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We need YOU to help Alabama legalize!

Flying Goat

Just got word from another who was Emailing...

Apparently, they are really getting hammered & so have changed their receipt parameters, so now letters must be 1,000 words or less...

Just be sure to mention HB642 & urge them to vote YES.

Thanks heaps, y'all! It must be working!


admit nothing, deny everything, and demand proof.
However, in order to access marijuana to treat myself, I must deal with individuals who frighten me & go to places that frighten me. If the vendor cheats me, I have no recourse. If he brandishes a gun & takes my money without providing the cannabis (this has happened once in Mobile), I am terrified & lucky to escape with my life. Often, I prefer to simply suffer rather than go into certain areas attempting to find marijuana. Another issue is that I must pay exorbitant prices, yet have no guarantee what strain of cannabis is being provided & whether or not it will help my symptoms... I am simply at the mercy of the black market & criminal elements which supply the black market.

This is why cannabis should be legalized! Why force users, whose needs are medical, why force them to seek relief through shady fuckers? It's not right, and I loathe the fact that some dickhead alcoholic can obtain booze practically on every corner, pill heads on every other corner; but people who medicate with cannabis are forced to deal with the criminal elements! It's fucked up!

Goat, you have my full support. I'm rooting for 'Bama to get this one passed. Sometime next week (when I have more permissible time) I'll try to sit down to write out an email pointing out the beneficial aspects of cannabis as a medicine. Of course, I wish to stay anonymous, I hope that wouldn't be a deterrent of any sort?

Flying Goat

Of course, you can stay anonymous, Mr. Lincoln!

Reducing crime & 1/2 of what this is all about. Especially crime against ill people!

Thanks for writing... Our bill is presented Wednesday (31st) AM, so may I ask if you could send it prior to that time?

We are finding huge momentum here & gathering strength all the time... If we can just get enough support to push things over the top!

Si! Se puede! Yes! We can!


I'm on it Miss, I'll type something thoughtful out and send it asap. I didn't know it was happening so soon, glad I popped back in here because otherwise I would of completely pulled a Homer here, lol.

Here is to good faith that this thing, at the very least on a strict medical level (in an otherwise draconian state in regards to medical/ recreational cannabis laws) will get passed an Bama folks will be able to medicate without fear of prosecution.
Good on you Flying Goat. It takes a persistent nature to have the initiative to make things like this happen. I commend you.

Flying Goat

Awww, shuck, Mr. Lincoln! <blushes>

Seriously, tho -- Bama will not be having dispensaries or coffee shops, no, NO! Heaven forbid! (heavy sarcasm here)

BUT... We patients & designated caregivers will have won the right to grow 12 plants each (plants, not seedlings) & possess 2.5 oz of finished product.

It ain't much, but it's a start! And what a HUGE start in a State that will lock you up for smelling like it...

The population despise the "stoner" population, in general... A lot is hype. But when they see an old lady with her hair in a bun wearing a suit... And American disabled veterans, & kids with epilepsy, people with back injuries & chronic pain, grandmas with cancer... The Sick Soldiers will win this war not thru strength - God knows, it's hard to come up with that... We'll win thru sheer dogged persistence & mulish stubbornness, letting the pols know we are NOT going to go away... and using the media to our benefit to SHAME them every time a medical user is arrested...

Thanks again, Mr. Lincoln... If you ever wanna visit Alabama for the crawfish run, blue crab, shark fishing or whatever, just holler me up!

Flying Goat

UPDATE: Over the weekend, I heard from Loretta... Our bill "didn't make the cut" for this week's hearings... Apparently, they are more interested in listening to argument re "video bingo" & other gambling...


Montgomery is cancelled for this week, so don't come if you were planning to attend.


I urge any of you who sent letters or made phone calls, to PLEASE up the pressure! I'll be contacting Loretta to get a newspaper/TV interview of members of the Committee as to why our bill "didn't make the cut," hopefully TV... It is now time for strong-arm tactics...

Write your local newspapers, residents in legal states! Ask to tell a reporter what's really going on down here in Bama! Our legislature is more concerned with regulating fucking BINGO than stopping the arrest & persecution of seriously ill patients!

