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Well-known member
Time dont exist so cause of that i dont need a watch...

Time exists in the fact that it's a measurement and an extremely valuable tool.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with a seiko.best watch for the price more than likely.still prefer my Swiss Army watch.its no Rolex but still made in Switzerland


Well-known member
Here's my daily driver.i own a shitty smart watch and a couple others.its not a Rolex but still Swiss made.what pisses me off is why people don't understand why good watches are so expensive.most people just buy the brand and not the watch.its a very nice replicant of someone in ww2 would wear.trust me on this.watches like that meant LIFE OR DEATH! FACT JACK


Well-known member
Here's my daily driver.i own a shitty smart watch and a couple others.its not a Rolex but still Swiss made.what pisses me off is why people don't understand why good watches are so expensive.most people just buy the brand and not the watch.

Dog Star

Active member
Time exists in the fact that it's a measurement and an extremely valuable tool.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with a seiko.best watch for the price more than likely.still prefer my Swiss Army watch.its no Rolex but still made in Switzerland

You are so wrong bro.. and i talking from modern scientific angle..

time dont exist in this way and in measurments what humans give
values.. its a trickery for you to have some kind of compas,but
he is very false...

time is interconnected with space.. and if space was not pass out
by us than also time standing still..

so it doesnt exist in true reality... actually those watch decive
you by some numbers and values that are accepted by human
kind...but in Universe this values are totaly non important
as there is a fact that time dont exist..

If you dont belive me google a bit on scientific sites and those
thematic that time dont exist..

Hope you get me in best light... :tiphat:

Dog Star

Active member
The Nature Of Time

Out of all the pressures we face in our everyday lives, there’s no denying that the nature of time has the most profound effect. As our days, weeks, months, and years go by, time moves from past to present to future, and never the other way around.

But according to the physics that govern our Universe, the same things will occur regardless of what direction time is travelling in. And now physicists suggest that gravity isn’t strong enough to force every object in the Universe into a forward-moving direction anyway.

So does time as we know it actually exist, or is it all in our heads? First off, let’s run through a little refresher about the so-called arrow of time.

Thanks to the forward-facing arrow of time, young becomes old, and the past becomes the present, which was once the future. You can’t unscramble your eggs, and you can’t Control Z a broken leg.

But if we forget our own perspective for a second, zoom right out, and look at the Universe as a whole, as far as we can tell, the only thing that governs the behaviour of the Universe are the laws of physics.

And the problem is that all but one of these laws are considered to be completely time-reversible – meaning that the same effects will occur, regardless of whether time is running forwards or backwards.

“Whether through Newton’s gravitation, Maxwell’s electrodynamics, Einstein’s special and general relativity, or quantum mechanics, all the equations that best describe our Universe work perfectly if time flows forward or backward,” Lee Billings writes for Scientific American.

One example of this ‘time-reversible’ quality in the Universe is the path of a planet orbiting a star, according to the force of gravity.

“Whether time runs forwards or backwards, planetary orbits follow the exact same paths. The only difference is the direction of the orbit,” Brendan Cole explained for us earlier in the year.

So time is subjective? That might be what Einstein’s special theory of relativity says, but there’s a little something called second law of thermodynamics.

The Disorder Of Time
According to the second law of thermodynamics, as time goes by, the amount of disorder – or entropy – in the Universe will always increase. This goes back to those scrambled eggs – once they’ve been disordered, you can’t go back and lessen the amount of disorder applied to a particular system.

“Physicists have, for this reason, reluctantly settled on the second law as the source of time’s arrow: disorder always has to increase after something happens, which requires that time can only move in one direction,” Cole explains.

If it’s all starting to sound a bit messy to you, that’s because it is.

Many physicists now suspect that when gravity forces enough tiny particles to interact with each other, the forward-facing arrow of time emerges, and entropy can increase. The rules then change to favour a more directionless Universe only once these tiny particles start interacting with much larger things.

But for that to work, entropy must have increased, which means the Universe had to have started off more ordered than it is now – something that some physicists have tried to explain by suggesting there are parallel universes where time runs forwards, backwards, sideways, you name it.

