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Pit Bull responsibility


Cannapits said:
^^^true.....called Tan-point....Here is a link explaining a little more in detail... http://www.wildsidekennels.com/articles/tanpoint.html .....Only seen one other pic of a blue tan-point like mine before...Had 3 in last litter...Peace

Edited....damn yall fast....

Did you get your dog from wildside? Wildside breeds game bred dogs, they don't breed for color or looks, at all.
You have a very pretty dog. Do you know how it is bred?


Tarkus said:
A Spoonhound?? Never fucking heard of that. And I would not think of crossing it with a Greyhound. They are fast, but all the ones I have met are DUMB and fragile. Plus, I hate they way they look. Cool though, I bet those things are badass!!! Need to find me some pics...

Here ya go. Keep in mind that this dog is near 150lbs. and 34" at the withers.

FT and his Russian Wolfhound...I guess they like big mutts down under.

And this 1 is just for the hell of it. Yep, he's a boy.



jimjay said:
Did you get your dog from wildside? Wildside breeds game bred dogs, they don't breed for color or looks, at all.
You have a very pretty dog. Do you know how it is bred?

didnt buy him....he is one of eight from last litter....that link was just for info on tan-points...
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Introducing the newest addition to the Seed dog pack.....meet Yuri.

Say hello Yuri.

And an action shot of Lucas. He is old but he still has over 6ft. vertical lift. hehe.


Active member
Spreading Seed- Do you have any pictures or Yuri's parents? That's a good looking pup

Sorry to bump such an old thread folks, but I love pitbulls


New battle wounds. 30 stitches, severed artery. :yoinks:

Pain-killers & anti-biotics---$100

Visit with surgeon---$2,500

Rehabilitating a troubled bully---PRICELESS



Spreading Seed said:
New battle wounds. 30 stitches, severed artery. :yoinks:

Pain-killers & anti-biotics---$100

Visit with surgeon---$2,500

Rehabilitating a troubled bully---PRICELESS


SS how'd this happen?


i love my am bulldog she is sleeping under my feet at the moment. it takes effort but they make the best dogs imo.super loyal and if properly raised very tolerant. that wound looks nasty SS. yuri is a good looking fella so is breezys dog. gotta love mans best friend

post 420 baby :woohoo:
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Uncle Jesse

Active member
Spreading Seed said:
New battle wounds. 30 stitches, severed artery. :yoinks:

Pain-killers & anti-biotics---$100

Visit with surgeon---$2,500

Rehabilitating a troubled bully---PRICELESS


Man that looks sore, you can see the bruising around the injury, I wish you well and a speedy recovery. 1800 pounds per square inch is a lot of pressure.

I have also had a troubled pit for seven years, It was not always that way. six and a half were great years !
mine may have developed some kind of tumor or something in the brain went
bad, I am still unsure to this day what went wrong.

I am just glad it was me and not some one else !

The first time it left a scar on me i gave it the bennafit of doubt .
The second time, He got a ride to the vet with his favorite toy and blanket. :badday:

I cried like a little girl, and i brung him home for the last time.

Have had several since and before no other problems.
These dogs are expected to give extreme love , devotion, and loyalty.
Towards People . Especially when brung up from a puppy in responsable and caring hands.

This Breed also needs plenty of physical activity, attention, love.
This breed is NOT for every one.
Please be a informed owner and do research on any breed you plan on owning
before obtaining the animal.
Know the animals abilities and capabilities and your own .