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Killer a5 Haze (First grow ever)


Well-known member
Good luck with the cure, hope you'll find what you are looking for :)

So, what next? KA5H again? :)
Yes, I have five more beans in the cold dry fridge in the dark .... In a much more closed space.... But it doesn't look like it'll be this year so I'll only smoke occasionally so it doesn't run it out.... It's a long complicated story.... If you read back which maybe you have on the first Killer a5 Haze thread I basically waited two three years before even finding the proper time to grow the first one 😳 I mean just imagine how painful it was waiting three years to grow weed and not being able to buy anything (except for CBD hemp type stuff) I'm glad that phase is over....


Well-known member
Here are some pictures after it's been in vaccumed cure


Well-known member
I smoked it and it was extremely magical, it still seems to be developing though but very cartoony fairytale moments that finally took me into my long awaited portal, and if it continues the same way then just wow 😯 I opened it up and it was very very dry and I didn't find anything to be worried about except that it's hella brown with other colors and bone dry and now it's wrapped into only dry papers and compressed even harder..... My other concern was the panic that reading icmag caused and imagining stuff concerning the "mold topic" but then saw that it smelled and looked awesome, the only ones that were supposedly I guess moldy ones are still in a plastic bag and their the ones not to smoke but their only a tiny amount compared to the rest...My magical spooky room and the utterly magical balcony where the moon shined and the trees and the river are at were like two separate cartoony realms in time and space, omg wow, if and hopefully it's gonna keep getting more psychedelic than this than it will be the best trancendant experience of all time and space, that I've ever had 😲 Edit: If I had waited another two weeks before harvest I'm sure that it would've been even more beyond for someone with such a low tolerance.... But I had no time...
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Premium user
Im glad it turned out good. Its hard to tell anything from pictures so have to sometimes make your own decisions.

When is the next one? Itll be easier now because you wont worry as much. I roasted some of my plants the other day. I just mixed some nutrients in the water and it was too hot. My Guess was wrong...no big deal a little flush shes ok xD.


Well-known member

00:18-00:23 in this video is how my high was, except for two things, one I'm a man 😆 and two, it was far more psychedelic than that and I even remember thinking that while I was high in the spiritual realm of Killer a5 Sativa Haze 😁😁😁 In other words that part of the video where Kylie is seen what looks like trippin in different realities which only happens for a few seconds in the video obviously, is only a small portion or example of what it truly really was... But still far and much more trippier than that.... 2-3 day high.... I won't be smoking again this month due to the amount of yeild I have, until.next grows, oh and buteo, I don't know when the next ones will be 😕 It won't be soon because I had only this one few months season to grow without any risks.... It's a long and complicated story....
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Premium user
Idk ive had long and complicated stories before. We end up making decisions and sometimes we end up with even longer complicated stories. xD


Well-known member
If I smoke one half joint a month I wonder how many months this will last me... I wonder if I should or shouldn't do it once every two months in the winter to have more for longer....
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Well-known member
I don't know man just let the idea of cobbing go with this harvest. Put it in a small container if it is dry enough and smoke it from time to time. You said it was good how it is...
You know what to do for your next grow and have the time to prepare better if you smoke so little and rarely.


Well-known member
I don't know man just let the idea of cobbing go with this harvest. Put it in a small container if it is dry enough and smoke it from time to time. You said it was good how it is...
You know what to do for your next grow and have the time to prepare better if you smoke so little and rarely.
You mean keep this going or? The last time I smoked it actually tasted like good ganja, the taste and smell resembled terpy weed when lit but then again idk, the smell to it when not lit smells rather like green tea type of stuff or like old ganja, which it smelled like even after I first took it out after my travel.... My lungs didn't hurt or anything, I however hadn't slept much before that due to having a rough day, but I barley coughed that much after smoking that mini joint a week back, so according to it's taste smoke and smell I didn't find anything that would suggest mold in it.... But when I look back to previous photos where I took it out the first two times to dry I get scared as f***.... Still it did have paper wrapped all over it after my trip which got me questioning if it was a mix of paper and trichomes which were all squished tightly, but that doesn't calm me down, because it's mainly the icmag messages that scare me saying how mine has m***... Other than that, yeah the smoke is fine and very normal in taste and smell like ganja is in general.... So idk know what to think 🤔 online they say many things about mold, also a lot of people bragging about toking up on their moldy weed during and after the pandemic.... Then again their weed is like spiderwebs.... Still though I'm a bit concerned.... So I'll take it out regularly and see if it's fine and still smoke only once a month or every two months so that I have enough harvest until the next grows...
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Well-known member
By the way I'm done with the Malawi cobbing thread and the Killer a5 Haze original thread and many other threads I'll just stick to this thread where I'm allowed to be at, I'll write as many messages as I feel like...
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Well-known member
I put the wrapped papers which have the bud inside into a jar like this and then the jar goes into the same locked box 🔒🔐

This jar has this button that seals out the air or at least a reasonable amount on closing it, the paper packaging inside despite not looking that tightly wrapped is actually holding the other papers inside which are compressed into a rock, and are not loose at all, there are many of them, and I even had to use my breath yesterday meanwhile pulling out air while also twist wrapping the bud into.the first papers... And did the same with the ones wrapped over it and the next... Except for this last one that looks super loose, the papers inside are not loose though at all, I don't know how often I have to keep taking it out to inspect it for drying, it was already bone dry.... The jar is in the locked box, the locked box is for hiding it, in the other thread people actually thought that I'm using it for vacuuming according to what they assumed to be my own logic but no it's for hiding.... Anyways, if I'm sure that it's perfectly fine and could be stored without risk I'm perfectly willing to smoke as rarely as possible so that I have enough for many months ahead, even years.... Last time I only smoked one eighth of a joint in a cigarette, and it was crazy strong, I was hoping that it keeps fermentation and curing or mainly cure developing the trippy psychedelic effects, which there already were lot's of... In the future I will have to find a time where I can keep it blooming for at least 12 weeks, and not 8 like this time.... And have a week and half to dry it but also cut it into pieces much earlier so that it dries quicker and actually leave it for only a week in curing sealed papers in the same type of jar or jars before taking it out to dry again
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