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Sex Abuse In The Weed Business


The timing of the article does achieve a few things its timing is clearly apart of a pro legalization current. But some quality investigative journalism went into it or it might have been written by someone livinij the area.

It does a service e to both locals and migrant workers in that it deromamticizes the situation there and kind of exposes the situation people are playing into whether they admit it to themselves or not.

I mean if you get brought into a fold up their it can be a real blast but even still you have to delude yourself to not see the stuff the article mentions.

Brother Bear

Simple kynd of man
ICMag Donor

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Two women have been arrested on charges of holding four brothers captive at an illegal marijuana farm in Northern California and forcing them to work there for six months, police said Wednesday.
The men told police they ran away in July from the secluded pot-growing operation in the small Sierra Nevada foothills town of West Point after overhearing they would be killed once all the marijuana was harvested, Calaveras County Sheriff's Capt. Jim Macedo said.
Two other men, including the brothers' nephew, are being sought by authorities from the small, impoverished county undergoing a dramatic transformation because of marijuana cultivation.
The traditionally politically conservative board of supervisors on May 10 made it legal for farmers to grow commercial amounts of medicinal marijuana. The legislation was seen as a way to help the county recover from a devastating wildfire that charred 26 square miles, killing two people and destroying 860 homes in September 2015. The county itself raised $3 million after receiving 700 applications for farming permits, which cost $5,000 each.
The cultivation law was passed over the objection of the sheriff and district attorney, who said the remote county was already overrun with too many illicit pot farms and warned of an influx of unsavory outsiders.
Authorities said they destroyed 23,000 plants worth up to $60 million found on July 28 at the forested compound where the brothers worked. The two women were arrested Sept. 14 in Modesto and charged with human trafficking, kidnapping, battery with serious bodily injury, terrorist threats and drug charges.
"We've seen an increase in violence, theft and greed related to marijuana trafficking, and this appears to be an organized, violent group," Macedo said.
Neither Guadalupe Sierra Arellano, 43, nor Medarda Urbieta, 44, entered pleas during a court appearance in San Andreas, California. Macedo said the two women are suspected of living in the United States without proper documentation.
Macedo said investigators are looking into whether suspects have ties to any Mexican drug cartels. Authorities said they found a religious shrine popular among Mexican drug traffickers and cartels during a search of a Modesto home in connection with the case.
Brian Chavez-Ochoa, a lawyer representing Arellano, denied his client had any connections to cartels and said it appears the site was maintained and cultivated by locals.
David Singer, a lawyer representing Urbieta, didn't return a call. Both women remain in jail on $800,000 bail each.
Macedo said the victims, who were not identified, had bruises and black eyes after they escaped the marijuana farm and made it to a nearby home to ask for help. One of the brothers suffered a broken jaw and had to be hospitalized, court records show.
The case began in February when Arellano hired two of the brothers to help clean a Modesto home, court records show. Instead, the two brothers said they were taken against their will to the marijuana farm and forced to live and work there at gunpoint. They told police that Arellano threatened harm to their family if they escaped or called police.
Nine days later, investigators say Arellano lured the two other brothers to the farm under the guise of visiting the brothers held captive. Once there, all four brothers were forced to live and cultivate. They say they were beaten on three occasions, the last time three days before their escape.
The men worked the marijuana operation on several acres of land up a winding road with armed men standing guard over a house where the women lived. The men themselves slept in squalid and ramshackle conditions in a hut-like structure, Macedo said.


New member
around 2/3 of rapes are never reported, probably a lot higher % in an illegal industry.

Oh for fuck sake. First of all, that's not even a real statistic because there is no method to prove that it's true. And if hearsay is all you have, then you can boot your own ass out the door for spreading a lie. And second, false reports HAVE been proven many times over.

Third, this whole thread is why I work with males, and JUST MALES. Never had a problem. Never had someone emoting all over the industry, or my plants, or my work. No gossip causing dissension among my co-workers. Just a bunch of guys that love weed, growing it legally, love working together. Unlike the females I know, they'd never rat someone out just because they got pissed off. I know far too many cases of grows being busted by the feds because some weak minded twat got her feelings hurt.

I guess the next thing we'll hear about is women needing a "safe space" in the marijuana cultivation industry. :stfu:


Active member
I assume you are aware, Mr. Band, that employer discrimination based on gender is illegal as well as unfair.


