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~PIFF~ A.K.A. Uptown Haze/Frankies/Church. Preserving a Heritage...


Well-known member
uptown purps

getting fatter and stickier

is soon sample time..



Active member
Hows the bouquet on that uptown purp?
Anyone wanna hook it up a promotional code for piff coast farm? I really wanna run at least two varieties but thats alot of dough to drop!
Anyone make their own hybrids with the piff?


Active member
I see. why not just dabs then?
To me the aromatic experience is the pinnacle of what separates haze from the rest.


Well-known member
the uptown purps test smoke yesterday was positive..will know more after day 3

it is delicious though and got legs

..relaxed energy

not done yet...

dunno what it is..some sort of hybrid..so far so good..


Well-known member

new one in flower
I have been smoking lower down samples at 420 most of the week
its gotta be ok or I would not be so happy to roll one up everyday..
tasty, potent, got legs, has enough up energy and euphoria to keep me going
.....a bit more relaxation than I crave...
but over all it has SO much going for it

Uptown purps


almost done

ps also growing it under hps..we’ll see
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Grinding extra.
Rgd - Looking good my guy. Hope she smokes how you want her to and some of that flavor tranfers over. I am the same as you in terms of caring about potency and effect more than flavor. Although I don't like it things to taste like shit either...lol. A nice balance.

Of course its nice to have it all as well... pretty tastey strains.... ugly potent ones.... and then theres the trap house delight... the donkey dick pretty potent flavorfuls... not many can check all the boxes....

Once of the reasons I love the CBH so much. She puts out like few others. But to make her check the rest of the boxes she makes you work.

ECSD very simular.

Casey Jones (schnmoes cut) does pretty much all of those things fairly easy but she just is not the most potent. not weak either...

Watch this year. The market is tired of candy terps. I went to Terp Basel in Miami and it was truly a joke. Wierdest vibes I've ever expereienced from a cannabis event and absolutley NO GAS ALL BRAKES. I had some kid hand me 3 different tiers of herb that were all Runtz versions... There is a huge need for oldchool gas and medical genetics. Join the wave of bringing the industry in or at least making the masses aware that there are levels to this.... no more sterile candy herbs that don't yield well.... back to the OGs and the Sours and the Chems... and lets do some breeding work to bring it all together.

Merry Holidaze to all and to all a good night. Grind Grind Grind in 2024.

I hope all you New Yorkers got your applications in by December 18... it was a rack. No excuses.


Grinding extra.
Only 220 microbusinesses will be issued and 20 cultivation licenses
and its $1000 non refundable if your not selected.
Yes a rack. $1000.
I can only hope most think like you and are defeatists in to themselves...

Unless of course you could qwualify as an SEE applicant. Having been arrested for possesion, or living in a Community Disproportionaly Impacted... or having a woman to put it in thier name.... because half of the microbusiness licenses were reserved for such applicants. And the nmore boxes you could check, the smaller your pool. From there its randomized.

If you couldn't spare a measly 1000 bucks for that opportunity Or $500 if you were an SEE applicant then WTF are you really doing any way? We are talking 3500 ft2 indoors. Thats at least 48 lights.... with a 5x5 footprint. So you clearly not cut out anyway... talking not being able to spend a rack.

Again. Thank you for posting. I truly hope theres more like you out there. Better odds for US.

Micro business! HERE WE COME!


Grinding extra.
i dont want to own a weed business I just want to grow weed.
amen to that...

Trust me I get it guys. But if you research it a little bit... they finally got thier act together. This is an opportunity for those of us who have the abilities and desire to grow large scale. 3500 ft2 is no slouch of a grow. You're talking to someone who doesn't have to call ONE SINGLE person/company to set up. HVAC by trade and have licenses in mutiple states. Actually going to be starting up a consulting company as well to build out basements etc. to those in need.

Pretty sure you guys are good to go as well... 6 plants per adult maximum 18 per household? I mean DAMN! That's pretty fucking sweet! I am NO fan of government OR overreaching over sight... but for me to have the chance to finally sleep at night?!?! Well worth $1000 for the chance. Mind you, one of the cheapest licenses in FL sold for $160 MILLION...

So there really is no comparison. This is for the people. I almost couldn't believe it at first I had to re read the application process several times to realize it was legit. Even calling for all info on TPI's or true parties of intrest... this is what will prevent mega corps. from coming in and sponsoring 100 people to have control over thier license. They want to know who has ANY type of ownership all the way up.

This is why the OCM has been gang busters recently busting bodega "shops". Quite frankly FUCK THEM anyway re packaging and reselling middle men pushing candy BS in mylar. They aren't doing shit for local NY cultivators.

If I get this golden ticket... its ON!!!

Have a few legacy cultivators in mind to give some space to. Total revolutionary cannabis business model where true OGs will be given the opportunity if they desire it to do thier work legally and see how the legal market reacts to their work. Can't even spell it all out anymore here... people need to do thier own work!

We should be hearing back around or a bit after New Years on our pooling group and randomized #.

Wish us luck!


Grinding extra.
It costs 1.3 million to RENEW a cannabis cultivation license bi annually in FL.

Sorry it's hard for you to believe but this is part of the reason I'm telling you NY got thier shit right.

" and license application fee will also be increased from $60,830 to $146,000" APPLICATION FEE.

It's $1000 in NY....

Merry Holidaze!


Grinding extra.
Looking closer I mistook something I read about stock options purchased to the sum of 165 million and 200 million.

Licenses are going for more around 60 million. Just for the license.

I guess you're right and I'm wrong. Funny how you laser focused on the incorrect amount...

Might as well throw out any substantion viable points I was making.

The point is that legislation was clearly set up for the Chad's in FL and it is not so in NY.

Enjoy your holiday.


Well-known member
hey ... i didn't want to come across as a dick - sorry - i'm in ny, and not sure how many 'legit' places are open, but its 2 , maybe 3 dozen at the moment , as the disabled vets went to court to get their fair share of lic's as per the law as written ... 'un'- legit stores at the moment number in the thousands ... my buddy went to a legal one, bought a few 1/8th's , and the shit was ok, but for the $$$, u can find better on the street for less $$.. i guess we will see in some years if new york got it rite... that would prob be a first for new york.... getting something rite.. peace..


Grinding extra.
All good as I said I get it.

They underestimated the demand. The "legit" ones open now are operating under a Conditional Adult Use license. Many municipalities are arguing and fighting against adult use dispensaries and lounges. And of course the black market in many instances (of state legalization) outshines and fills in the gaps. In FL its not even rec. only medical and these idiots push out moldy product all day.

It will still be a while before something you can buy in a legal store in NY will carry superior cannabis to something truly small batch and black market. Remember, much of the skill is hiding in the basement or closet still. People who have been getting by because of what they can do with a small space... Some having been paying thier mortgages for over 25 years off this shit...

The state is trying to entice some of them out into the legal market but I understand the hesitation.

You can't win it if you're not in it.

If my family gets this chance, I am more than convinced we will take a lead in re-shaping the market in NY and beyond. SO many amazing ideas! So much passion and drive to show what is good!

If you're in NY and need a hand setting up a facility or something smaller... hit the PM. We can set you up! Licensed for HVAC throughout Long Island. Come build with us!