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Potent Indica makes you sleepy.


Well-known member
I am a heavy user (I smoke about 8 grams a day of indoor bud). I want to share my experience.

There is no pure indica that gets me high, they are tasty but they just help a bit to relax and sleep. That's why I have to smoke very strong, quite pure sativas to get high. To feel the weed. But, in my experience, if you overdo a sativa this will be also the outcoming, you get sleepy. But for heavy users it can take a time, and many joints.

There is an exception to this: the TASKENTI strain. For some reason its effect is different, they hit you in the head and after that they numb your body. I always sleep with this one. I don't sleep with Black Domina or Northern Lights, as examples of well known indicas.
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