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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
What I do remember from the past as negative pharmaceutical applications - was the mosquito prophylaxis I've been recommended to take by my own government over the course of 41 years of venturing into very steamy sub-tropical and tropical locations around the globe - it was nevaquine and chloroquine that first I had to take - after a few years of just relying on gin and tonics with quinine in them - (- the medicinal cocktail -) - Quinine being the alleged anti-mosi med -

Yes - Nevequine or was it Nevaquine? - Hmmm - anyway - that mixed with Chloroquine was the poison/medicine of the day - at some point - possibly the 80's-90's - and that would make me feel kinda weird - headaches - and a bit woozy 🥴 - then fast on its heels was Larium - which I first took for a trip to Madagascar 🇲🇬 - and that made me feel bloody aweful - weak and so not confident to carry on with the mission - and kinda lethargic - nailed me to a bed in a hospital masquerading as a hotel - for a few days - where the patients were a running buffet for the mosquitoes anyway - laying around on beds with a few shabby looking mosquito nets with holes in them - in a hot and humid atmosphere = no air-con - so people/patients were getting malaria (cerebral) and dengue fever - a case of - 'That hospital could be the death of you' -

So after a while - it looked to me like - whether you took something from a pharmacy or not - getting sick seemed likely - but taking drugs from the pharmacy - that your own government recommended to take - to prevent Malaria - was guaranteed to make you feel unwell anyway -
I'm kind of a strong believer in fate. The idea that everyone has an expirationn date that none of us know for sure but there isn't much you can do to change it. I'm not suggesting preventative measures are a waste of time though. It's just that over the course of my life I've had about half adozen or so events that by all rights should have ended me and yet here I am still. I don't know if I'm being saved for anything specific but it sure feels like something or someone wants me around still.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
:):cool: Welcome to the Ole Folks Routine! The Red Witch and himself do our "strenuous stuff" in the mornings.

Then, any time from about noon on, we will both decide to go in and take a nap. Every. Fargin. Day.

It is called:

"Your battery is working fine, but it does not take the charge it used to."

Just do all your shit in the morning. Take a nice nap -- guilt free -- every day.
Perhaps one of the nicer aspects of old age and retirement is the freedom to take naps whenever you please without anyone being critical of it. :biggrin:


Well-known member
I just checked my blood pressure and it is 123 over 68 right now. I go to see the infectious disease doctor on Thursday and he’s got all of my medical information and my CT scan so I’m hoping he will start me on some sort of regiment of antibiotics. I don’t believe I’ve got sleep apnea cause it’s never woken me up or I’ve never felt like I was choking, and as far as I know, I don’t snore… i’ve always had high blood pressure but now it’s starting to seem to stabilize. I’m told my kidneys are causing my blood pressure to be high and I know I have peripheral arterial disease, which is clogging my arteries. That’s 100% passed down from my mother side of the family… i’m hoping the infectious disease doctor will enlighten me to what the hell is going on in my lungs. I looked up the symptoms of my lung disease and I have every one of them, but they say there is a cure, but it takes two years… I’m not really enthused about having a sleep study done on me because I have to sleep in a strange place without my boys and I smoke a fair amount of dope from between I go to bed and wake up… just like yesterday afternoon when I tried to take a nap, once my pillow hit the bed my mind turned on again… Lord knows I miss the Quaaludes of yesterday year… Once I see the infectious disease doctor, I will bring all of that information over to my GP and see if we can put some sort of sense to all of this… if I can find the reason for my severe fatigue and do something about it, that would make my life completely different… I appreciate your interest in my situation, I am pretty much an open book so ask away on the questions…

On a different note, when I opened up the door to let the boys out this morning, a little bird came flying into the house. He’s been in every room and I’m not sure how I’m going to get him out of here without hurting him…
They just give you a thing like a heart monitor now for sleep apnea tests and you sleep at home. Bring it back to them to get read. Not sure how the THC will impact.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
@HempKat -- I respectfully disagree... with absolute proof that will change your mind 180 degrees on the quote above:

Fauci himself wrote that the 1918 Influenza Epidemic was worsened by the wearing of masks.

