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Trump thread part 2 (Or anything else we want to talk about that's ridiculous in politics today)


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
The stories were different and have evolved. Perhaps this is part of the where we are at. Just today I heard it mentioned that the 30 days was not obligatory and this was a courtesy from LJ due to the large amount.

Did you se my post on the USSC with Senator Whitehouse?
Okay I have not heard that the 30 days was not obligatory. I'm no lawyer so everything I've been saying is just based on what I've heard reported from multiple sources. My understanding though is that the waiting period is whatever the judge rules it to be which would mean that 30 day is neither obligatory nor non obligatory. Based on that it very well could be that the 30 day period was given based on the size of the judgement.

Really though it's kind of a moot point now since the 30 days is up on Monday and AG James can start moving forward first thing Monday morning unless Trump comes up with a last minute save over the weekend.

Interestingly and as a side note something has either just happened or will be happening very soon that will make Trump instantly around $3.6 Billion richer but for reasons to technical to go into here won't be accessible in time for the deadline for the bond. It basically has to do with the sale of Truth Social. I mean that's got to hurt, to be getting enough money to bail him out and yet he can't touch it right away.

Oh and no I didn't see your post on Sen. Whitehouse and the SCOTUS but I am aware of the story and Sen. Whitehouses feelings about it. It's a pretty shoucking turn of events but does explain how the SCOTUS has become as corrupt as Congress if not even more so.


ICMag Donor
Interestingly and as a side note something has either just happened or will be happening very soon that will make Trump instantly around $3.6 Billion richer but for reasons to technical to go into here won't be accessible in time for the deadline for the bond. It basically has to do with the sale of Truth Social. I mean that's got to hurt, to be getting enough money to bail him out and yet he can't touch it right away.

Oh and no I didn't see your post on Sen. Whitehouse and the SCOTUS but I am aware of the story and Sen. Whitehouses feelings about it. It's a pretty shoucking turn of events but does explain how the SCOTUS has become as corrupt as Congress if not even more so.
The truth social deal Will be scrutinized carefully along with sources and motivations. Certainly our wannabe dictator will be all in with the new cash to avoid convictions. A big win for dems guarantees legislation on big money manipulating government. We've seen enough.

The SCOTUS thread video is part #30 by Sen. Whitehouse. In a group where so many nag about corruption, it's surprising that they prefer their own version over an insider laying it out.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
The truth social deal Will be scrutinized carefully along with sources and motivations. Certainly our wannabe dictator will be all in with the new cash to avoid convictions. A big win for dems guarantees legislation on big money manipulating government. We've seen enough.

The SCOTUS thread video is part #30 by Sen. Whitehouse. In a group where so many nag about corruption, it's surprising that they prefer their own version over an insider laying it out.
Personally I fiind the whole affair with the SCOTUS rather disturbing. For a long time I viewed the SCOTUS as being the one branch of our government that had the least amount of corruption. Now I learn it's as rife with corruption as any other part of our government. Now that's not to say that until recently the SCOTUS always made impecable rulings but until now I just saw the more controversial rulings as the result of the interpretations of the constitution made by some old justices still living in the past. This business of lavish retreats paid for by billionaires in order to educate them on new ways to justify most any ruling they want to make though is just really upsetting and something I think most people had no clue was happening. It of course is just one more reason why we really need to find a way to keep big money out of politics.

As for Truth Social, yeah the merger is really quite shady, especially upon close examination of the entities involved. It gives one a pretty good idea of one of the many ways the Stock Market is also manipulated by the wealthy elite. Trump is going to benefit so well becasuse when it's all said and done he'll own 75 million shares of the new merged company. As you say though it will be closely scrutinized, I heard a report last night that Trump won't be able to do much with the money for at least six months. Of course it would be unwise to do anything sooner because if he sold off a bunch of his stock to raise money for his legal problems, it would cause the value of the stocks to become practically worthless especially with him being the brand the whole thing was based on. What's particularly sad about the whole affair is he's been really pushing his supporters to buy stocks in the company to help him with his legal issues. The more stocks that sell the more he profits after the merger but unfortunately for his supporters small individual investors are usually the ones that lose in these mergers. So yet again he's screwing over the people that have been most loyal to him. They deserve it for being so naive and gullible but it also shows what a scumbag Trump is. Not that we needed any more evidence of that.
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Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
Personally I fiind the whole affair with the SCOTUS rather disturbing. For a long time I viewed the SCOTUS as being the one branch of our government that had the last amount of corruption. Now I larn it's as rife with corruption as any other part of our government. Now that's not to say that until recently the SCOTUS always made impecable rulings but until now I just saw the more controversial rulings as the result of the interpretations of the constitution made by some old justiced still living in the past. This business of lavish retreats paid for by billionaires in order to educate them on new ways to justify most any ruling they want to make though is just really upsetting and something I think most people had no clue was happening. It of course is just one more reason why we really need to find a way to keep big money out of politics.

As for Truth Social, yeah the merger is really quite shady, especially upon close examination of the entities involved. It gives one a pretty good idea of one of the many ways the Stock Market is also manipulated by the wealthy elite. Trump is going to benefit so well becasuse when it's all said and done he'll own 75 million shares of the new merged company. As you say though it will be closely scrutinized, I heard a report last night that Trump won't be able to do much with the money for at least six months. Of course it would be unwise to do anything sooner because if he sold off a bunch of his stock to raise money for his legal problems, it would cause the value of the stocks to become practically worthless especially with him being the brand the whole thing was based on. What's particularly sad about the whole affair is he's been really pushing his supporters to buy stocks in the company to help him with his legal isssues. The more sticks that sell the more he profits after the merger but unfortunately for his supporters small individual investors are usually the ones that lose in these mergers. Do yet again he's screwing over the people that have been most loyal to him. They deserve it for being so naive and gullible but it also shows what a scumbag Trump is. Not that we needed any more evidence of that.
Yeah, about that merger...



