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Trichome Color Checking?

Old Piney

Well-known member
Thanks and I appreciate the feedback. I am learning you are correct. Stronger isn't better in this case.
I also use it for seeing preflowers, back in the day I could see them with nothing. Just handy for all kinds of things .$11 on Amazon


Ok, this is a very interesting reply. So you guys are saying a tiny piece of leaf will give me a good representation of the whole buds trichome colors/state?
Even on a small sample like that there are plenty of trichomes. I take the samples from as close in as I can, because the larger sugar leaves mature faster, so I avoid those. I normally do three samples from different places in the room.


Well-known member
Even on a small sample like that there are plenty of trichomes. I take the samples from as close in as I can, because the larger sugar leaves mature faster, so I avoid those. I normally do three samples from different places in the room.
Hey brother thanks for the advise. I am going to cut some smaller leaves in 7days.

Old Piney

Well-known member
IME Often The problem is claimed 30 or 40X often is actually less than true 10X, after one buys a quality loupe with a large Field of View (FOV) they’ll realize 10X is plenty, I.e you can spot russet & broad mites even with ‘em….

I’ve got all types of magnification here all levels of cost, all combined get less use than my Belomo Triplet 10X….

Anyone whom has ever followed this recommendation has greatly thanked me…

I push things hard cuz I know the difference a good tool makes, the triplet is a great tool…

Happy hunting & your most welcome
The problem is claimed 30 or 40X often is actually less than true 10X
No 30 or 40x isn't less magnification than 10x. It might work better for you but I like what I got , I'm not even sure what it is but it's more than 10x .$11 on Amazon We can all agree less is more depending on your eyes


Well-known member
Ok this may cause myself some grief but how are you guys checking trichome color? I have been using a USB microscope but I have to trim a small piece of bud each time.

So after asking around and looking around I bought one of the small hand held magnify glasses so i could check my buds without cutting a piece off. Well I thinks its a POS. There is no way in hell I can use this thing. You have to hold it right next to the bud and the plant moves around. Every once in awhile you get a glimpse of a trichome but then its gone.

Are people actually able to look at a bud trichome with one of these. I call BS or at least not like I want to do. I want to see a area large enough to see the percentage of amber trics. In my opinion this can only be done by cutting a piece of bud off.

How to you guys accomplish this with out cutting a piece of bud?

USB Microscope

View attachment 18811250
Pics with the USB microscope

View attachment 18811249
Ok after taking the much appreciated advice of the IC fam, I used this on small pieces of bud trimmed off the plant. As long as you have very small pieces. 1/4"-3/8" you can see the trichomes just fine.

What I cant say is if the small pieces are a good representation of the whole plant. Because I only have the sample size of 1.

I have also look at the whole bud under my USB scope and think I saw more amber than what I saw on the hand held. I understand its a larger area therefore I will see more amber just by surface area, and I agree with that. On the other hand its hard to find 15% amber with a 1/4" sample. Different parts of the plant are at different levels of maturity. Your probably never going to have a bud with perfect 15% amber trichome coverage over the whole surface. I think the Belomo Loupe 10X or 20X the Ledo 5 suggested are worth a try to use on the bud while still on the plant.

I will continue to use the hand held because it allows me to look at the trichomes with small samples. I have some GHT in the same garden that I will use it on.

Old Piney

Well-known member
Basically the lowest magnification you can use and still see color and condition of the resin the better. It allows you to survey more trichomes to determine guesstimated percentages quickly
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Amber trichs is sabotage science. I'm not even gonna respect it with the broscience tag anymore. If your trichs are amber at harvest, you've just harvested a shitty crop.

Why are people harvesting fried resin? Sabatotage science. Resin will only turn brown when it runs out of antioxidants in the form of thiols (weed aromas).

Cannabis is a climacteric crop. It ripens AFTER harvest. No fucking wonder there are weed fridges and curing robots when people are feeding their plants like shit and letting them run too long to make up for it.


Chasing The Present
Amber trichs is sabotage science. I'm not even gonna respect it with the broscience tag anymore. If your trichs are amber at harvest, you've just harvested a shitty crop.

Why are people harvesting fried resin? Sabatotage science. Resin will only turn brown when it runs out of antioxidants in the form of thiols (weed aromas).

Cannabis is a climacteric crop. It ripens AFTER harvest. No fucking wonder there are weed fridges and curing robots when people are feeding their plants like shit and letting them run too long to make up for it.
Relax dood; even if you make a valid point or two….


Well-known member

How to know when to harvest your marijuana plants?​

We will see here which is the best moment to harvest your marijuana plants at their psychoactivity peak, and try to understand what happens in our plants during the last weeks of flowering. In this way, you will be able to harvest your plants depending on the desired effect.