Before this was scrubbed** by Winston in Room 101, the wearing of masks was spoken of as causing the problem to get worse.

This has been changed to: "...deaths were likely caused by a secondary bacterial pneumonia that followed influenza infection." <-- Note how that tortured sentence exactly describes mask use results, but the word-salad "same thing" now enables a "logical" denial of Fauci/mask connection.

** History is changed by those recording it. If you were asked what was McAuliffe's answer to the German demanding the 101st respond to the demand to surrender at Bastogne... (you are allowed to look up the quote using ANY source you please)

Yup. "NUTS!" <-- Right? WRONG! He said something the German would recognize and understand easily:

He replied: "Merde!" The same answer given by the French general at Waterloo.

History got changed when the "press release" went out to the troops and the world. It was changed the the (*chuckle*) homely American fightin' woids. This was well-known throughout the military, and especially my family.

So, in sum, Fauci said it, the word-salad does a non-denial denial to Woodward and Bernstein (that's us). Fauci connected the masks directly to the epidemic.
Fauci may have said that, although I find it a bit odd when people are quick to condemn someone for their medical conclusions when they don't like them or disagree with them. Yeat at the same time if they hold a medical conclusion that fits more properly with what then want to believe then suddenly that same person's opinions become absolute proof.

Either way all opinions aside it doesn't change what I said. At the time the mask madate was being enofrced there weren't very many options for how to protect yourself from the pandemic but wearing was the best thing they could come up with at that particular point in time aka best known practices. Was it effective the jury is still out, I see many people still wearing masks these days when out in public. Is it keeping them saf or at least safer? Maybe, maybe not but the obviously think it does because they're still doing it even though they don't have to. Even placebos can work as long as you believe they do.

No doubt there is lots of politics mixed up in any discussion about Fauci, all I know for sure is that in the early days of the pandemic when he was setting mask mandates and such and then later on when the vaccines first became available and his role in getting them approved "Operation Warpspeed" that was all during the Trump administration so if Fauci was up to something nefarious like what many believe, Trump was likely in on it and also had a hand in bringing those things about. Granted Trump and Fauci disageed on this which eventually caused Trump to fire him sort of but before they went their seperate ways, most people were okay with Fauci, the most critical opinions didn't start until Trump and him went their seperate was and then it was okay to hate Fauci.


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Fauci may have said that, although I find it a bit odd when people are quick to condemn someone for their medical conclusions when they don't like them or disagree with them. Yeat at the same time if they hold a medical conclusion that fits more properly with what then want to believe then suddenly that same person's opinions become absolute proof.

Either way all opinions aside it doesn't change what I said. At the time the mask madate was being enofrced there weren't very many options for how to protect yourself from the pandemic but wearing was the best thing they could come up with at that particular point in time aka best known practices. Was it effective the jury is still out, I see many people still wearing masks these days when out in public. Is it keeping them saf or at least safer? Maybe, maybe not but the obviously think it does because they're still doing it even though they don't have to. Even placebos can work as long as you believe they do.

No doubt there is lots of politics mixed up in any discussion about Fauci, all I know for sure is that in the early days of the pandemic when he was setting mask mandates and such and then later on when the vaccines first became available and his role in getting them approved "Operation Warpspeed" that was all during the Trump administration so if Fauci was up to something nefarious like what many believe, Trump was likely in on it and also had a hand in bringing those things about. Granted Trump and Fauci disageed on this which eventually caused Trump to fire him sort of but before they went their seperate ways, most people were okay with Fauci, the most critical opinions didn't start until Trump and him went their seperate was and then it was okay to hate Fauci.
I don't believe the media ...period. We are being lied to and treated like sheep. I won't play!


Well-known member
Yeah, it seems to have the ability to make doctors ignore things they should no better.
Doctors get their first interaction with the pharma co. in university. Right from the start of their doctor training.
I use to go to a specialist and at lunch time you would see the pharma rep come in with big platters of food for the doc/staff. Who knows what else they received.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Awright!! While we are on the subject of:

"Does holding a drag in get you more goodness?

It is commonly agreed that the answer(s) will all be subjective, and non-measurable.


My previous visible exhale-counting per single toke put in a Volcano bag was done using a clamp-lamp. Any smoke in an exhale would show brightly in the cone of light.

So I used this technique with several iterations to weed out variables:

Take a single toke from a two-toke glass tubey thing. Follow Step 1, then Step 2.

1. Exhale immediately, breathing in and exhaling until no smoke shows in the lamplight.
2. Hold your breath as long as you can, then exhale into the lamplight.

Second Test: To ensure equal "first smoke" even in a two hitter, reverse the 1. 2. order with a new tubey thing.

The results (easily replicated by anyone) are conclusive: There is far less smoke exhaled from the breath-holder. It has to go somewhere, ergo, you now have it on board.

The result is unanimous with all of me. And at this very moment I am as high as an angel's titty.
I don't know if there is any science to back this up but I've heard it said more then once by multiple sources that holding a hit in longer then 7 seconds has little to no impact on the intensity of the high from that hit. That by the time 7 seconds has passed the lungs will have absord about as much THC and other psycho active elements of the smoke that it can and that holding it longer will not allow your lungs to absorb any more.
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Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Pretty much the same for me. I only got the first two covid shots because I was in a high risk group becaus of my age and health issues. Still I went a long time just being careful when I was out and about but otherwise stayed mostly at home. Inever even came close to getting sick with anything back then or since. As for the added booster shots they've called for I haven't gotten any of those yet. Not so much because of any concern of the shots but more because my fairlt secluded life keeps me pretty safe.
Ya - I would probably lead a fairly enclosed life generally - if I was on my own - but then I have kids that go to school and a wife that works in a busy restaurant - and they have all brought some sorta 'Lurgey' home - anything from sniffles to sore throats to snotty noses - coughing and covid - and I'm sure a few viruses/diseases in between - but I've never caught any of them - nadda (could it be the anti-bodies from the 1968 Hong Kong flu epidemic?) - have been watching the crew go thru infection then a coupla days under the weather - and straight back to their lives mostly - they seem to be fending/beating off these virus's or colds or whatever they are generally - the wife took 2 weeks to get over something a while back - more of an anomaly in many years - so far - no one's been really floored by them in my immediate family - and it's kinda normal that people get exposed then have to get better - so making themselves virally stronger against anything similar that might come along - which was in my experience as a child -


Well-known member
Pretty much the same for me. I only got the first two covid shots because I was in a high risk group becaus of my age and health issues. Still I went a long time just being careful when I was out and about but otherwise stayed mostly at home. Inever even came close to getting sick with anything back then or since. As for the added booster shots they've called for I haven't gotten any of those yet. Not so much because of any concern of the shots but more because my fairlt secluded life keeps me pretty safe.
My wife and I go in for booster shots today at 10am. We both are older with diseases that would not mix well with covid. We do what's best for us, what others do is their business. I have been homebound for far too long and need to get out some this summer and enjoy life. The shots are covered by the gov't so there is no expense.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Glad I did it. The one next my grow was dead. Need to change more often!
They have these newer ones available these days that are reasonably price (around $35) and come with preinstalled batteries that are supposedly guarenteed to last for 10 years at which time you just get rid of the whole alarm and replace it with a new one. Otherwise, for the ones that require the traditional 9 volt battery they (meaning the fire department) recommend you change the batteries out every New Year day whether they still have life in them or not. Reason being that doing it that way you know you have a good set of batteries in them most if not all the time. Not that there is anything special about doing it New Year's day, any day will do as long asss you repeat the process every year. The only suggest New Year's because that's a time most people are home with not much to do making it a good time to start that habit and it's a date that's easy to remember.
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