In an effort to get to the bottom of one of the biggest conundrums in modern science, a pair of physicists decided to test the assumption that gravity is the force behind all this craziness.

A New Look
The point at which particles are thought to transition from being governed by the arrow of time to being governed by the directionless laws of the Universe is known as decoherence.

As Nick Stockton explains for Wired, the most prominent hypothesis explaining decoherence is the Wheeler-DeWitt equation, which predicts when the seams between quantum and classical mechanics are erased thanks to gravity.

But when physicists Dmitry Podolsky, from Harvard University, and Robert Lanza, head of Astellas Global Regenerative Medicine, ran measurements of gravity through the Wheeler-DeWitt equation, they found that once you do the maths, the equation doesn’t explain how time’s forward-moving direction actually emerges.

In fact, according to their results, gravity’s effects kick in far too slowly to account for a universal arrow of time.

As Stockton points out, if gravity is too weak to be the thing that’s holding an interaction between molecules together as they ‘decohere’ into something larger, it can’t possibly be strong enough to force them into the same direction, time-wise.

“Our paper shows that time doesn’t just exist ‘out there’ ticking away from past to future, but rather is an emergent property that depends on the observer’s ability to preserve information about experienced events,” Lanza writes for Discover.

This suggests that time’s arrow is subjective, and determined by the observer, which means us.

“In his papers on relativity, Einstein showed that time was relative to the observer,” Lanza told Wired. “Our paper takes this one step further, arguing that the observer actually creates it.”

The idea is of course controversial, because as Yasunori Nomura, a physicist at UC Berkeley who was not involved in the study, points out, the pair have failed to take the fabric of spacetime into consideration, and have to introduced a quality into the equation – ‘observer time’ – that no one’s even sure is real.

“The answer depends on whether the concept of time can be defined mathematically without including observers in the system,” says Nomura.

If we want to explain the strangeness of time in the Universe, we’re not there yet, but as Lanza and Podolsky suggest, maybe we’re missing something. And as researchers suggested earlier this year, could that something be dark energy?


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I am selling 2 of my Universal Geneve watches.

I just don't wear watches any more and I am old, retired and getting ready to move to California.

This was my Father's watch from when he and my Mother were married in Italy during the World War 2. I believe my Dad said they were wedding gifts from his army buddies. Solid 14kt beautiful rose gold. It has been in my family for about 70 years. When I move to California this year, I hope to trade it for 1 months rent. Somehow, that just doesn't seem right. LOL


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Dog Star

Active member
Possesions are also false... once you go from this place you cant take anything
with true yourself that will be of any benefit for you in a spiritual World...

so if you dont have nobody to left this watch or you dont wish to give anybody that watch then selling is a very good option..

Watches are anyway conspiracy for folks that are convinced they know something
about time...


Active member
You are so wrong bro.. and i talking from modern scientific angle..

time dont exist in this way and in measurments what humans give
values.. its a trickery for you to have some kind of compas,but
he is very false...

time is interconnected with space.. and if space was not pass out
by us than also time standing still..

so it doesnt exist in true reality... actually those watch decive
you by some numbers and values that are accepted by human
kind...but in Universe this values are totaly non important
as there is a fact that time dont exist..

If you dont belive me google a bit on scientific sites and those
thematic that time dont exist..

Hope you get me in best light... :tiphat:

Dude, you need to lay off the drugs.


Well-known member
Premium user
Hey Homebrewer, I just started brewing. Have you ever tried cannabis brewing? I guess, instead of hops. Use the standard grain and malt but cannabis instead of hops???????

I have seen where they add tincture to home brew. Big deal. I can do that to my Budweiser. I was just wondering if anyone actually ever brewed cannabis beer.

And, just to stay on topic...... I have no one. No family. Only 1 friend. And, I am 65. Fuck yes...... it's time to sell it. I seldom care what time it is or even what day it is. But if I do, my phone tells all. I can't see the dial on that watch with my old fucked up eyes, anyway. Just a pink blur. LOL


Well-known member
Possesions are also false... once you go from this place you cant take anything
with true yourself that will be of any benefit for you in a spiritual World...

so if you dont have nobody to left this watch or you dont wish to give anybody that watch then selling is a very good option..