Active member
Croissant I need your avatar because I have a guinea pig that looks just like a croissant when he curls up to go to sleep in his round cat-bed type of thing.

It seems like unpaid labor is everywhere, it never goes away, despite Geneva Conventions and abolitionism, serfs up and wages are down. It's a feudal enterprise, and this ain't Star Trek. (drops mic)

:ying: kind regards from guineapig :ying:
Every time we have a nugs n jugs, I sexually harass the strippers. I'm a woman, so I get away with s little more, but I think I'm one of the weird marijuana growing perverts, lol!!!


Well-known member
Oh for fuck sake. First of all, that's not even a real statistic because there is no method to prove that it's true. And if hearsay is all you have, then you can boot your own ass out the door for spreading a lie. And second, false reports HAVE been proven many times over.

Third, this whole thread is why I work with males, and JUST MALES. Never had a problem. Never had someone emoting all over the industry, or my plants, or my work. No gossip causing dissension among my co-workers. Just a bunch of guys that love weed, growing it legally, love working together. Unlike the females I know, they'd never rat someone out just because they got pissed off. I know far too many cases of grows being busted by the feds because some weak minded twat got her feelings hurt.

I guess the next thing we'll hear about is women needing a "safe space" in the marijuana cultivation industry. :stfu:

sorry, rubberbutt, but that is from law enforcement AND sex crimes enforcement statistics. you don't want to believe it, no skin off of my nose. i don't give a fuck what you believe. you just want to hang out with guys & do not care what happens to the ladies? that speaks volumes about YOU, not the rest of us.:laughing:


Active member
Of course we are the midst of a massive propaganda effort to demonize men. Cannabis prohibition itself is primarily used as a way to criminalize young men and oppress them from rebelling against the political class and wealthy elite.

Today as the War on Drugs starts to fade the War on Men's Sexuality is ramping up! In my state - Massachusetts - men are sent to jail for things like pointing at a woman's crotch on the sidewalk - without touching - and saying "gimme some of that". A German music professor at Boston University was recently put under inquisition and fired because the back of his hand "grazed" a female student's back (not ass, upper back), once, over the course of 4-month semester.

I would say if any woman is going to work for a bunch of criminal thugs, alone, she'd better bring a firearm and carry it 24/7.


Of course we are the midst of a massive propaganda effort to demonize men. Cannabis prohibition itself is primarily used as a way to criminalize young men and oppress them from rebelling against the political class and wealthy elite.

Today as the War on Drugs starts to fade the War on Men's Sexuality is ramping up! In my state - Massachusetts - men are sent to jail for things like pointing at a woman's crotch on the sidewalk - without touching - and saying "gimme some of that". A German music professor at Boston University was recently put under inquisition and fired because the back of his hand "grazed" a female student's back (not ass, upper back), once, over the course of 4-month semester.

I would say if any woman is going to work for a bunch of criminal thugs, alone, she'd better bring a firearm and carry it 24/7.

Strange, in an effort to empower women, the movement has infantilized them, with Big Government taking the place of Big Daddy.


Active member
I have to call you on that one, Muleskinner. Sounds a bit whiny. It's men who have fucked up this world and women are actually the more valuable gender. But we're all in this together and men who abuse women are on the wrong side of the scale. Men need to be put in a more equitable place, that is, less power, more cooperation.


Active member
I have to call you on that one, Muleskinner. Sounds a bit whiny. It's men who have fucked up this world and women are actually the more valuable gender. But we're all in this together and men who abuse women are on the wrong side of the scale. Men need to be put in a more equitable place, that is, less power, more cooperation.

You don't live in Massachusetts, where most women are narcissistic, abusive tyrants to their families. I have several friends that were married for one year before their wife went to divorce court and stripped them of their house and income and sent them to live in a studio apartment. Simple grifters. Don't ever read about it in the news either.

My friend in Vermont's wife went out drinking the nights she was supposed to be doing child-care. She brought another man into the house and started fucking him to get my friend to leave and take possession of the house during the divorce. All this in front of their small child. took the house he literally built with his own hands, along with the $10,000 walnut kitchen cabinets another friend made for them.

Without men's strength, society would be nowhere. Humanity needs to be balanced 50-50 between men and women. Don't ever succumb to thinking that one gender is responsible for all evil or all good in the world.


