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Oozing Calyx? wtf


Can/Do buds ooze?

Earlier this evening I was checking the trics on some kcbrains NL and saw a tiny ball of oil. I had just made a batch of oil but before going in the room so it couldn't be that - so i tasted it, sweet like honey. wtf

After tasting it, I know it can't be oil, is this sap? How the hell did it get on my buds? I can only guess that the foxtailing means that the centre twig is more exposed and kinda sweating. Has to be some kind of stress, surely

The were 3 out of the 7 or 8 buds on this plant with one spot each. First two I tasted and this one I left, if it's there when I harvest at the weekend, i'll grab a couple better macro shots.

I have about 8 or 9 strains under a 600w and nothing ever did or is doing this!
Whats going down in funky town?


See this quite often on here and most folks reckon it's either a blob of resin or sap but the sweet taste suggests it's actually honeydew which is excreted by some insects. Check your leaves, if they have a sticky substance on them you might have whitefly but I'm not sure they can make those blobs?


I have the same thing going on with one of my Williams Wonder only plant out of 11 doing it have had a few fungus gnats early in flower but none now would also like to know whats going on


Cheers Medshed and Hazey4.

Hazey4 - do you have multiple WW flowering at the same stage and only one is doing tis or just one WW plant flowering kicking out goo? Is it more than one blob per bud and are they high up or low?

I'm running soil perpetual in a pretty small space so I do get a few fungus gnats but not enough to even bother with fly tape. If I shake all the plants, I only see 1 maybe 2 and they like to fly into my fan or usually get sucked through my cooltube.

As for general cleanliness, I spray down every weekend and foliar feed with bugspray/nutrient mix ever since spider mites taught me how to be clean about 6 months ago. Leaves are all healthy also, no sticky buildup, just a lil nitrogen def in newer strains as working out what feed they need.

I'm now thinking it cant be sap as it's too sweet. My first attempt at LST was less than gentle and my kali mist cut spewed sappy goo into a huge ball to fill in the gap that was made, this was bitter tasting. and went hard when in contact with air for several hours.

I don't think it's resin as it's far too sweet and wrong viscosity - too thin. I will put a flame to the next bit I examine to see how it reacts. Anyone done this?

I searched pretty hard on this before posting and didn't really come up with anything, certainly no pics, if you guys have any links for more reading or some pics I would really appreciate it, curious as hell on this one.

As for honey dew. off to do a bit of reading...
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I just had the same thing happen to me on one of my plants. I've seen it talked about here before, but never seen it myself until recently.

Only one of my plants had this, and there were no bugs in the grow. It started off with me finding a spot at week 8, tasted it and like you found it to be sweet like honey. When I was trimming them up (cut at week 9) I found about 4 other 'drips'. I couldn't tell where they were coming from, no rips or tears in the region.

Not sure what the deal is. Maybe too much sugar in the plant? Did you feed with molasses? I didn't so that can't always be the case.


Hey Barn't, I do feed with Molasses but only after I sorted a feeding schedule for a strain with nutrients first. This NL ain't had any either.

After reading what I can find on honeydew, i'm leaning towards that until anything else can explain it. Still unable to verify whether or not fungus gnats can actually secrete this goo, especially in such small numbers.

Perhaps they do it when in small numbers to attract other insects? That does seem to be the only purpose for honeydew, with aphids anyway.

Any around to melt a blob? If it's sugary, it may turn dark and leave a residue, might help identify it.

All input is appreciated :)


Dr. Doolittle
Normally when this happens you got aphids that bubbling sap is the stuff they like which is why it tastes like honey cause I think it's there droppings...... you check underside of the leaves?




Thanks for your input MynameStitch, you pretty much convinced me it is aphids, I respect your knowledge and opinion. Just can't find any of the little bastards. I'm presuming my NL buds are ok to smoke?

I had a 30x loupe out when trimming and I can't see anything untoward apart from some drying fan leaves I'm pretty sure is nitrogen def.