Watches are anyway conspiracy for folks that are convinced they know something
about time...

Dog,I understand there may be some language barriers between us so I'll try to make this as simple as I can.your trying to make this some quantum,meta physical argument when in fact time exists because it's a man made measurement.just like inches or feet to yard to a square.

Unless you have no life,are so fucking rich that you don't have to care about shit or live in a fucking grass hut,the CONCEPT OF TIME IS PRECIOUS!

Your right in the quantum world time means nothing.but in this world time exists for us working peasants.some people gotta know when to get home to feed their kids after school etc.


Well-known member
I am selling 2 of my Universal Geneve watches.

I just don't wear watches any more and I am old, retired and getting ready to move to California.

This was my Father's watch from when he and my Mother were married in Italy during the World War 2. I believe my Dad said they were wedding gifts from his army buddies. Solid 14kt beautiful rose gold. It has been in my family for about 70 years. When I move to California this year, I hope to trade it for 1 months rent. Somehow, that just doesn't seem right. LOL

I don't know what that watch is worth.id say maybe 500 tops.youd sell your dad's watch like that? This is why hate pawn stars.people selling dead peoples stuff all the time.if you need the money that bad then sell it.but I gaurantee you won't get what it's worth unless you know a watch collector


Well-known member
Premium user
Yeah, it's really too bad. It's not that I need the money. I'm retired on a 6 figure income with a 7 figure bank account. I just don't need the watch. It's been sitting in my safe for years.

I'm old. Lead a fucked up life of drug addiction, alcohol and tobacco abuse. I wrecked 50+ cars. Raced motorcycles for years (motocross) and now it's time to pay the piper. I hurt like fuck every minute of every day. I am the classic definition of "If I had known I was going to live this long, I would have taken better care of myself." Never figured I'd see much past 50. I'm 65 now. Hoping to die in my sleep every night. I don't need a fucking watch. LMAO

Plus, I'm not a possession person. The most wonderful (and terrible) things in my life, I carry in my heart. I don't need a trailer or a storage unit. Had 'em, filled 'em, don't want 'em. LOL 2 years ago I was paying $41,000.00 a year just for insurance on all my shit. Fuck that. 2 years ago I had 5 cars and 3 motorcycles. Today, I have 1 motorcycle (and, I'm selling that in Spring) and 1 car. I am loving this 'downsizing' thing.

People think I'm a little strange tossing all my baby pictures and my Mom and Dad's wedding pictures and pictures of their honeymoon in Capri and all that. All into the dumpster. I mean... who the fuck wants MY family pictures? It's kind of weird being the last of the clan but I guess it's my job to clean up the mess and turn out the lights. LOL

I must admit, it feels a little wrong but I am moving from my 3000SF home to a 900 SF condo in San Diego (right on the beach) and I need to thin the herd.

Just sold my entire gun collection. All my tools except a toolbox full. All my furniture, most of my clothes. I just gave my white VanHusen oxford white shirts to the AmVet. I had over 60 fucking white shirts. LMAO I still have over 100 pair of socks. Over 100 pair of underwear. Probably 50 suits, mostly Hart Shaftner and Marks or if they were silk, I had then imported from Italy. Too fucking much money for too fucking long (and no kids to suck me dry of all of it). My dogs didn't have to go to college. LOL

Yep, that watch is about $700. I had one collector offer me that. I wanted $1500 for 2 of them so I'll probably take his offer. Close enough. I just wanted to see if I could find the right buyer and hit a home run.

The place we are renting is $8000 a month. That watch won't even buy me a week. LOL That's sad. Albeit, it's a beautiful place with nothing between your back door and the Pacific ocean except sand. No road, no walk way, no boardwalk, just right out onto your own little beach. I can't wait.

Still, that's a beautiful watch for under $1000. Albeit, Universal is not exactly the top of the line in Swiss watch movements. Actually closer to the bottom than the top. LOL

Just sold my Bulova Accutron Spaceview. Now, there's a cool watch that screams individuality.



