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Official Seed Harvest, Storing, Curing, ect. Thread


Active member
I've also germed seeds about a week after coming off the plant this year(did a winter seedgrow which finished a bit later as planned), most germed fine, although the germratio was a little lower(around 80-90%).

I expect seed dormancy will not be an issue with most strains, but maybe you'll run into it with some wilder landraces. losing of seed dormancy is a common domestication effect(for domesticated crops in general, not specifically weed). but I can imagine that a more feral 'strain' that grows wild in an area with a winterseason could have more dormancy.

btw, I've also had white seeds that germed fine, but might be strainrelated. mother was kumaoni, seeds were taking pretty long to ripen, they were nice and big but still not dark, eventually I had only a few well ripened seeds when I had to chop, so I decided to just try out all those white/green seeds(only threw out the ones that felt light/hollow) and most germed.


Registered Med User
I've also germed seeds about a week after coming off the plant this year(did a winter seedgrow which finished a bit later as planned), most germed fine, although the germratio was a little lower(around 80-90%).

I expect seed dormancy will not be an issue with most strains, but maybe you'll run into it with some wilder landraces. losing of seed dormancy is a common domestication effect(for domesticated crops in general, not specifically weed). but I can imagine that a more feral 'strain' that grows wild in an area with a winterseason could have more dormancy.

btw, I've also had white seeds that germed fine, but might be strainrelated. mother was kumaoni, seeds were taking pretty long to ripen, they were nice and big but still not dark, eventually I had only a few well ripened seeds when I had to chop, so I decided to just try out all those white/green seeds(only threw out the ones that felt light/hollow) and most germed.

My bro was jus tellin me how everyone was talkin shit about his white seeds and they were germing fine! His was some tikal x malawi gold x gsc.


Registered Med User

Put in water 10 days after chop. 16/16 cracked through the shells!


Active member
Built a seed sorter.... Saves hours and hours of time separating seeds from flower material.

This thread needs new legs, lol.


Active member
I can verify that seed dormancy is strain dependant. I've made seeds that barely germed after drying. A couple of months later I got 100%. Other seeds I've made have had good germination right after drying.


Well-known member
SORRY FOR HYJACKING THE THREAD, IT WASENT MY INTENTION. THE THEMA I SPEAK WILL PREDOMINANTLY GO ON UNTIL AND INCLUDING PAGE 23 . I put the Link to where i placed a copy of this Conversation here: https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=1034&page=19 and there it belongs actually.

Please help ,

Im having a loong flowering Strain , somewher between 14 and 20 weeker Sativa, wich i wanna open pollinate. I Have 2 Males, of wich one is ALREADY STARTING POLLINATING slightly.. i saw dust coming out.. But my FEMALES HAVENT EVEN DEVELOPED SIDEBRANCHES, JUST LEAFES...

WILL MALE MAKE POLLENSACKS LONGER NOW? Or not? How many Sacks more, and how Long you think it will do that? Again, Males and Females are same Strain, so actually males shouldnt come to early i suggest... but you never know.

Have only photo of females 2 weeks earlier taken, but i place a Male-Photo that Looks similar

Similar Male to mine:

Females (the ones most behind right outed as males 2 weeks later, or call it now... but that shows how my females look.. only Leaves) :

Please Help, These are highly wanted genetics.. Can Males come to early? or is this unlikely to happen..?
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Well-known member
Please help ,

Im having a loong flowering Strain , somewher between 14 and 20 weeker Sativa, wich i wanna open pollinate. I Have 2 Males, of wich one is ALREADY STARTING POLLINATING slightly.. i saw dust coming out.. But my FEMALES HAVENT EVEN DEVELOPED SIDEBRANCHES, JUST LEAFES...

WILL MALE MAKE POLLENSACKS LONGER NOW? Or not? How many Sacks more, and how Long you think it will do that? Again, Males and Females are same Strain, so actually males shouldnt come to early i suggest... but you never know.

Have only photo of females 2 weeks earlier taken, but i place a Male-Photo that Looks similar

Similar Male to mine: View Image

Females (the ones most behind right outed as males 2 weeks later, or call it now... but that shows how my females look.. only Leaves) :
View Image

Please Help, These are highly wanted genetics.. Can Males come to early? or is this unlikely to happen..?

Simply collect the pollen of both males and hit up your girls when they're ready!


Well-known member
Yes, but they are like bammbo-thin, i dont know if new Pollensacks Reform as thin as they look, and due to dooing it first time, i dont wanna risk my collected Pollen ...Leafing Stems behind, wich dont rebuild Sacks 2nd Time and leafe emptyhanded...

Can someone confirm that a Landrace 20 Weeker Sativa wouldnt show such strange behaviour and come to early?
Will there be more Sacks later? This is crutial when collecting the few Pollen. I with my Artistbrush cant pollinate so much Plants, as Nature can , i suggest (i have a couple other Females in other Spot waiting for this Pollen i talk about here).
Where do you see more Risk? Couldnt i actually just let the Male savely doo its Thing..?
So will there form more Pollensacks for that after i empty the current Pollsacks???? Thanx Mohadib , and all others
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Well-known member
Are you really 100 Percent shure? i Kind of remind seeing Males making new Pollensacks after the initial ones, but i cant remember right..


Well-known member
Yes, but they are like bammbo-thin, i dont know if new Pollensacks Reform as thin as they look, and due to dooing it first time, i dont wanna risk my collected Pollen ...Leafing Stems behind, wich dont rebuild Sacks 2nd Time and leafe emptyhanded...

Can someone confirm that a Landrace 20 Weeker Sativa wouldnt show such strange behaviour and come to early?
Will there be more Sacks later? This is crutial when collecting the few Pollen. I with my Artistbrush cant pollinate so much Plants, as Nature can , i suggest (i have a couple other Females in other Spot waiting for this Pollen i talk about here).
Where do you see more Risk? Couldnt i actually just let the Male savely doo its Thing..?
So will there form more Pollensacks for that after i empty the current Pollsacks???? Thanx Mohadib , and all others

1. It's normal for males to flower a little earlier than their female counterparts. That doesn't mean there can't be males that flower too early for the present females though.

2. Males also flower over a certain period of time in which they keep producing pollensacks. Depending on the specific male, this takes between 1,5 and 3 weeks, sometimes even longer.

I have no personal experience with long flowering sativa males, so I don't know how long their flowering-cycle might be - probably even longer.

3. If your male is growing indoors, you can easily collect it's pollen during the whole flowering-cycle by using a petri dish (or whatever you want to use to catch the pollen) and something to tap on the open pollen sacks. You don't have to cut off any branches.
When I do this, I collect pollen once or twice a day. The pollen can be stored in the fridge.


Well-known member
Yes Mohadib. Thats exactly the Problem, my Males stand outdoors, no Greenhouse... Otherwise i would have gone shurely for the collecting-everyday-Day-by-slight-Shake-while-hold-alife-Method. Now i have to decide between collecting everyday, therefore probably gather MORE Amount of rebuilding Pollen in 3 Weeks, but risking loss trough a certain Windyness at my Place aswell trough rainy Days (and it Looks like some eventual Raindays ahead), or if i should just cut the Branch of and savely collect Pollen at Home (Waterglass-Method)

Not to confuse: since you say some Males DEFINITELY CAN COME TO EARLY, im guessing thats one of them. Just doubling the 3 Weeks makes 6 Weeks of possible Sativa-Male-Pollination (my 16 Weeker Sativa has double of 8 Weeks flower) , and i dont think in 6 Weeks i have any female Flower ready.
Im now just trying to find the Method wich gathers more Pollen, since it s a very thin Male, aswell as my other Male and i have much Plants to pollinate... I will use Flour to Mix it up/dilute it, but after Storage, cause i heard it can introduce Moisture in Storage.

I post a Picture of MY Male tonight, and probably one can guess whats better
But im almost certain i will go into harvesting. I already read everything about collecting/storing. Thanx Mohadib again for your 3-Weeks-maximum-Indica-Anwser

(Sorry for beeing on the wrong Thread Kind of..i will move this afterwords)
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mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
If the meristem is still clusters of pods then pollen is yet to come.

If you see the tip and it ends in a single pod that's the last flower to shed pollen on that branch.


Well-known member
What comes second i guess now must come last. How long does pollen stick? I've collected some and it wasn't before viable okay that sterilized. i know as plants they continue producing pollen sacks but not after finishing and pollen flower branches, How long did you say it flowered for. If they're the same strain it should make pollination but collect pollen just as well? I got the same thing happening where a few of my females are not in flower as of yet (as autos).

Edit: what comes first must come last actually i think.
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