I'm pissed off as hell & I'm NOT gonna take it anymore!


ICMag Donor
sorry they did this to the fine people of alabama. this is going to take a lot of dedication to get this through. the media can help change minds, get it on their radar, spark conversation. just don't give up.

Flying Goat

Apparently, they did not have enough time allotted to hear our HB642, because another bill was DUPLICATED on the list... Duh! I ask all of you - clerical error or intentional duplication to keep us off the agenda???

Am contacting SnoopDogg to try to get him & entourage to do a benefit show here in Mobile for ACC... Working likewise to do benefits with entertainers appealing to us "older" folks - bluegrass, Levon Helm, etc. Price of admission for each will be $20 AND a completed, signed Referendum form, demanding legalization be placed on the ballot this November...

Great deal, eh? Now, off to check on permits... We're wanting a 4/20 Smokeout at the University campus as well...

...So many politicians to aggravate... so little time...

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Well Flying Goat we just have to keep trying

Well Flying Goat we just have to keep trying

Keep up the good fight bro... Rome wasn't built in a day right lol..Just like Canada they have a bunch of idiots in power so they need ppl writng the media and keeping up the preasure on this shit and I'm all for that shit lol peace out headband707:dance013:

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
The more states we get on our side the better. Were rooting for you alabama.

-west coast:tiphat:

Flying Goat

Well, they have managed to slow us down... for a week!

Loretta & Christie just let me know we are BACK ON THE CALENDAR for Wednesday, April 7, 2009!

So please, y'all - that gives us an extra week to write letters & flood them with Email, paper and/or phone calls...

Anyone who send me a copy of their letter gets a favor from the Flying Goat! :tiphat:

I'm told referendum won't work in Alabama - not a referendum state... We must have a helluva fucked up constitution here...

BHT - Thanks for the good wishes! We are watching you, too, of course - with green eyes full of envy... (not really, y'all have a different set of problems that we do here)..


Flying Goat

Well, it appears there's some Himalayan Blue Diesel in my area awaiting harvest around the middle of April...

When we get back from Montgomery, either we will be celebrating with it or drowning our sorrows...

...until we locate another good point of attack!

Flying Goat

An old granny on YouTube, blowing HBD smoke... Wooden Eye, that's just too far out even for the Goatwoman!

However, I might shoot a video of me sharing a joint with my favorite goat (Bocephus, our herd sire)... or maybe our pet raccoon, or maybe the donkey... Heck, everything around here likes weed!

Flying Goat

OK, folks... Tomorrow we load up & head out to assault Montgomery in our attempt to liberate Alabama from its' misguided legislation...

Please be wishing us well & sending positive vibes our way... we will need them.

First, we're scheduled, then we're not... Then we're rescheduled & guaranteed hearing... but only private hearing... If we demand PUBLIC hearing, as is our right, we have to reschedule AGAIN... We don't wanna do that... Too many people have worked too hard to get us to this point.

Kinda like in the movie Armageddon (if you haven't seen it, guys, think about the first virgin you were with...) we're gonna try & push this thing thru! <insert canned laughtrack here>

Still, I just have this feeling... but won't jinx it by even typing it out loud...

Either way, I'll have some lovely HBD to either celebrate with or help drown my sorrows...

Gonna be a tuff day. I'm worn out today from transplanting tomatoes (yeah, real ones)... But hubs is restless in his sleep so I gotta give him at least an hour to settle in before I lie down...

We're so fuckin' broke we decided to have the phone turned off so we can feed this crowd that's landed here... I'm making up tortillas & papas con huevos (we have lots of eggs from our chickens) & sausage & egg burritos to take with us so we don't have to eat out... Pitiful, eh? But we're a GIT-R-DONE kinda crowd, so we soldier on...

I'm typing in an unconscious state just now... Better get offa here & get some Valerian root in me so I can sleep...

Cheers, y'all!


New member
just wanna say thanks for all your hard work and also that you are at 420 posts which i can only hope is a bit of luck for ya tomorrow !!!!

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