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SICKO: Commenting on Commentaries

I.M. Boggled

Certified Bloomin' Idiot
"SICKO" is the new Michael Moore documentary which advocates socialized medicine for the United States.
The film has been widely viewed on the Internet...and is in general release in theaters currently. IMB :)

Sicko: Commenting on commentaries

by J. C. Fuller

The reviews of Michael Moore's “Sicko” have been fascinating, the editorial and op-ed commentaries on the film even more so.

Apparently there is a rule in corporate journalism that every mention of Moore and his films, or Moore without his films, must contain at least two snide observations about his biases, his ever so naughty attacks on rich and powerful but somehow –- in the eyes of the corporate journalists -- defenseless people such as the chairman of General Motors, and, if you can slide it in, Moore's physical appearance.

Four snide comments, two or three misrepresentations and an outright lie or two about Moore or the films is better, I gather.

(A quick digression: No, I don't know Moore, have never met him or corresponded with him.)

The “Sicko” reviews and commentary are running pretty much true to form, but, interestingly enough, after all the snideness is done, every writer I've come across has had to admit that it is a good film, and that, sonofagun, the United States health care “system” truly is a bloody awful mess, pretty much as Moore says.

Of course, I haven't read the comments in the insurance and pharmaceutical industries publications, though if I run across one I might. The level of unintentional humor should be high.

Speaking of humor: “Sicko” is full of laughs. They're mostly the kind that burst from you when confronted by a lie so outrageous and obvious that the absurdity is overwhelming, but they're real laughs. They get little or no mention in most of the reviews and op-ed pieces I've seen.

Moore knew we'd laugh at the obvious self-serving absurdities of the super rich guys, and I guess that's one of the ways his biases show in the eyes of the corporate press commentators. Perhaps they think he should have paraphrased their idiocies to make them look less foolish, rather than letting them speak for themselves.

A July 5 op-ed piece in the New York Times by Philip M. Boffey is quite representative of the 10 or 12 I've read, I think.
He calls the new film “unashamedly one-sided, superficial, overstated and occasionally suspect in its details,” before admitting, in the same sentence, that on the “big picture” of the failure of our health care system “Mr. Moore is right.”

Boffey, who writes editorials on health care for the Times, does not elucidate on his claims that the case Moore builds against our health care “providers” is overstated or “suspect in its details.”

I'll give him this, however. “Sicko” is one sided. Moore doesn't spend any time defending our broken down health care system, which leaves 45 million Americans without health insurance, which is ranked is ranked 37th among nations in quality of care and which overcharges us – often to the point of bankruptcy – and makes deliberate decisions to deny health care to individuals and, as Moore clearly demonstrates, allows people to die needlessly for the sake of protecting overblown profits.

Oops. Was that one-sided, too?

As someone who spent about 45 years in newsrooms, I very strongly suspect Boffey is somebody who is too close to some of his sources. But again I digress.

He says it is “hard to know how true” are the stories Moore puts on film -– stories such as that of a young woman who was retroactively denied health care insurance because of a minor yeast infection that was cured years before she applied for and got the insurance that was taken away when she needed it.

Well, I'll tell him. There is not the slightest reason to doubt any of the individual stories Moore has used in the film.

First, the director is too smart to use a phony story, and risk getting caught, when there are, as he says, countless such stories. When he put out a request on his Web site for personal stories of being screwed by health insurers, Moore was inundated. Within days, he had more than 20,000 such stories.

Second, I can recount four or five such tales from the years I was the primary caregiver for my aged mother, and another dozen from among my acquaintances. This moment, I am deeply concerned about a friend who is in despair because of the years-long battle he has had to wage with his health insurer in order to get care he must have to live, and the debt that has piled up as a result.

Anyone who hasn't experienced such a situation, or doesn't at least know someone who has had to fight for his or her life in such a way, must live in another country.

My favorite criticism of Moore, however, is one employed by at least half the commentaries I've read: That the director didn't give the insurance and pharmaceutical industries time in his film to tell their side of the story.

That, folks, is grandly absurd.

Moore is laying out facts. The industries that profit so hugely from our illnesses spend hundreds of millions of dollars on advertising, public relations and lobbying to “tell their side of the story.” One month's expenditure by the insurance industry for those activities substantially exceeds the cost of making “Sicko.” And Moore doesn't own a single member of Congress; they've bought dozens.
(The insurance industry's almost $400,000 in contributions to Hillary Clinton's campaign purse alone would have covered a substantial portion of the cost of making the film.)

Let them tell their lies on their own dime.

Boffey, like almost all of the others whose “Sicko” commentaries I've read, also complains that Moore is to unfailingly kind to the health care systems of other countries.
(The film has episodes shot in England, Canada, France, Italy and Cuba.)

What makes Boffey and one or two of the others most annoyed is that Moore doesn't mention “the months-long waits to see specialists in Canada and Britain...”

Well, actually, it does come up in the Canadian interviews, and the Canadians snort in disbelief when the claim is made, though they admit that there sometimes is a wait of a few weeks to see a specialist for an elective or entirely non-threatening treatment or condition.

