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Kicking Caffeine


Well-known member
as we are talking about coffee and alternatives, has anybody here ever tried this green coffee stuff?
I now it´s marketed as a weight loss solution (which I never believed as there is no such thing as a `fatburner´ ) but I can´t help but wonder how it´s prepared as adrink and what it might taste like.
so please share if you´ve tried it :)


Autistic Diplomat in Training
One of the reasons I drink so much coffee is that I'm ADHD and crave the stimulation. I hate green tea but try and force some down as the combination of whatever is in the tea, and coffee combined seem to reduce the jittery effects of the coffee.
We're in the same boat. :) The stimulation helps my adhd, but the coffee is unhealthy and jittery at the 'right' amount and I'm not a big enough fan of green tea. The combination works better, and it's the reason I ended up using the extract for so many years now. The extract plus l-theanine eliminates the jitters, a very beneficial effect.

I'm not too familiar with etsy(Edit: Added GreenFocus as a tag to the item listings... lol Probably work better that way. lolololol), I am not a vendor here on icmag, and this is starting to sound too much like spam to me. lol I really do enjoy them though, and am working to get them out there. :)
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Well-known member
I've drank coffee on and off my entire adult life, never had problems starting or stopping. Never thought of it as an addiction. Then I rented to a Cuban guy, he showed me how to freebase coffee. Now I'm hopelessly hooked. He showed me how to use a little instant espresso machine that makes a cup at at time. Using really good coffee, lots of sugar.

He uses Cafe Bustelo, that's even worse, like smoking meth. If I drink that stuff I'll be out in my garden digging holes all day long. I'll have half a cup in the morning, a full cup in the afternoon. If I quit I get throbbing headaches, feel like my blood pressure is super high, puking, it's terrible. Much worse then quitting coke, almost as bad as quitting smack. I think the only way to quit is to slowly cut back and supplement with black tea. I haven't tried because I don't need to try.

I can sleep any time. Drink a cup of coffee, enjoy it, then crawl into bed and fall asleep 5 minutes later if I'm tired. I don't get a buzz from the stuff anymore, hardly feel it. It's the taste, the ritual of grinding the beans and putting them in the machine, spooning the sugar into the cup, sitting in my chair drinking the coffee, that gets me off. Other peoples' coffee sucks now, especially drip. Drinking a couple cups of French press like I used to, isn't fun. It's too much liquid, too bitter. I need that concentrated flavor from the cheap espresso machine.

If I go somewhere without my machine I have to make do. I'll drink a cup at a time but an hour later I'm looking for more. This goes on into the afternoon. I don't enjoy beer as much as I used to. In the late afternoon/early evening, when I'd crack a beer, I weigh it in my mind versus a Cuban coffee. It's usually a tie or the Cuban coffee wins. For instance right now, it's a bit past 4:20, hot, and I'm thinking about hot coffee instead of a cold beer. Time to brew some up...


Substitute with black tea is a good idea. The caffein is released slower so u won't get the intense rush like from coffee. That's dev something that could help lower the consumption. Imo u wan't black tea because the tannins slow down the absorption of the caffeine.
I have tried cuban coffee when i was there but not often. Tasty magic potion:biggrin:


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
Coffee has antioxidants and 2 cups a day has a protective effect on your liver (especially if you drink alcohol) but people just drink too much and then need more.
I drink tea (clipper) in first in the morning and it is my go-to drink during the day - tea, after water, is one of the most healthy drinks and as well as caffeine contains catechins which have a calming effect. if not sweetened it is much healthier than fruit juice which is mostly just sugar. i drink 2 single shot coffees per day and stop drinking caffeine altogether by 3pm. That seems to work for me and i have no problem with jitters or sleeping at night.



Well-known member
the trouble with caffeine is that your body adjusts and becomes less sensitive to it. Meaning that we don´t get the same effect so we end up drinking coffee more often. In my case I just got bad side effects from it like nervousness, feeling shaky due to overdosing, a screwed up blood pressure and so on.
When I quit and then started again I actually noticed the effect which coffee is suppose to have.
It really is a good idea to quit the stuff for a while, then, if you start again you don´t need as much.

