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Look who's supporting cannabis!

lost in a sea

So, uhh, legalization should be turned back to insure mom & pop underground growers their lifestyles? Really?

Perfectly healthy people should have to play the med card game to enjoy cannabis?

WTF planet is this, anyway?

We the people can't turn it back anyway, the laws can be changed by those in DC even if they have been "signed into the constitution" which is endlessly ammended and changed.

it's not about ensuring lifestyles it is about your rights and that once you allow the government and their cronies in and people en masse acquiesce to their coca cola, macdonalds big business model you can call it freedom but it will be another cage for you to be prodded through and tormented, probably war mongering politicians voted in just so some of the swing states can have Sour Diesel (probably a dramatization :D).

Imo perfectly healthy people can maintain every ounce of their human right to grow and do what they want if they passively don't consent with the state. Those that choose to mess around letting the state see them enough, in the med card game, to get away with it semi legally have already chosen that they fear the state that much that they will play ball, which was part of the whole plan, but you can still lose all when they knock your door in, shoot your dog and steal your stuff, so that is basically even worse than living illegal.

This planet has about 190 countries with 2700 languages and heading towards 7 billion people, you can work out what percentage america consists within that for yourself i'm sure. Unfortunately for the rest of us, in Europe and beyond, what goes wrong in america pretty often goes wrong for us as well, and the general theme of the last 20 years has just been one fall after another,,, all of us by proxy dragged down the levels of enlightenment by war, self mutilation, monetary depression, sadism through every media format etc,, scars i don't know if the western world will recover from.. not that i blame "Americans" for any of it, it's the rats in DC.

only my totally worthless :2cents:

Just watching feudal peasantry getting rolled out in most of the "developed" world at the same time you guys think legalization will get you more freedom,, it's madness, this isn't Kansas anymore toto.
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That's why Johnny Potseed tried to get everyone to plant their bagseeds in places they might actually grow because if it were growing everywhere, they couldn't gain control of it...but hell no, that would be too much work and they would have to get off the couch..
Hey guys - look who's supporting cannabis!
Michael Correia, a former GOP staffer who spent two years lobbying for the conservative American Legislative Exchange Council, is the newest advocate for the National Cannabis Industry Association

check out facebook/medicannsuperpac

Do you guys know who they are?

They are basically the tea party "patriots" and one of the groups that was pushing for default.

He was working for radicals and I'd be careful what kind of connections this particular guy has.

This guy is a crook and a mercenary.

Doesn't ANYONE remember Abramoff? ANYONE?

Please tell me this isn't happening again........ :comfort:


Active member
We the people can't turn it back anyway, the laws can be changed by those in DC even if they have been "signed into the constitution" which is endlessly ammended and changed.

I don't think you understand the US system of govt. The Colorado constitution, for example, can only be changed by a vote of the people. period. We just did that in 2012.

While cannabis remains illegal at the federal level, Colorado authorities cannot enforce federal law. Only parallel Colorado statutes allowed them to enforce cannabis prohibition at all. Those are gone, replaced with regulate & tax statutes, as decreed by the people with an amendment to the State constitution, A64.

Oddly enough, prohibition authoritarians have shot themselves in the foot with all their raving & cutbacks in DC, leaving federal law enforcement w/o the means to enforce all the laws all the time. The DEA would have to become the Gestapo to effectively enforce federal cannabis law in CO, and nobody is willing to pay for that. It's doubtful that they'd be able to obtain convictions from federal juries in CO, either, for acts legal under CO law. I doubt they'll ever try, jury nullification being a prosecutor's worst nightmare.

Their new enforcement guidelines reflect those realities, and I have no intention of doing anything to violate those conditions. Neither do an enormous number of other people in CO. By the time 2017 rolls around, other States will have joined us, and our reality of legalization rather than the fear mongering of prohibition will have become irreversible, a model for the rest of the world to follow.

The rest? Dream on. Keeping cannabis illegal won't change a bit of it.

Meanwhile, I'm going to toke up some of my excellent Colorado legal homegrown, some Yumbolt. And there's nobody to bust me, either, which wasn't the way it was when I first smoked pot back in 1967, either. I might just do it on the front porch, because there's nobody in Denver going to bust me for that, either.

Prohibition is over in Colorado for all intents & purposes, and it always will be. That's because the lies that sustained prohibition can't stand against the honest reality of legalization, something we're proving more & more with every passing day. It'll take some time for the ROTW to see that & to catch up. Some places never will.

Activists everywhere need to fight for personal growing at the CO level or beyond, however, because that's the anchor, the part of it that limits all the other possibilities of bullshit. Coloradans don't need to buy corporate weed or any weed for that matter. We can just grow our own in peace.


Active member
Do you guys know who they are?

They are basically the tea party "patriots" and one of the groups that was pushing for default.

He was working for radicals and I'd be careful what kind of connections this particular guy has.

This guy is a crook and a mercenary.

Doesn't ANYONE remember Abramoff? ANYONE?

Please tell me this isn't happening again........ :comfort:

The Tea Party is just people who are exploited by the leaders of the American Right, ALEC having been a part of that for decades. Their interest has never really been ideological other than to promote the interests of the business elite, to make money & to keep it. They're completely amoral. The people at the top will attempt to shape legalization in their favor, same as anything else. All they want is money. If we let them think they'll get some, they'll be our bestest friends, powerful allies, even if it doesn't work out completely that way for 'em. They want a piece of it. We gave 'em a headstart on that to get them onboard in CO.

Having Retail is good, and bigger outfits will carve that up amongst themselves, for the most part. It's for tourists, casual tokers, people whose growing skills kill spider plants, occasional explorations & nice if you run out. Other than that, people who can will just grow their own. The only way they'll get much of my money is if they own stock in Xcel. When we can grow outdoors, they won't even get much that way, I suspect.

I never heard of the outfit that Correia works for- I need to look it up. They're big money, too, I suspect.

G.O. Joe

Well-known member
The Colorado constitution, for example, can only be changed by a vote of the people. period.

Pessimist vs. optimist: if it's been changed before, it can be changed again. The BHOtards aren't doing you guys any favors. Bad press happens. Conservatism and conformity hasn't gone away.


Active member
Pessimist vs. optimist: if it's been changed before, it can be changed again. The BHOtards aren't doing you guys any favors. Bad press happens. Conservatism and conformity hasn't gone away.

Quite true, every word. OTOH, prohibition has relied on fear to survive, fear of the unknown. Prohibitionists have been able to fill that void with images of the boogeyman for decades. Nobody knew what legalization looked like until now, nor did we understand the greater implications to society. So far, the transition has been really smooth, Colorado voters extremely pleased with what they have wrought.

A lot of truly horrific shit would have to happen & be puffed up in the media for that to change. It won't. That's not the nature of cannabis consumption at all. The ROTW now gets to see what really happens, not what propagandists tell them will happen, and the difference will be obvious, destroying the credibility of prohibitionists entirely.

Amending the CO constitution isn't easy, either.

The grassroots method, which launched A64 using a small army of signature gatherers-


Other legislative methods-


That's just to get it on the ballot. None of that is coming together to rescind A64 any time RSN, in all likelihood never.

Bhotards? They were blowing themselves up with black market weed before legalization. The availability of OTC BHO should actually reduce such incidents, and the publicity surrounding the occasional blowup a learning opportunity for everybody. There's damned little that can be done about it under any circumstances other than education.

Yeh, you're right, we're not quite there, not quite yet, but I don't see any way of stopping us, either.


New member
Activists everywhere need to fight for personal growing at the CO level or beyond, however, because that's the anchor, the part of it that limits all the other possibilities of bullshit. Coloradans don't need to buy corporate weed or any weed for that matter. We can just grow our own in peace.

This is the key right here. With every passing day legalization is becoming more and more mainstream and the powers that be are already moving and shaking.

When the state you live in starts to gain some traction, we as voters need to make sure there is the right to grow our own plants without repercussion. It will be the difference between the death of the mom and pop grower and a truly thriving free market were everyone at every level of production is included.

I agree that things like this do indeed make strange alliances but sometimes that is needed to gain momentum and change the minds of everyone. We as citizens just have to be really careful because of all the love that corporations and shady ass politicians get in this country. We need to make sure we put the leash around their neck before they put it around ours.


Well-known member
it amazes me that the Fear of the unknown pushes people to want to maintain the current status quo.............people going to jail for cannabis.

fear gmo, fear the market only offering suck ass corporate grown weed, fear a few plant patents being able to cover the entire cannabis gene pool.

its as if all this is the only possible outcome.

I would rather take what we can get and improve the laws opposed to reject ANY change if its not perfect.


Well-known member
I'm pretty sure we're free to make our own wine and beer. Home distillation might technically be illegal, but I haven't heard of anyone being busted for personal use.

everywhere that I am aware of in the states it is legal to make so many gallons of wine/beer. only the distilling of high % alcohol (moonshine) is illegal, & that is only for our "safety" because of all the crap thug 'shiners put in it, or use car radiators to condense it off of the worm. folks used to die from lead poisoning because of the radiator condensors...

lost in a sea

It's only about the taxes, look at Al capone,, all the shit he did and they only did him for tax avoidance lol.

If you give your pound of flesh to the powers that be they will leave you alone, but try and skirt their system and they do not like competition.

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