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It feels worse to be second place than to be 3rd place....

Now we'll have to wait until the 2010 games in South Africa, it'd be cool to go to South Africa.


all praises are due to the Most High
Rosy, i think it was one of the linemen who saw the Zidane thing.
such reactions are not strange from Zidane for anyone who follows football besides during world-cups... sometimes some wires in his head get crossed and bam! last season in the Real Madrid he saw about 2 or 3 red cards for similar acts...
i thought if he was gonna do that, he should have punched the lights out of Matterazzi, you know? go out in style :biglaugh: anyway, for all the kids who think he will only be remembered for that, i must tell you that you are clueless children repeating what you heard your t.v commentators say, fuck that, i know i'll remember the dude for his football, not just his hot temperament.
the french coach made a couple of mistakes by taking Henry as well as Rivery out, dumb fuck... very bad luck regarding Viera too.

Italy did a good job though. the best comment and most sincere comment about the game came from an italian friend of mine, she said that although she was happy about the team and having won, that deciding a final with penalty shoot-outs always sucked regardless. can't add more to that really, that's the reality.

here there's tons of italians and italian descendants, a whole avenue was blocked by people who went out partying, drinking everywhere... personally i went to take care of my plants and later on watched Sin City, great movie btw :D

well, i guess this thread will die soon; it was really fun and very nice to have been with most of you here sharing all the stupid crap we talked about, it was beautiful!
much love and peace!

big mike

Active member

i just got a kick out of this.. lol.. :joint:

Rosy Cheeks

dancin' cheek to cheek
Yes Paz Verde, the fourth referee is the lineman. He saw the incident, but apparently he wasn't sure of what he'd seen, because he left his post, visioned a video recording of the incident, then approached the Head Referee and told him what happened. The Head Referee took his decision based on that. This is an entirely new protocol, it is not supposed to go down like that. If the referee does not see an incident, it didn't happen. This has been the mantra of FIFA through the whole World Cup. Whatever foul that stuck on film or picture, it didn't change a thing. If the referee didn't see it, it didn't happen. Some of you eagle-eyed people out there might remember the incident in the beginning of the second half, when Maluda gets pulled down by Materazzi (yes, him again) inside the penalty box. It is a clear penalty (if anyone disagrees, please explain to me how), but the referee didn't see it (or didn't want to see it, since he had already given a penalty to France), so there was no action. As long as the rules are clear and it's the same for everyone, we will have to accept it. In this case though, the rules have been set aside.
What you say about Zidane is not really true. He has received two red cards while playing with Real Madrid, but not at all for similar incidents. Once before in his career has he given a head butt to another player, and that was during the 2000 Champions League (playing for Juventus) when he knocked German player Jochen Kientz, also for an insult I believe. Remember that Zidane is from Marseille, where people are hot blooded and do not accept BS. Some of you kids might be old enough to remember Eric Cantona, another Marseillais that wouldn't take shit from anyone. While playing for Manchester United, Cantona once attacked a spectator that shouted obscene things about his mother, and got suspended for I don;t know how many games. Zidane is a rather shy, peaceful character though, and the total of 12 red cards he has received during his career is less than most professional players recieve. Materazzi is a big, well-trained guy (bigger than Zidane). Still, after a light touch on the torso, he falls to the ground, crying in agony. I think it's evident for anyone with an IQ higher than 0.1 that Materazzi said something insulting and Zidane lost his cool. It was a trap, and Zidane fell into it. He shouldn't have, of course. It's really a shitty thing that ruined this game. As far as I'm concerned, I wouldn't be proud to be Materazzi today. Another hot candidate for the Biggest Asshole Player of the World Cup-title, together with Christiano Ronaldo.
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all praises are due to the Most High
Rosy, if that truly happened, that seriously sucks; checking out the replay on vid. and then nailing Zidane with it is fucked up... also what you said earlier about the dude provoking players always gets off free of charge is also some bullshit... each time i go out and play in the street, there's always a couple of smartasses trying to piss people off, but it never works out well for them because there's no yellow nor red cards in the streets :D they usually get kicked real nice lol... so the Maxin of Juege Callado is wise to obey (play in silence). Zidane is pretty hotheaded so i wasn't surprised, it is the right thing to do too regardless of all the pansy politically correct bullshit. also glad he didn't even go out to get the 2nd place medal, he was pissed off, fuck everyone really, it is understandable... peeps need to get off their high horse.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
.......as we see with Zidane.........even one of the the most respected can succome to a moment of anger........a very human trait......and fall foul to what was perhaps a trap to push his mad button.........Materazzi must have pushed that button to get him to act that way.

Rosy Cheeks

dancin' cheek to cheek
Oyster Magnet said:
Wonder what he said.. I bet it was sumtin about Zidanes moms.. LOL :bat:

Like... he has several moms (lol)? But yes, that's the question all French newspapers ask today, what the hell made Zidane loose his temper? Only ZZ himself can answer that, and he has totally vanished.


Rosy Cheeks said:
Like... he has several moms (lol)?

No lols for that one..
Live a little.. Sheesh

Materazzi too, could reveal his secrets :)
Seems to be a annoying guy..
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Rosy Cheeks

dancin' cheek to cheek
No harm intended Oyster, I just though that was funny. Don't count on Materazzi for telling the truth about what went down.

