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Saints in the Superbowl?



yep......anybody watching the game already knows the answer to the thread title.......

pat yourselves on the back, saints fans!
it was a great year and you shouldn't be disappointed in the least!
let's hope this isn't a one and done year.
the real challenge is getting back to the playoffs with an even tougher schedule next year.
no more cinderella story, the bulleye's are on their backs now.

p.s. if anybody from the saints organization is reading this, get ahold of my Giants, they're is alotta golf to play this offseason!


Breezy420 said:
Least watched superbowl of all time...thats a good one!


Yeah I agree thats some :fsu: Straight up covert racism, but to each his own. I tried to ignore that shit but fa' real it got to me. I guess because it would be the first time in history that there would not only be 1 African American Head Coach but 2 African American Head Coaches. Not only that it would be the first time that a African American Head Coach has won the NFC Conference Championship. And I suppose thats the reason that it would be the least watched in Superbowl history right? :chin:

Not Hardly, and I'm willing to put my money where my mouth is!! :yoinks: How anyone could otherwise come up with why the Superbowl will have fall off when you have America's Golden Boy Peyton Manning and arguably with Marvin Harrison & Reggie Wayne the most potent passing attack in the NFL. BTW Joseph Addai, ain't half bad either, not as much of a EDGE drop off as was initially expected. Against the Bears with arguably the best defense in the league (statistically ranked 5th) don't fail to mention Devin Hester the Probowl special teams player that led the league in Punt return for TD's.

I tried Real Hard to think why anyone would say that Colts Vs. Bears would be the lowest watched game in Superbowl history, Especially after last year. Need I remind you, Seattle Seahawks Vs. Pittsburgh Steelers. Where the biggest story they could come up with for the entire superbowl was that it was gonna be the last game for "The Bus" at his hometown of Detroit.LOL If that wasn't a Lame ass superbowl devoid of Star Power, I don't know what was. But Peyton Manning and the Super potent Passing attack, against Brian Urlacher, Lance Briggs, and the rest of the ProBowlers that comprise the Chicago Bears defense won't draw any interest huh?LOL :chin:


shit, i'll watch it!
you bring the beers, i got the blunts
lets get ripped!


Active member
pepelepew,let me snd you a sincere,heart felt conselation,Bump.
The saints gots nuttin ta be ashamed of.
They just got out played.3 & 13 last year,Now this.Hold your head up,man.



Chat Mod
I raise my glass to the Saints! They had one hell of a season, one of the greatest turn arounds in league history. They definitley have nothing to be ashamed of. Good luck to them next year, perhaps they will go all the way.

peace -fb



gota get one of these going again.


Bears vs Colts!
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Monsters of the Midway............

Hell of a game. New Orleans should be very proud- they had quite a turn around this season.

Now it's time for the Bears to finish this thing.

Go Bears!


who cares for the saints.. what about the pats? im fucking pissed.. we blew a 19 point lead to poopoo manning..well atleast the saints lost... so much for the thread>lol


Yeah I agree thats some :fsu: Straight up covert racism, but to each his own. I tried to ignore that shit but fa' real it got to me. I guess because it would be the first time in history that there would not only be 1 African American Head Coach but 2 African American Head Coaches. Not only that it would be the first time that a African American Head Coach has won the NFC Conference Championship. And I suppose thats the reason that it would be the least watched in Superbowl history right? :chin:

Not Hardly, and I'm willing to put my money where my mouth is!! :yoinks: How anyone could otherwise come up with why the Superbowl will have fall off when you have America's Golden Boy Peyton Manning and arguably with Marvin Harrison & Reggie Wayne the most potent passing attack in the NFL. BTW Joseph Addai, ain't half bad either, not as much of a EDGE drop off as was initially expected. Against the Bears with arguably the best defense in the league (statistically ranked 5th) don't fail to mention Devin Hester the Probowl special teams player that led the league in Punt return for TD's.

I tried Real Hard to think why anyone would say that Colts Vs. Bears would be the lowest watched game in Superbowl history, Especially after last year. Need I remind you, Seattle Seahawks Vs. Pittsburgh Steelers. Where the biggest story they could come up with for the entire superbowl was that it was gonna be the last game for "The Bus" at his hometown of Detroit.LOL If that wasn't a Lame ass superbowl devoid of Star Power, I don't know what was. But Peyton Manning and the Super potent Passing attack, against Brian Urlacher, Lance Briggs, and the rest of the ProBowlers that comprise the Chicago Bears defense won't draw any interest huh?LOL :chin:

Where Does that say least watched super bowl because the race of the coach. I dont know about you but I could give less of a crap about the coach. I probably wont watch the game cause I couldnt give to farts out of a goats ass about either team. The Bears Cool shit good for them havent been to a super bowl in 20+ years. Peyton Manning Peyton Manning Peyton f'ing Manning. They have been saying he cant get to the Super Bowl since his first game. After this long do we really care anymore. I think that unless you are from Chicago or Indy, whats the point of watching the game. These teams dont have a big following outside of the hometown. Thats my opinion why this will be one of the least watched super bowls of all time.


Im so glad that TOM lost the game...it made my year ....GO COLTS... the bears D is so fun to watch.. i think its the colts year...U know what IM glad theres two black coaches in the superbowl.....there both great guys and coaches who fucken cares what color they are i guess its a big deal if ur black.... The saints looked bad...like the big game was to much..and the weather didnt help....well GO COLTS..


Hey orpotguy you know how when somebody comes on a weed site and starts talking stupid and they don't know what they are talking about and everybody tells them to keep quiet until they do?

Well how about you stop spreading misinformation about football.

The Colts are the biggest TV draw in the NFL. 4 of the 5 most watched TV games in the last 2 years were COLTS games. Everybody will be watching this game.

Not only are you NE fans sore losers but you think the Pats are the only team people want to see. Well the Colts are the biggest draw in the NFL. They are playing in the Super Bowl and the Pats aren't.

Live with it.

And for you guys wondering what happened to Stoned Silly well he quit IC crying. Crying about his Patriots. LOL!!


Crying List

1. Tom Brady
2. Bill Bellichick
3. Stoned Silly
4. orpotguy
5. silvertrain

sniff sniff
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