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High-CBD Charlotte's Web strain more hype than help


pure cbd works on many ailments, you get better results usually with a mixed spectrum of cannabinoids but i've seen 20mg of cbd work on an ms patient who could barley walk or talk with in 2 minutes of ingesting pure cbd neurological and motor functions where back to a more normal state.

With epilepsy it seems to be more dependent on the actual type. Some of the children are responding better to thc-a then cbd but with the middle aged patient the pure cbd even just once a week is enough to keep his mild epilepsy under control. l

Only Ornamental

Spiritually inspired agnostic mad scientist
...i've seen 20mg of cbd work on an ms patient who could barley walk or talk with in 2 minutes of ingesting pure cbd neurological and motor functions where back to a more normal state...
Thanks for sharing!
Though, an effect within 2 minutes after ingestion would mean a placebo effect ;) . Resorbed via tongue (nose or lungs) may show an effect within that time, but anything swallowed needs at least 15 minutes to reach the brain in sufficient amounts...
Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to call you a liar! I'm just born sceptical ;) .


its either in form of a sublingual tincture or vaporizing the oil that my patients use it.

i've seen cannabis both thc and cbd do amazing things for ms specifically so to call it a placebo would be an odd concidence that a ot of the people respond the same way to it. There's no denying it works when someone is bed ridden and gets out of bed and starts making dinner or when someone else is visibly shaking and stuttering and then minutes later they are not.

and not to get into the science to much but cbd has an odd binding affinity to the cb receptors, thc seems to be opposite, but your whole gi tract is lined with receptors as well so does it really need to reach the brain for it to start working in the nervous system (I don't know thats just my basic take on how it works)

Only Ornamental

Spiritually inspired agnostic mad scientist
Sublingual or vaporizing, that explains why it's so fast (and likely not a placebo effect) ;) .

The receptors in the GI tract certainly do something... an example, roughly 80% of the serotonin in our body is 'down there' and actually not in our brain as one could think. There's a strong cross-talk between the central nervous system and the cuts (and the immune system as well) and science still struggles to explain it; though it shouldn't take too many years until we know a lot more about that hot topic!
The term 'having a gut feeling' is actually closer to reality than we thought possible just a few years back.


Active member
Does THC work as well as CBD for you? Does it reduce seizure frequency too? Ever tried THC/CBD free hemp or plain essential oil?
Don't get me wrong, but if you can take an extract, the seizures don't seem that strong (though certainly not pleasant either)?? I may be jumping to conclusions here, but were it possible that the placebo effect (and a placebo effect is anything but faking something, it is a real effect!) does at least part of the trick? Epilepsy is a weird illness in so far that it can be triggered by behaviour and lifestyle; smoking something which relaxes you (as in your conciousness and your muscles) will ultimately 'relax' your neurons too and probably stop them from firing uncontrolled??

There are many types of seizure disorders (and I would include MS and migraines) and I think everybody experiences a seizure differently. All I can talk about is my own experience. Not science, I know. About 20 years ago (I'm 69 this year) I was diagnosed with temporal lobe epilepsy, no known cause and no specific locus found, idiopathic, so called, and no known triggers or correlations. I have been through a dozen different medications all of which are at best only partially effective in doses I can tolerate and all of which have bad to worse side effects. There was a time when I actually thought smoking weed caused or triggered seizures. So I stopped smoking for 10 years or so. Didn't help.

My seizure types are simple and complex partial which can generalize into tonic-clonic. I always get a so-called "aura" which is a warning that a seizure is building up. This warning can be for a few seconds up to a couple minutes. If I don't get on the ground within that time I fall and have seriously injured myself a few times. A bad fall could kill me. If I do get in a prone position then I just lose all neurological control and go away for a couple of minutes. Not really unconscious but gone from the world. I come back exhausted.

So, enter Cannabis: A couple of years ago I started fooling around with concentrates, making a concentrated ethanol tincture and a topical ointment using the usual high THC varieties I was growing. As you know our Finola experiments have been running for less than a year.