Rosy Cheeks

dancin' cheek to cheek
I just heard on the news that a Brazilian TV-station hired a professional lip reader (!), and after studying the images of Materazzi just before the headbutt, he calls Zidane's sister a prostitute. If true, what a pathetic thing to do (if you can't beat your adversary honestly...).
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Rosy Cheeks said:
I just heard on the news that a Brazilian TV-station hired a professional lip reader (!), and after studying the images of Materazzi just before the headbutt, he calls Zidane's sister a prostitute. If true, what a pathetic thing to do (if you can't beat your adversary honestly...).

Football is a mental sport. He got into Zidanes head. The way it looked they were both talking shit. Materazzi tried to run off and zidane kept following him until Materazzi said what he said and pissed him off. Its part of the game IMO.

Rosy Cheeks

dancin' cheek to cheek
Right Calcio, part of the game. You see things through your Italian eyes, so it doesn't really bother you, except perhaps one day when it happens to an Italian player. Materazzi held on to Zidane's shirt (even you must have seen that. But that too is part of the game, right?), Zidane probably told him to back off, and in return he got an insult. Part of the game. Then Materazzi threw himself to the ground, doing his little actor stunt, that too is part of the game. This World Cup final was even, it could have gone either way, but it ended with an Italian victory. That's cool, but personal insults and faking isn't in my book. That might not shock you as an Italian, thinking about what goes on in the Italian league, but it revolts me. I basically think it is a game and should be played for fun, not like that.
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Active member
Great World Cup. Loved every minute. So what do we talk about now then..?

Well...I hear Guus is gonna be coaching Russia. Is this true? He's a damn good coach, especially w/ the underdogs. Would give me some team to cheer for in the next world cup- even if it isin't my home team. It isin't the ol' CCCP team which was my clear fav in the old times, but well, it's the closest you can get, I suppose. Let's hope they make it at least to the semis...

That's cool, but personal insults and faking isn't in my book.

Yea neither is it cool in mine- Materazzi and Zidanne should smoke a fat blunt, sit back/relax, have a couple of bhang lassis and learn a thing or 2 about sportsmanship by watching the recent Togo Vs. South Korea game in this world cup. When a Korean player was down, the Togo dude immediately rushed to his aid and attended to him to the best of his ability. THAT Is sportsmanship.

Also, I'm not a big fan of this whole "psychic factor" white collar gimmick bull crap either. In my books, the dudes who move around the ball better and who aim better deserve to win. Although I congratulate Italy on this recent feat, I seriously invite them to look at the former USSR team and learn a thing or 2 on how to play a football match...like a football match. Other than the fiasco in Chile (it was a political decision- outside the reach of players), I seriously consider the Soviet team a role model for true champion like sportsmanship. The Italians should learn this forgotten trait from them.
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Farmer John

Born to be alive.
Rosy Cheeks said:
I just heard on the news that a Brazilian TV-station hired a professional lip reader (!), and after studying the images of Materazzi just before the headbutt, he calls Zidane's sister a prostitute. If true, what a pathetic thing to do (if you can't beat your adversary honestly...).
ROFLMAIOTHMAOLLOLOLOLMAOLMAOLMAO can people get any more paranoid about football than these people? Muhahahaha, I fell down on the floor after reading that, damn brazilians, they must be very interested really..lol..."If true, what a pathetic thing to do " yeah it is really fucking pathetic to hire a damn lipreader to read what the idiot says, ZZ Top got angry and couldnt handle it, period.
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Rosy Cheeks

dancin' cheek to cheek
I'd rather say obsessed than paranoid (and yes, they are!). Paranoid is when you think there are cops outside your growroom. It happens to me every now and then...


head inna bag
High mates
First of all.. I'm italian and I do not like Materazzi.... said that.

You see things through your Italian eyes, so it doesn't really bother you, except perhaps one day when it happens to an Italian player.
It happened before to an Italian player... maybe you remember Totti in the last European Championship: he spit in the face of Danish player... he wasn't ejected because the ref didn't see the confrontation.... then they saw the footage aired by Danish TV station and suspended Totti for something like three matches. Totti said the Danish midfielder was provoking him from the start... so... who's fault? I guess it was Totti's fault ;)
In my opinion if you're an experienced champion you never ever act like that... no spit... no headbutt... be it Totti or Zidane, if it happens (we're all human) you go out.

Apart from that incident, a World Cup Final that ends in penalties (the second so far) is a sad story, because penalty kicks is nothing more than a lottery. It can go either way and has nothing to do with merits earned during the game. (…) To conclude, as a French I would be gutted to loose in this way, and as an Italian ashamed to win in this way.

If I was French I was surely gutted , can tell you for sure since –as an Italian- it happened in the recent past to lose a world cup final in that way…. But on the other side I don’t think we have to be ashamed… afterall we didn’t miss one and we played a good match.
Penalities are often considered a lottery but I don’t see it in that way, I guess it’s just a part of the game and it’s becoming more and more crucial since big matches are often tied matches.... so train on and be cool! :moon:
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