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Medical marijuana for New York?


New member
Moving to NY would be far more feasible than to a west coast state for me. I realize this bill would only allow for patients with life threatening diseases, but hopefully we can baby-step our way to freedom.

Also crossing fingers.
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so when does this get voted on? in another forum someone posted that it already passed. also how would you go about getting a medicinal card? just wait till their is a weed freindly doc?

"The Assembly just passed it!

I just got an email about it from the Marijuana Policy Project.. the link they reference to is right here.. click on it, fill it out your address, and it automatically finds your senator and sends it to him/her.. couldn't be easier.. fill it out!

New York Assembly approves medical marijuana bill! Ask the Senate to follow suit

For the first time ever, the New York Assembly voted today on Asm. Richard Gottfried's legislation to protect seriously ill patients from arrest for the medical use of marijuana. The Assembly approved the bill by an impressive 92-52 vote! And newspapers are reporting that the Republican-controlled Senate may take up the issue before the legislature adjourns next Thursday. Your help is urgently needed to make sure the opportunity to protect patients doesn't slip away.

Please click here to ask your senator to do all he or she can to support allowing the medical use of marijuana. You can send one of our pre-drafted letters, or you can personalize the letter. Please let your senator know if you are a medical professional or if you or someone you love could benefit from the medical use of marijuana for a life-threatening condition. If you have a personal connection to the issue, please also e-mail [email protected] to see how you can help these final crucial days.

Then, please follow up with a call to your state senator. Click here to look up his or her name and contact information. You can keep your message simple. Let your senator know that protecting seriously ill medical marijuana patients from arrest is important to you, and you want him or her to do all he or she can to see that medical marijuana legislation passes this year.

Assembly Health Committee Chair Gottfried's (D-Manhattan) bill — A4867-A — would allow patients with life-threatening conditions to use marijuana according to their doctors' recommendations. The state health department could also add other serious conditions. Patients would be allowed to cultivate a safe supply their own medicine (up to 12 plants) or have a caregiver do so for them. They could possess up to 2.5 ounces of usable marijuana.

The issue has tremendous support from the medical community and the public. A 2005 poll found that 76% of New Yorkers support allowing the medical use of marijuana, including 72% of Republicans. Medical organizations representing the state's medical schools, the state's nurses, and the state's physicians have voiced their support for allowing medical marijuana. Talk show host Montel Williams has gone to Albany to tell legislators about his struggle with MS and how marijuana helps alleviate his pain. Manhattan District Attorney Robert Morgenthau has also joined the chorus urging legislators to protect patients.

Please don't forget to raise your voice. And please pass this message on to friends, family, and listservs in New York. With your help, we can make New York the 13th state to stop the senseless prosecution of suffering patients."


JJScorpio said:
Here is a positive update. Governor Spitzer is now publicly backing the Bill.....


Yeah man...that made my day! I read the article last night and I was floored. It seems we actually have the best chance ever to get legal medical Mj approved by the senate. Thank god Spitzers brother is a doctor who is for med usage of mmj. He's the one who turned the tide for the Gov. changing his mind. I'm gunna gear up to start a med club or dispensary if this thing gets passed. I'm keeping my toes and fingers crossed on this one for sure. So too are all the people I help out.



ICMag Donor
I got mine off. This could be a big step. If Hillary really wants to be President, she will vote in favor and let it be known....... She can lock up the women and stoner votes, lol....



stop dreaming, & on top of that 1 must damn near 'bout 2 die, on deaths doorstep. im surprised @ maine!
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From the NORML website:

State laws permitting medicinal marijuana use differ on how much of the drug can be possessed or grown and which illnesses can be treated with it. Hawaii and Vermont issue identification cards to patients who qualify, while Maine and Washington do not require registration with the state, according to the Drug Policy Alliance, an advocacy group that supports the legalization of medical marijuana.




ICMag Donor
I just read an article that the NY Senate is probably going to shoot it down and introduce their own Bill. Shumer seems to be the one behind it. Anyone from NY needs to write or call Shumer and tell him to get his head out. He wants the state to open a dispensory so the Feds can close it.......


Thank you Brother_Monk for the clarification, i was a bit lost on that one.

Damn JJ, personally i'm just looking to be able to grow my plants in freedom, but this whole state vs. federal nonsense is such a beurocratic runaround of bullshit it makes me furious. Chuck needs to pull his head out of his ass. Get meds into the hands of those people in need and who are responsible enough to handle it, quit the BS please all you goverment people
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ICMag Donor
If they would just pass it, Spitzer has a lot of Federal pull after being the Attorney General for so many years. Leave it to the Republicans to put us into that damn war in Iraq and now they are going to strike down this Bill........

Storm Crow

Active member
Send this poll to your politicians!

Send this poll to your politicians!

A New York newspaper is doing a poll on if medical marijuana should be legal! Most polls give you an 80% yes result. NOT SO with this one! 96% say YES!

Here's the poll, if you care to vote- http://www.nydailynews.com/news/2007/06/13/2007-06-13_spitzer_eyes_joint_decision.html?ref=rss
With a little luck we might get it up to 99%- wouldn't THAT be lovely???

This poll should go to ALL politicians- not just the NY crowd! Most of us want to see marijuana legalized, but the medical marijuana users NEED it legal! A nation is judged by how it treats it's weakest people. How will we be judged? So get off your stoned behinds and email your politicians with these results! If New Your gets legal, that will be 13 states with MMJ- that's 26% -over 1/4 of the states! Other states are working on MMJ laws, too. THIS IS DOABLE!!!- Granny :joint:


I put my vote in JJ....and sent out letters. Now that we're on the brink, it's the most important time to give it that last push!

Don't worry, Schumer won't have his way with the state run dispensary. Spitzer is gunna hand the whole thing over to the state health commission. Theyr'e just completely freakin' paranoid about losing control over something that they have had under their thumbs for over 70 years. Prohibition of Mj.

Spitzer knows the feds will come rushing in and close down any state run facility. I think it will come down to an ID card and let the med users be on their own with buying seeds and supplies. We will be here to help them learn how to do it! Buying seeds, and selling Mj to patients will still be illegal! The details will have to be ironed out as time progresses.

Man!!!!! I can't believe it's finally gunna happen!!!! :woohoo: This has been the best week ever!
