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where are all the grow chicks?



I went through my beans last night (have lost all my mothers post-surg) and I believe I have a NL#5xSSH or Haze. I decided against it because I ran NL#5 last year. Good run, too.

I still lament losing my Mother of Thor cut, almost wanna cry. Currently lamenting the inability to use my indoor growing spaces, too. But hey! At least I've got enough to smoke it to my head for the next year.
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Natalie J. Puffington
Originally posted by Buddle: Natty...I LOVE your sig quote from Atticus Finch..great choice and so true..

Aw, thank you Miss Buddle. :)
To Kill a Mockingbird is one of my favorite books and that is my all time favorite quote...If I was the type to have kids, (and I'm not), I'd name my daughter Scout...I suppose my Scout, will have to be a kitten (or pup) instead, lol. :cathug:
Looking forward to hearing how your NL5xHaze turns out- please keep us updated, patient lady!

SeaMadien- man, I can only imagine how distraught you must be over loosing your mothers!! I lost just a couple strains, (also after surgery), almost a year ago and I am still upset about it.
I hope that you are able to re-acquire what you lost, or replace them with plants/medicine that is even better than what you lost!!!

Keep your spirits up ladies! :flowers2:


Active member
Hey Natty..I love the book too and also the movie.I think all the characters were perfectly cast right down to Bo Ridley.Wasn't that his name? Or was it Radley?
My alltime favorite childrens book are Charlottes Web and anything by Roald Dahl :)
NL5 x Haze will be finished @ end of April. Cheers everyone!!


Natty, I lose some and I gain some. Everything I have was gifted, and so easily came. Some girls I absolutely will miss, hopefully I'll get them back someday. Others... perhaps it was meant to be.

I'm selecting my seeds for this year right now, though, and still have a nice collection, again, all gifted by very generous people.
Right on ladies!!!
MGD...I have a NL5 x Haze coming down in @ 20 days. My buddy found her in a pk from Shanti that he popped last winter.I call her Adrenaline.She is lemon lime tasting speed in a joint..lol..but overindulge and she becomes valium in a joint..lol..My buddy takes her to 90+ days but I'll be harvesting her at @ 80 as it looks now.I'll get some harvest pics up in a couple to three weeks.Got a bunch coming down..

Yeah the phenotype we have starts out speedy :smokeit: and pretty instantaneous, yet you can work focused and calmly(briskly?lol) and lasts quite a while. If you continue smoking throughout the day you stay up and moving, and quite motivated... take a break and it looses its sativa legs then the indica takes over and you're done for the day... nappy time ;) zzzzzzzzz great meds

Ours is an F2 from the first release in the 80's... Definitely has an old school taste as these have been in the freezer for 20 years and the line hasn't been worked at *all*

She's a wild one for sure!! Great to hear you're going for 80 days, these were taken to 75. The longer they go, the more psychedelic properties get a chance to develop :) Cheers~mgd
MGD, sistah, thanks for that tip! I went through my beans last night (have lost all my mothers post-surg) and I believe I have a NL#5xSSH or Haze. I decided against it because I ran NL#5 last year. Good run, too.

I still lament losing my Mother of Thor cut, almost wanna cry. Currently lamenting the inability to use my indoor growing spaces, too. But hey! At least I've got enough to smoke it to my head for the next year.

We would never even be able to run that strain outdoors here Sea~ Did you run it inside, outside, both down there? Oh to be in the cali mountains or somewhere DRY!! Our options can be limited here. But yeah, even after running it once indoors (more like after *trimming* it once) I'm probably going to keep one or two around for personal meds, but not running it for production. Such a wild bush, she is! Faster and easier strains are on deck/up next. Sometimes the best meds are the most work! Let us know what you decide on popping Sea~


Active member
Beautiful buds MGD..Yum yum!! Thats a quick pheno too. Doesn't look to be taken prematurely like so many sativas are..I LOVE the flavors from the seventies and eighties!! I recently sourced a Purple Kush x Thai called Capers.She is from the midwest and the peeps that have her have nothing to do with the internet etc..Anyway she smells just like the Thai we used to get in the very early eighties.Somone was growing it in NE and it was primo.600 a qp which was big money for weed at the time ( everything was still seeded and the Columbian Gold etc was 45-50 a zip instead of 40..) Anyway the Thai had great big tiger striped beans the size of small peas and came as big branches of colas cut to about 10" in length..Wish I still had the beans..I may find some someday when I go through my teenage yr boxes..lol.
I have a couple La Ninas going too and they look real promising.
Do you grow any other sativas? I am thinking i am going to have to adjust my flowertime for this #1..for it properly ripen.??? something has to slow these big white pistils down at 8 wks..lol.


We would never even be able to run that strain outdoors here Sea~ Did you run it inside, outside, both down there? Oh to be in the cali mountains or somewhere DRY!! Our options can be limited here. But yeah, even after running it once indoors (more like after *trimming* it once) I'm probably going to keep one or two around for personal meds, but not running it for production. Such a wild bush, she is! Faster and easier strains are on deck/up next. Sometimes the best meds are the most work! Let us know what you decide on popping Sea~
Outside for me of late, although our county cultivation ban has seriously curtailed what I'm able to do, so the indoor spaces may be being fired up again.

Yes, it's generally fairly dry here in the Sierra, except that my location is a little pocket that seems to get a lot of moisture--we're sometimes called the banana belt of the Sierra. Fortunately though, the only problems with rot or mold I've had were directly caused by bud worms, and those are still fairly easy to prevent, unless growing darker or more purple strains (learned a couple of years ago that the moths are attracted to darker strains, to plant Indian corn nearby to attract them).


Well-known member
I like women working with weed, it is so rare that you meet girls doing it!

It is so nice to see you active here in thsi forum/thread!

keep on the good work!

best regards!


Pure Vernunft darf niemals siegen
Where are all the grow chicks?

OK, my Lady ins´t a chick but in the moment she s just behind me at the ironing board. :peacock::huggg:
My husband has the black thumb in the family while I have the green thumb, so I take care of our entire garden by myself. He helps trim, once in a way.

I like to do other things, so when I am not gardening. I make jewelry and crochet winter hats. Some I give to charity and some I sell at a local boutique. I also work full-time and am a mom. Go women!



Just got into growing this year. I'm going to be honest my first grow was a bust but I'm current working on my second grow and see how it goes from there. I dunno, sometimes I feel kinda awkward being in this hobby because not so many girls grow and on top of that not so many growers in my neck of the woods. So I read a lot of boards and experiment on my own. This website is a blessing because theres chicks that grow here and this a lot of pro breeders and growers on here.

Thanks so much ICmag for all your help.


^Id grow a bunch of plants all over the house if it wasnt so damn pesky about "light leaks" lols