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unusual seeding + hemp growing = government plot !??!

lost in a sea

i heard that people are being encouraged to farm hemp more here, i didnt know you could before !!

i have been growing for many years, and just so no one suggests it, this definitly wasnt caused by pollen from my or my friends grow rooms & not from hermies (not vaguely possible)

this year, this summer, my crop!, AND a friend of mine's crop, was effectively ruined by tiny crappy hardly formed seeds, of which neither of us have ever seen!

i rarely have things flowering through summer, for various reasons so i wouldnt really have seen this before.

im worried about this !!

the proliferation of this industry this could eventually spell the end for summer grows indoors or outdoors !

now the link below is an example about a farm in bangor, and it is dated 2003. im no where near bangor really, but i am in the north west and air masses can move pollen and dust much much further than 1000 miles..........so if this bastard alone probably has1000's of males in his field !!! its more likely though someone is farming near me i reckon.

has anyone else, anywhere, in the u.k noticed a very unusual level of retarded tiny malformed seeds, in plants grown over the summer this year or in previous ones ???

this is obviously just a theory though, and it is possible some numpty around mine and my mates was growing males somwhere, it seems so unlikely though.

what do you think ? hemp farmers ? or some cu.nt growing males somewhere ?

peace guys,



Take A Deep Breath
Probably someone just guerilla planted a load of (regular, possibly AF) seeds near you, thinking "I'll come back in 3 months", without checking to catch the males in the meantime.

They also probably planted late in the season (due to lack of knowledge) thus the late pollination.

I can't see there being many hemp crops like the one mentioned, the Govt likes to keep very strict controls on that sort of thing. Too open for abuse.

But I'm just speculating.

lost in a sea

heya blimey,

i really hope your right mate, but it would be a clever way of the govt ruining summer grown ganja.


Hemps been grown for years in the UK,I have seen a few in Essex,its not some clandestine governmental plot to seed someones outdoor crop,I have been growing outdoors for years,decent numbers of plants but very rarely find seeds yet the closest Hemp field I saw is 25-30 miles away which is an easy trip for a grain of male pollen,either your plants had a few hermie male flowers or someone close has allowed a male to flower.


lol yea its been grown for many many years all over the country i remember runnin thru hemp feilds down the road from my old school back when i was 14 an im 25 now that was essex ways in the country. its more common than you think, its only hemp tho an wont get u stoned an the govt know that so its relatively safe to grow it, in terms of theft an shit.
nothin new. an not a plot either.
never had it happen, i take it your growing indoors as you mention your grow room?
why not suck air in thru a filter if you have an intake no chance of pollen get into your grow room then.
you sure it wasnt a stray male flower/nana ive had that happen a few times. goes unnoticed until you harvest, jus looks like a calyxe at the node base but its a pollen sack.
i jus think that unless it is wot blimey said then for the pollen to travel form a hemp farm to your indoor grow room is unlikely unless you live next door to it even then im sure the farmers harvest it before they actually let pollen loose. an even if it does get out into the air any rainfall would kill off the pollen so it wouldnt travel far considering the amount of rain we get in the summers at the mo, an as i said if you suck air thur a filter it will prevent it gettin into your room.
hopes this helps a bit.

lost in a sea

i wasnt really trying to imply it was a govt plot, that title was just to cause some contention, so i actually got an opinion or two, its pretty unusual for me conversing with other u.k growers....... cool though...

lol no way has it been grown here all this time, rare up where i am though i would've thought!

it wasnt hermies in my grow, im running proven clones, and ive been growing for 15 years, im more than aware of that "factor".

and i dont know what you laughing @ easthead ?....... something funny? or inaccurate about that statement?

5 years ago a research group headed by a guy i know proved that a film of dust that came down in N wales, was from the sahara.

fuck it ! there must have been an idiot growing males near me.......and......coincidentally... 20 miles away at my mates place.


New member
and i dont know what you laughing @ easthead ?....... something funny? or inaccurate about that statement?

:xmasnut: funny? hilarious

only way pollen could travel 1000 miles is if a bee got some pollen from a hemp plant, then got on a train for a thousand miles and then flew into your growroom pollenated your plants then the bee went away

look up pollen drift and research it then come back and say your sorry