Well-known member




Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Yeah, about that merger...

I wasn't able to get any info from your link because it has a registration wall that gets thrown up before you can see anything and I wasn't interested in registering. I did hear yesterday what was probably similar reporting though. Which basically right after the sale the value of it's stock dropped. The report wasn't sure why but the likely answer is someone didn't follow the playbook. Basically they were trying to pull a stunt very similar to what happened with gamestop. Trump supporters just prior to the merger were buying up stock in small amounts but at a rate enough to drive the value of the stock to around $44.00 per share which is what would have given Trump the $3.6 Billion value after the sale. It's also worth noting that while $44.00 per share might not seem like much it was way high for a company struggling to bring in more then $1million in revenue and ended up with no profit in 2023 with a third quarter loss of around $39 Million which is pathetically bad by social media standards.

Anyway what was supposed to happen after the merger is some big money would short sell it keeping things looking profitable at first and that would likely keep Trump supporters eagerly buy stocking thinking that not only were they helping Trump but they might make some money too. Of course the big money short sellers would pull out after that taking all the profit of the inflated valuation with them which would have left Trump Supporters holding a bunch of worthless stock. My guess is right after the sale someone Trump supporters got nervous and pulled out and that stopped the big money from really getting involved. That's just a guess though, the report I heard reported that it was unclear why the stock dropped after the sale. Either way it wouldn't have help Trump with his immediate problems because rules on that kind of merger would have prevented him selling any of his stock for 6 months. Also it wouldn't do well as collateral for that same reason and besides that anyone who was stock market savy probably would have recognized what was going on with the stock and that it was doomed from the start.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Well you've probably heard the news but on the chance you didn't Trump appealed his bond requirement and got it reduced to $175 Million. He also has an additional 10 days to come up with that money. If he does then he continues to be able to hold onto all of his assets, all properties and accounts. According to two sources familiar with Trump's finances he should be able to cover that bond but supposedly it will drain almost all of his cash on hand. He also has to secure a promise from a company that should Trump lose his appeal and cannot pay the balance owed to pay the $454 Million judgement against him they will pay for him. He will have to contract with that company to pay an unspecified fee, and pledge $200 Million in cash and other investments as collateral.

So if you run into any moron claiming that Trump is getting unfairly treated by the judicial system...please do me a favor and smack the crap out of them.


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
“Donald Trump is weak and desperate – both as a man and a candidate for President,” the Biden campaign said in a searing statement Monday afternoon.

“He spent the weekend golfing, the morning comparing himself to Jesus, and the afternoon lying about having money he definitely doesn’t have,” said Biden campaign spokesman James Singer, in response to a Trump press conference earlier in the day.

“His campaign can’t raise money, he is uninterested in campaigning outside his country club, and every time he opens his mouth, he pushes moderate and suburban voters away with his dangerous agenda,” Singer said in a statement.

“America deserves better than a feeble, confused, and tired Donald Trump.”



Well-known member
One, two, Freddy's coming for you.
Three, four, better lock your door.
Five, six, grab your crucifix.
Seven, eight, gonna stay up late.
Nine, ten, never sleep again.


He's a tough one to get rid of.


Well-known member
Well you've probably heard the news but on the chance you didn't Trump appealed his bond requirement and got it reduced to $175 Million. He also has an additional 10 days to come up with that money. If he does then he continues to be able to hold onto all of his assets, all properties and accounts. According to two sources familiar with Trump's finances he should be able to cover that bond but supposedly it will drain almost all of his cash on hand. He also has to secure a promise from a company that should Trump lose his appeal and cannot pay the balance owed to pay the $454 Million judgement against him they will pay for him. He will have to contract with that company to pay an unspecified fee, and pledge $200 Million in cash and other investments as collateral.

So if you run into any moron claiming that Trump is getting unfairly treated by the judicial system...please do me a favor and smack the crap out of them.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
i remember saying this exact thing in the CRT critical race theory thread on here from years ago lol

Only for narrow minded people who choose to see it that way. I've seen DEI used to refer to several other groups for which the "N" word wouldn't necessarily apply. For example Disney often uses it when dicussing their intentions of including more women and/or minorities of multiple ethnic backgrounds in Marvel Movies.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Yeah I saw that, in the report I saw they also talked about Jeffery Clark and good old Rudy getting the same fate.

In a seperate report I heard that MyPillow Mike is getting booted from his factory for failure to pay rent.

Also in the news Kari Lake has decided to plead no contest in the defamation case against her for attacks against Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer. As a result the trial will move directly to deciding the award for the defamation.

Looks like the chickens are finally come home to roost for all these Trump Allies.


Well-known member
Only for narrow minded people who choose to see it that way. I've seen DEI used to refer to several other groups for which the "N" word wouldn't necessarily apply. For example Disney often uses it when dicussing their intentions of including more women and/or minorities of multiple ethnic backgrounds in Marvel Movies.

Disney District, Now Under DeSantis’s Control, Ends Its D.E.I. Programs​



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