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ICMAG fantasy football 06'


Captain Expando
Tragic... this vote isn't final... please don't give it up yet man... I think your side of the issue needed to be presented... in my opinion, you had a killer season and I don't have a problem with any misrepresentation... we could have done without the trade at the end of the season but let's get a clear vote here folks... so far I see 2 yes votes...

what is a yes vote and what is a no vote stand for here?


Captain Expando
Tragic, you should post your stand, which is quite valid... either by pm or here, but the league needs to get a look at it before they vote.


Zep I thought wa already voted on the trade?

I said from the start if it wasn't right I would cancel it.

I sent my position by pm but will post it too.


I Am Not Mad, I Am Truly Hurt

I Am Not Mad, I Am Truly Hurt

are you kidding me? I thought I was playing amongst friends. Now I am being accused of cheating?

Beans first off my wife is a member here. Her user name is jadedeyez. Second off I made the trade before the playoffs. Third the trade was an even one.

Beans If you want to win that bad, and you think you can't win by playing me then have it your way.

I have busted my ass all season long to keep my team in first and now this crap. I was 11-2 before the trade so I think it's safe to say I was doing just fine.

You know for all the shit I have going on in my life right now, to be excited to come to IC today just to read this, really pisses me off.

Thanks to everyone else who voted to have me disqualified. Hope you guys enjoy the prizes I donated. I know I have done nothing wrong and karma makes the world go round.

To everyone that knows I wouldn't cheat, Thank You. Hope to see you guys around sometime.

Happy Holidays
Tragic1 :badday:


Just another quick note. Beans suggests that I be disqualified because my wife wasn't a member. Which she is. Then goes on to say I should be replaced by Team green who's owner is not a member.

Just doesn't sound right.

One more thing, I thought team green lost to Bronx-BX?

By the way I vote NAY.
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Captain Expando
I think that we need to get ALL sides of the story here... so far, the facts are... beans accuses that smokey's guilty of taking over 2 teams from what I can see.... we already have voted regarding the trade... this is NOT a yes or no vote regarding last week's trade. so let's get the FACTS and get the votes counted please !

I can't believe this, to be honest... I had no problems and was content, even after being soundly eliminated last weekend.


It is only a game guys .. What about it slides past this time and next season the rules are set in stone after all it is christams people let tragic have the glory and now we all know that what has gone on wont be going on next time.......



Im to confused and uninformed to vote. Please if its ok I would like to be left out of this. thanx . peace and *bong* :friends:


New member
I think this stinks. I don't really care if I'm gonna be out but my husband looks forward to this every week and loves playing with you guys. All I can say is there was no cheating and that is the bottom line. Things like this are why I just look at the forums and don't post.



The Tri Guy
I came to a decision. And since it seems this isnt private anymore, I'm posting it openly. Jadedeyez, joined IC for the purposes of playing in the league soley. Join date, and only ever the above post, is what I am basing that on. That wasn't the spirit of the game. Smokeybones' manager is clearly is one of the family. The IC member behind Smokey, clearly played a good season. To eliminate him would be unfair. So I vote nae. But a penalty is fair. That should be decided by the remaining teams, whether a ponits penalty in the next game, or forced to give up his new players. I think that's the fair thing. But I'm out of this now. vote cast.


i started team green and i have been a member of icmag for over a year had to shut down my grow for legal shit sorry :joint:, thats why i wiped my old user name :yoinks: i am just know getting back up and growin again so i will be around :woohoo:


The Tri Guy
LLoyd, does that make you hidden jukes, the owner of Bronx BX with a new total of 19 posts in 12 months between the 2 screen names?

Please if we do this next year, can we play for fun, that way maybe we will be limited to active IC members, looking for fun, not friends of active members looking for prizes.


GMT, your right. My wife use to read the forums and not post. It's just not her thing but since she wanted to play in the league, I told her she had to join since it was a rule of the league.GMT I also offered to give up those players the last time we voted on this. I just don't understand why Mybeans brought this up before and didn't like the outcome of the vote and brings it up again to be voted on. I mean how many times are we gonna vote on it,until he gets the answer he wants? I mean personally I don't think it's fair to me that I am defending myself again for something that was already ruled as ok. i don't think penalizing me points is fair ,because Mybeans didn't say anything about this last week when I was using these players. Know that he's facing me this week, he brings it back up.


Bakin in da Sun
Im with DevilLock- way to unifinformed to make a decision. I read the PM's they just sound like heated POV's....

I voted earlier with the info i had at the time...

Thoroughly confused now...

I dont really care... lets just all be friends, no point an running this if its just goin to turn us agaisnt us.

I vote neither.


Not to start any trouble by saying this,just point out an exact same situation. Hiddenjukes I believe is bartenders friend who joined this forum for the sole purpose of playing in the league, just as my wife did.


Bakin in da Sun
tragic1- i have nothin against your wife reading and not posting... theirs tons of peeps on this site that do that, at any time... look at the current users, the Anny's always outweigh the logged in users. This hobby that brings us to this site inherently makes us paranoid -- tragic lets get back to smokin:) *passes tragic the J*


Thanks Bartender. I just don't think it's fair to say I'm cheating. I have already defended this and really don't think it shouldn't even be voted on again. But whatever makes everyone happy.
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Bakin in da Sun
Tragic- no hidden joined IC about a year ago:)

Glad its all water under the bridge tho.
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Sorry bart, I thought it was the same. Didn't mean any harm.

I agree I just enjoyed playing the game and now I feel like I wish i didn't play.

Winning some prize is not worth being looked at as a cheater, I know I worked hard at this season and I hope some of you take my word.