I drank black tea instead and sometimes green (but not in the morning as it makes me feel sick on an empty stomach). You just have to find a tea you like :)


Autistic Diplomat in Training
Black tea (heated/fermented green tea leaves, discovered when tea was shipped in bales by boat...) is about as unhealthy as coffee. :(

Add honey and make kombucha/Jun out of it and you're back to healthy again. :)

comfy markoth

Well-known member
After 15 years of faithful service to the coffee bean industry im thinking of giving the stuff up. It use to be a positive habit that brightened my day and it really helped with ptsd. Now it does little more than make me feel anxious or tired. But its been in my life so long that i feel like it will be a habit that's hard to break so I just wanted some different perspectives. Who here has actually quit caffeine? Was it a positive transition for you? Did you attack your coworker with a chainsaw the first week? Please feel me in on the ups and downs of parting ways with this powerful elixir
Good luck to you.

I can't quit caffeine just yet, of course some day, maybe, but, i feel like i would be robbing Peter to pay Paul in a sense.
Most people need something just to get through the day, and many, like myself, need more than just something.

I'm going to try some green bean blends myself, just to go down a notch or two, without sending my nervous system into panic.


Well-known member
Good luck to you.

I can't quit caffeine just yet, of course some day, maybe, but, i feel like i would be robbing Peter to pay Paul in a sense.
Most people need something just to get through the day, and many, like myself, need more than just something.

I'm going to try some green bean blends myself, just to go down a notch or two, without sending my nervous system into panic.
Thanks! it will be interesting to say the least. But i believe i'll make it with the help of mary jane. I mean it is my only habit. I dont do any of the hard stuff and i never drink. But hey everyone needs a shelf in the room. For most folks i know that's definitely caffeine


Active member
Thanks! it will be interesting to say the least. But i believe i'll make it with the help of mary jane. I mean it is my only habit. I dont do any of the hard stuff and i never drink. But hey everyone needs a shelf in the room. For most folks i know that's definitely caffeine
Have you already tried a heroic dose of cubes to see what the gray aliens recommend? I mentioned the Ethiopian beans before, they are typically 2x the caffeine of regular beans, have a soaring clear no jitters high, and 1 cup trucks me right on thru the day. The best thing to carry us through the day is getting exceptional sleep. 8-10 hours is so essential for top performance if you can get everyone out of your way to let you do it. Granted I was once homeless and 2 hours of sleep had me top performing. If I can I will go to sleep at 4pm just to get 12 hours and be up at 3 or 4AM and enjoy some early morning alone time with bubbly creative thoughts. I make such a priority of sleep I call it "the dream job" because after I wake up I top perform all day, and when I get 2, 5, 6 hours of sleep I am reminded how cruddy and not tactile my thinking and well-being is


Well-known member
Have you already tried a heroic dose of cubes to see what the gray aliens recommend? I mentioned the Ethiopian beans before, they are typically 2x the caffeine of regular beans, have a soaring clear no jitters high, and 1 cup trucks me right on thru the day. The best thing to carry us through the day is getting exceptional sleep. 8-10 hours is so essential for top performance if you can get everyone out of your way to let you do it. Granted I was once homeless and 2 hours of sleep had me top performing. If I can I will go to sleep at 4pm just to get 12 hours and be up at 3 or 4AM and enjoy some early morning alone time with bubbly creative thoughts. I make such a priority of sleep I call it "the dream job" because after I wake up I top perform all day, and when I get 2, 5, 6 hours of sleep I am reminded how cruddy and not tactile my thinking and well-being is
Oh ive had ethiopian. My wife worked at a coffeehouse in Austin that brought in beans from all kinds of countries. Vietnamese was actually my favorite. Followed by Colombian. Idk its time to give it up if doesn't make you feel good anymore. thats pretty much where im at


Well-known member
Oh ive had ethiopian. My wife worked at a coffeehouse in Austin that brought in beans from all kinds of countries. Vietnamese was actually my favorite. Followed by Colombian. Idk its time to give it up if doesn't make you feel good anymore. thats pretty much where im at
if you´d like a pick-me-up or energy boost you can try cordyceps, DMAE or even plain vitamin c.
Word of advice though: don´t take them in the evening. I try not to take DMAE after 12 - 1 pm lunchtime because you may have trouble sleeping come bedtime. Same goes for vit c.


Active member
Oh ive had ethiopian. My wife worked at a coffeehouse in Austin that brought in beans from all kinds of countries. Vietnamese was actually my favorite. Followed by Colombian. Idk its time to give it up if doesn't make you feel good anymore. thats pretty much where im at
Roast and brew your own beans on the spot.

Most people are drinking coffee layered in Aflatoxin, Fumonisin, Macrocyclic Trichothecenes, Ochratochin causing them to feel bad (e.g. dopamine depletion). https://realtimelab.com/blog/is-there-mold-in-your-coffee/

Coffee after it is roasted is typically good for about 7 days like a fresh loaf of bread without preservatives.

