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When the assholes get busted, its pretty funny.


So I was on my way home tonight, driving quickly on an open road and I see this car ahead of me. Keep driving quite quickly, until we come over a hill and I catch a glimpse of something shiny on the car's roof. We're half a mile apart at this point, and the car is driving rather slowly.

First reaction - cop. I figure if he's driving the speed limit and I close the distance between us, he's gunna know I was speeding. So I back off and over the course of a few miles we get to the point where we're about 600ft apart.

All of a sudden this Nissan Sentra comes up on my tail and starts tailgating me, didnt know I was going slowly for a reason and decides to pass me on a double yellow. Then you see him WAIL up behind this car infront of us, and all of a sudden the lights go on and he gets pulled over :D :pointlaug

That was pretty satisfying if I do say so myself.

I was driving really quickly too, we have a 337 GTi that we got chipped a few days ago, so it was very temping.. I'm glad I didn't get nabbed.


Medical Test grower. Inquire within...
something like that happened to me the other day. So one in a new car (used but new to them) was going slow blocking everyone. Then when I saw a chance to get past the pulled in front on me for no reason. They were acting all cocky. When I finally got past them I sworved towards them a little. I was pissed and then they wanted to race me. Trying to get on the side of me or infront. Untill they come pulling up to my side. While Im in the right lane on a 3 lane perside road. Then in the middle lane here they come really mad yelling out the window and I pointed ahead they looked as they saw me laughing and there was a cop so they did an left turn and to the fuck off. I was like silly rabbit :bat: Lol


I have so wished that would happen sometimes....
I just did a road trip this past weekend, about 1000 miles each way. On totally clear roads I would be tailgated, I was averaged between 80-85 in a 70. These morons just refused to go around me.
I guess they assumed I would speed up for them....they're lucky I had kids in the car, I like slamming my brakes in those situations. I have full coverage, and a large car.... I've had the back of my truck slammed into more than once.


What made it even more enjoyable is that this moron changed the badging on his sentra to read "SE-R"

Yeah, right.


haha i remember something like that happening to me. the guy got on my ass. to my left, in the other lane (highway), some undercover car was creeping up beside me. well, the car on my ass passed me on the right in the breakdown lane and immediatly got pulled over. it was so great to see, lmao


Haha that is great. I love it when stuff like that happens...you feel good because you knew the cop was there and you just love seeing the time between them thinking their king of the road mr. badass to oh shit there are the red n blues.

Oh and exodus...was it actaully an SE-R or a sentra because they do sell SE-R's here I believe (not so into cars anymore and my memory isn't that good) just obviously not as fast as the JDM ones.

There is someone at my work thats got an older acura integra they put a "vtec tuning" sticker on...right under the "LS" bading that comes on the car...haha idiots. People must think clear tail lights and changed badging add about 40 hp. I can't stand it when people do stuff like that...they look so dumb and don't even realize it.


massholebmx said:
Haha that is great. I love it when stuff like that happens...you feel good because you knew the cop was there and you just love seeing the time between them thinking their king of the road mr. badass to oh shit there are the red n blues.

Oh and exodus...was it actaully an SE-R or a sentra because they do sell SE-R's here I believe (not so into cars anymore and my memory isn't that good) just obviously not as fast as the JDM ones.

There is someone at my work thats got an older acura integra they put a "vtec tuning" sticker on...right under the "LS" bading that comes on the car...haha idiots. People must think clear tail lights and changed badging add about 40 hp. I can't stand it when people do stuff like that...they look so dumb and don't even realize it.

I was wondering the same thing when I saw the badging, and I didnt see any rear wing, which I'm pretty sure the real SE-R has stock.

And I can't stand all the "mr. badass" types out there. It's completely possible to drive fast and do it safely, but all these shitheads ruin it for the rest of us.
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Yea pretty sure the SE-R's do have that wing in the back that is connected on the sides and middle if you know what I mean.

I can just imagine the guy's reaction when he realized it was a cop and too late to slow down haha.

Fat Albert

Active member
massholebmx said:
There is someone at my work thats got an older acura integra they put a "vtec tuning" sticker on...right under the "LS" bading that comes on the car...haha idiots. People must think clear tail lights and changed badging add about 40 hp. I can't stand it when people do stuff like that...they look so dumb and don't even realize it.

Hey! Tail lights AND the badging add 50 hp, not 40. I hope I was able to clear up any misunderstanding.

Fat A

P.S. Righteous traffic cops are my heroes. Unfortunately, for every instance where Chico Q. Jackass is endangering the lives and property of others on the road and there's a cop there to witness it, there are fifty where the prick gets away scot-free. Oh, well....


Dank Galore!
one night, me and my brother were driving back home like a 45 min drive. my brother was driving w/ i was smoking a bowl and bunping some tunes. (i have a 3rd gen honda prelude si turbo, whitch my bro likes to step on the pedal a lil too much) when this ford mustang comes up next to us revving and dogging and shit. my bro said "fuck em?", i said " nah chill, i'm just smoked a bowl fuck him, let him go. so my bro just revved the engine but stayed at speed limit, while fucking retard mustang bitch takes off. while like 300 feet away at the light, a cop was stopped at the red light!! whooooommmm! mustang flyes by the cop at 70mph+! i'm laughing my ass off then the cop flyes past us and turned his lights on. it gets better!! mustang guns it, an takes a right turn! me and my bro are having a discussion at this point about if he's gonna make it? i said fuck no he aint going to loose that pigs suped up crown vic' in his piece of shit.

now we come up to the street where they turned and i see the mustang trying to loose the pig, but the pig is catching up quick! now they turn and dissapear from my sight... cop was no farther than 200ft frome the moron's ass last i saw them. fucker was doomed! i don't think he made it much farther frome that point! Thats what motherfucker gets for being a fucking pendejo!
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What I like is when I'm in my 280zx and some new car thinks it's gonna smoke me.....and I open up those dual quads on my 350 :D


New member
something like this happend to me to...
I was on my way back from Burningman 03. driving a 1997 626...like 80MPH at around 1am in some fly-over state. I was passing this Uhaul 18ft with a car tower. he got all fuck-youish with me and spead up. I'm like fuck this so I punched it i was just about to clear him when a fucking deer jumps out from the side of the road.

KA-BLAMMM! he takes it and HARD and pulls over.
He didn't crash, so I left him on the side of the road to lick his wounds and curse his stupid ass self.

Wacky Tobacky

Active member
i was driving on the highway today and i saw this guy pulled over on the side of the raod and he was getting a ticket and i look at the cop car and its a blue ford mustang. i was kinda shocked to see that because ive never seen cops driving around in a blue ford mustang before. and the lights were in the grill and by the brake lights. real stealthy.
gotta watch out for those. be safe


Wacky Tobacky said:
i was driving on the highway today and i saw this guy pulled over on the side of the raod and he was getting a ticket and i look at the cop car and its a blue ford mustang. i was kinda shocked to see that because ive never seen cops driving around in a blue ford mustang before. and the lights were in the grill and by the brake lights. real stealthy.
gotta watch out for those. be safe

our police department has a brand new blue mustang, but the problem is that its the only one around here so its well known that when you see a blue ford mustang, you slow the fuck down.

they call it the "speed unit".


Active member
Kinda funny.... I WAS the driver who passed a whole lotta cars following a police car in a fog blank...Soon As I saw the cop car.. I passed him and started to drive in my own lane...was pulled over and the usual routine..

Did I get a ticket ? No... lol

He just asked me why i passed everyone including him and barefooted..( had no shoes on)

I said " Cause everyone was going toooo slow"

He Goes "Well, Ok..."Take it easy ,Stay under control"


Medical Test grower. Inquire within...
I was baked so stoned my eyes were glowing red and the cop that pulled me over did look into my eyes once or at my face and gave a civil ticket insteal of a criminal. Sweet. Hey one time .....

Let me eat dinner and ill be back it invloves a cop and free gas.


I like it when people drive a car worth more than their house. :pointlaug . That makes them look cool.


Medical Test grower. Inquire within...
A While back I was on a long drive home and was out in the middle of nowhere. I had stoped 40 minutes before this for 2 Sparks(vodka and red bull). I though I was gonna make it all the way home. Of course I had some ganja with me to smoke and had it in the car probably stinkin it all up. I opened a sparks as a came upon a gas station I thought great a place to fill up. So I pulled in and Shit this station didnt have an inside only CCard pumps. I only had cash :badday: I was on dead empty and the only other person at the station was a cop. I asked her where the inside of the station was cause I didnt see it and she replyed Im new to this route but it doesnt look like there is one. I said I need gas. She asked if I had enough to get to another station I said I dont think so. I had offered her the cash for her to put gas on her CC and she could stop at another station and use the cash. She so no dont worrie about it. Pull your car behind mine and Ill get ya some gas. So I did Forgetting I had opened the sparks. I had no where to stash the open container. I pulled behind her and as I pulled around the pumps I sliped the drink in the side drivers door. So she would have to go on the passenger side to see it. Then she pumped the gas for me locked the tank up and said you all set dude. Have a good night. I thanked her many times and took off getting 5$ of free gas from the popos and this was at 3.25$ a gallon prices. Long story. :sasmokin:


this may sound shitty but its kinda funny. theres a spot down a road where theres always a cop sitting and waiting at night. long story short it what we call a ball bust spot:wink: whenever i know im coming up on it(the area) i start driving real slow so the goof behind me speeds up and passes me all pissed off..lol then sure as shit i get back to speed and just drive normal and drive past the same guy pulled over by the cops and giggle like a school girl. kinda fucked up but its halarious:D


HAHAHAHA oh man some kid in a 4 door accord with a cheap muffler on it. I heard him coming up behind me and he rode my ass like really close. We got to the light and I told the girl that was with me to buckle up we are about to go. I have a VW R32, so anyway i revved the engine and he did too. I held it at 5 grand and dumped the clutch when the light turned green. I darted off leaving him there and pulling away quick. I slowed down because up the road is a cop station. I put my hand out and motion him to pull up next to me. I told the girl watch this im gonna get him so fuckin busted. He pulled up next to me and he looked at me like he was going to shoot me or something. :biglaugh: A 17 year old kid that thought he was hard. I stepped on the gas peddle but i was in 5th so i didnt really go anywhere and he took the bait and took off. I pulled in behind him and noticed a cop leaving the cop station when we passed it...the kid didnt see him. He was sitting in front of me revving his engine at the light right past the cop station. The cop turned and came up behind us and went to turn right at the light. Well the cop hears him and kinda takes his time to turn. The light turns green and this kid floors it and takes off. I inched up and looked at the cop who looked at me and i motioned with my hand go on ahead man. The cop takes off after him and i go after the cop normally and watch it all go down. We laughed our asses off. Oh did I mention I had a few drinks and was going to a party and I had a fat sack in my pocket? :biglaugh: