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Killer a5 Haze (First grow ever)


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You noted you have water in the fridge… do you let the water get to room temperature before applying it to the soil? Cold water is a no no. It shocks the plant, they don’t like that.
It’s kinda hard to say what that spot is in the pic. It looks like it’s just now forming so keep and eye on it and let us know what it looks like in a day or two.
I am noticing your fan leaves are getting a bit pale now which is either from a lack of nutrients or a lack of nutrient uptake.
I feel like my gut is telling me it’s more along the lines of nutrient uptake, rather than a lack of nutrients. You said you have been applying nutrients and a small plant like that doesn’t need huge amounts so I’m feeling like the nutrients are in the soil but the soil is either too wet, the ph of the soil is off now from being too wet, OR there’s so much nutes in the soil there’s possibly nutrient lock out. Those are all possibilities and the only way to know is by watching to see what happens next. Dry her back until it’s daily light and her leaves start to drop a bit. That’ll help get some much needed oxygen back in the soil. Also I’d recommend apply some beneficial bacteria like Lacto Bacillus or some Bacillus Subtilis. Both are ok to apply. Just don’t worry, things happen and the plants are strong. She will pull through just fine, just take note of these things so you can improve next run!
Idk about the air fresheners. I don’t use them and I don’t know how a plant would appreciate them but may not be good. Idk tho. Rather you be safer than sorry so do what you feel keeps your anxiety down.
I love your advise X15, Tangwena also told me to let it dry out far more and I believe he's completely right about that as are others and yourself so I'm doing just that... But by nutrient uptake you mean to say too many nutrients right? Because yes the soil is full of nutrients of all kind for all stages and the Monster Bloom is also highly concentrated...
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Looks like it’s suffocating as has been mentioned.. don’t water at all till it’s dried out .. those yellows leaves are to far gone to be of any use ..
And If you have a root ball that’s binding all the medium together ( I doubt this ) you can pull it out carefully , to dry

By this I mean can you lift the plant out the container and the medium stays in shape if you gentle ?
If so take it out that bucket so it can breath and dry out FAST ,
Put on top of kitchen roll bedding to dry it
Then put it back in , and only water when you physically see the top drying out

If it’s to wet too do this or the roots aren’t binding
get some kitchen roll paper and plug the drain holes
It will suck the excess water out keep changing paper till it’s getting dry


Well-known member
Looks like it’s suffocating as has been mentioned.. don’t water at all till it’s dried out .. those yellows leaves are to far gone to be of any use ..
And If you have a root ball that’s binding all the medium together ( I doubt this ) you can pull it out carefully , to dry

By this I mean can you lift the plant out the container and the medium stays in shape if you gentle ?
If so take it out that bucket so it can breath and dry out FAST ,
Put on top of kitchen roll bedding to dry it
Then put it back in , and only water when you physically see the top drying out

If it’s to wet too do this or the roots aren’t binding
get some kitchen roll paper and plug the drain holes
It will suck the excess water out keep changing paper till it’s getting dry
But if I pull out the fabric out the roots will get pulled out of the soil that are in the bucket!!!! Tangwena what do you think should I pull them out?


Well-known member
This is it at 56 days and I'm not sure how to pull it out and what to do with the roots that are hanging out of the fabric pot....


Well-known member
Hold on... I checked the bottom and it's dry as hell... The roots were root bound by the way... All of it is dry underneath and around it though

Before lights off this is how closed the closet stays...

And then after I have turned off the LED light inside the closet I also turn off the lights in the room itself and it goes dark of course and I keep the window open but it's only slightly open during the night... I put it back in the same bucket... What could happen with the buds though now? Today and yesterday the air has been polluted all over the city... Not s much hear closer to the mountains as it is in the city but yeah... Even on the internet they give the air quality as poor... Any of you that it ain't because of the as well? Also should I just cut off those leaves?
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Well-known member
So if it's not because of the soil or even if it was the issue should I just cut out the yellow brown fan leaves before it spreads to the rest of the plant? They're only fan leaves at the bottom anyway...


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You will likely hear different opinions on what do do with sickly leaves.

Personally, I leave them on. Until I am reasonably sure the problem is solved

They are getting discolored because the plant is pulling nutrients from them, because it cannot get what it needs from the soil.

