who have taken it upon them selves feel that people should do as they say ,,not as they do,,Like said before skip I agree with ya, but lets look into the mirrior and see who got the ball rolling,,when I see something here that looks 1960s 1970s and I ask,,"where did that come from",,,the answer,,scientists left it here.
If ya picked up on a couple things ive said in other posts, then you sir know exactly where im at.
One of the biggest cultural killers,IME are men and women looking for literairy fame at the expence of others.
But I still agree with what you have to say,and invite you to continue posting here if you like it gives a great view of both sides of the coin.
:thank you:

Amazing masa, thanks so much for sharing your life with us, so very different then anything around here, very enjoyable to read.
Awesome thread!

Ida never thunk it,, but if folks are liking it then " onward through the fog"(for 10 good bong hits and the win,, where did that quote come from ??) and if the monkeys don't tear down my tower again,, i'll be round. What if I told ya comms on this site are the only english I get to use on a regular basis.....

Nice thread happy u posted this
So what happened to the dirt bike?
Sucks u can't get different strains
But it must be nice not having to live with our fucked up government now days huh?
"Hey Joe" :laughing:(slang for any white guy) you asked I will deliver the dirt bike story was one messed up adventure after I finish this multi reply you'll get yer answer. does suck i cant get no indies,,ut i'm workin on it. and not dealing with Govs is sweet,,no shit.

can you have several wives?lol thats so cool the way your living. ever get tired of island living ? i got stir crazy bigtime .

Whats up Supp ?? yup the as many wives thing is alive and kicking(theres another clue skip) remember now I met my wife In Neatherlands before coming here,,she ain't gonna go that route. and theres alays something going on something to do so I dont really get tired of it. I was in Austria last year and all I wanted to do was get the hell outa there and back

So what's the food like?

Ello Robby go check out the FOOD PORNO thread I gota handful of stuff in there...If I had to sum it up I'd call it a mix of asian and polynesian and theres still a few things I wont eat.

I did it several times,back in the early 1990's I stayed with the badjao down in sitangkai and used to visit sabah(malaysia) taking pinoys down there to work illegally and bring duty free goods back,I bought a house down in Mindanao,still visit there once a year to relax,went to Palawan back then as a jump-off to Coron island,palawan is cool :ying:
The Badjao,,now theres a people that got ass fuked by their own Gov pretty good. we use Tawi-Tawi as a get off point when its time to get 6 months supplies, used to go to Sabah until the ringit got a little stronger and our cash didnt go as far we go to Palawan now its a 4-5 days sail to get there but the cash goes alot further.

Nice, Thank you for sharing. I Purchased some beach front property on an island off of Philipines a few years ago. I plan on having a house built there and move there in a few years, if the WW3 doesnt get us first. But I am envious of your life style, Please share more.

Whered ja buy at and are ya gonna bring any seeds ???

This threads kicks all ass....
Dude I still owe ya a coffee story,,,havent forgoten, waiting for the cherrys to turn color now so I can make ya a cool foto lay out taking you from the coffee farm to the cup,, couple weeks im guessing..

In the mean time everyone Heres a picture of my cock


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my strength is a number, and my soul lies in every
ICMag Donor
Here there are no laws concerning weed, closest thing to a real cop(sorta) is 300 miles south in Bali,or the indo military that over sees the mines but they can both be bought off pretty quick, trible laws mainly deal with stealing, and its easy to spot a stealer he or she will be missing a few digits on the left hand,repeat offenders can lose the hand up to the wrist, and then they'll go for the toes and feet, but only the left hand so the offender can still feed ones self, crimes against each other get serious to the point of a fight to the death,or told to leave the island or in the rare case of rape the offender will be gang beaten by the girl and her family, its up to the girl if he lives or dies, this has not happened since ive been here, but i do get to hear about some that did go that route.

sounds like justice to me... I am guessing there is a low crime rate, no?

if only the rest of the world had such common sense.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Okay Masa BIG QUESTION NOW lol can you get seeds?? shipped? lol In my travels I noticed that in certain places recieving seeds could be tricky for whoever is involved.. What is your mail like? Thanks agian kewl stories bra headband 707


New member
Best post I have read in a long time.

I am ex military too but with your credentials there must be some old money somewhere in the family. You don’t get Annapolis just because you’re a smart kid takes politics usually. (Fork Union Military Academy , Annapolis Navel Academy, United States Marine Corps in 1980, retired in 2007 at the rank of Captain). Oh and yes I’m green with envy.

Busted out the old slide rule I figure you and I must be close in age but I’m a baby compared to life lived that’s for sure. You were in when squids could have beards the good ole days. I commend you on some of the nontraditional choices you have made in life.

With hash so easy to get seems like seeds couldn’t be much harder to come by if you knew who was smuggling the hash in. I hope you find some seeds nothing like growing your own.

Again really nice post I will stay with this one hoping to see some pics of weed growing in the background.


Best post I have read in a long time.

I am ex military too but with your credentials there must be some old money somewhere in the family. You don’t get Annapolis just because you’re a smart kid takes politics usually. (Fork Union Military Academy , Annapolis Navel Academy, United States Marine Corps in 1980, retired in 2007 at the rank of Captain). Oh and yes I’m green with envy.

Busted out the old slide rule I figure you and I must be close in age but I’m a baby compared to life lived that’s for sure. You were in when squids could have beards the good ole days. I commend you on some of the nontraditional choices you have made in life.

With hash so easy to get seems like seeds couldn’t be much harder to come by if you knew who was smuggling the hash in. I hope you find some seeds nothing like growing your own.

Again really nice post I will stay with this one hoping to see some pics of weed growing in the background.

There ya go,,,Only seeds Ive been able to get are Thai's, and it took several grows to learn their wants and needs and I only use one light,,,a big one, ive figured the season changes and with my lil tents i grow year round, rain and humidity are my biggest grow foes, this year we went from rainy season to a wet season and back to the rains,,,havent had a dry spell in almost a year. Yea hash is a breeze to get, it dosent come here it goes past here on the way to points else where, the guys carrying it stop here for water, fruit and some trading.


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