Active member
I am a Vermonter and was born in Boston. I know the neighborhood. Clearly we know very different kinds of people.


Well-known member
Today as the War on Drugs starts to fade the War on Men's Sexuality is ramping up! In my state - Massachusetts - men are sent to jail for things like pointing at a woman's crotch on the sidewalk - without touching - and saying "gimme some of that". A German music professor at Boston University was recently put under inquisition and fired because the back of his hand "grazed" a female student's back (not ass, upper back), once, over the course of 4-month semester.

Proof of any of that? I just spent the last 10 minutes trying to find at least a mention of what youre saying but came up with nothing.

Name of the BU music professor?

Specific example of a man being jailed for pointing at a woman?

PS - fun fact - new england region and MA alone compared to the rest of the US has one of the lowest divorce rates per 1000 americans


I have to call you on that one, Muleskinner. Sounds a bit whiny. It's men who have fucked up this world and women are actually the more valuable gender. But we're all in this together and men who abuse women are on the wrong side of the scale. Men need to be put in a more equitable place, that is, less power, more cooperation.

It takes two to tangle. Women are not, and never have been, powerless. Anyone who has ever had to deal with a strong woman knows this. As a man who had a woman for a mother, women as sisters, a woman as a wife, and a woman as a daughter, I can attest that women have considerable power to make me do things I would rather not do.

Neither gender is more or less valuable than the other. Both are required. Each has tendencies and typical behavior that are both good, bad, and neutral. Certainly the world is richer having two sexes.

Women who abuse men are also on the wrong side of the scale. Obviously, anyone who abuses anyone is on the wrong side of the scale, so I don't know why you would make an obvious point.

Your statement, that in your opinion, that men need to be PUT in a more equitable place, sounds like a threat. Who is going to PUT men in the spot where you think they belong, if that are so powerful?

Why don't you work on trying to be a better human being in order to make the world a more equitable place? If men are as powerful as you seem to imply, the only way you are going to get them to surrender that power is through persuasion and reason, not threats.


A New Orleans woman posed as a financial adviser to bilk millions of dollars over a dozen years from former Saints running back Ricky Williams and at least three other professional athletes, according to federal prosecutors.



"She engaged in wire fraud," said Eyewitness News legal analyst Joel Androphy, who read over the charges. "She defrauded Ricky Williams out of his life savings."

Williams filed a civil lawsuit, alleging that Fulford used her client's millions to pay credit cards, mortgages, and conduct unauthorized wire transfers. The suit alleged that Fulford also failed to file proper tax returns for Williams, as was part of their oral agreement. As a result the IRS fined Williams more than $377,000.

Luke • 6 days ago
OMG! The same exact thing happened to me but it was by a different woman and I'm still married to her.
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A lot of the anecdotal evidence contained in this thread can be tied to our society throwing God out. Good moral character still makes our world a better place.

Just as i believe God exists i also believe evil exists. Many who doubt God see evil every day but are reluctant to call it out. Because if they were to acknowledge evil they would somehow acknowledge God.

Midnight Tokar

A lot of the anecdotal evidence contained in this thread can be tied to our society throwing God out. Good moral character still makes our world a better place.

Just as i believe God exists i also believe evil exists. Many who doubt God see evil every day but are reluctant to call it out. Because if they were to acknowledge evil they would somehow acknowledge God.

I guess you haven't seen the story where some 300 priests molested over 1000 kids in Pennsylvania and the church ran interference for them.


Well-known member
A lot of the anecdotal evidence contained in this thread can be tied to our society throwing God out. Good moral character still makes our world a better place.

Just as i believe God exists i also believe evil exists. Many who doubt God see evil every day but are reluctant to call it out. Because if they were to acknowledge evil they would somehow acknowledge God.

i believe God exists. i KNOW evil exists. but, lots of "religious" people are amoral bastards that need smothering. likewise, lots of non-religious folks are good people. going to church every Sunday just means you don't fish & could not get a tee time...:tiphat:
My story isn't that bad, but I was still abused. There are two sides to every coin, and here's mine...

I gave my ex-boyfriend all of my money to begin our grow. He had the experience while I had the "I'm not a piece of shit" thing going for me. With our powers combined, we were successful.

Long story short: I lost everything & became homeless. While he's still a prominent member of the cannabis community.

Three word summary: Chivalry is dead.