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Who Are The Coconut Crew? #TCUK


ICMag Donor
My ultimate argument is where do synthetic seeds sit in the legal system,,??????? ¿????? ¿?????? ¿??????

you can induce embryogenis synthetically,, what is the difference between sexualy reproduced embryos and synthetically produced embryos,, synthetic seeds could also have a seed coating,, they could basically look like normal seeds,,, im talking about seeds with anti pathogen coating and colour coding,,


Whatever their colour, seeds are legal till you germinate them and they produce a root. The root is the basis for prosecution on cultivating charges.

Same with plant cuttings. UK law doesn’t count unrooted cuttings as plants and doesn’t include them in cultivating charges. They don’t have any THC either so they aren’t counted as a controlled drug either.

On this basis, TC explants, with no roots or THC, MUST have equal status to unrooted cuttings. I bet you’d be fine.

TC offers, uniquely, the means to keep cannabis genetics in that legal twilight indefinitely, without maintenance or further development into a prohibited plant. It’s a game changer for collectors.


ICMag Donor
I agree,,, i really want to know the full legal status of synthetic embryos,, it's massive bro,, i agree,, nobody has been able to answer this with a high level of confidence

Organic Panic

New member
New to the forum but I'm definitely a weed nerd. This is right up my street. I've had a flow hood for years and this is the next journey I'm about to embark on.

Happy I found you guys


Well-known member
Whatever their colour, seeds are legal till you germinate them and they produce a root. The root is the basis for prosecution on cultivating charges.

Same with plant cuttings. UK law doesn’t count unrooted cuttings as plants and doesn’t include them in cultivating charges. They don’t have any THC either so they aren’t counted as a controlled drug either.

On this basis, TC explants, with no roots or THC, MUST have equal status to unrooted cuttings. I bet you’d be fine.

TC offers, uniquely, the means to keep cannabis genetics in that legal twilight indefinitely, without maintenance or further development into a prohibited plant. It’s a game changer for collectors.

I have been in court where someone was charged with 27 cuttings, 3 of which were rooted. Total weight in the paper bag by weigh in, 7.03g

A seed is defined in many texts, and whats being spoke of here isn't a seed, it's closer to a cutting. Possession with intent seems likely.


I really like where u are going with this Erick....
I have always wanted to try cloning this wy but looked difficult as i have reading comprehension issues

I do better by doing and looks like u may have simplified and may be attainable to more folk


ICMag Donor
I have reading and writing issues too,, that's why my sig is icmag saved my life,, it's because I basically didn't read or write before I joined icmag,,,

I'm feeling really shitty atm,, so I'm just not able to pick up the slack,, but that's not to say I'm not on target for Xmas to buy all the gear and send out the test units,, i just got a new led from HGL and il have a crop out by Xmas and il be buying prezzies soon as I can


Well-known member
Sorry to hear you’re feeling shit and I hope things improve, please don’t give up. Sometimes the darkest hour is before dawn


New member
Hey Englishrick- just found the thread, but I’m very interested. In participating in this endeavor. Lmk what I have to do to be involved!


ICMag Donor
That's a really cool way of getting into it bro,, I'm just waiting till I can afford all the kit to send out to people,, but there are many ways of learning how to start,,,

One of the best ways is the bill graham tek,, he does youtube. Vids and has a nice cheap kit on ebay to get started,, it's not true tissue culture but he absolutely nails microcloning and surface sterilisation witch is basically modules 1 and 2 in my kit


Me too. Just found and read the whole thread. But I do remember seeing the pics from 4/20 in another three somewhere.

This would be perfect for a small grower like me. It's hard to keep all my favorites, plus try something new, and tryout some of my own crosses when I only have one tiny bloom chamber.

Great thread ER!


ICMag Donor
Fuk yeh,,, im actually making a lil headway,, it's like the energy is coming back,, something kinda special has happened and hopefully on Friday il know if I'm going to be getting some money to put onto this along with some super impressive testing facility


Active member
Fuk yeh,,, im actually making a lil headway,, it's like the energy is coming back,, something kinda special has happened and hopefully on Friday il know if I'm going to be getting some money to put onto this along with some super impressive testing facility

Awesome to hear. Good luck sir


Well-known member
Don’t give up rick. No matter how bad shit gets just keep plodding on and keep your goal in mind. And keep us posted!


ICMag Donor
I'm trying bro,, I'm not the type to give up,, but I'm ready for a break,, thanks tho man,, love you guys

It's been a difficult day today,,, things haven't gone to plan,, but I'm living in hope


ICMag Donor
I was thinking of doing a kickstarter,,, but it needs a lil refinement first

i have backing from Dr Cali Seaman of shogun and blue lab,, only issue is she's a lil ill at the moment and she isn't able to put effort into it right now herself, so till the pressure is off her with the daily routine,, (she has epilepsy) ,, any thoughts?