I wish my trim oil was that colour mmm

Hazey4, sorry dude, think you got aphids also. If it's any help, SB invigorator seems to be doing the job for me plus it's a foliar feed and they love it - no washing off, just spray leaves before lights out.


chuckyoufarley said:
ewwwwwwwwwwww you tasted bug POOP lol

and honey is throw up

i wonder what kind of bacteria would be in it though... :nono:


Yup I tasted it, would be excellent on pancakes. As for bacteria, can it be any worse than a honey coated bug? Protein? :)

After breaking up a bud and examining, still nothing untoward to be seen. Buds look and smoke great, if there is anything dodgy, it's way way smaller than a spider mite and taste/smokeless. They are curing, will post up if anything strange starts to grow or infest them later

Would like to know if aphids only chuck this stuff out if there is low or high numbers of them.


Hey tree&leaf, I really do like that explanation and the fact that I really can't see any bugs bar a few fungus gnats would also help me lean that way.

All my blobs were on one plant which was actually my best yield to date and healthy, this also re enforce guttation.

The only thing left still convincing me it's honeydew is all the pics of guttation that google can give me are clear fluids.

I still have a cut of this NL pheno so will run again in same scenarion and see if she goos up like the last. Gonna be at least 3 months though as I finally found a DSD female


copied from other thread:

I really do like this explanation and was the first one I settled on. trouble is all guttation fluid seems to be water or very close to it, this was well sticky and had another makeup.

I do understand that nutrients and other additives to the soil could easily change the colour of this but I very much enough to change it into this relativley thick goo.

It is possible to see from your pics over time that the blob dried up and went darker darker still. Mine never evaporated leaving a white ring (guttation), still sticky residue on the buds.

Is yours still there or has it evaporated totally? I did the same thing as found in this pic:
with a small pepper plant and when I shake it, the guttation fluid easily flies off - barely any tension or sticky stuff holding it together.

I know this aint weed but even though I see no bugs, untill another NL does it for me, I gotta think bugs.
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I had the same thing happen a few years back. about 6 J.herer that were in center of room oozed.these plants were also exposed to cold intake( 20 degrees outside).they grew smaller than normal and calyx oozed.never knew what happened.I figured cold intake was problem. Taproot


Ryu said:
Hey tree&leaf, I really do like that explanation and the fact that I really can't see any bugs bar a few fungus gnats would also help me lean that way.
It's certainly interesting. What makes it more interesting is that as Xylem sap, it does and will contain sugars and carbohydrates as I mentioned and that in itself would be enough to make it sticky and taste sweet.

More so, in certain pure Sativa varieties, the Xylem sap can be different colours - red in the case of some Sativas. If you look in the "question to Sam Skunkman about original Haze..." in the Hybrids section you'll see pictures of exactly that - red Xylem coming from the cut main stem. I've also seen pictures of Sativa dominant plants producing a red colour in the THC spheres on the glandular stalked trichomes, whether the two are connected I don't know, but it's a possiblity.

In some Sativa dominant varieties the trichome spheres go from clear to cloudy and no further, in some pure Sativa varieties the trichome heads go from clear to cloudy to amber to red and some from clear, cloudy to red and some other varieties clear, cloudy and amber as the THC degrades.

I'm wondering if the colour of the xylem is having any affect on the colour of the degraded THC trichome heads.

If anyone knows what influences the colour of the trichome heads (not why - it's THC degradation, but what actually produces the colour) I'd be really interested in hearing it.

If there is a link between the two, that could be what produced the colour in that plant at that stage in it's life - near the end of flowering.

This is all conjecture of course - I don't know what caused it, but this is the thinking behind my suggestion of guttation.


Can/Do buds ooze?

Earlier this evening I was checking the trics on some kcbrains NL and saw a tiny ball of oil. I had just made a batch of oil but before going in the room so it couldn't be that - so i tasted it, sweet like honey. wtf

After tasting it, I know it can't be oil, is this sap? How the hell did it get on my buds? I can only guess that the foxtailing means that the centre twig is more exposed and kinda sweating. Has to be some kind of stress, surely

The were 3 out of the 7 or 8 buds on this plant with one spot each. First two I tasted and this one I left, if it's there when I harvest at the weekend, i'll grab a couple better macro shots.

I have about 8 or 9 strains under a 600w and nothing ever did or is doing this!
Whats going down in funky town?
Nothing to fear here. This is

cannabis guttation!​


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