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Shiva Grows


Well-known member
i have not had a drink in 12 years. you have to dislike something to quit it . i was told i could not use weed without going back to drinking....

if you learn to near hate alcohol, it becomes easy
That worked very well for me with tobacco. I'm now trying substitution. Working with plants is also doing me good.


Well-known member
Today I started my first hydro-experiment with parsley.
I put some dry seaweed in a second bottle as fertilizer


Well-known member
what i hated about the state detox place i went to , was the way they are trained by the system to actually keep people in that system .

they say things like ' it is a disease' and ' recovering alcoholic' after they have quit .

once you quit , that day tell yourself ' fully recovered ex drinker' or similar .

the mindset they brainwash keeps them all in the system . i found this common . they plead abstinence,,,, but prescription drugs are not classed, and they hand those out regular. keeps them all in jobs . total bollocks it is mate

if you want any tips , i can just give you my opinion of it all from my own perspective


Well-known member
if you can meditate that thought , then you win
Meditation means for me to focus in ever longer periods on one thing.
Ich trinke nicht die ganze Zeit. Aber in Wellen doch zuviel. Nachdem ich vor kurzem drei Wochen Schlafprobleme hatte und drei Nächte gar nicht geschlafen habe, hatte eine Flasche Bier geholfen, nachdem Sport, Schlaftabletten und Reishi nicht gewirkt haben.Leider kommt das seit ein paar Jahren sehr häufig vor.

Ich baue gerade Hindu Kush von Sensi Seeds an und will es im Juli testen.


Well-known member
what i hated about the state detox place i went to , was the way they are trained by the system to actually keep people in that system .

they say things like ' it is a disease' and ' recovering alcoholic' after they have quit .

once you quit , that day tell yourself ' fully recovered ex drinker' or similar .

the mindset they brainwash keeps them all in the system . i found this common . they plead abstinence,,,, but prescription drugs are not classed, and they hand those out regular. keeps them all in jobs . total bollocks it is mate

if you want any tips , i can just give you my opinion of it all from my own perspective
I totally agree. Thats why I started meditating and grow some cannabis now. Most of these prescriptions are crazy and expensive like hell, compared to open some more places to do some sports like outdoor pools and so on.


Well-known member
I totally agree. Thats why I started meditating and grow some cannabis now. Most of these prescriptions are crazy and expensive like hell, compared to open some more places to do some sports like outdoor pools and so on.
the body has ability to heal itself, renewing cells and such . you can maximise that the best you can .


Well-known member
Stanislav Grof is, in my opinion, the most important doctor of the last decades. He sees Western therapies for drugs, including alcohol, and psychological symptoms as alienation and shows how other cultures deal with them better. He is a pioneer in the spirit of Albert Hofmann and the other greats of the 1970s right up to the present day.


Well-known member
In my youth a had a fatty liver and my doctor said, that it can heal itself. So i stopped drinking and smoked weed only. After a year, it was completly fine again.
similar to me diagnosis . it does heal itself . maybe keeps some scar tissue if any , but the body heals itself. even when given drugs , it is the body doing the work


Well-known member
be like the boveda kid @zaprjaques . use medicinal herb infrequently and enjoy all kinds of plants , and make positive moves in life wherever you can . take opportunities