The marijuana harvest window is an aspect that, unfortunately, is rarely taken seriously; other times, what happens is that the grower just don't have enough patience to wait for a few days to ensure highest levels of THC.

Some cannabis strains are better when harvested at their THC production peak, while others will be better if harvested a few days later.
Regarding trichomes and what they tell us, Robert C. Clarke - in his book "Marijuana Botany" - states:

When resin trichomes are near their THC concentration peak, they have a translucent colour since the plant is still producing resin in the trichome glands.

At this moment, THC production is at its peak, while CBD levels are still low and stable, since molecules quickly become THC.

Terpene - aromatic molecules - production is also at its peak, developing gorgeously aromatic floral clusters.

Many growers harvest their cannabis plants at this moment because they prefer a more clear and cerebral psychoactive effect.

At this moment, THC has few sedative effects due to low CBD and CBN levels.

What does it all mean?

If you are growing mostly Indica hybrids, it is better to harvest your plants when the resin glands are completely developed but not fully ripen - before they turn amber - unless you want to be glued to your sofa.

The harvest time depends mostly on marijuana strains and phenotypes, and can vary from several days to a few weeks between different cannabis varieties.

If you extend too much the flowering period of an Indica strain, it will dramatically affect its taste and effect. Fortunately, extending only a few days the flowering stage don't usually cause major issues for most people.

It is recommended to observe close-up shots taken with a HD digital camera; however, a small hand-held microscope is cheap and works greatly. It is almost like being in a worls of aliens when we observe our cannabis buds with a fifty magnification lens!

Space Bomb Marijuana
Space Bomb Marijuana
If growing mostly Sativa hybrids , make sure that all resin glands are fully developed and 30% of them are amber before harvesting your plants.

If you extend the flowering period, you take the risk of decreasing both the taste and the typicall sativa "high" - stimulant - effect. However, there are always exceptions: the Haze strain has 3 different harvesting times, all of them after a long flowering period. Each grower must learn what he and his patients understand as "high effect".

We haven't discussed the yields, since we understand that if your plants are at the third stage of flowering and have completely developed resin glands, then they will yield at their full potential.

While there will always be few variations, you can use the following rules to better identify the harvest window of your plants according to the ripening stage of their trichomes:

1) When the bulbous heads of the trichomes are fully developed but still translucent, plants will produce a "high" and stimulanting effect, less sedative. It is the perfect moment to harvest strong Indica strains.

2) When these bulbous heads turn milky is probably the best moment to harvest most available hybrids.

3) When 70% of these trichome heads are milky and 30% amber, it is the perfect time to harvest mostly Sativa hybrids and long flowering strains (like Haze). It is also the best moment to harvest plants for making hashish.

As an example, let's see what happens with Jack's Cleaner marijuana : if harvested after 56 days of flowering, all trichomes are translucent (only a few of them are turning milky). At this moment, the effect is very stimulating, "up and high", clear. It produces visual effects and its acid citrus taste is very intense.

The same plant, harvested only a week later - 63 days of flowering - shows milky trichomes, and 30%-50% of them have already turned amber.

Picture 4 - Marijuana finishing its flowering
Picture 4 - Marijuana finishing its flowering
If harvested at this moment,the effect will be heavy and intense, and the acid citrus taste becomes sweeter, reminiscent of the sweet smell of fermented lemons, similar to Lemon Heads sweets. The effect is now body relaxing and sedative, being a perfect smoke for relaxing before going to spleep.

It is alsmost an example of plant harvested too late. However, in this way we take profit from all the medicinal properties that the plant has during this late stage.

Another example is Killer Queen. After 49 days of flowering, it has chocolate taste and smell and that mentioned high and stimulant effect . If harvested after 60 days of flowering, it becomes “Super” Killer Queen, with both a skunky smell and a more strong effect, almost hypnotic.

The main mistake here is harvesting your plants when thricomes are not fully developed; most growers who follow the aforementioned rules will probably harvest their plants with milky, completely developed trichome heads.

Harvesting too early means less potent buds, with less essential oils and terpenes, so your buds will taste like grass or hey, even when correctly dried and cured.

Vortex marijuana from TGA SubCool
Vortex marijuana from TGA SubCool
A good option is harvesting the more ripe buds - which are usually those from the upper parts of the plant -. This allows the lower parts of the plant to have more light, thus increasing both the final weight and density.

If you have a digital camera with Macro function, you can take close-up shots and use a photo-editing software to zoom the pictures and observe the trichomes.

These tips will help you to improve the results of your favourite marijuana varieties, as well as to set the appropiate harvest window of those strains that you are growing for the first time.
