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Well since no one gives a shit....

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I'm making another run at the first recipe in the thread. I used a little lighter hop schedule except for dry hopping with cascade 6% hops. I used a champagne yeast and honey for priming. My batch got robbed by some hops so I only ended up with less than four gallons. I've also discovered the joys of an auto siphon... I heartily recommend investing in one. :D I'll keep ya'll posted :wink:


A figment of your imagination
Please do so MMM.

Right now I have a peat smoked porter I bottled Saturday.

The Bastard Brewer

Bastard Brewer
Hi Guys some really interesting shit in here. Sorry for the long silence Oldpink told me he was going to make me a moderator on the forum and I smoked one those funny cigars that fly around thier shop and I completely forgot!!!!
Was reminded at the last 420 Cup and it was great to catch up with some familiar faces/names.
I havn't been brewing beer for many years now as I have been concentrating on making a Marijuana alcohol that works and tastes nice and I find wine cider and meade as easier to work with as you tend to be working with higher alcohol content and therefore less prone to infection. Also gets a better reaction to combine with THC in the later stages of fermenting.
But reading some of the mouth watering recipes that you have here I might give some of them a try (maybe even WITHOUT marijuana SHOCK HORROR)
At the momment I am trying to perfect BUDKA and would be very gratful for any advice on indoor distilling or freeze distilling.
A BIG THANKS to Dankdude and Mean Mr Mustard for being a powerhouse in this forum and its nice to know that I'm not the only Pisshead into brewing on this site :)

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