Coffee is still amazing, the fungus is eating your brain and turning you into a woman so you join the normies and forget about why our Founding Fathers smoked weed and drank coffee from the moment they rolled out of bed.


Well-known member
Roast and brew your own beans on the spot.

Most people are drinking coffee layered in Aflatoxin, Fumonisin, Macrocyclic Trichothecenes, Ochratochin causing them to feel bad (e.g. dopamine depletion). https://realtimelab.com/blog/is-there-mold-in-your-coffee/

Coffee after it is roasted is typically good for about 7 days like a fresh loaf of bread without preservatives.

Coffee is still amazing, the fungus is eating your brain and turning you into a woman so you join the normies and forget about why our Founding Fathers smoked weed and drank coffee from the moment they rolled out of bed.
I knew they gathered dust in warehouses before bagging. never knew about mold. And believe me i want be kickin with the "normies" anytime soon. They don't appreciate a good bowl of hash :smoke:


Active member
I knew they gathered dust in warehouses before bagging. never knew about mold. And believe me i want be kickin with the "normies" anytime soon. They don't appreciate a good bowl of hash :smoke:
That old moldy coffee toxin issue is certainly worth further reading.

At this point toxic fungi microbiome weapons is all the normies got left to try and primordialize us into servile peasant slaves.

I roasted/grind/brewed my coffee this morning and wow. I am rated 2100+ in Chess and coffee makes my chess stronger. Great coffee is certainly psychoactive and consciousness expanding.

If you are still in Austin check out Summer Moon. Looks like they have grown to several locations.

Hash and a run down town lake (y)


Well-known member
That old moldy coffee toxin issue is certainly worth further reading.

At this point toxic fungi microbiome weapons is all the normies got left to try and primordialize us into servile peasant slaves.

I roasted/grind/brewed my coffee this morning and wow. I am rated 2100+ in Chess and coffee makes my chess stronger. Great coffee is certainly psychoactive and consciousness expanding.

If you are still in Austin check out Summer Moon. Looks like they have grown to several locations.

Hash and a run down town lake (y)
Oh man that was a long time ago when i got out of the service. I havent lived in Austin in 12 years. I cant say i really like the new austin. too many hipsters for me. No more good mexican food either:(


Active member
Oh man that was a long time ago when i got out of the service. I havent lived in Austin in 12 years. I cant say i really like the new austin. too many hipsters for me. No more good mexican food either:(
Agreed, place is a dumpsterfire.

Looks like Summer Moon expanded to 20 cities since I last visited them.



recidivist icmag - OUT-ist convins - microgrower
Sorry to hear about the trouble some people encounter with coffee consumption or abuse...
I'm pretty lucky (I guess) to enjoy any kind of coffee without any unpleasantries but I prefer from espresso up.
Nothing raise my moral better than a fresh cup in the morning either if I'm home, camping or in some forsaken place forgotten by the world. In the latter you really appreciate that cup... Preferably along with a blunt and followed by tobacco.
Only some service men really know the value of that. :good:
But my trick is to avoid repetition and alternate the use / frequency and combination of those, never quiting tobacco. :biggrin:
That's me and my vice and there is nothing anyone can do about. Please don't even try to argue that.

There are alternatives to coffee but depends on the personal taste or needs, tolerance or adversity to some compounds or taste, maybe the smell of it, physiological reaction, etc. (extra strong tea is laxative for me..)
Nowadays the science explain to us that caffeine and teine are the same chemical compound or they're still arguing about it while years back placed the caffeine, teine (tea), guaranine (guarana) and mateine (yerba mate) in the same subgroup of alkaloids called xanthines. So back then they were only four xantines, I don't know what happened lately...
I use Yerba Mate on regular basis and it's a great stimulant giving me (extra) energy without the arrhythmia induced by caffeine if abused. And I abuse them both! :LOL: Mate keeps me going like chewing coca leaves, without the euphoria.
I would use Guarana regularly but around here is unavailable at affordable price, so if you have it you should use it.
If you're not hooked (like me) on the taste and smell of coffee in the morning, or health issues force you to avoid it, you have alternatives (besides tea) in Yerba Mate or Guarana. The last one really smells and taste like a fruity tea. :tiphat:

Of course, I've mentioned only non euphoric central nervous system stimulants, and that's only my opinion based on personal experience. :2cents: