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Well-known member
Hey all,
Sorry I haven't been around in a while. I started an injection series of medications that stomped my ass into the ground. I wasn't able to take care of my plants and was forced to cull them.

I'm not going to speculate what my cannabis future holds? I will certainly post if I'm able to come back. Please study the first pages of this thread that need to be expanded. There's so much crucial information there that will benefit your growing knowledge dramatically.

The most important honest advice I can leave you on this thread is this.
Jesus Christ died on the cross and rose from the grave paying your sin debt once and for all times. There in no other way to live and surely die apart from the saving grace of Jesus Christ.
If you have an area of life you are struggling with and would like me to pray for you? Please PM me.
Peace farmerlion

You have such a kind heart Farmerlion... when I dipped my toes into the online cannabis community you were the one that first mad me feel that sense of actual community and welcomed me warmly. Ill always remember that. Seeing you still think about others while your knocked down is just so like you.

I hope to see you back and your health problems behind you, ICMag is a better place with you in it. Im always around to chat... shoot me a PM.

Much love,



Microbial Repositories
Premium user
Hello friends,
Wow it has been a long trying year. Just when I thought I could see the light my blood sugar went to 805 so I'm learning to keep that under control.
Thanks for the well wishes! This family is very kind, much appreciated 🙏

I did pull out the root balls from last seasons culled endeavor. (Health issues) while I've had all this time to plan and think. I've been very active with my cancer charity. I have some very exciting events going on this summer.

Since my long term disability was recently approved that brings stability to everyday life. That said my studies of (Red Ceptate Endophytes communicating with Mycelium) is on hold.

For medical endeavors I am going back to the Lebanese#3 phenotype crossed with the Auto Zamaldelica #5 phenotype just searching for the best recombination, I will alternate parents in the first two filial generations.

Without legal local access to HPLC testing any real selective data won't be available. I will trust in the quality of the genetics and selections from dubi. I'm really only adding CBD to the Auto Zamaldelica or bringing some thump to the Lebanese, whichever parental donor ends up being used in later filial generations.

I no longer have to pee in a cup for my vocation since my 33 year oilfield career is over. I'm starting a Bible study on Sundays and enjoying my wonderful wife everyday.

I pray all of you have a fantastic grow this summer. If I have a grow it will start a month late to take advantage of a shorter vegetative cycle and a harvest in October not the end of August with the Auto Zamaldelica.
Peace farmerlion


Well-known member
Great to see you posting!!!! Glad things are stabilizing. Wasn’t sure you were going to come back around here. 805 is high. The scale I’m familiar with high is over 100. I hope you are using a different scale...

I hope improvement continues. G-d is with you my friend. Very best wishes.


Microbial Repositories
Premium user
Great to see you posting!!!! Glad things are stabilizing. Wasn’t sure you were going to come back around here. 805 is high. The scale I’m familiar with high is over 100. I hope you are using a different scale...

I hope improvement continues. G-d is with you my friend. Very best wishes.
Blondie we are using the same scale unfortunately. I'm preparing my soil for a grow, after the first week in June it will happen starting from seed.
A friend of mine is developing a really promising Skunk (RKS)est. I. Ight throw a few in just to get some info gathered all be it a little late in the vegetative department.
Peace farmerlion

Bio boy

Active member
Do you empty the magic spawn into your pots ? I have a few batches coming to end and I throw them out , been questioning the green mould is trich and in ahrooms ya throw it as it wins
on bread I throw it too
but now I an lead to believe it’s the same trich I buy for my canna plants lol

still some puzzled ya told me to ignore the npk and ferment and come here ? Still wondering ? Just compost ? My latest grow has a compost id love ya to check out its Dalefoot compost and it comes white white the dude swares 12 month feed and garentee a fungi wil give another 12 month feed after that , I got the tomato version type Dalefoot tomato compost on google n check it out

soon a grow of that vs my normal coots mix then winner vs my fertiliser salt mix just to see lol

id love some input from you and we’ll advice on soil mixes you do ? I’ve followed Elaine for years , and a dude here on fert page swares compost teas a fake but I use em still


Welcome all levels of growers here at icmag.

For the last six years I have been developing and refining what I can tell you is the most cutting edge knowledge based, responsible fully organic, phenotypic expressive type of cannabis growing created. That is a big claim and I hope you will join me as I back it up.

I had started sharing some of the information in the Forum Aims thread. Many of those posts will be getting moved here in the coming days. Millions of people have grown pot. Thousands of people are pretty good growers for the knowledge, experience and equipment they have. Hundreds of people in the world are outstanding in their preferred methods of growing cannabis.

I will show and explain in the most detailed ways, answering questions WHY?
*FUNGAL REPOSITORIES * is the most productive, reliable, efficient, cost effective organic style of growing. Let's not leave out pest deterring indoor, outdoor, greenhouse method.

After experiencing the pitfalls of multiple growing styles and utterly detesting the synthetic fertilizers and shortcuts used by commercial dispensaries and grow operations. I was determined there had to be a better way to grow the highest quality and for greedy people QUANTITY of cannabis per cycle.

Like anything done exceptiexceptionally well, the foundation has to be prepared properly. There aren't any shortcuts that will benefit the cannabis growers or consumers. My greenhouse is untouched since harvest of last season. We will be starting with cleaning the growing area, then soil preparation. After the greenhouse is cleaned. We will start treating the soil as if it already has been planted with seedlings or clones.

Before we germinate any genetics decide what your goals are for this upcoming season.
1. What types of genetics are you looking to grow?

2. Are you using timers, tents, shade clothes or natural light cycle?

3. Are you making a hybrid or reproducing genetics? What are you going to do with a male or a hermaphrodite plant? How does this effect your goal?

4. How reliable are your water sources and quality? (Rain, Lake, Well or Tap) water. Chlorine in your tap water will kill your microbial life.

5. PRIDE- Will separate you from the best life(plural) has to offer. Be it techniques, relationships, jobs and life. Attention to detail and quality of efforts is different than a prideful person that only hears him/herself.

Anyone who thinks that they know everything is already done learning and can't be taught.
Everything I'm sharing here has been tested and studied by doctors with decades of experience and research knowledge. Other areas like topping, I have done side by side studies on here at icmag and posted my results. I'm not going to argue or defend every aspect of information against stoner science and opinions of my friends dad's buddies brother's neighbor thinks this?!?

6. Don't finish using a product because it's already paid for or you have a bunch of it leftover. ANALOGY (The most expensive drink you will ever have, is the one you don't walk away from). DUI

7. I'm not God. I don't walk on water. I can however see the water from where I'm walking. My goal isn't for self recognition publicly. I want the world community of cannabis growers to have the latest, most researched information available. So the cannabis you grow is the absolute finest cannabis that can possibly be grown in your environment.

Thank you for your time. I pray you all have the best grows you have had yet. I'm hoping the warming weather will help my lungs. I have missed a few months of work due to covid complications. Which will help prove what I'm sharing here about an efficient repeatable, renewable solution. Because my ass is getting closer to the poor house on a weekly basis.
Peace farmerlion
Good morning @farmerlion,
Just wanted to jot down a few questions before i get any farther and forget. Looks as though it’s been some time since the thread was used and there’s been a lot to take in. i’m on page 8 at the moment.
First, i don’t recall you mentioning what type your soil is or its composition. potted or native to your area, dug up?
second, i understand that the sugars feed the microbes, what i haven’t gleaned from this is how have you determined what to use in your smoothies. Is it just whatever’s available and that’s okay or do certain microbes prefer different things as known facts.
Thirdly, the microbes themselves. i understand that microorganisms are everywhere mold fungus microbes of all types are absolutely everywhere, but is it as simple as using healthy active soil and feeding it or have you inoculated certain types into your soils to begin with. Well, that’s all for now i guess. Forgive me if these things have been covered it’s been a lot to cover in one long read.
Peace be with you brother!


Microbial Repositories
Premium user
Good morning @farmerlion,
Just wanted to jot down a few questions before i get any farther and forget. Looks as though it’s been some time since the thread was used and there’s been a lot to take in. i’m on page 8 at the moment.
First, i don’t recall you mentioning what type your soil is or its composition. potted or native to your area, dug up?
second, i understand that the sugars feed the microbes, what i haven’t gleaned from this is how have you determined what to use in your smoothies. Is it just whatever’s available and that’s okay or do certain microbes prefer different things as known facts.
Thirdly, the microbes themselves. i understand that microorganisms are everywhere mold fungus microbes of all types are absolutely everywhere, but is it as simple as using healthy active soil and feeding it or have you inoculated certain types into your soils to begin with. Well, that’s all for now i guess. Forgive me if these things have been covered it’s been a lot to cover in one long read.
Peace be with you brother!
No problem at all my friend. I try and start off with high quality un treated soils if possible. Some still have fertilizers in them but in lesser amounts than say Miracle Grow products.

I'm starting 12 new 45 gallon bags this season while my 19 other bags will get a year to rest. They're all in better shape than anything I could buy. God says rest the soil every 7 years and that's what I follow.

You can open the top of a new bag, and stand multiple new bags upright with the tops open. Using a wooden broom handle make three holes going almost all the way to the bottom of the bag. Drop in a whole egg with some (watermelon, pineapple, beets, pears and old bananas are often discounted for baking) using whole plant parts Rhine and all. I cut off the top of the pineapple as it's hard on blenders.

A typical single blender batch will be 1 egg, half a banana and fill with rain or lake water. I blend each batch for 60 seconds and fill up one hole fully and move to the next hole. I repeat this with each bag in the greenhouse. I buy a whole flat of worms in early spring at the local fishing bait shop and put some in each bag.
Between the worms and the microbial colonies it gets consumed with in 24 hours. Be careful when you over fill a hole and that's fine, but the dried smoothie is a magnet for gnats. So I frequently clean my top soil of debris. I seldom if ever have gnats or any other pests.

The plants become to healthy for most pests to bother with. Last year grasshoppers were terrible where I live. I would find 2 or three each day inside my greenhouse. They are the toughest pest to detour but over all they did very little harm. They're always on fan leaves struggling digest the very healthy plant fiber.

Potatoes and a whole egg is the cheapest source for sugars and nutrients. My neighbors raised chickens so eggs were plentiful and potatoes are normally inexpensive. I use a half of a large potato or a whole normal potato per blender of water. I do one blender full per grow bag.

My private site I belong to now has video and showing techniques will be much easier. But they are among the top growers/breeders in the world and do things the way they always have. It's hard to teach an old dog new tricks, so I don't take the time there like I do here.

There's some really exciting things in the chamber right now. I pray that I can pull that trigger by June 1st. Either way the season will be awesome and I am excited about sharing it in a new forum thread.
Peace farmerlion


Microbial Repositories
Premium user
Do you empty the magic spawn into your pots ? I have a few batches coming to end and I throw them out , been questioning the green mould is trich and in ahrooms ya throw it as it wins
on bread I throw it too
but now I an lead to believe it’s the same trich I buy for my canna plants lol

still some puzzled ya told me to ignore the npk and ferment and come here ? Still wondering ? Just compost ? My latest grow has a compost id love ya to check out its Dalefoot compost and it comes white white the dude swares 12 month feed and garentee a fungi wil give another 12 month feed after that , I got the tomato version type Dalefoot tomato compost on google n check it out

soon a grow of that vs my normal coots mix then winner vs my fertiliser salt mix just to see lol

id love some input from you and we’ll advice on soil mixes you do ? I’ve followed Elaine for years , and a dude here on fert page swares compost teas a fake but I use em still
Tea's are very simple and in every case I've seen are being made and used wrong. Just because someone has been making Tea's for 20 years doesn't mean they're doing it right. They just honestly and innocently don't know how Tea's work.

Please go back to the posts where I cover Tea's and read it through. Then incorporate Tea's into fungal repositories with the addition of a couple pieces of fruit. Feed your plants and come back in 4 to 5 hours and your plants will be praying 🙏
Light intensity is paramount to plant growth and peak health, added with ventilation, ventilation, ventilation!!! Remember Tea's are linear and start consuming themselves the very minute they're added together. They don't steep and get better, stronger or improve in any way. That is stoner logic or a wives tail however you look at it.
Peace farmerlion


No problem at all my friend. I try and start off with high quality un treated soils if possible. Some still have fertilizers in them but in lesser amounts than say Miracle Grow products.

I'm starting 12 new 45 gallon bags this season while my 19 other bags will get a year to rest. They're all in better shape than anything I could buy. God says rest the soil every 7 years and that's what I follow.

You can open the top of a new bag, and stand multiple new bags upright with the tops open. Using a wooden broom handle make three holes going almost all the way to the bottom of the bag. Drop in a whole egg with some (watermelon, pineapple, beets, pears and old bananas are often discounted for baking) using whole plant parts Rhine and all. I cut off the top of the pineapple as it's hard on blenders.

A typical single blender batch will be 1 egg, half a banana and fill with rain or lake water. I blend each batch for 60 seconds and fill up one hole fully and move to the next hole. I repeat this with each bag in the greenhouse. I buy a whole flat of worms in early spring at the local fishing bait shop and put some in each bag.
Between the worms and the microbial colonies it gets consumed with in 24 hours. Be careful when you over fill a hole and that's fine, but the dried smoothie is a magnet for gnats. So I frequently clean my top soil of debris. I seldom if ever have gnats or any other pests.

The plants become to healthy for most pests to bother with. Last year grasshoppers were terrible where I live. I would find 2 or three each day inside my greenhouse. They are the toughest pest to detour but over all they did very little harm. They're always on fan leaves struggling digest the very healthy plant fiber.

Potatoes and a whole egg is the cheapest source for sugars and nutrients. My neighbors raised chickens so eggs were plentiful and potatoes are normally inexpensive. I use a half of a large potato or a whole normal potato per blender of water. I do one blender full per grow bag.

My private site I belong to now has video and showing techniques will be much easier. But they are among the top growers/breeders in the world and do things the way they always have. It's hard to teach an old dog new tricks, so I don't take the time there like I do here.

There's some really exciting things in the chamber right now. I pray that I can pull that trigger by June 1st. Either way the season will be awesome and I am excited about sharing it in a new forum thread.
Peace farmerlion
Well, I’ll be…. just woke up like somebody smacked me in the head. The answer already came through my fingertips in our first conversation earlier, for the third question and by extension the second. Thank you for not spelling it out.
As babies, our microbes are introduced by the foods that we take in. Aside from nutritional values, nobody says, “well let’s feed them this or that, that’ll give them that microbe or this one.” It just happens. We get enough of the good ones in us and the bad ones get beat down and on goes life. Guess I just couldn’t see the forest for the trees.🤷‍♂️


Microbial Repositories
Premium user
Bio boy, as far as the spawn goes, I would directly inoculate each bad multiple times throughout the season. While I have ten or so untested plants the 19 I did test didn't seem to have any communications between the Red Ceptate Endophytes and the Exudates.
This is entirely without any Chromatic testing so there is a possibility of variable that didn't express themselves as a psychedelic experience 🤔.