And the critics fail to note that under our system of money-vacuuming HMOs and profit-building insurance companies, the waits to see specialists in this country often are every bit as long, and longer, than those the defenders of our system claim are the rule in other countries.

The very large network of clinics through which I get my health care and which has close ties to the HMO that provides my health coverage, has made a deliberate decision to limit the number of specialists of several types in its network in order to maximize its nonprofits.
(Some specialties, such as cardiology are big revenue producers and so not tightly limited.)
When I've complained about long waits to see a specialist, several people within the organization, including four doctors, have confirmed my suspicion on that issue.

Because of a couple of chronic conditions – not life threatening, at least for now, though they have that potential – I must occasionally see specialists in three different areas of medicine.
The last two times I had such a need, it took three to four months from the time I placed the first call seeking an appointment until I actually got into the doc's offices.
In another case, it was almost five months.

I am not alone in that, despite all the phony denials the HMOs and clinics might produce. Give me 24 hours and I assure you I can provide the names of at least 20 others who have had the same experience. (And it could be 100 others or more if I put the word out on the Net.)

All of the pieces I've read about “Sicko,” have what I find to be a glaring omission.

Not one mentions the comments by Tony Benn, a former member of Britain's Parliament. Yet Benn's statements probably are the most profound element of the film.

He notes, as other good people often do, that “if we have the money to kill (in war), we've got the money to help people.”

But, more importantly, Benn tells Moore, that all of Europe and many other places have good health care systems while the United States lacks such a basic service because in Europe and elsewhere, “the politicians are afraid of the people” when the people get angry and demand some action. In the United States, he observes, “the people are afraid of those in power” because they fear losing their jobs, fear being cut off from health care or other services if they speak up and make demands.

“How do you control people?” Benn asks, and he answers:
“Through fear and debt.”

His point is that in the United States we have a great overabundance of both.

Having ignored Benn's succinct analysis, some of the writers, and especially Boffey, state as fact that Americans would reject out of hand any attempt to create a government-run universal health care system.
They produce no facts to support the claim, so apparently they just “know” it.

If someone conducted a poll today, asking a section of Americans if they want “socialized medicine,” the results might seem to support the claim of Boffey and others.

But if the gutless Democrats went out and explained, clearly and often, how a government run single payer system actually works, and what it really costs, and what the people of Canada, France, Britain, Germany and other countries really think of their health care systems, the ignorance-rooted suspicion could be reversed in a matter of months.
And I believe that is true even assuming the inevitable all-out ad and PR campaign by the insurance and pharmaceutical industries to protect their enormous profits.

(Does it occur to anyone that the profits they suck from our system, while we struggle for and often are refused decent health care, are truly enormous if the industries are willing and able to spend hundreds of millions of dollars a year to protect those profits?)

Every American I know is fed up with our present health care mess, and more and more are deeply angry.

Go see “Sicko.”
It's a marvelous film, it's full of laughs and, yes, it will give an edge to your anger.
Then do something useful with that anger.
Members of Congress and state legislatures are just a phone call, a letter or an email away.

And don't be conned by the less-than-half measures proposed by the present gaggle of corporation-serving presidential candidates.
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stone fool
Here is a good one for ya, in my state there is a big insurance company town, and this movie is not playing, nor is it going to anywhere in that town. It would make the employees think too much about the consequences of their actions. Truth.

muddy waters

Active member
Gotta love the way the American "private" media reports on public attitudes by telling the people what they think. Another element of the Sovietization of the U.S.A.:

"The workers are very happy with their excellent year's harvest! The workers love the honorable and fair communist system!"

"The people are very suspicious of universal healthcare! The people are happy with the glorious HMOs and health insurance companies!"


Well-known member
Haps - contact Michael Moore - he loves spinning things like that out for the media.

Sicko is a good film. I'm a Brit, but still found it fascinating. They painted the NHS a little too rosily, but the points were clear.

Good film - made very simple so anyone will understand.


I.M. Boggled

Certified Bloomin' Idiot
Been away so long I hardly knew the place
Gee, it's good to be back home
Leave it till tomorrow to unpack my case
Honey disconnect the phone
I'm back in the USSR
You don't know how lucky you are, boy
Back in the US
Back in the US
Back in the USSR

-Da Beatles-

Off on a slight tangent a movie of his called Canadian Bacon was/is a 1995 comedy/satire written, directed and produced by Michael Moore.
It was the last film released to star John Candy. (I loved that man John, he died much to soon :(, what a shame, his movies certainly made me laugh. :)

A U.S. president faced with falling public opinion ratings, decides to go to war to distract voters from domestic troubles and invigorate the economy,
The problem with this plan is that with the demise of the Soviet Union, there's no one left to go to war with.
But some brainstorming leads to an attempt to start a cold war with Canada ("everyone hates Canadians"), using media manipulation as the main tool to stoke the passions of the US public.
Unfortunately, a local sheriff, Bud B. Boomer (John Candy, a Canadian in real life), in a town along the US/Canada border, takes it quite a bit further.
One of the taglines from the movie was:
"You surrender pronto, or we'll level Toronto."
The end credits state that no Canadians were harmed during the making of the movie.