If you remove these leaves before you solve the nutrient issue, the plant will just start pulling nutrients from (yellowing) the next set of leaves


Well-known member
You will likely hear different opinions on what do do with sickly leaves.

Personally, I leave them on. Until I am reasonably sure the problem is solved

They are getting discolored because the plant is pulling nutrients from them, because it cannot get what it needs from the soil.

If you remove these leaves before you solve the nutrient issue, the plant will just start pulling nutrients from (yellowing) the next set of leaves
That kind of sounds like the human body when it works out too much heavy weights but doesn't take enough protein, it takes from the bones... Sounds logical... The water I'm using is from this sink but it's almost filtered but no chlorine or anything just drinkable water... The soil however does have a ton of nutrients but since the roots are now spread outside of the fabric pot and throughout the bucket of pot where the soil never gets watered at all, it really actually seems as if those lower roots are not getting nutrients whatsoever since I checked the soil and it's really bone dry... Freakishly dry infact... I checked thinking it'd be wet as hell just an hour ago, it's not.... At all infact.... And this soil mix I'm using needs water to soak it long enough for the nutrients to be absorbed.... Since I only water in the fabric pot on top by spraying the top roots get nutrients and lots of them infact it seems but the lower ones don't that are root bound in the bucket.... I checked it and the soil is so dry, as if it has never seen water (the one beneath and around the fabric pot that is... But I've also never water the soil in the bucket yet before because I didn't want drown it and so that it doesn't stay wet for too long.... I also use Monster Bloom in my water except for today and yesterday.... And less water these past two days... Seems hella confusing though... The top of the plant seems happy with it's nutrients and water supply and the bottom part fan leaves don't... But that's what it looks like.... I can't be so sure as this is my first grow...
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Bro if super dry it underwatered , the way you explained it and the top layer so wet and I didn’t realise it was in a fabric pot too … , but taking it out you discovered why it’s battling… put it back in , and water from the bottom once
The dry bit will eventually get wet but it’s going to take at least a day or more
I would say one litre , till it sucks it up
then add till more till the whole thing is damp
Then just leave for a few days it should bounce back
But don’t let it dry out again
And water more at once next time do it soaks too the roots
Also it’s not root bound that’s are just normal , should be a mass of roots
Which sounds like there is .. so you been feeding it correctly just not getting it wet enough in one go
That dry bit would never get wet again by itself if didn’t soak in water , that’s why you don’t want your pots to get bone dry

Put some aloe sap or a pin drop of detergent in that soak you do next
To stop the water tension , and make it “wetter”

that’s what I would do …. Maybe sone better ideas coming …
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Well-known member
Are you feeding the plant anything other than a bloom booster?

She's just hungry by the looks of things to me.

Needs a balanced flowering feed alongside that bloom booster.
Well like I said, the soil has tons of nutrients Bio.Bizz All mix which it's certainly gets lots of but that's only in the fabric pot, and Monster Bloom is added in the water, however I just noticed that all of the soil underneath the fabric pot and around it when I temporarily took it out has never even been wet before and a big portion of the roots are all spread around that dusty soil which I just learned that they have never gotten nutrients before, but the top roots in the upper soil in the fabric pot have always been getting nutrients.... The bottom roots have been staying in empty dry soil for weeks now which I just learned today, the soil only gives it's nutrients if it's been sitting in water according to Alchemia web where I got it from therefore the bottom soil has never been exposed to water from the looks of it where tons of masses of roots are laying there when I lifted it up and checked it... The reason I never watered the soil in the bucket is out of fear that it wouldn't be able to drain... The lights are off now, would it hurt to water the dry soil in the bucket right now, meaning turn on a dimmer light and have the bone dry soil wet for tomorrow during light hours? (By that I mean not watering the soil in the fabric pot but just the one in the bucket, any ideas anyone??? Of course I don't like the idea of waking it up, but then again, if this is really urgent... Idk Like I said the top soil aka the one in fabric pot is well desolved in nutrients and water, but is now in between moist and dry, the bottom soil which even the pictures don't show where slot of roots hang out and the one around it apparently has never released any of it's nutrients due to never having been watered (I just found that out two hours ago... Therefore the upper roots have always gotten plenty of nutrients and water and maybe even too much while the lower ones have not gotten anything for many weeks now....
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Well-known member
For 2 weeks maybe. What have you been feeding the plant with, just the bloom booster???

There's your problem.

She needed feeding. :good:
The soil apparently is made for all stages in other words has nutrients for all of them but that's only if the soil has been sitting in water for over 36 hours or something like that and after a month the soil wet soil eventually gets used up and therefore has no more nutrients, however even in the fabric pot there is new soil, but all of the soil in the bucket both below the fabric pot and around has never even touched water it seems or even the Monster Bloom.... And there are many many roots there, I wasn't able to take a picture of it since I had to hold both things at once, so therefore I'm explaining it... I was devistated at how dry the soil was below the fabric pot, not just around it but there is so much of it below it that even the picture doesn't show....


Well-known member
No, no it doesn't.

There's the feed schedule. Maybe follow it?
Yikes 😬, well I can't go back in time now, I can't order anything now and have it arrive this month either, same thing I talked about was the timers everyone left the thread because of... So apparently I need calcium too and many other things in it... Okay well I'll know for future grows but they may not be soon because I'll have to save or invest enough to have a second place to live at to grow, apartments here are not ideal, no time to go into that story though, I have five other seeds in the fridge but no time to start another cultivation now. I'm stuck with this soil and Monster Bloom for this run... Okay so what does that mean for the forming buds??? Everyday they look better by the way ... I guess I should add water into the soil in the bucket as well...
I actually was wondering if the polluted air we had the past two days didn't have anything to with it as well, it's better now, our river gave out this chemical type water, there were no clouds but just smog like smoke and the sun didn't look right either, I've even read about our weather here apperantly the air right now is unhealthy and is recommended to stay indoors, and as I've had all windows open for this grow, even I felt uncomfortable breathing it in... Could be a fire someplace idk.... Should reside now especially when it rains...
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Well-known member
Yikes 😬, well I can't go back in time now, I can't order anything now and have it arrive this month either, same thing I talked about was the timers everyone left the thread because of... So apparently I need calcium too and many other things in it... Okay well I'll know for future grows but they may not be soon because I'll have to save enough to have a second place to grow, which I'm working on it, I'm stuck with this soil and Monster Bloom... Okay so what does that mean for the forming buds??? Everyday they look better... I guess I should add water into the soil in the bucket as well...
You probably don't need all those bottles of things, just a grow feed and a bloom feed or an all in one and a pk booster.

That plant is fine still, just needs some food. Mostly a dash of nitrogen, but an easy fix would be to go to the garden centre or supermarket and grab some tomato plant feed or an organic vegetable feed for example.

Seaweed feed is good too for greening plants up too.
What country are you in?

But yeah, I would't worry too much, she's got a long way to go still so it's an easy fix to make her finish up well!

Good luck.


Well-known member
When you water normally how much water do you use?
I barley fed her any water today and yesterday... And I even let the top soil dry out like everyone said, it actually seemed to dry out within thirty minutes or so or begin to do so, idk.... This week I began only spraying until the top soil was somewhat dampish wet, two or three times a day, I started less and less and freaked out that it was still too much and began just going downhill with the watering... I'm only spraying it now .... Weeks ago I used to just pour in the whole bottle, these past two weeks everyday I just spray for about thirty seconds or a minute twice a day since everyone keep telling me to slow down with watering and let it dry out.... Even the top feels pretty dry now.... The bottom has never had water in the soil ever since I put it soil beneath the fabric pot where the roots were sticking out a long time ago from all sides both bottom and from the sides.... The soil underneath which is much more than the pictures show is literally as dry as it's bought.... So is the fabric pot... There are so so many roots there but they look white big and healthy... I'm just worried about the air their getting... The air actually literally was almost poisonous outside now for two days, it could be coming from our city which has always had an issue with the most highest level of toxic air... Fortunately I live almost outside the city in what's a forestry mountain area and it's a lot better here than when I lived in the city where you literally couldn't breath some days without feeling sick... Today and yesterday it was very suffocating air as well but also it was windy and even I had trouble breathing it in ... But luckily it's coming back to normal now .. It could be suffocation from unhealthy air and underwatering maybe? 🤔 Idk But the past two days I haven't stopped cleaning the whole place due to the open aired windows apperantly making the floors black and full of so much dust... I wasn't concerned for my health but for the plant....
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