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What Must Be Done With China


ICMag Donor
If China was sending out propaganda text messages to US cellphones, it sounds like Trump was correct not to trust Huawei and their attempts to implement their 5G network in the US.
During WWII the US was instrumental in the allies victory, not just because our soldiers or equipment was superior.
That victory was due to the US manufacturing capability being superior.
Over the past 50 yrs we have ceded that superiority to China.
Its time to take it back...labor is just as cheap in Central/South America as it is in China. With investment, these facilities can be relocated to our hemisphere to benefit all in the Americas.
Making peace with China is an illusion. For decades, we offer the olive branch and many opportunities to Chinese to promote world peace and mutual trust and cooperation. China exploit all of that, accumulate enough wealth and power to stab us in the back. The Chinese Communist Party of China have licked their wounds from WW2 and have grown their backbone once again to continue their agenda of brainwashing civilizations with communism. This time, they have expanded their agenda to the world stage through universities, chinese embassies, and now international bodies such as the WHO, UN and the World Bank. Our generation has now inherited the same awesome task of our ancestors to slay the Dragon to rest again. I hope this time, it will be permanent with no room for "olive branch". China must never forget that USA stood by them in WW2 to defeat their enemies. China must never forget that it was USA that changed its recognition of Taiwan to PRC in 1979 which was the birth of progress in China after the deadly genocide of Chinese during the cultural revolution in the 1970s. China must never forget that it was USA companies and universities that embrace all these factory business expansions and joint educational programmers in the 80s and 90s so that many Chinese students can study at the best universities in the world. We did all this for world peace and to build mutual trust and happiness and friendship through language exchange and cultural immersion. Now, we feel betrayed. Our heart is sincerely broken by this. And now, we are once more forced to take up arms and do what is necessary. Winter is coming.

St. Phatty

Active member
Michelle Obama = Biden's running mate.

then send Fauci back to Wuhan, to re-up their research contract.


The US may have financed its own destruction, with China as the sub-contractor.

Obama signed the check, Fauci over-saw the contract that specified the work to be done. in 2015.

it is the Obama-Fauci-Trump virus.

what if they gave an epidemic, and no American biotech companies could make any serious money on it ?

the biotech industry & its lackies, Stanford and UVa, are working awfully hard to discredit an ancient malaria drug.

that actually works, when administered properly, e.g. with zinc.

time to buy some Tonic Water - for the Quinine.


Active member
ICMag Donor
Every place on the earth has good and bad people. Stop talking about wars I only like peace. Mostly all presidents talk way too much about violence. You want to go to China go ahead. For the most part stay at home and mind your own business sounds good to me. You can be afraid of other people and draw lines. I accept all people since when has that changed. If you want to put on hats and coats good and bad guys go to north korea or something but stop harassing or trying to cause trouble with your nonsense rhetoric please for goodness sake. :tiphat:


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Inspections of all their bio labs,with the backing of the rest of the world for starters.Then comes the monetary damages their negligence has cost the rest of the planet.
Every country on earth should have their say,we've earned it.
As far as the U.S. is concerned I'll follow Marco Rubio's lead on our pharmaceuticals being manufactured in china.Force big Pharma to manufacture here in the U.S. instead of outsourcing for even bigger profit margins.
We've become independent of oil ,and gas.Now is the time to become self reliant on everything we can. Outsourcing should have been dealt with long ago.


Active member
I dont usually watch fareed zakaria but when i do he says something...two months ago he said something that gave me pause.

"China hasnt fired a shot in war since 1979"

My next thought was what has the USA done? Spent our wealth picking fights all over the mideast. We have ignored our infrastructure, our cell phone and internet and roads, bridges and power plants...we have gone the opposite way, privatization of our most important institutions, our hospitals, our prisons and soon our public school system and post office.

Dont get me wrong Communism is not the way, but crony capitalism isnt either. We threw the baby out with the bathwater as my granmpa used to say. No more food safety, no regularions to protect the environment, or our workers health, no day care benefits no health care or family leave..Teddy Roosevelts work to protect our consumers, our wild places, to break the trusts, and Franklin Roosevelts public works and social welfare programs were set up for the protection of all of us, not just the poor.
True we are no longer as dependent on foreign oil, but laws prevent us consumers from gettting the fuel when otjers will pay more, and fracking creates a whole host of new environmental problems. For us to truly enjoy the next century we need self sustainable renewable energy sources, well funded schools with well paid teachers, protections for all of us, workers, small businessmen and women like my daughter, health care for entrepreneurs and farmers and everyone. no more private prisons with incentives for jailing people, immigration reform, and family leave and mandatory vacation pay.
Young people shouldnt have to join the armed forces to get health insurance.


The Tri Guy
Every country should be producing their own essentials, food medicine power. You can never completely shut your borders if you need imports to survive.
Sadly though the worlds leaders refused to stop people travelling, ensuring the spread globally. Now its america who are the big worry. More cases than ever there, yet trump is more concerned with the economy. The people are refusing lockdown. There is so little understanding and trust between the american people and scientists, that the people are literally killing each other. I really don't understand some parts of america. I'm not tarring all Americans with the same brush, but even Americans must admit that things are worse there than anywhere, because the people don't believe in science.
As for China, well so much for ground up rhino horn, so much for torturing bears for their stomach bile, they're crying out for western medicine now. Those wet markets are barbaric and need shutting down. No I don't believe the virus started in the market, its clearly from the lab next door. But it seems to have been a cooperation globally rather than just an accident. Its the perfect final solution to the global old age population and those of poor health. Its just too convenient.
So rather than looking to one country to blame, whatever country you are in, blame your own leaders for refusing to act in time.


I wonder where the Authority comes from Tudo to speak as if you are the personification of America? I mean no disrespect but if someone takes on the Mores and Values of a Country as if they are his own ... then what has he become? Or not become?


Chemon 91
First thing...Fix the door seal on the Wuhan level 4 bio lab..do they need 3.50 cents. I gotta a credit card.

photo taken inside the Wuhan Institute of Virology shows a freezer for storing specimens. (@ChinaDaily / Archived Twitter screen shot)

A worker handling the specimens in the pictures is seen wearing only basic safety gear, including gloves, a hair net and a thin surgical mask.

Another image shows the same door nearly shut.

It’s unclear if the door was able to close at all given the major buildup of ice.



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Bud Green

I dig dirt
We need other options so we can all stop being forced to buy the absolute shit china has been sending us for the past 40 years..

Maybe these current events will get us back on the right track...China has never been our friend.. And you're foolish if you think they are.



Well-known member
I say we sue them for the trillions of dollars being lost, if they don't comply we hit them with a trade embargo, they'll pay....

trump tried that. cheap-ass Americans cannot live without the plastic trash that China makes for Wal-Mart to sell. fucking pitiful. you get what you pay for...or LESS.


Well-known member
First thing a manufacturer in the USA does, is figure out how much they can get done in China. All you have to do is the smallest amount of assembly to claim the parts are from elsewhere, but the made in America sticker is justified.


Well-known member
We need other options so we can all stop being forced to buy the absolute shit china has been s ending us for the past 40 years..

Maybe these current events will get us back on the right track...China has never been our friend.. And you're foolish if you think they are.

The truth is it was we who was not the 'friend', we never

could pass up the opportunity for a quick and cheap buck, even when it fucks us in the long run.

Mao did not have come over here to take our jobs.

The republican party sent Nixon over to give them away.
China has made hay ever since.

The republician party never gave a fuck for the middle class,

I don't think China feels that way at all.

They appreciate it.


Well-known member
Look at the iPhone (made in China). That 5G (made in China) network has them running blisteringly fast. It's exactly what the masses want. Chinese or Korean phones running on Chinese network equipment. Or rephrased, iphone's and Galaxy's running loads faster.

I hear the U.S are developing ballastic brick launchers with an accuracy window about as big as the one in my lounge, for attaching notes to. No secondary military applications at all.

Good luck with whatever your left with if this carries on.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Unlikely I think that we would go to war with somewhere that we decided to turn into a giant factory as part of a long term plan to deindustrialize the west.
China isn’t the issue...

The issue is that the USA’s “leadership” has constantly sold us out to China to the point that now we are basically completely dependent upon them.

The whole time pushing how Communism and Russia are bad, while selling our whole country to the Communist Chinese.

It seems like our own government has been the problem...

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Yeah - the Chinese are smart - smarter than your average westerner - and they go for the long-game - long-term profits over short term gains - a very Confucian philosophy -

- The western corporations and businessman have been lured into China with the promise of riches - and many of them have benefitted greatly - from selling their own national workforces and production industries down the Yellow river and beyond -

China as a purported Communist nation has successfully used the west's capitalism, globalism and liberal attitudes against the western democracies - to great effect - to the extent of the west now being reliant on very basic survival essentials - that they have to purchase from abroad - and mostly from China - since our production and manufacturing industries have mostly been moved - to China and elsewhere -


Active member
The truth is it was we who was not the 'friend', we never

could pass up the opportunity for a quick and cheap buck, even when it fucks us in the long run.

Mao did not have come over here to take our jobs.

The republican party sent Nixon over to give them away.
China has made hay ever since.

The republician party never gave a fuck for the middle class,

I don't think China feels that way at all.

They appreciate it.

If it wasn’t China, it would be NK. Remember it was once cheap Japanese goods, before they unionized. Wherever there’s impoverishment, American business will be there.
I don’t blame China. They owe us nothing.


Well-known member
If it wasn’t China, it would be NK. Remember it was once cheap Japanese goods, before they unionized. Wherever there’s impoverishment, American business will be there.
I don’t blame China. They owe us nothing.

as easy as it would be to blame China, i have to agree. unless it can be PROVEN (no conspiracy theorists need chime in) that they developed & deliberately released the virus knowing it would spread, then you are right. they owe us nothing. it would have been nice to have known last September that it was loose though. intelligence was hearing about it in Wuhan by late September....China, however, is not known for admitting that "something" has "gone wrong"...or "gotten loose". damn near as paranoid/secretive as North Korea. don't sit up waiting for that to change, by the way.

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