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History of Russian growing community... well, I haven't seen it from the very begining, but AFAIK one of the first resources was zpcannabis.com.ua... it was around 2000-2002, I wasn't even smoking these times :D Then it was hosted by bumblestore.org. However the group of rebels arised, that didn't agree with the policy of the store owner, and made up there own resource at olk-peace.org
Meanwhile, on-line communities developed on the sites of seedshops. Board at dzagi.ru has grown good enough.
There are a lot of marijuana-related resources over russian part of the net, because the subject itself is very popular... however most of them look like primitive homepages, because a team of professionals is needed to handle a high-quality resource. We have such a team and we are proud of it :)
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New member
Hello russian growers !!!!

im searching for pure ruderalis seeds, but no bank seeds sell it :-S. i want it for trying this genetics on hybrids . any one knows where i can find it ???


New member
Ого !!
Приветствую русскоговорящих гроверов, на мировой сцене коноплеводства.


New member
Wert, здарова...
Вот был бы скоростной И-нет, тут бы висел , душевная обстановка..


New member
Заходите ВСЕ почаще сюда! Да будем достойными представителями нашей необъятной родины!:)
Smurf said:
fr33th3w33d, Ваша английская язык кажется совершенной к мне.

Счастливые садовничая .... Smurf. :wave:
Ох и нифига себе! Смурф, ты кажеца говоришь по русски! :jump: :jump: :jump:


stone fool
I would like to wish happy buds to all of our friends in Russia, from the prairie. May we all grow in peace and Light together.


New member
ß òîæå ãîâàðþ ïî ðóññêè, áóäó ïîñòèòü ðåïîðò ñêîðî.
Òàê ÷òî æäèòå. Ñîðò Hashbery

Ой что-то странное с языком.
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MaTeKoaNe said:
Hello russian growers !!!!

im searching for pure ruderalis seeds, but no bank seeds sell it :-S. i want it for trying this genetics on hybrids . any one knows where i can find it ???
In Russia. At us Ruderalis has no TGK. Ourselves often use for crossings Lowryder.


Hey X, very glad to see ya here bro. I beleive you meaned THC in your post...hehe
The finest herb on whole post soviet therritory is deffinitely Uzbek, the only and the best.


Привет Diver, добро пожаловать на ICMag.
Если тебя интересуют purple гибриды то могу посоветовать С99xBlackberry от Wallyduck.


В России не продается....купить можно в seedbay на выходных распродажах, раздел weekend specials. (раздел доступен с вечера пятницы до утра понедельника)....c вопросами относительно заказа смотри здесь: http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=46500

Также рекомендую поискать с google сорт Blackberry, я не помню точно где я его видел в продаже, но это было не очень давно...