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UK outdoor strain discussion?



Hello my fellow UKmaggers, i think its time we have an outdoor strain thread, as we all know the uk isnt the greatest of climates.

Ive not realy ventured outdoors, i had some outdoor plants in the garden, but they simply overgrew and i had no option but to cull at the time :wallbash:

but for next year im after some beans which wil do very well outdoors.

the obvious spesifcations for a uk outdoor strains would be early finishing, mold resistance and good hardly stems as to fend off the wind we somtimes get.

Even though its a question id like to have awnswerd, im sure there are alot of people in the UK who could benifit from others experiences.

Ill be spreading rep about to return your help, not just for me but for us all.


its seems easy sativa (female seeds) is becoming one of the most popular strains for the uk growers, easy, early, potent... passion #1 is a very popular strain too but i feel it lacks in the smell/taste/flavour department.
I had real good luck with reefs williams mango (discontinued?) and kept a nice indica pheno... she was great in all departments, why did i let that one go? :( You dont realize what you've got till its gone. Ive been trying to get my hands on the bc mango as ive heard nothing but great things about her and i think she would be a winner in the uk...

Im growing some guerilla gold # 3 and #5 and another greens strain. Looking good some nice chunky buds :) lets hope mold doesnt rear its ugly face, should be finished late september.

if anybody has reefs genetics and would like to talk in private plz pm me.


aha yea autos look good, but id like to plant early season and harvest some big bushes.

ill prob have afew auto fem seeds there to get early season smoke:joint:

rocket high

Active member
being in the s.w of england your ok but me being north of the border i need to finish them quick ........... RAIN = MOLD = SHIT WEED...bloody weather :d


ahaha mate dont forget its still england, we get alotta rain too.

daddy fingaz

Active member
always done well with Hollands hope and Early misty outside, not the strongest smokin erb but tough plants, easy to grow! :joint:


thanks daddy, i was looking at biddys sister from magus genetics i think, early pearl x sensi star, ive heard good things about him on here and i think i might give it a shot, maybe 2 or 3 females planted early season next year.

im also going to go with feminized auto ak47 seeds, ill be buying 3 packets which will come to £120, but this is to ensure i get atleast 10 females.


New member
Auto strains are the only thing that works up here in newcastle. Normal strains will not flower in time to beat the weather. Id hate to grow a plant for 5 months only to have it rot with mold in front of me!


Auto strains are the only thing that works up here in newcastle. Normal strains will not flower in time to beat the weather. Id hate to grow a plant for 5 months only to have it rot with mold in front of me!

yes i agree that would be a disaster!

im going to try somthing over the next coming years, acclimatizing a strain to the UK climate.

Use the girls that flower first in season with males who show not too far behind the females, then come towards harvest, if any of the girls have budrot, those seeds dont make it any further in the project, no living zombies in my crosses please:dueling:


Haleys Comet was recommended to me as a good outdoor strain for the UK. Tried Stupersonic a couple of years back I found it to be unstable. Saying that one pheno finished mid September.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
i grew haleys last year and it did well.

geurilla gold and it's hybrids finish early and are potent.



Active member
think sensi seeds do an outdoor uiltimate pack 4 strines picked because they grow well outdoors in the uk climate


thanks guys, ive always looked and wondered with hayleys comet, flying dutchmen seem to be a good seedbank, offer alot of skunk mix's

my friend got busted awhile back and had a male bluecheese plant that was 3 weeks in flower, so it started flowering outdoors around first week of august, im thinking of maybe crossing this with afew strains that are being mentiond here when i do a newyears seedbuy

im thinking deepchunk has to be a contender, but hayleys sounds good too
My good friend has wheelies wich is the early mighty freeze pheno! Does real gud finished by mid august but in my oppinion i go auto all the way out door they stay short are quite potent and finish in 10 weeks im currently doing a test run for xxxtreme he sent me some of his auto cheese crosses they litarally stink the place out indoors and seem very uniform they will be available by feb 2010

bens lab

I've got 2 AK47 from female seeds in my greenhouse looking good and a few weeks away from finishing, unfortunately one of them has moulded right out when i checked on them yesterday.

Such a shame, it's barely even rained here either.


dam ben sorry to hear about the mould man, im going to be running afew strains outdoors next year, gonna try get some early finishing crosses made, just what us brits need.

that and mould resistance ofcourse

daddy fingaz

Active member
Not nice losing plants to mould after all the hard work, need to check them twice a day at this time of year, that sh*t can creep up pretty fast!!
I'm also growing Hollands hope this year... I'm halfway up england and it looks like i would have had trouble finishing outdoors, i've setup a light in my garage to finish them, not a bad strain atm, but i've heard they're not so strong in the buzz department, saying that, rubbing a small crystally leaf between your fingers gifts you with a wonderfully fruity smell.

On a similar note about mold, HH boasts a very high mold immunity but one of my ladies has got some dreaded grey on some of its leaves... Don't believe everything you read.

In my opinion autoflowers are the way to go for most of the time, to finish them in the summer sun sounds far more appealing than trying to get fat buds in our shitty winter light...


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