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Well-known member
8000 a month!? You renting a mansion? I'm in in almost exactly the the same boat but I'm only 31.my grandmother gave me the watch I posted above with her molboro cig points.id feel too guilty selling it.but it is what it is I guess.


Well-known member
Yeah, it's really too bad. It's not that I need the money. I'm retired on a 6 figure income with a 7 figure bank account. I just don't need the watch. It's been sitting in my safe for years.

I'm old. Lead a fucked up life of drug addiction, alcohol and tobacco abuse. I wrecked 50+ cars. Raced motorcycles for years (motocross) and now it's time to pay the piper. I hurt like fuck every minute of every day. I am the classic definition of "If I had known I was going to live this long, I would have taken better care of myself." Never figured I'd see much past 50. I'm 65 now. Hoping to die in my sleep every night. I don't need a fucking watch. LMAO

Plus, I'm not a possession person. The most wonderful (and terrible) things in my life, I carry in my heart. I don't need a trailer or a storage unit. Had 'em, filled 'em, don't want 'em. LOL 2 years ago I was paying $41,000.00 a year just for insurance on all my shit. Fuck that. 2 years ago I had 5 cars and 3 motorcycles. Today, I have 1 motorcycle (and, I'm selling that in Spring) and 1 car. I am loving this 'downsizing' thing.

People think I'm a little strange tossing all my baby pictures and my Mom and Dad's wedding pictures and pictures of their honeymoon in Capri and all that. All into the dumpster. I mean... who the fuck wants MY family pictures? It's kind of weird being the last of the clan but I guess it's my job to clean up the mess and turn out the lights. LOL

I must admit, it feels a little wrong but I am moving from my 3000SF home to a 900 SF condo in San Diego (right on the beach) and I need to thin the herd.

Just sold my entire gun collection. All my tools except a toolbox full. All my furniture, most of my clothes. I just gave my white VanHusen oxford white shirts to the AmVet. I had over 60 fucking white shirts. LMAO I still have over 100 pair of socks. Over 100 pair of underwear. Probably 50 suits, mostly Hart Shaftner and Marks or if they were silk, I had then imported from Italy. Too fucking much money for too fucking long (and no kids to suck me dry of all of it). My dogs didn't have to go to college. LOL

Yep, that watch is about $700. I had one collector offer me that. I wanted $1500 for 2 of them so I'll probably take his offer. Close enough. I just wanted to see if I could find the right buyer and hit a home run.

The place we are renting is $8000 a month. That watch won't even buy me a week. LOL That's sad. Albeit, it's a beautiful place with nothing between your back door and the Pacific ocean except sand. No road, no walk way, no boardwalk, just right out onto your own little beach. I can't wait.

Still, that's a beautiful watch for under $1000. Albeit, Universal is not exactly the top of the line in Swiss watch movements. Actually closer to the bottom than the top. LOL

Just sold my Bulova Accutron Spaceview. Now, there's a cool watch that screams individuality.


You got something like motorcycles and shit let me know.and tools.serious.

And you sold your father's watch like that when you don't even need the money? I'm calling B's but if true your father must of been a real ass.or your just an ass.call me old fashioned (31) but I can't fathom that shit


Well-known member
Premium user
I just sold 20 power tools for $50. A few examples in the pics. Not even $3 per tool.

Here's the place we wanted. 1600 SF. $8000 a month....


Oops, my bad. I just did a Google walk down the beach and there is a walkway between the patio and the beach. Not worth 8k any more. LOL Just went to 5 or 6k (which is what we want to spend).



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Well-known member
LOL like I said above who counts time when you can count money.seriously sell me something good like those tools I'll legit give you the money.i work construction mostly.i would of bought that shit right now.and if true I hope the best for you.


Well-known member
Oh, I just read your whole post Ringo.i see the sarcasm.go fuck your smug ass.i met plenty of people your age who didn't do nothing cause of your baby boomer entitled ass.i know cause all my friends a re your age.fuck you for selling your dad's watch.WTF is wrong with you? I'll buy it now just cause I know on your DB you'll regret it

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