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RGS Outdoor Compitition - Freezeland IBL, Mighty Freeze, Whitey Freeze, GG#2


Well-known member
Shameโ€ฆ early harvest?
Hoping for a drier summer next year
Yeah, I'll probably have to harvest early to avoid loosing most of the plant. Looking like sun for the next 6-7 days so that will help.
Only the freezeland IBL and one Iranian pheno got hit hard by mold. The rest did fine, kind of normal mold for around here (5-10%). I'm surprised because I thought freezeland was bullet proof...


Well-known member
Yeah, I'll probably have to harvest early to avoid loosing most of the plant. Looking like sun for the next 6-7 days so that will help.
Only the freezeland IBL and one Iranian pheno got hit hard by mold. The rest did fine, kind of normal mold for around here (5-10%). I'm surprised because I thought freezeland was bullet proof...
I also thought it was resistant, at least it was in the description. The freezeland that I have has more resistance to mold. I need to propagate it next year.


Well-known member
Took the big green pheno freezeland IBL down today, let her go 65 days, and boys the buds are solid. Not big buds, but rock hard, I'd say she's going to be a heavy yielder. My bowl trimmer really shined with this plant, buds are so hard they trim up really good, and there's so many, would have taken for ever to trim just with scissors. The bud structure really reminded me of the old mighty durban. Small and heavy!
Some parts of the plant molded up worse than others. Not sure why, seemed like the side with more sun had more mold, figure that one out! But as a whole it wasn't too bad, lost probably 15-20% wich is reasonable considering all the rain. And it yielded so much that loosing some isn't a big deal, LOTS left ๐Ÿ˜Ž
Smoke report to come...
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Well-known member
Also harvested the pink mighty freeze. Buds were looser on this one but no mold! Will harvest the green mighty freeze over next few days.
The amount of resin on this plant was nuts! After handling only 5-6 buds my gloves were shinning (looked wet) and crazy sticky, don't want to handle this one without gloves, you'll have to wash hands like 5 times to get ride of the stickiness...
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Well-known member
The green pheno mighty freeze has been harvested. Very little mold, but more than on the pink pheno, mostly on the inside of some bigger tops. Good bud to leaf ratio so easy scissor trimming. The mighty freeze had looser buds so didnโ€™t go through the bowl trimmer as well as the freezeland.
Real sticky like the pink pheno, with less of a sweet smell.


Well-known member
Only the pink pheno freezeland IBL to go. Another week of rain forcasted for next week so will cut it the day before it starts. Hot and sunny for another few days!๐Ÿ˜Ž


Well-known member
Cut her on day 59 of flower, probably could have gone 65 days like the green pheno. Unfortunately, as suspected, this one was really prone to mold. Lost a good 40-50% and 75% of the tops had mold on the inside. Made me sad to see so much mold on this beautiful plant. ๐Ÿ˜ช
Looked really good on the outside until you open up the buds to have a look...
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Well-known member
So here's my ratings on mold resistance from all the strains I grew this year. In order of most to least resistant.
1) Mighty Freeze pink pheno (<2%)
2) Mighty Freeze green pheno (<5%)
3) Whitey Freeze (5-10%)
4) auto affie and pink pheno of Iranian autoflower (10-15%)
5) Freezeland IBL green pheno (15-20%)
6) Freezeland IBL pink pheno and green pheno of Iranian autoflower (40% +). These don't pass the test for my area...

It was a really wet year so a good test...
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Well-known member
Nicely done mate, shame about the mould on the pink pheno but at least some was preserved.
Exceptionally wet year for you by the sound.


Well-known member
Thanks mate! Yes, it was a wet humid summer for sure, some years are worse than others and this was a bad one. But even on good years, early finish and mold resistance are the two most important traits needed for a successful outdoor harvest...


Well-known member
Smoke Report

Had the chance to try all 3 strains, they didn't get much curing time, but here are my impressions (all smoked in a vapourizer):

Freezeland IBL
-Green pheno had the best flavour overall. Very tasty mix of pine and earth finishing with a kind of menthol after taste. Very pleasant.
-Smooth draw and quite strong, this is a good strain for sleep, good body stone. Be ready to lay down with the green pheno!
-Green pheno was the strongest of the bunch.

Mighty freeze
-Sweet flavour with earthy aftertones, not as prevalent as freezeland but also pleseant. Pink pheno has better/stronger flavor than green pheno.
-Green pheno stronger than pink pheno, is kind of a creeper stone, lasts a fairly long time.
-A better day smoke since it doesn't put me to sleep.

Whitey Freeze
-Very smooth draw and light taste that's hard to explain. Kind of fresh and woody on the draw and I get a kind of bread aftertaste on the exhale. Quite interesting!
-Stone is very similar to pink pheno mighty freeze, not overpowering and is kind of energetic if you're already doing something. I found it made me focus.

My pick: All have a good stone in my opinion, but the Green pheno Freezeland IBL is my top pick...
Love the flavour and how much it gives me a relaxing body stone that ends up putting me to sleep.
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Well-known member
Final Thoughts

It's always a challenge to find good strains to grow in my region. They have to be early and mold resistant to increase odds of a good harvest.
All 3 RGS strains did well, especially considering the wet weather we got this year.
All were early finishers done by beggining of September at 46 lat. Whitey freeze were done first, by second half of August. And all the others were done by first week of September. The latest one being the pink freezeland IBL could have gone to Sept 15. So those finishing times are perfect for this region.
I would say all plants except for the pink freezeland IBL did well against mold. If growing freezeland IBL you have to look for the green pheno. MUCH better plant for growing outdoors.
The pink pheno Mighty Freeze was the mold champ, had very little, so the go to for very wet areas.
The green pheno freezeland IBL was the highest yeilding, the plant grew super fast and had tons of rock hard smaller buds that barely shrunk when dried. Very impressive, was the highest yeilding plant I've EVER grown ๐Ÿ˜Ž

With all that said, I'd grow all of these strains again, but would focus on the pink Mighty Freeze and the green Freezeland IBL. Would stay away from pink pheno Freezeland IBL. As seedlings the pink pheno had wider indica leaves and didnt naturally branch out. The green pheno had thinner leaves and bushed out very well...

A heads up on the mighty freeze, as indicated on the RGS website they are very light sensitive. So don't start them too early and keep inside light schedule as close to natural outdoor daylight to avoid flowering then revegetating when put out...

All in all, glad to report that the Whitey Freeze, Mighty Freeze and Freezeland IBL are good early strains that would do well outdoors in northern climates. Looking forward to growing some more!
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