I would like to revisit that research again in the future when I have better resources to work with.
Peace farmerlion


Bio boy, as far as the spawn goes, I would directly inoculate each bad multiple times throughout the season. While I have ten or so untested plants the 19 I did test didn't seem to have any communications between the Red Ceptate Endophytes and the Exudates.
This is entirely without any Chromatic testing so there is a possibility of variable that didn't express themselves as a psychedelic experience 🤔.

I would like to revisit that research again in the future when I have better resources to work with.
Peace farmerlion
Good afternoonFarmerlion,
got another question more indoor/health related. With the presence of molds and such, like in the pictures of your larger repository holes, i’m trying to determine if its practical for my present situation; Small apartment and 3x3 tent.
In your experience have you noticed any sinus/lung disturbances when you are around them for extended periods? Also are the grow bags smelly initially.
Definitely going to be facing a few challenges. I like to grow out in one to 3 gallon pots, keeping everything small. so I’ll have to figure out a way to scale down everything i’m learning too.
Thanks again,peace to you and yours.


Microbial Repositories
Premium user
Good afternoonFarmerlion,
got another question more indoor/health related. With the presence of molds and such, like in the pictures of your larger repository holes, i’m trying to determine if its practical for my present situation; Small apartment and 3x3 tent.
In your experience have you noticed any sinus/lung disturbances when you are around them for extended periods? Also are the grow bags smelly initially.
Definitely going to be facing a few challenges. I like to grow out in one to 3 gallon pots, keeping everything small. so I’ll have to figure out a way to scale down everything i’m learning too.
Thanks again,peace to you and yours.
Kveldulf, if you look closely to the pictures they are colonies like trichomes not mold or airborne spores. . I call them fungal repositories in reference to process,, not compisition of the colonies themselves. Microbial colonies would be a more accurate designation.
I could rename my work this season to clear up any confusion. Thank you for bringing this to my attention.
Peace farmerlion


Microbial Repositories
Premium user
Kveldulf, for my rationalization I was combining (Red and Dark Ceptate Endophytes) into my soils, but this grows in the form of Mycelium strings not spores. The spores are the reproduction tools of the fruited bodies not the communicative networks of Mycelium.
Peace brother 🙏


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
Good afternoonFarmerlion,
got another question more indoor/health related. With the presence of molds and such, like in the pictures of your larger repository holes, i’m trying to determine if its practical for my present situation; Small apartment and 3x3 tent.
In your experience have you noticed any sinus/lung disturbances when you are around them for extended periods? Also are the grow bags smelly initially.
Definitely going to be facing a few challenges. I like to grow out in one to 3 gallon pots, keeping everything small. so I’ll have to figure out a way to scale down everything i’m learning too.
Thanks again,peace to you and yours.
My sinuses are very sensitive to the microbes, bacteria, fungus in my soil. I need to wear a N95 mask when working the soil as I put it in the bags. I have been told that the Human sinus is more sensitive to the soil critters than a Shark is to blood, and I believe it. Once there is a plant growing in the bag the sensitivity decreases for some reason.

Farmerlion, what about molasses for carbosugars? More specifically non-sulphered blackstrap? I have been adding some to the top feed once flowering is in full swing.
Last edited:



Hello all, these are two youtube links. One is on mycelium and the relationship with your soil. The other is on why pests cant and won't eat healthy plants.

Fungi as change agents Soil Regeneration.
At 27:10 is some very insightful knowledge and from 46:34-48:28 needs to be fully understood.
Dark Septate Endophytes have a very similar role in mycelium as exudates do in the Rhyzosphere. I/we will be discovering this season just how symbiotic they really are.

I have only watched these videos once so far. I will be going through both videos again tomorrow for a deeper understanding.
Have a great rest of your weekend.
Peace farmerlion

Good morning again,
I would just like to point out something else for the sake of anybody new coming into this. The brix levels video is still there. The other one dealing with mycelium is not . Says it’s unavailable on YouTube. I had forgotten about that on my first pass-through.