Turns out that it is the method of application that is the most important factor. When I feel the aura coming I have no time to fire up a joint or swallow a pill and am in kind of a panic mode usually to get off my feet as fast as I can. I guess I read about the Sativex application before I tried putting my tincture in a sprayer. About a year and a half ago when I felt the aura I reached for the sprayer rather than run for the couch. I was shocked by how quickly it worked spraying it under my tongue. It was fast enough to quiet the seizure before the aura finished. Makes me wonder if the tincture is making a direct impact on my nervous system rather than moving into the blood and then brain. I actually am still having a seizure but it terminates before reaching the critical loss of consciousness phase.

This has worked nearly every time since. I have stopped taking all other anti epileptic drugs and my pharmacy bill is now down to next to nothing. My neurologist treats me like a colleague these days. Placebo effect? Seems unlikely but I wouldn't care if it was.

Seizure frequency? I think I am actually having them more often over the last couple years but, as long as I have my little spray bottle, I can reliably stop them before they get critical.

My most recent surprise is that the pure Finola extract seems to work about as well as the high THC types. THC/CBD whatever, I don't understand it but I'll take it.

My next steps are about combining the different types, either in the plant or in the tincture and most importantly testing what the hell I am actually taking.


Well-known member
What’s amazing to me is that something is happening whether it be placebo, cannabinoids, terpenes, or combinations, yet the laws prohibit any research of the science.

Only Ornamental

Spiritually inspired agnostic mad scientist
That's really amazing and doesn't sound like a placebo effect! Pity that it doesn't reduce the frequency too. Maybe combine it with some low dose synthetics for that purpose?
Concerning the combination: If you can't determine concentrations, using a hybrid THC x CBD will result in a more or less 1:1 mixture whereas an extract of say Satori likely contains way more cannabinoids than from Finola. Or you get yourself a TLC equipment; sufficient for that purpose.


Active member
Yeah, that's how I figure on doing the combination. I reduced the Finola concentrate considerably more than the THC stuff.

Not crazy about the TLC method. I did prepay for one of those MyDx gadgets. Expected in December. If it works I'll be in hog heaven.

Only Ornamental

Spiritually inspired agnostic mad scientist
Right, forgot about that. If it works, that'll be the gold standard in private cannabis breeding and a valuable tool for all the others too. Looking forward for your experience!


i've been playing around with some color tests that a friend/local company is producing to detect thc or cbd. The reactions are strong enough to identify the purer plants on each side of the scale, the mixed ratio plants still can give odd results but i guess if you can compare them to the others you can make sense of them.
My seizure types are simple and complex partial which can generalize into tonic-clonic. I always get a so-called "aura" which is a warning that a seizure is building up. This warning can be for a few seconds up to a couple minutes. If I don't get on the ground within that time I fall and have seriously injured myself a few times. A bad fall could kill me. If I do get in a prone position then I just lose all neurological control and go away for a couple of minutes. Not really unconscious but gone from the world. I come back exhausted.

i didn't realize the connection between migraines and seizures. i have auras before migraines. first time i tried smoking during the aura, the migraine never came and i felt fine.

since then, i've basically smoked daily and haven't had a migraine in over 6 yrs. I do get auras rarely, but no migraine or headaches ever.

I've researched some about aurus, but there's not alot written about it. I think it has something to do with constrictions around the optic nerve. interestingly, people who take san pedro or mescaline experience similar auras, and i've read reports of headaches or migraines too. I've been scared to try because of that. on the flip, people who take mushrooms get relief from cluster headaches.

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
G`day Kief

The epilepsy patient you mentioned .
Were they using a sublingual ? Was it a sugar solution ?

I know the sublingual with sugar is very fast acting .

@ OO
Maybe the sublingual path way needs more exploration ??

Thanks for sharin

EB .


we haven't tried any syrups or elixirs so to speak yet.
At first I was trying to make a version of sativex almost but the pure everclear can be harmful to the more sensitive areas of the mouth with repeated use so it helps to make

The sugar suspensions etc are prob more of a sub bucchal method of administration as well

that video can be rather disturbing but then you watch some of the more recent ones and there's no denying the benefit of the cannabis for that little girl


well the durban x cbd cross i had all hermed out so thats off the list but you gotta start with something like that or one of subs jack cleaners thats high in thc-v. The hybrid should have phenos that are cbd-v rich then selection from there.

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