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To Have More ... Desire Less
Leslie R. Caldwell, Assistant Attorney General for the Criminal Division of the DOJ, recently told a group of bankers that they need to expand upon the ‘suspicious activity reports’ they are required to file on their customers by calling law enforcement directly on anyone withdrawing a large amount of cash, according to investor and financial blogger Simon Black.

Banks are already required to file ‘suspicious activity reports’ on their customers, with threats of fines and even jail time for directors if financial institutions don’t meet quotas.

But as investor and financial blogger Simon Black points out, last week, “A senior official from the Justice Department spoke to a group of bankers about the need for them to rat out their customers to the police.”

Assistant attorney general Leslie Caldwell gave a speech in which he urged banks to “alert law enforcement authorities about the problem” so that police can “seize the funds” or at least “initiate an investigation”.

As Black highlights, according to the handbook for the Federal Financial Institution Examination Council, such suspicious activity includes, “Transactions conducted or attempted by, at, or through the bank (or an affiliate) and aggregating $5,000 or more…”

Black provides a chilling scenario under which an attempt to withdraw your own money from your bank account could end with a home visit from the cops.

“As you pull into your driveway later there’s an unexpected surprise waiting for you: two police officers would like to have a word with you about your intended withdrawal earlier,” writes Black, who accuses banks of already operating as “unpaid government spies”.

“Do you need to withdraw cash to purchase a used car from a private seller? Or perhaps you are pulling out some emergency cash for a loved one,” writes Mac Slavo.

“Either one of these activities are now considered suspicious and if your cash withdrawal amounts to even a few thousand dollars your bank teller is under a legal requirement to alert officials about your suspected criminal activity. And before you argue that you can’t possibly be a suspect because you have done nothing wrong, consider that even being suspected of being a suspect is now enough to land you on a terrorist watchlist in America.”

The war on cash is intensifying as authorities attempt to crack down on one of the few remaining modes of anonymity.

Over in France, Finance Minister Michel Sapin hailed the introduction of measures set to come into force in September which will restrict French citizens from making cash payments over 1,000 euros.

The new regulations, introduced in the name of fighting terrorism, will also see cash deposits of over 10,000 euros during a single month reported to anti-fraud authorities.

Meanwhile, in the UK, HSBC is now interrogating its account holders on how they earn and spend their money as well as restricting large cash withdrawals for customers from £5000 upwards.

Back in America, purchasing Amtrak train tickets with cash is being treated as a suspicious activity as part of a number of behaviors that are “indicative of criminal activity”.

Banks are also making it harder for customers to withdraw and deposit cash, with Chase imposing new capital controls that mandate identification for cash deposits and ban cash being deposited into another person’s account.

yep cash is king anyhow fuck the banks.
Wonder how much of the buying of everything from the politicians to the bank owners n cops n judges themselves gets brought into the light over this though.
My guess is all those folks will miraculously be immune to such stringent measures for some reason or other.
Good post yort, thnx for the read, lets me know I'm on the right track thinking I shouldn't be using the banks for much of fuck all anymore now or in the future.



Active member
my girl used to work at a bank.. they advertised back 5 years ago.. that it was 10 grand u couldn't deposit or withdrawal without making the bank teller call police ..back then the tellers actually called anything above 5 grand..

now with it 5 grand.. they will call anything above 3grand..

also.. if you use prepaid debits and shit.. use a car for 5 grand max.. then toss it out.. and buy another and reload that one until 5 grand.. and so on.. u do not want to use anything for long periods of time. especially without a LEGIT INCOME

I see this being a civic asset forfeiture thing tho.. have any big withdrawal.. and boom. cops will take it away from you lol. they are thugs.. there is a war going on with china and Russia right now. by proxy.. by arming Ukraine..

there is also a war going on that we know about with DRUGS.. and now... CASH.. they want to eliminate cash.. give everyone and OBAMA ACCOUNT so they can further control all of us no matter what.. they d ont like what u say.. turn you account off..

Wow, just another reason I plan to move out of US when I retire (and not Europe, either!).

