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well guys gonna start this thread out got a few pine-o seeds to try out as a test grow
i put 7 in paper towel after a 24 hour soak about 36 hours ago and the seeds turned a bit darker in color and havent cracked yet im keeping my fingures crossed they take a bit to germ.
in case something happend and they dont germ well i started the last few seeds in hopes of getting a few plants will keep you guys posted hope this turns out to be a good grow


update got 3 sprout this morning so the grow will be on shortly they are gonna be in a scrog setup with a 150 hps cool tube


Active member
this is going to be a bad ass grow :sasmokin: Pope im so anxious to see your box all together. your making it even better putting pine O's in it.


thanks smoke wont be long ill have 5 lows in the box with the pine=os until the lows harvest then ill switch the pine-os to flower i plan on doing some fiming on these pine-os so i can fill the screen when i put them to scrog
there also may be 2 special ones in the scrog i have a special seedling now with secret backrounds named little d also may have a special jamician seed in the mix


Heres how to for sure get the rest to crack.

I use this method, and have around 99% germ rate. Take a paper towel moisten it, lightly ring a little water off, not much, fold it so your seeds are securely in the middle and put it in a baggie, ziplock or whatever leave a decvent air gap dont close it airtight. Put it in the sun or under a grow light and they will all pop, usually takes 2hrs to 1day for all depending on how moist the shell is. The key to this is the baggie, it makes water vapor in the bag so the humidity rises and that is actually what allows seeds to open.


thanks for the info dank the seeds were just a bit slow i got the 4 i wanted so its all good also i soak my seeds for 24 hours then do the papertowel baggie methos and it works on most all of my seeds i never have really hade probs with germ rates most the time im at around 100% so i cant complain