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vertical areo


Well I'll say the cash flow does seem to be a bit easyer now! I trimmed the plants when they first went in the system , It took just a week before it went crazy in there, and no way hardly to trim. I usually dont trim after a plnats in flowering for a week of more. I've been thinking of a couple ways to make this more accessable like your colli.I hope to get some pics on some of the changes ive been working yesterday


Bio-Bucket Specialist *********
…………I really like your ingenuity and determination to build one of these things, very nice…………plus the fact that you actually pulled off a successful grow in it, thumps up bro……. :yes:


Updates to the vertical system:
I added a 20 gal. bladder thank and a preassure switch, got the preassure set to on at 80PSI and Off at 100 Psi and added a 24 volt sol. valve for my cycle stat to open and close, the cycle stat is kinda nice I built with knobs and a counter on and off, this makes it easy to know how long each on and off time is going. With this much preassure i should have a nice fog inside my tubes.



Active member
your sick betterboy!!! i like the way you have that rigged bro and that counter is just silly mahn....awesome......and as far as making an opening for you to get in the system why don't you just make a incomplete hexagon so that one side is left open for you to walk in........and then just cover it up with panda film to keep the light in....just an idea but i'm sure your onto something already......well done sir.....somoz


yea i do use panda plastic around it, was gonna take out a section in the rear for a entrance for me but that will be going against the wall when i build my second unit, and with the angle of drain toward the res it has to be on the opposite of the res. Im still putting some thought in to it though.Im gonna put the system back together tommorrow for a test run to see how it works and hopfully the clones will be ready soon


betterboy said:
Your right bought the differance in the pipe, sch 20 is S&D pipe and thin walled and the SCH 40 is much thicker. The S&D 45 degree fittings are $1.49, they went up they were $.99 ea. If the ABS is cheap dont see why it wouldn't work, dont know if ya would have to light proof it or not, both the sch 20 & 40 does though. If you go larger than the 4" pipe with this design I can see a few problems you'll run in to besides expence(BIG BUCKS) you would need to increase the pvc size for the stand, I used 1".
The 4" does work well and the roots justgrew down to the res but with water almost constantly flowing it kept enough oxygen in the water. when i took the system apart the roots were peral white,
if ya goto build one of these a chop saw works great! for the oct. pcs. they are 16" long and the fittings are 45 Degree

Haha ... After reading this i'm assuming that "S*D" means sewer and drain, lol i've got problems. Thanks for the clarification BB.

I've always admired the aero coli but couldn't spring the cash for it. And since I couldn't possibly ignore the effeciency of Vertical lighting I was going to build several shelves that I could stack bio-buckets on and then arrange in a circle around the lights. After thinking of that arrangement it seemed that the plants would probably be getting uneven light due to the shelves plus having that much water constantly circulating 24/7 seems not quite as safe as doing an aero setup such as your beautiful rig.

All that being said : I was wondering if you had any good links that give IN DEPTH understanding of aero - I understand the basics like the roots just hang with no medium and are misted to get fed and that you need your container light proof to fight off RR - but I dont quite understand how many misters per plant you should use - how the rez is handled (how many gallons per plant) how they are set up - blah blah ect ect - so if you have any handy links you wouldn't mind posting i'd sure appreciate it. Also this way i'm not some annoying bastard bothering you all day with questions LOL ... Thanks man.

Best of luck
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hummmmm,There's a lot of threads on areo but i cant think of one that might give ya all the info your looking for.First off ya really dont want just a squirt of water shooting toward your net pot, ya need a fine mist, Lothar on OG had a very nice thread and explained everything very well and gave sites to buy everything ya need,I can give ya the sites for the material needed, like for your sprayers ect , basically you take the number of sprayers and multiply the output of the sprayers, this will give ya GPM or GPH , since these run approx. 1 minuite you would figure GPM. A 40 gal. res would be more than you would need, Im using a dock float myself, this will keep the unit as low as possibe so ya dont use up your head room up.Any info ya need I'll be glad to help and im sure their are many others that will also.


would you mind telling me where I can find one of those cool light tubes? thanks


Just do a google search or even search the forums - I've recently saw a post that said "best place for cool tubes on the net" ... They're out there


well got the changes and the unit back together, the unit ownly took bout 45 min. to reset up, now to add water and test and wait for the clones to root, I may just harden off the clones and just sitck them in, the clones should root just fine in the oct.

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betterboy said:
Ahh yea, pod racer, very good lots of good info there

Haha yeah I didn't realize it was 53 pages long until I got to about page 12 or so ... Plus that threads tough because of his posting style and tendency to go WAAY of topic then segway back into it after 4 paragraphs LOL. Still lots of quality stuff though.

I was wondering what you consider the toughest part or most labor intensive aspect of your aero set up ... From what i've read so far it seems to be the constant balancing act of nute mixing ... How often do you add nutes and how often do you do rez change outs ??

Best of luck

PS. I can't wait for more action in this thing , i'll be here watching for sure. :lurk:


I really dont see much differance between my F&D and the areo. but i do keep a closer eye on the areo but other than that pretty much the same, which is very little.Set up and after cut on the F&D is much more work than areo though, cleanning rocks and all the equiptment, where theres no medium in the areo, so i guess bottom line and all in all areo seems to be less work.
Aint this a pain in the ass! got the areo changes done and that cheapass eco 230 has no power, so tommorrow gotta change go a jet pump and git r done! clones are rooting


It was meant to be ... Apparently the eco 230 has served its purpose and met its demise ... In the end you gotta spend more money but atleast its on something you wanted to replace anyway, right.


Shit! make sure all pvc joints are glued before ya turn on a Jet Pump
nothing like a unschedualed shower.
I cant say im happy with my sprayers im using, at 15 PSI these sprayers put out 4.8 GPH and 6.8@30 PSI, Im running 75 PSI so i have no idea how many GPM this is putting out but i know its a lot. Im looking at some cooling misters with a out put of 1 GPH so with 56 sprayers that would give me .983 GPM the ownly problem is these misters spray like a V streight down so i may have to add 1 sprayer for each plant, that would suck!


LOL ... I have this vision of how it would happen if it were me.

I'd be all excited :woohoo:

"Awesome - its time to get this motherfucker ROCKIN' " :sasmokin:

*pushes pump start button*

*Hears a slight hiss*

"What the fuck is that ?" :chin:


:yoinks: :yoinks: :yoinks:

Pipes are bursting out in all directions - water flying everywhere ... I scramble for the pump to shut it off ... Finally get it off as the water is still dropping from the sky ...

:mad: :mad: :mad: :cuss: :cuss: :cuss:


I kick the wall and bust my toe ...


Shit man i'd go balistic if that happened haha... :bat:

Many thanks for the *Caution* alert

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Active member
lmfao! yeah i guess the first thing i learned when i got my feet wet with dro shows was that something always leaks...or i do something really really dumb ......ie.....i get too stoned and somehow when draining a 60 gallon rez the tube slips out of the drain hole and water goes everywhere.....then there's always the misplacement of a feed line and you don't realize until the next stop in the room: by then everything except the plants have been watered haha..........or the classic trip on one of your drain lines in a drunken stupor early in the morning from the previous nights activities and don't realize shit has leaked until you start hearing the people below you screamin WTF where is this water coming from!!!.......doooh.......

anyway i like it guys....i'm surprised no one has started a thread titlted.......my worst leaks or something like that....i've had some funny shit go down...makes me laugh....anywho i hope it wasn't too hard of a lesson betterboy and the cord was in quick reach......glue dat shit yo!! take it easy......somoz

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