I assume this is for personal accounts, but not business accounts?


Active member
fuck banks. especially bank of America, more like bank of Nigeria. I keep an account with 25.00 in it. I need to pay a few bills, deposit said amount (normally 2-300 max), pay bill and done. granted I pay a 10.00 svc fee now, since I don't have a bull shit 9-5 job and no direct deposit. but its worth it. cash rules, and so do safety deposit boxes :)

Lester Beans

Frequent Flyer
Never had a bank, credit card, loan, or any of that shit. Straight cash home!

I can't understand how calling the police on your customers will keep you in business??

Unfortunately we the people let this happen, somehow they can apparently make any law they want and have it in affect before the public even has a clue. That's our faults.


Active member
Cashless society is the name of the game.

You don't comply? Sorry little guy. Go beg for food because we have your money.
The ultimate in control. Sweden is practically volunteering to do this and France is also making noises.

Friggin idiots.


Active member
business and personal are monitored.. so say your business is only making 10,000 into the bank a month.. and one month. u hit 20 grand.. they will investigate and try to fuck you.. need receipts and shit..


I don't keep shit in the bank, if I need to pay bills I will deposit enough cash to cover them using the ATM machine or I will just get a money order. Most I put in every month is at the end to pay my rent and its less then 2K.

Everyone should have a safety deposit box if you are sitting on a bunch of cash


if it smells like fish
fuck banks .....you only need them in certain situations...keep your money buried/hidden and only keep token amount on bank ...as small as possible....yeehaw....some serious privacy violations as far as I am concerned...

Green Squall

Well-known member
I hate banks too, but I don't feel safe with a lot of cash on hand. Even home safes aren't all that secure. And my bank has a long waiting list for safe deposit boxes.


I'm a pretty firm believer in storing excess cash as gold or silver. I try and go about 50-50 currency vs metal, but I think I am about to convert almost all my currency into gold. I like gold because it is off the radar. There are no transaction taxes. If you stay under 10K they will not do a SAR or 1099 on you. The city I live in has at least 4 jewelry stores I know of that always have inventory, have good premiums, and ask no questions. You can bounce in and out of cash anonymously

I think the banks are going to do bailins and we will go to capital controls when the debt ediface crumbles and the financial system freezes up. Pension funds, 401K, money markets, stocks, bonds, all of it will revert to the worthless paper that it is. People just don't understand that when you deposit money in the bank you have given it to them and they are under no obligation to give it back, and if everyone decides to go down to the bank and get their money they will find that out too. I just read a story tonight about how the FDIC has 37 billion dollars in it's rescue fund to cover 7 trillion in insured assets. In the article they said not only do they not have the resources to intervene in a banking emergency, but they don't even know what they would do or how to do it. The FDIC is just a thin illusion. It has no power or ability to do anything. Be your own bank. And learn up a bit about money: what it is, where it comes from,how it is created, and what does this mean to you. Mostly school up on what happened in September 2008 when the entire worlds financial system froze up tight and we came within a few hours of total financial Armageddon and that nothing has been fixed and everything is worse and now we are here.


Everyone in the USA that has 5k should withdraw it on the same day. The overreach of the government is out of control.

Dropped Cat

Six Gummi Bears and Some Scotch
Whatever, a safe is the only way to keep cash.

My safe weighs over 600 lbs. Never keep large cash
in something you can carry, okay?

Only noobs transact big cash through banks.

Banks are not your friend, old news, right?

Never ever deposit or withdraw big cash from a bank.

Banks are like cell phones, your information is available
to all government eyes.


Why do Humans pay bankers to use their money without renumeration?
Once upon a time in the magical land of back when banks paid customers a small percentage for using their money to make bigger investments.
Now the customer must pay for the priviledge of securing a banker's golden parachute.

Banks serve no purpose to the real Human.
Withdraw and let the chips fall.


Well-known member
well, if the police start getting 1000's of extra transactions to evaluate
that time has to come from somewhere
less looking for grow rooms?
you can't watch everybody all the time, just another bureaucrat trying to make a name