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transplant shock


New member
transplanted a few of my bigger babies yesterday ... getting ready for the HPS. sort of damaged the biggest one ... nothing too bad just kinda brused her a bit, but she sorta shocky now. is there anything specific i can do to help her recover faster?

this is my first INDOOR grow and im experencing all kinda new stuff.



hi mauie, you could try a little superthrive or biobizz alg-a-mic is good also! and there are many other products out there for relieving stress?
im sure if it was not to bad they will be fine in 24/48 hours
good luck anyhoo
be lucky


Yes, Superthrive is great! Also try a heating pad for warmth and don't overwater. If you bent the stem, just use scotch tape to hold it up, they usually recover quickly. Good luck, what are you growing?:cool:


New member
1st indoor

1st indoor

this time im growing, or should i say im trying to successfuly grow Blue Mystic and Top 44 from nirvana seeds.

the blu is the one i scared a bit ... kinda bent a leaf or three near the main stem. it wont be too bad even if they die. just want to do right by her cause i expect her to do right by me. LOL !! already this am with no intervention she was perking up a bit.

how long should i wait untill it would be safe to go under the big lights?


hi mauie, i have some blue mystic on the go aswell and so does another guy on here called "big eggy" so we can all swap notes:D as for the big lights whack her under now i would, if you are nervous perhaps wait another 24 hours but if she is already perking up im sure she will be fine and the big lights should help her if anything.
hope it helps
good luck!
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