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Stop saying we are a nation of IMMIGRANTS!


Referring to original post: Indigenous Australia is impacted in the same ways ... still.

What Hubcap sez minus the belligerent tone is also true for me. Pre Colonisation Europe was a continuous battlefield. All of us Europeans have violence and dependence on Alpha males deep in our psyche. It was humanly, non-thinkingly, inevitable, that as we Europeans travelled we would behave the only way we knew how.

One World!

Belligerent tone?
Maybe to some.
Probably those same coastal elites that think the whole world is a hippie commune and thinks we all just want to get along.
The real world isnt that rosey.
Wish it were......but away from the coasts.....its just not true.

take it as you wish. doesnt change the fact that white colonialists brought forth (with France's help) the greatest nation this globe has seen.

Dont take it as belligerence.
More like pride.

And if americans would be more proud of the sacrifices those before us have made to secure our freedoms, we wouldnt be crying over what the mango mussolini said this week, nor, would we have to rely on government to legislate "equality"
(Which, today means, equal for every one but white conservative males.)

Ironic, isnt it?

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Only if one is stupid.
Know plenty of those like you Gypsy. "Behind enemy lines" for decades. Nary a cell or partner named Bubba. Lay off the BBC documentaries about America.

I was talking about Babbabud....it was a inside joke mate, that you fell for quite obviously...lol :laughing:

And I rarely if ever watch the BBC because I refuse to pay my TV licence in the UK which funds that BBC state-sponsored propaganda machine of a media with a George Soros, Rothschild Zionista's Royalist agenda.

Now who's the stupid one?

If I recall correctly, your time in the UK hasnt been all that uneventful, now, has it?

Uneventful my life has never been, no matter where I have been thru 53 nations, but I would rather not be marooned in the UK due to this interpol red notice the feds have out there for me, but they can't touch me in the UK. What with your schizophrenic laws on cannabis seeds in the USA......state says yay - feds say nay etc

I said -great- nation.
Bhutan, while beautiful and its people wonderful, doesnt make any rational persons list of -great- nations.

So according to you I'm not a rational person then 'cos Bhutan is absolutely gorgeous, you should go there.....if they will let you in 'cos it ain't so easy to get in, they are VERY discriminating on who they let visit.




I said -great- nation.
Bhutan, while beautiful and its people wonderful, doesnt make any rational persons list of -great- nations.

It depends how you define "great". Any country that has a "Gross National Happiness Index" has got my vote.


ICMag Donor
Gee I dunno, when I went to the swearing in in Tampa for my Wife, there were at least 40 countries represented. So to "stop saying we are a nation of immigrants" is more than just out of line and you know it. :moon:


Belligerent tone?
Maybe to some.
Probably those same coastal elites that think the whole world is a hippie commune and thinks we all just want to get along.
The real world isnt that rosey.
Wish it were......but away from the coasts.....its just not true.

take it as you wish. doesnt change the fact that white colonialists brought forth (with France's help) the greatest nation this globe has seen.

Dont take it as belligerence.
More like pride.

And if americans would be more proud of the sacrifices those before us have made to secure our freedoms, we wouldnt be crying over what the mango mussolini said this week, nor, would we have to rely on government to legislate "equality"
(Which, today means, equal for every one but white conservative males.)

Ironic, isnt it?


like the work of slaves?

or like native people having your family murdered and your culture erased.

what is a "white" person?

please define.

are French people "white"?
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Brother Nature

Well-known member
"White people is a racial classification specifier, used mostly for people of European descent; depending on context, nationality, and point of view, the term has at times been expanded to encompass certain persons of North African, Middle Eastern, and South Asian descent, persons who are often considered non-white in other contexts."

Context and point of view seem like the phrases to pick out of that definition, and probably represents a good two phrases to think about in these types of discussions.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
White people......an endangered race comprising of around 8% of the world population, soon to get aid from the World Wildlife Fund, to help establish breeding colonies once again, after they forgot how to breed enough to replace themselves....

Oh shit!.....I'm white....but I do have 7 kids, 5 of which are fine SE Asian/Caucasian hybrids, showing much hybrid vigor.


Arent we all the same? All us people in each country. Basically the same regardless of race colour language. We might live differently in the same country. All created in the likeness of our creators. The aliens who built the pyramids and those structures on the mountains in south america i think.

All people i know of different race are all the same. Some bad some good. Its never race that dicates the person.


thats because, biologically speaking there are no real races,
it is a just a cultural concept and is therefore unable to dictate human behavior
we are all driven by the same basic physical and psychological needs...


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
I recently found this article from 2006, and thought it was quite topical, even today. It talks about the settlement of America.

Stop Saying This Is a Nation of Immigrants!

A nation of immigrants: This is a convenient myth developed as a response to the 1960s movements against colonialism, neocolonialism, and white supremacy. The ruling class and its brain trust offered multiculturalism, diversity, and affirmative action in response to demands for decolonization, justice, reparations, social equality, an end of imperialism, and the rewriting of history — not to be “inclusive” — but to be accurate. What emerged to replace the liberal melting pot idea and the nationalist triumphal interpretation of the “greatest country on earth and in history,” was the “nation of immigrants” story.