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muddy waters

Active member
Seen it, loved it... John Candy was great...

My favorite Moore film though, the first I saw, The Big One. Corporate welfare and lay-offs in the booming 90s baby

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
....yeah certainly makes you wonder......it seems like many of the worlds governments put more money into humanity's destruction than into safeguarding it's health......

....This is 2007 people.......have us humans not reached a point of evolution where-by we can feed clothe, house and give medical attention where needed to all of the worlds inhabitants yet?

....how can they expect people to work for a better future when they are hungry, homeless and sick?

muddy waters

Active member
Well they should just lift themselves up by their own bootstraps, Gypsy.

Excuse me now I have to get back to counting my inheritance.


Resident pissy old man
It all goes back to the famous quote "When the government fears the people,you have freedom. When the people fear the Government, you have tyranny".


Has anyone seen the TV Nation series he did? Basically a half hour of short Michael Moore films going after the usual suspects. Excellent.


Yeah TV Nation was great, as is this film, I missed it when it disappeared.

Being a Brit I think he did make the NHS look better than it is, our government have been trying to model it on the US system for years by slowly running down the infrastructure but hopefully they won't succeed. I can still get free treatment for everything from piles to cancer and pretty quickly too though.

Overall this movie makes me want to live in France.


Leave this place better then when i arrived
The canadian health care system is not as nice as the documentary shows. Those people were saying quick times were not true. Any hospital around here is an hour and a half to two hour wait. As for the specialist and such? We do have to wait a long time for them. In fact my uncle died of cancer while waiting for one because it was so back logged.


Active member
canadian bacon is a brilliant classic. one of the greats without a doubt and maybe candy's best. miss his jolly smile.

sicko was good, pretty good, maybe even really good. except for when it turned into a hardcore subliminal hillary campaign ad. that was despicable. just say no to hillary. hell, why not just go back to emperors and kings! two fuckin decades of bush-clinton crime family delegates. gotta be kidding me. he practically sucked on her bosom for a few minutes.

other than that, movie was good at relaying some common sense the ordinary ignorant uninformed american needs to see.


Active member
Good review there I.M.

"This is 2007 people.......have us humans not reached a point of evolution where-by we can feed clothe, house and give medical attention where needed to all of the worlds inhabitants yet?"

I think we have reached the point in human history where we could very well feed, clothe, house and give every single human on this planet a very worthy QUALITY of life. Thanks to the developement of capitalism we do in fact have the material abundance to make that happen. However capitalism, much like feudalism before it has served its purpose and is now standing in the way of further human progress.


after i watch bowling for columbine i refused to ever go see another one of his films. Any moron can bitch and moan about a problem.

miss nycdf

Steaks said:
after i watch bowling for columbine i refused to ever go see another one of his films. Any moron can bitch and moan about a problem.

Wow... harbor resentment much?

I didn't know bringing important facts to light that affect millions of peoples' lives was considered just "bitching and moaning about a problem". Isn't that usually how problems can even begin to get solved? I actually appreciate the fact that he (or anyone) can stand up and question things and speak their minds, instead of cowering away with their tails between their legs and letting the world turn to shit like the way it's currently heading. It opens peoples' blind eyes and makes them think, which not very many people do these days.

I mean, yeah, he (Moore) may be a shit-stirrer at times, but he's speaking the truth as far as i can tell, and i do believe his facts have been checked and researched.. Documentaries usually do as such - document facts (or else it would be called fiction...right?) and bring things to the surface that you may not have known otherwise.

ANYWAYS.... good thread, thanks for that article! I haven't seen the movie, but I do plan on it. Seems very interesting.

I mean..the truth is the truth - people need to learn to either deal with it and try to solve problems, or stop complaining about people who do.. I'm just sayin.

Sorry for the long windedness,lol but me and nycdfan smoked for the first time in about 2 months tonight.. i'm kinda baked to say the least. :D :joint: :headbange
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agree with T.Dot.Toker on the Cdn health system.I live on the east coast and a lot of ppl cannot find a doctor.Many have to go to ER and wait for 12 hrs to see a doc who always suggests take two Tylenol and resting.A lot of ppl have died waiting to get to see a specialist.I have a requisition for an ultrasound as I have liver cirrhosis and my appointment to have one done is Sept 7. I made the appointment on June 25.hmmmm
The health system in Canada is just about on the rocks and getting a lot worse.I was diagnosed with severe liver damage ten yrs ago and it took 1.5 yrs to get to see a Liver specialist who told me to come back in five yrs.I told him I should make the apointment at this time and he agreed with me,but since then we have lost him to the U.S. and the nearest one is 800 miles away in Montreal with a several year waiting list.lol yeah we have it just great.If Moore praises the Cdn health care system he def. doesn,t have a clue......I would sooner pay at this stage in my illness so I could get faster service ....but I,m not allowed..funny eh...I didn,t see the movie but if it comes around I,ll have a look.You can,t always believe what others tell you...

peace out