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The greatest fraud on Earth

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Frosty Nuggets

Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Great. Put your money where your mouth is & take your weed into the cop shop. You’re bullet proof.
The police (policy enforcers) are just as corrupt as the courts, they do not follow Common Law.
What I have posted is FACT not opinion.

Brother Nature

Well-known member
You've posted someones interpretation of how capitalism works. Neither you nor the guy who posted that poorly written 'dissertation/manifesto' seem to understand how any form of law work, be it maritime (Admirality) law or not. Neither of you seem to understand how facts work either. Just because you capitalise something doesn't make it a fact. My suggestion is, again, to read some real Schopenhauer, I think you may actually take something of value from his works.
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Well-known member
The police (policy enforcers) are just as corrupt as the courts, they do not follow Common Law.
What I have posted is FACT not opinion.
So you don't have to obey the law, but if you don't you'll be arrested, prosecuted and convicted - which you believe is because everyone's corrupt.

That really seems quite similar to having to obey the law...

Good luck to you.
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Frosty Nuggets

Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Congratulations you have been successfully indoctrinated into a CULT, the cult of government.
Educate yourself;
Research the Clearfield Doctrine, once a government is incorporated it CANNOT go back to being a de jure government, they are ALL incorporated, the US for a couple of hundred years, the Australian since the 1950's.
Common Law pre-dates ALL other Laws and is the SUPERIOR Law, Law stands for Land Air Water, land comes first.

The hardest thing is to accept that you have been fooled, that is why Nigerian scammers keep getting paid, the victim doesn't want to admit they have been fooled.

The Prime Minister of Australia and ALL ministers have NOT sworn the oath in the Constitution therefore they have NO right to sit in parliament and ANYTHING they do such as write legislation is invalid and criminal.

In 1973 Gough Whitlam signed UNIDROIT and changed the Constitution to take the Queen of England out of the Constitution and replace it with the Queen of Australia which does not exist, all without a referendum which is REQUIRED.
The Constitution is under Common Law.
It also says in the Constitution that there are to be NO political parties yet we have political parties which do NOT re-present Australian's, they re-present private interests, this is TREASON.

Have you never heard of the consent of the governed?
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Invertebrata Inebriata
Reminds me of that old poster, "imagine if they had a war and nobody came". Did that poster slow down wars one tiny bit? No, and this BS isn't going to free anybody from 'laws', whether they believe in them or not. So, enjoy being 'right', just don't try it in the real world.


Well-known member
We’re not going to shift each other from our entrenched positions. I will depart your thread with the attitude of live & let live, to each their own etc.

Good luck to you
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Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Do some research into secret societies and the occult, they are a death cult, just look at all the satanic symbolism in the Vatican for example.
That could be fun actually, but I don't think I'd end up doing the same research you might do.

Frosty Nuggets

Well-known member
ICMag Donor
If the people running the world don't believe in magic then why is the assembly of letters into words called spelling? It's because they are spells and have power over the mind.
Cursive writing is a curse.
They chose all the words for a reason not just for fun.
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