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Study finds THC Eliminates Morphine & Heroin Dependence


Active member
A recent study has concluded that THC, the active ingredient in marijuana can completely eliminate morphine dependence in rats. This finding is yet another nail in the coffin of the idea that cannabis has no medicinal value.

This study shows that development of new treatments derived from marijuana could relieve withdrawal effects of opiates and suppress drug dependence.



Senior Member
ICMag Donor
I think this is one of the most important finds for med mj ever. Thanks Skip for posting and Granny for your contribution as well. DD


And yet people still get on my case for calling it a miracle drug.

I'm thinking this fact is why it's still illegal. It certainly keeps me off of criminally priced pharmaceuticals.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
i aint got no report, but i got 14 days w only two vicoden swallowed. ive smoked about three times more than usual, but havent missed a day of work. its temporary, and neccessary, and on the heels of a decade and a half of virtually nonstop pain killers. weened myself to 30 days of nothing but vicoden and herb, and trying to get to thirty days with as little help as possible. could never do this without herb, wouldnt even try...and it has nothing to do w the placebo effect! or psychological advantage---thats what the booze is for....


Herbal relaxation...
Thank you so much skip & granny for posting those links, I have to go down on them this night!

I have found when "selftesting" similar, that cannabis doesnt make me feel better when on the withdrawl, but in most cases it bold´s them more :2cents: However, make your erb into oil and the relief part starts :2cents: What im saying is that only extract work for me, but it surely works IMHE!! Have told it before in couple of threads in this forum!

However, this kinda studies & thread should be revolutionary in medical scene, but I wont bet my money they make it official program in years.. (havent read those studies yet;) Prohibition is so deep inside of many and too many are making lot´s of €´s & $´s in the medical poppy industry alone :2cents: A glance of light in the future fo shure, but how long it takes before all kinds of addiction specialist start to recognize it around globe?? Wont even mention goverments....


Active member
i've learned the same thing, by just studies on friends.....6 years or so ago my friend , at the time, now girlfriend, was addicted to heroin,it wasnt til she met me and remembered the excellent qualities in good marijuana, as it was very hard to come across where i was living at the time and my friends and i were basically the only ones to have good herb, well anyways me and this girl started hanging out, gettin her off the dope, LSD helps too...., but with good herb, it seems people with chemical dependencies , are able to kick the habit... glad its been scientifically proven because i always thought THC and LSD def. help prescription pill addictions


Herb made it possible for me to kick my tobacco cigarette habit. And herb keeps me from going back to the tobacco cigarettes. Quiting was particularily hard for me because I would get muscle twitches in all random areas and sometimes I just couldn't handle it and would go back to cigarettes. Or I would fail because my depression would enlarge and I would feel soul-less.

Seriously, Thank God For Herb


i aint got no report, but i got 14 days w only two vicoden swallowed. ive smoked about three times more than usual, but havent missed a day of work. its temporary, and neccessary, and on the heels of a decade and a half of virtually nonstop pain killers. weened myself to 30 days of nothing but vicoden and herb, and trying to get to thirty days with as little help as possible. could never do this without herb, wouldnt even try...and it has nothing to do w the placebo effect! or psychological advantage---thats what the booze is for....

Right on sub I am 2 1/2 weeks sober, and it is a bitch, but so is being sick and sleeping all day.

I agree that weed helps a lot, w/ being sick and cravings, and especially the dark cloud of depression that surrounds you when you dont have w/e opiate of choice is.

Good luck on your sobriety sub


An interesting article. Maybe in real high doses like an injection that might work, but I dunno otherwise. hs
I used to take many pain meds for chronic pain. The stuff I grew just wasn't sufficient... strong, ak47, but it often caused pain/stress cause it was so energetic.

Buying the stuff at clubs is so pain relieving! I wish I would have had more potent pot easily accessible years ago I probably would have never taken narcotics. Too bad I can ill afford 20$g. Insurance companies love to cover morphine... when they should be covering ganj.


Herbal relaxation...
You are missing a point movado;)

Like these studies as many ppl in this thread confirmes you, cannabis can ease withdrawal symptoms of strong opiates like Heroin, Methadon, but IMHE, only when using extracts they help you...

I wish luck for all ppl who are struggling with their deadly habit and pls ppl, make some high potency extracts and you know what im talking about :wink:


O OK they are talking about injecting THC,something I'm sure most of us havent experienced.For awhile there when I was reading I was getting the impresssion that smoking erb can somehow alleviate the withdrawls from heroin or methadone.I know for experience thats a bunch of bunk.But maybe slamming THC can show some promise.That would be great wouldnt it!

Brother Bear

Simple kynd of man
ICMag Donor
i do not think injecting it or even concentrating it is necessarily
i walked away from the needle almost 6 years ago, after 7 years on
and i honestly and 100% believe cannabis has played a major role in me staying clean

don't need a study to tell me what i already know has worked for me :joint:


Herbal relaxation...
O OK they are talking about injecting THC,something I'm sure most of us havent experienced.For awhile there when I was reading I was getting the impresssion that smoking erb can somehow alleviate the withdrawls from heroin or methadone.I know for experience thats a bunch of bunk.But maybe slamming THC can show some promise.That would be great wouldnt it!

No, concentrates relief the pain in the withdrawal section, they make your pains ease, not cure them totally and this is proven fact for me!!!!

BrotherBear: :respect: that you did that, I have done it before, but didnt have cannabis in my regular life then.. And for you too bro -> concentrates ease them symptoms, so you can sleep etc.. It´s all about how strong your mind is, everything comes from there, strenghts, habit etc :2cents:

Interesting discussion btw..


I can personally attest to the truth of these findings, but then again I assume it's true for just about any addiction.

Sparkjumper, I've had some pretty bad opiate withdrawals, just about every opiate there is in fact, and smoking the dank DEFINITELY helps. A lot. No, there's not anything that will completely alleviate withdrawals, but if there were what's your incentive to stay clean?


Herbal relaxation...
So you dont feel your withdrawals bolded when smoking while on them ocean99??? For me it always was quite opposite and seemed I came more aware of every pain, sickness etc.. I was suffering at the mo, so most of the times I passed the herb on drawls.. Only vaping/smoking extracts has worked wonders for me and if you could eat without puking -> I strongly recommend!!

These advices are for those still in the grind, after overtaking the worst physical & mental drawls, I have found erb smoking/vaping reliefs that mad depression which years of opiates use produce in your brain :fsu: However.. Even when on the "depression stage" and still having some symptoms like "running legs" (dont know the English word, but the feeling that you have to move your legs or they produce annoying little pain that doesnt allow you to sleep), you can find extract/oil use very helpfull sleep aid :wink:

Remember!! These are all winned by strong mind & determined attitude, some ppl have it, some dont, that´s why treatments vary so much.. IMHE, determined mind is all you need to kick even years use, it´s all in the head :2cents:

Strenghts for all those still suffering!!!

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