By the 1980s, the “waves of immigrants” story even included the indigenous peoples who were so brutally displaced and murdered by settlers and armies, accepting the flawed “Bering Straits” theory of indigenous immigration some 12,000 years ago. Even at that time, the date was known to be wrong, there was evidence of indigenous presence in the Americas as far back as 50,000 years ago, and probably much longer, and entrance by many means across the Pacific and the Atlantic — perhaps, as Vine Deloria jr. put it, footsteps by indigenous Americans to other continents will one day be acknowledged. But, the new official history texts claimed, the indigenous peoples were the “first immigrants.” They were followed, it was said, by immigrants from England and Africans, then by Irish, and then by Chinese, Eastern and Southern Europeans, Russians, Japanese, and Mexicans. There were some objections from African Americans to referring to enslaved Africans hauled across the ocean in chains as “immigrants,” but that has not deterred the “nation of immigrants” chorus.

Misrepresenting the process of European colonization of North America, making everyone an immigrant, serves to preserve the “official story” of a mostly benign and benevolent USA, and to mask the fact that the pre-US independence settlers, were, well, settlers, colonial setters, just as they were in Africa and India, or the Spanish in Central and South America.

The United States was founded as a settler state, and an imperialistic one from its inception (“manifest destiny,” of course). The settlers were English, Welsh, Scots, Scots-Irish, and German, not including the huge number of Africans who were not settlers. Another group of Europeans who arrived in the colonies also were not settlers or immigrants: the poor, indentured, convicted, criminalized, kidnapped from the working class (vagabonds and unemployed artificers), as Peter Linebaugh puts it, many of who opted to join indigenous communities.

Only beginning in the 1840s, with the influx of millions of Irish Catholics pushed out of Ireland by British policies, did what might be called “immigration” begin. The Irish were discriminated against cheap labor, not settlers. They were followed by the influx of other workers from Scandinavia, Eastern and Southern Europe, always more Irish, plus Chinese and Japanese, although Asian immigration was soon barred. Immigration laws were not even enacted until 1875 when the US Supreme Court declared the regulation of immigration a federal responsibility. The Immigration Service was established in 1891.

Buried beneath the tons of propaganda — from the landing of the English “pilgrims” (fanatic Protestant Christian evangelicals) to James Fennimore Cooper’s phenomenally popular “Last of the Mohicans” claiming “natural rights” to not only the indigenous peoples territories but also to the territories claimed by other European powers — is the fact that the founding of the United States was a division of the Anglo empire, with the US becoming a parallel empire to Great Britain. From day one, as was specified in the Northwest Ordinance that preceded the US Constitution, the new republic for empire (as Jefferson called the US) envisioned the future shape of what is now the lower 48 states of the US.

They drew up rough maps, specifying the first territory to conquer as the “Northwest Territory,” ergo the title of the ordinance. That territory was the Ohio Valley and the Great Lakes region, which was filled with indigenous farming communities.

Once the conquest of the “Northwest Territory” was accomplished through a combination of genocidal military campaigns and bringing in European settlers from the east, and the indigenous peoples moved south and north for protection into other indigenous territories, the republic for empire annexed Spanish Florida where runaway enslaved Africans and remnants of the indigenous communities that had escaped the Ohio carnage fought back during three major wars (Seminole wars) over two decades.

In 1828, President Andrew Jackson (who had been a general leading the Seminole wars) pushed through the Indian Removal Act to force all the agricultural indigenous nations of the Southeast, from Georgia to the Mississippi River, to transfer to Oklahoma territory that had been gained through the “Louisiana Purchase” from France. Anglo settlers with enslaved Africans seized the indigenous agricultural lands for plantation agriculture in the Southern region. Many moved on into the Mexican province of Texas — then came the US military invasion of Mexico in 1846, seizing Mexico City and forcing Mexico to give up its northern half through the 1848 Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. California, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, Utah, Texas were then opened to “legal” Anglo settlement, also legalizing those who had already settled illegally, and in Texas by force.

The indigenous and the poor Mexican communities in the seized territory, such as the Apache, Navajo, and Comanche, resisted colonization, as they had resisted the Spanish empire, often by force of arms, for the next 40 years. The small class of Hispanic elites welcomed and collaborated with US occupation.

Are “immigrants” the appropriate designation for the indigenous peoples of North America? No.

Are “immigrants” the appropriate designation for enslaved Africans? No.

Are “immigrants” the appropriate designation for the original European settlers? No.

Are “immigrants” the appropriate designation for Mexicans who migrate for work to the United States? No. They are migrant workers crossing a border created by US military force. Many crossing that border now are also from Central America, from the small countries that were ravaged by US military intervention in the 1980s and who also have the right to make demands on the United States.

So, let’s stop saying “this is a nation of immigrants.”


About Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz
Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz is a long-time activist, university professor, and writer. In addition to numerous scholarly books and articles, she has written three historical memoirs, Red Dirt: Growing Up Okie (Verso, 1997), Outlaw Woman: Memoir of the War Years, 1960–1975 (City Lights, 2002), and Blood on the Border: A Memoir of the Contra War (South End Press, 2005) about the 1980s contra war against the Sandinistas.

what a bag of poop. Glad you didn't write it Gypsy.

I don't care what kind of circle jerk of an explanation she gives... I don't care WHO how or why they came here (slaves excluded) when you leave your established country or homeland, you... have.... migrated!!! So that fable of hers is 100% (lots more really) full of doublespeak, as if she were practicing running for office right here in the good old USA.

not a nation of immigrants???
pick up a friggin' NYC phone book!

Again, I don't care who how or why they're here, they're here & they ARE immigrants (some legal, some not), and that's fine with me.......




Well-known member
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz wrote a book for the benefit of those who feel as hubcap does.
An Indigenous Peoples' History of the United States

Here is a talk she gives on it, in which she goes over the second chapter of the book.

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][youtubeif] =eLl561BBkdI[/youtubeif][/FONT]

moose eater

I'm pinkish and tan.

My great, great, great... grandfather came to the colonies from Ireland in the early-mid 1700s. Patrick O'Shaughnessy. He was an immigrant. Allegedly carried George Washington's flag in battle a time or 2.

Free speech and other rights have been repeatedly whittled down in both legislation and SCOTUS rulings; cyclone fences as free speech zones, permits for assembly, gathering of business records without actual warrants via National Security Letters, to include library reading and book check-out lists, business records, etc., detention without charges, including for U.S. citizens, black-bag searches that no longer require the revealing of the original affidavit as was required under the 4th amendment, over-charging to coerce guilty pleas, mandatory presentation of I.D., greatest number of incarcerated persons per capita in the whole world, whimsical violation of human rights standards and International treaties we're party to, and LOTS more.

I could go on, but that has apparently bothered some in the past.

Preservation of rights? In contrast to what was written in the original Bill of Rights?

I guess if pride and hubris is permitted to grow to the extent that it eclipses reality, then yeah, we shine like a mo'fo'.

Personally, I try to get my corrective lenses up-dated at least every several years. And I avoid the whole pride thing as much as possible, unless I'm truly responsible for the end-product; to do otherwise is shallow.. There's enough bogus/unfounded claims in the world without intentionally adopting a bunch more of them.

St. Phatty

Active member
Only if one is stupid.
Know plenty of those like you Gypsy. "Behind enemy lines" for decades. Nary a cell or partner named Bubba. Lay off the BBC documentaries about America.

Can we still watch Sons of Anarchy ? :woohoo:

In Sons of Anarchy, Otto gets the Bubba treatment, after many injuries that leave him unable to fight.

Jax does not get the Bubba treatment. He is shown doing push-ups in his cell and writing in his journal, when he's behind bars.

One of the most interesting real (or semi real) things I've heard about prison is the home-grown Sangria concoctions that people make to get booze.

Basically the prisoners pooling all their fruit and putting it in a 5 gallon bucket.

Natural airborne yeast will often get the fermentation process working.

Until I come up with a better term, I call it "San Quentin Sangria."

I even found some recipes !!! :tiphat:



"To put it bluntly, classic pruno tastes like a bottle of Thunderbird filtered through a dumpster full of rotted garbage."


Man those gentlemen deserve some Cannabis buds.


Chemon 91
why do the poor immigrants get monetarily discriminated by those immigrants that have 500,000 dollars and get 3 years to live in america?
Immigration News
Written on 08 February 2018.

Green Card Wait Time is 108.6 years for EB-2 Indians

U.S. immigration law provides foreign nationals with a variety of ways to become lawful permanent residents. Many Indian nationals apply for green cards through the employment-based immigration system every year. One of the most popular avenues for obtaining a green card for Indians, and thus the one that will be discussed here, is via the Employment-Based 2nd preference category. What many Indian applicants don’t know is that, unless the system undergoes drastic changes, they will be waiting at least 108.6 years to receive green cards even if they begin the process today.

$500,000 Green Card -- a path to legal residency that begins with an offer by a wealthy foreign national to invest half-a-million dollars in an approved project that promises to create American jobs.


america is not america since woodrow wilson...

Woodrow Wilson: "I have unwittingly ruined my country"
Did Woodrow Wilson bitterly regret his role in creating the Federal Reserve?

"I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world — no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men."


Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
<wakes up, removes the eye boogers, looks at the screen, sips coffee>

Jeez, that got ya'll-a-talk'in.


it frustrates me when people use the term "alien" for earth-bound humans.

The word "immigrant" exists for a reason, please use it, so that we can allow exclusive rights for the word "alien" to mean beings from other planets.

So please, stop calling humans "aliens" when they are "immigrants". Then just maybe we can have a clean slate when we welcome aliens from weird planets ... perhaps, even weirder than Earth, and perhaps with leaders even more fucked up than Earth's.

I thank you for your cooperation and understanding, regardless which star system or country you're from.


Active member